

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I'm so impressed with the level of exercise everyone is getting in. I do think it helps me mentally to be more active which follows through into healthy eating. I can't believe that week 4 is starting already.

    Week 4 day 1 3,720 steps. Obviously more steps than the last couple of days as I was out of bed, but not a terribly good total.

    We need to start thinking about our February challenges and whether we amend our step totals, try something different or maybe keep the steps as they are and add a little something extra in. Something for us to ponder over the next few days!

    Keep stepping
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I did 8720 steps today so well pleased. Not all at once and some with Nellie. When I found on returning with Nellie that I was at 7700+ I decided I had to get over the 8000 again so finished up with a short treadmill stint. I agree, LMV that exercise really helps to deal with the eating. Nice to see you managed a good few steps today. I like the idea of keeping the step challenge as a basis ( I feel I can't radically up it every day as I'm still mindful of the foot as today was really enough; in fact I may do less walking tomorrow and more biking to give it a
    rest. ) but committing to something else, perhaps in terms of time. I think I'd like to do the bike but also pull out my Jillian DVD. However, I do know I won't be able to do a complete workout to begin with and it's not what I could do every day or for 5 days to start. I'd aim for 15 minutes of bike or 15 minutes of Jillian, for 5 times a week. After a week, I'd access if that is enough time or I need to up it.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited January 2016
    Evening Crackers,

    Well done Bracken on an AMAZING total. Not only did you reach the 8000 mark, you added another 1,000 steps to your total.

    Week 4 day 2, a measly 2,981. Weekly total to date 6,701

    I'm hoping I might feel up to a walk tomorrow to get a few more steps in.

    Bracken your thoughts sound very sensible although a shudder went through me at seeing (whisper it) the "J" word. I've been having such a lovely time with Rosemary, I'm not sure if I'm ready for the dark side yet. Something for me to think about.

    Keep stepping

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, we are on the same page with our February thoughts! I have been planning to up my steps to 7550 daily or even go for the biggie 10,000. My loss this week has slowed right down as I mentioned earlier so I need to rev it up a bit. Very happy with the eating part (and alcohol especially, 2 glasses of wine since Jan 4th!!) so I have to look at more exercise. I think this is the most focused I have been in such a long time. I have no "diet" to fail at as I look at this as being my lifestyle now. 100% certain being part of the Crackers is amazing and just the support I need xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Housebound by really nasty weather- more snow, cold (-12C), and blustery. Exercised on bike today, 20 minutes and had a brief foray into the dark side as I got out my Jillian DVD and did the warmup and just enough of the first part of warmup to realize, as you say, LMV it is the dark side. Glad you are at least getting about too. You'll soon be back in form. BM, I see you have posted a 1.8 pound loss which I think is super. The way you are attacking those steps and great attitude is great. Very happy for you.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Out weather is so changeable at the moment. Today bounded up to 3C and so I was able to take Nellie for a walk. Total steps 7783.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Sorry to hear about your weather Bracken. It's turned chillier here but is still wet rather than snowing. Well done on continuing your exercise in other ways though and that's another fantastic total for today. Your brush with the dark side leads me to believe I should leave well alone at the moment! I'm sticking with the sunny Rosemary for February.

    Week 4 days 3 and 4 5092 and 8527 Weekly total to date 20,320

    I'm gradually improving, but need to get those steps up again in the next 3 days and maybe get a salsasize in.

    Keep it up BM. You are doing fantastically well.

    Keep stepping

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Storm Henry is passing through at the moment and we have gale force wind warnings in place in our area. As well as the wind we have rain..............it's miserable. As a result I didn't go out for a walk. I went to the hospital with Chris to see FiL but as I still have the remains of my cold I didn't visit the ward myself. But, instead of sitting in the cafe with a cup of tea I used the time to pound the corridors and get a few steps in. I hope no one was monitoring CCTV, they must have thought I was a particularly stupid visitor to have walked around the hospital so many times and not find where I wanted to go!

    Week 4 day 5 a semi respectable 7,837. Weekly total to date 28,157

    It's going to be a poor weekly total for me this week

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just popped in and had a nice read and inspiration but no exercise to report today. Not very worried as exercise on previous six days although had planned to walk Nellie after we came back from the stable but some unforeseen circumstances made that impossible as it was raining hard and continued all afternoon. Nellie has required a substantial bath today after being out at the stables.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm just off to bed but did manage just over 7,500. My knees were a bit too sore to do my indoor walking today, but hopefully tomorrow x LMV I think that is a good total, you are still getting over your cold. Had to smile at the thought of you walking the hospital corridors! xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Week 4 Day 6 - epic fail, only 2,191 steps weekly total to date 30,348

    20,000 steps tomorrow? Unlikely!!!

    Keep stepping
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Today I did 5416 steps on the Fitbit - not a great deal but still over the 5000 base and most of them were done quite briskly with Nellie eager to be out.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken, all that brisk walking will have done you good.

    Week 4 Day 7 - 10,729 steps. Weekly total 41,077

    Well a respectable total in the end even though it fell short of my target. New week starts tomorrow and of course it is my weigh in.

    Keep stepping
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Great rebound, LMV with those 10,000+ steps. I did 6507 most of which again were brisk walking with Nellie and was pleased because it was quite cold at 1C with a very strong wind.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A record breaking warm day here- sunny and 12+C degrees so I had a nice walk with Nellie and then worked in some other walking. Total- 9421 steps. Plus, when Nellie and I were walking, I stopped and chatted to a neighbour down the street who was out and she mentioned she had ridden her bike for the past 3 days ( very unusual for here in Feb.) so I decided I'd take my bike for a short ride to say I rode my bike in Feb. I did a good 15 minutes and was well pleased. This warm spell is coming to an end however; back to zero C tomorrow and brisk winds.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    The weather is weird everywhere isn't it? Fantastic step and exercise total Bracken

    Week 5 day 1 4,523 (very poor)
    Week 5 day 2 18,121 (much better)

    Weekly total to date 22,644 (on target)

    Keep stepping

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Wow, LMV, 18,121 in one day. That's what I call impressive. I was able to take advantage of clear sidewalks still today and walked Nellie and did some on the treadmill. Total: 7440 steps. I was pleased with the outdoor walk as it was quite cold for me (zero) and we had just returned home when it started to snow and it felt quite bitter.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Not my best day this week for exercise and I did not get to anything besides walking as planned. However, did do 6067 steps.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Today's total steps 6040 which was fairly satisfying as I felt a bit under the weather so they were not effortless steps.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken, especially as you have been feeling unwell.

    Week 5 day 3 2,766 (very poor)
    Week 5 day 4. 9,234 (better)
    Week 5 day 5. 17,528 (good)

    Weekly total to date 52,172 (on track)

    I also did a 35 minute salsasize workout with Rosemary

    Keep stepping