

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    You are on fire again, LMV. Nice work with adding the salsasize. I was going to take today off as I had walked for 6 days this week and thought I might try some other exercise. The morning was taken up with the stable where I did not ride but did groom and lunge my horse. It was quite cold outside and remained so into the afternoon but at around 5p.m. the wind died down and it seemed much nicer so I took Nellie for a walk and ended the day with
    5140 steps. I 've really tried to take advantage of any time when I can walk outside. The forecast for the coming week, however, is for a return to much colder weather, with -14C predicted for Friday. If I'm housebound it should at least allow for more indoor exercise with the exercycle and DVD.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Well Crackers, I dusted off my Jillian DVD 'Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism' yesterday... put on my gym clothes was pleasantly surprised at my reflection although the outfit looked very dated I thought, but then I can't remember the last time I braved a session with Jillian!! I believe LMV this is the DVD you took a dislike to one of the girls having a face like a rodent?!! Or is that something I just completely made up?!! I have to say I loved it. I only ever do 3 circuits in total but kick boxing and boxing I really enjoy! And I knew when I finished I had done a cardio circuit....

    A little later I decided to go for a walk on my own as the husband is working. I climbed the hill not as high as he insists upon and then I cut across the hillside and re-joined our usual circuit.

    When I went to go to bed last night I was very aware my legs were seizing up and I thought I'm going to be in agony again like the first time I did the dreaded Shred! But relief not a twinge this morning, I have survived! Today it will be gentle Rosemary and a little walk in case it does snow tomorrow.

    Keep moving Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Glad you and Nellie got out for a walk yesterday Bracken.

    MITM - that certainly sounds like me. I think I bought that one because you and Bracken enjoyed it, and I was so nosy I had to see what you were on about. I didn't get on with it, probably because of Rodent Features! I went through my DVD's today to check it was that one I had and was absolutely horrified to find a Jillian DVD duo box, still in the cellophane, of "Ripped in 30" and "Killer Buns and Thighs". What possessed me? Killer buns and thighs??? Listen to this which is part of the blurb - "Do you loathe wearing shorts because of saggy knees or flabby thighs? Have you avoided skinny jeans like the plague? If you want to get your lower body in sick, crazy, amazing shape this DVD delivers with three fat-blasting booty-sculpting workouts that get results fast! Three workout levels that range from insane to killer!!" Any takers??

    Pleased to hear you had no ill effects after all that working out MITM. Well done on the weight loss this week as well. You'll soon be in those jeggings without the killer buns and thighs workout.

    Week 5 Day 6 12,178

    Weekly total to date 64,350

    I also did my second salsasize of the week.

    Keep stepping Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    It is evening and the predicted change of weather has started with a light covering of wet snow on the ground and colder. But this morning was surprisingly mild and I took advantage to take Nellie for a walk. With that and a later shorter walk with her and some intentional walking at couple of stops at a mall, I did 8278 steps today so satisfied. I also did 15 minutes of indoor cycling.
    Good work, MITM. Your outdoor walks must be really helping if you were not sore- even after adding in some Jillian.
    Thanks for the laugh, LMV, and well done too with doing both walking and salsasize.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Oh if only one burnt calories from laughing - I'd be so slim!! Hilarious LMV! However you have inspired me to attempt another session with Jillian today. It's grey and miserable here and I can well believe that snow is in the air....
  • mummyinthemountains
    Survived my session with Jillian but I ended by collapsing onto the settee thinking I could die! I pushed myself or rather Jillian did as she goaded me into not giving up... I stumbled to the shower hosed myself down... dressed myself and then I was literally walking on air at what I had achieved!!

    Before I began I noted with some amusement I too have the 'ripped in 30' DVD which I didn't do many times as I didn't like the girls she used. However I really do enjoy this other DVD although it is a killer if you haven't done it for some while....

    May even get to salsacise yet...
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Miserable and cold here too so no nice walk with Nellie. I haven't had an off day for eight days so did very light exercise today- 15 minutes on the indoor bike. I'm going out tonight so probably that will be it for the day. I'll try to think of you pushing yourself tomorrow, MITM, for inspiration.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Glad to be of service in inspiring you MITM even if it maybe wasn't for quite the right reasons. So impressed that you not only managed to crawl to the shower but you also dressed yourself afterwards too!

    I did a 30 minute salsasize today and have done my steps too.

    Week 5 Day 7 10,036

    Weekly total 74,386. Yay! Target reached.

    Weekly salsasizes - 3. Yay! Target reached

    Just wondering if I might start to throw in some Jillian too. I have a month until my birthday and I would like to treat myself to a new dress for the occasion in a smaller size. Nobody knocks the inches off like Jillian, but can I bear it? If I do, which one should I do? Any advice?

    Sorry your weather has turned miserable and cold Bracken. Well done for getting on your exercise bike. It all helps. Go for it tomorrow!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
  • mummyinthemountains
    There's a line during the warm up with the lovely Jillian when she says 'I want you to be able to feel your abs' - well I woke this morning and I could feel my abs! In fact I've been able to feel my abs all day long! But who cares as I can actually see my abs again!! No pain, no gain! So yes LMV - if you want serious results and fast you've got to come over to the dark side! I seem to remember you almost enjoyed week 2 of the dreaded Shred when we had to ice-skate which I did on my final circuit yesterday. Today it was gently Rosemary and will be until Sunday by which time I hope not to be feeling my abs any longer....

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Good work MITM. I don't know when I last saw my abs, I'm not even sure they are still there. That Jillian is a hard task master but she gets results.

    Well I've had a busy day and here's the proof.


    I salsasized with Rosemary first thing this morning and then as the sun was shining, the husband and I decided to go for a walk to make the most of it. We ended up going quite a long way, but needless to say the sun didn't last. When we were at the furthest point from the car a cloud came over and we were pelted with hailstones. Being the troopers we are we marched on through it and had a nice cup of tea to warm up in a cafe at the end. The sun was shining again by then so we had beautiful views of Swansea Bay. (BM, we ended up at Verdi's in Mumbles).

    This evening I went to a new Dance Beat class. I though it was going to be dance routines to modern pop songs - my mistake. It turned out to be reminiscent of what I imagine a drug fuelled rave would have been like (I've never been to one!). The lights were turned off, there were a couple of coloured disco lights to see by at the front, and we were all given these little coloured lights which you secured to a finger. The music was deafening and then we proceeded to stomp and gyrate to a series of heavy base beat songs with whooping and screaming and clapping. This was a room of about 20 women of a certain age, I've never seen anything like it. We all had our lights on so there were coloured lights flickering about the place. Then, towards the end, the leader suddenly shouts "Freestyle" and threw a handbag into the middle of the room which we then all danced around like demented beings. One older woman got completely carried away and ended up continually leaping over the bag, waving her arms above her head shouting "Eureka". I ask you, all this in a village hall in deepest Gower. I might have to go back next week just to make sure I didn't dream it! The good thing, it added considerably to my step count. I honestly have NOT made this up.

    Week 6 day 1 31,165 steps, a salsasize and an out of body experience!

    Keep stepping

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Great poster, LMV. A good one to return to. I'll have to remember page7. Congrats on making and exceeding those goals.
    You must be going for the burn, MITM. Nice work. My exercise did not go as I hoped today because my digestive issues flared up. It was very frustrating as I had not eaten anything much different in the past day. I did not begin to feel any better until late afternoon when I managed 15 minutes on the bike. I also had to do a bit of shovelling out the driveway because of the snowfall but had to make several small stabs at it to get it done.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Bracken sorry to hear of your problems very frustrating for you and snow on top of that.... Hopefully you are feeling better today?
    LMV - Oh I was almost in tears with laughter at your description of the dance beat class - the lengths some people will go to lose weight!
    My abs which I thought had recovered from their work out are now aching again from laughing so much!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Really sorry that you are suffering Bracken. Well done on getting on your bike as I'm sure it us the last thing you felt like doing. Very disciplined of you!

    Sorry about the abs MITM! It was such a weird evening, I can hardly believe it happened!

    Today has not been good on the exercise front. I slept really badly last night which is unlike me. I went to sleep at 2 and woke up at 4am so I was good for nothing this morning. My planned walk didn't happen because it was raining again and I've been out this evening so I didn't get a salsasize in either.

    Week 6 day 2 2,584 (shocking). Weekly total to date 33,749

    Must do better tomorrow

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    LMV, our posts yesterday must have crossed as I did not see your stellar 31.165 steps. I know the misery of a bad night's sleep so understandably your steps were down today. Also did not get to laugh out loud until today- well worth the wait! If you had posted about the dance beat class on April 1, I would have thought you were fooling us. There must be a viral video to be done there!
    I had another slow day today, partly taken up with dealing with a lot more snow falling and still some digestive distress but not as bad as yesterday. I was only able to do the exercise bike but did up it to 20 minutes and while that is no overall workout, I can definitely feel what I have been doing in my glutes and quads.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Another day of this cold spell and a bit more snow shovelling. I don't feel as if I'm up to where I'd like to be on exercise but at least I'm doing something regularly and in fact, feel badly if I do nothing. So today it was steps, the majority on the treadmill and some other walking. Total 5547 steps.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken, you are doing so well in difficult weather conditions and when you are not on top form. I hope you improve over the week-end.

    Week 6 Day 3. 9,430. Weekly total to date 43,179

    Keep stepping Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks, LMV. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the worst days of this cold spell. Today, in the -20's with a wind chill facto of -30C or more. A lot more snow too. Tomorrow only marginally better but it is supposed to get quite a lot better by Monday/ Tuesday. I'm not sure why but it has made me not even want to exercise indoors today. getting Nellie out seems to be my biggest effort. However, This too shall pass as they say.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I would definitely want to hibernate in those weather conditions so don't be too hard on yourself. Relax for a couple of days and get over your digestive problems properly. Then when you are fully fit and the weather has improved you will feel ready to pick up the reigns again. Cut yourself some slack and concentrate on good healthy eating and phase exercise back in when you are ready.

    I spent 7.5 hours sitting on a train yesterday but did do a little bit of walking in London

    Week 6 Day 4 7,676. Weekly total 50,855

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hibernation would probably describe my past two days, LMV. I think your advice is good though and have been paying attention to my eating. Excellent weekly total for you.