
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello BM,

    It's the Aspire Channel Swim - you swim the channel (22 miles) in a pool between Sept 9 and Dec 2. Aspire is a charity for people disabled through spinal injury. My husband broke his back 9 years ago in an accident and we are forever grateful that he made a complete recovery and doesn't need Aspire's help. Carole and I signed up for the challenge. See www.aspirechannelswim.co.uk. It's not too late to join in

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I started back at pilates today and think I might be feeling my tummy muscles tomorrow. For one reason or another I didn't get to the classes much over the summer term and there are no classes over the school summer holidays so I'm a bit out of practice. It's good for my back though which is much better after all the physio I've been having. I wasn't planning on swimming today but my husband is going out and passing the pool so he's going to drop me off and pick me up on the way back. I'll have time to get a few bonus lengths in and they all help. I'm beginning to realize what a long, long way 22 miles is!!

    Be back later
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi LMV, I somehow missed your post prior to the last one. Your swimming is for a very good cause. I worked on a trauma/orthopaedic ward in Neath Hospital many years ago, life changing there for many patients and their families. I would like to sponsor both you and Carole, hope I will be able to do it off the site you quoted. If not could you please let me know how I go about it? Thanks x x I am sure you will be fine after your pilates, your fitness levels must be so good. x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Managed a quick half hour in the pool this afternoon and got another km swum. Will be back in the pool tomorrow morning for my scheduled swim. I think you all might get bored of me and Carole counting down the miles/kms!

    BM if you want to sponsor us that would be fantastic, as you say it is a very good cause. My justgiving page is:


    Carole's is probably the same only Carole-Edwards

    So are you going to take on the challenge?


  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you for the very kind invite, but don't think I will join you just yet! lol x x We are heading into Monsoon season and our main pool is very open and next to the Marina so it probably would be like swimming in the ocean if I swum in there on rainy/windy days! I will be, as always living vicariously through the crackers lol x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    BM, sounds as if conditions would be like actually swimming the channel so you are definitely excused!

    Went to the pool this morning and swam another mile and a quarter so I now 21% of the way across the channel. I must say I was absolutely ravenous yesterday and ate some of the calories I had supposedly burned off as well as my daily allowance. I know the calories burned seem extremely generous so I hope I haven't overdone it on the calorie front and affected my weight loss. We'll see when I weigh in on Tuesday.

    Keep exercising all
  • Have just spoken to the daughter who was in high spirits. She had been for an induction at the local gym and loved it and at school today she had to do a fitness assessment with her class; sit ups, press ups, running around the pitch etc. and came top of the class lapping the other girls!! I didn't tell her what I'd be up to but I've been shamed into doing a spot of salsa!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    So glad your daughter is settling in well. It will be a bit easier for you knowing she is happy. Enjoy the salsa! x x
  • I'm on day 2 of my 15 minute salsa fix. I'm struggling to stay on the straight and narrow as I'm cold, tired and bored which in my book leads to overeating. However I haven't been sleeping well so this afternoon, I took myself off to bed and out of the kitchen and this evening I removed myself again and instead put on Rosemary which helped. But tomorrow is another day and another struggle!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    sounds like you are very focused MITM - keep it up and it will get easier (I'm sure it will!). Today I will be going for a 'gentle' ride on Harley and then for a swim. That's after I've taken my guests out for a Suffolk breakfast and then on to the Cruise terminal where they embark for Le Havre this afternoon. Going to be busy and after last night I'm really not sure about the Suffolk Breakfast but it is excellent and its not too greasy as its very beautifully cooked. Oh well. I'm not on a diet so it shouldn't be a problem. I just wish I wasn't weighing in tomorrow.....

    Take care all
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello exercisers,

    Whoop, whoop for the daughter MITM. She's showing the UK children up with her amazing fitness levels isn't she! Well done on getting back to Rosemary (the lovely Rosemary!) and removing yourself from the danger zone.

    I haven't exercised much over the last few days as I've been fighting off a cold and have been a bit under the weather. However, I'm off to the pool now to get another mile swum.

    Hope you enjoyed the breakfast PB and I'm sure your ride and swim will mitigate the calories.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Opted for French toast with maple syrup and bacon (yummy) added a banana/strawberry smoothie and the perfect breakfast was enjoyed. Ride was fabulous. Harley was a total sweetie despite the flies and we had a couple of nice trots. Did see an Adder but it was dead and when we came back it had been eaten by a magpie. Think we have had the best of the day. Off for a swim later.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    That breakfast sounds delicious PB, and it will give you plenty of energy for your swim. I managed another 26 lengths today and would have liked to do more but I mis-timed my swim. I have an off-peak pool membership and got to the pool later than usual so I ran into the full members only session. Never mind, I am now 25% of the way across the channel.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    OH well done LMV! I've managed 3.4miles so far so a little behind you - but managed 130 lengths tonight so have made good progress. Tricky finding a time at the pool when you don't have to fight for water sometimes isn't it? I can never believe the number of people who try to swim in the same water that I've been in for however many lengths - but in the end of course they all give up and you are left swimming. Back to work tomorrow.
  • I'm absolutely shattered today! Had a thorough work out which I hadn't even planned as my husband unbeknown to me had arranged for a truck load of logs from a local neighbour farmer to be delivered when he finished work. Well he dumped them in the middle of the road behind our house, blocking the road! It took us 2 and 1/2 hours to clear the road by rolling and pushing them down the slope and then stack them up... They're the size of tree trunks and will take another 3 weekends to cut into useable fire wood. I just know I'm going to ache all over tomorrow!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Ouch! I suggest a hot bath after that MITM. That's a lot of wood to move and I know how heavy it is. My husband sometimes has me chopping wood with the chainsaw so I know what it's like handling wood. You'll be glad of it during the cold winter nights though. There was a real chill in the air here tonight and I actually contemplated getting the wood burner going for the first time but it's technically still summer until 21 September so I must hold out until we're in Autumn.

    Hope you don't ache tomorrow

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    You're very MITM,how are the muscles?

    I went to Pilates this morning and my stomach muscles were given a good working over. I'm definitely a bit out of shape! Also been to the pool this afternoon and managed another mile towards the Channel Challenge. I'm absolutely ravenous now. I will be sensible with the calories though.

  • LMV - I'm amazed nothing aches! I haven't done anything as strenuous as swim a mile today, I've had a little potter in the garden and admired the neat pile of tree trunks. My walking friend has been on a painting course this week so I've done no walking which is very naughty but I do intend to do a session with Rosemary tonight..
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Exercisers,

    How was your session with the lovely Rosemary MITM?

    I had a couple of nice walks with our guests over the week-end and have swum 2 miles in the pool this afternoon. I'm hoping that will mitigate some of the extra calories which were consumed with our guests. How's your swimming going Carol? I think I've done about 8.5 miles now - the Channel crossing is further than I thought it was lol

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Another swim today. At 6 miles now so not quite keeping up with you - but OK. Had an 8.00am start today followed by a mid day break then work till 8.00pm - 8.00am partners meeting in the morning (not looking forward to that) and then a 7.30pm meeting tomorrow night. I'm hoping to have a slightly quieter day on Thursday. Have been finding life quite tough in recent days - struggling to control the comfort eating and feeling a bit sad and tired. It will all get better over the next few weeks but I'm fairly sure that part of the problem is that although I'm exercising well - I'm eating all the wrong things (lots of cheese for a start) and that is certainly not helping my mood. Thank heavens for the riding.
