

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Pleased today that even though I ended up getting wet twice, I did walk two miles and biked for 25 minutes. The riding doesn't look very promising though as the ring will be wet and sloppy so I'll just have some bonding time with my horse.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Saturday. I did 1 3/4 miles with Nellie this a.m. and plan to do a little more as it cools down in the evening. I also got a 20 minute bike ride in this morning.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Not my best eating day today. I think I have been overtired as I had a poor night's sleep which is never good for me. Despite rain throughout the day here I did manage to get my riding lesson in the morning and later walked Nellie for a mile and biked for 20 minutes. The biking felt easier which was good as I have had a lot of soreness in the past week. After riding when I came home and changed clothing I decided to check my weight- I was 172 pounds, which is only a pound from the lowest weight I was last summer. That is down about 7 or 8 pounds from the drastic rise I had. Now, they say, the hard part begins. Oh well, nought to do but soldier on.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken, well done on getting to within 1lb of last Summer's weight. Very impressive and I'm sure the regular exercise which you are doing and logging on here is helping. I know that you will be reaching a new low very shortly. I am still half a stone off my lowest weight but like you I'm getting back towards it slowly.

    After a full on week at the university when I did very little exercise apart from a bit of walking, I went out for a run this morning. The Race for Life is only two weeks away and will be at 10 in the morning. I decided to go at 10 so I start getting used to running at this time. It was scorchingly hot, just as it was for the RfL last year. I managed to run for 25 minutes but then the heat got to me and I had to walk the rest of the way back. I didn't manage to do the full 5k today but there's time to get 5 or 6 more runs in and hopefully it won't be quite as hot on the day.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - well done - you are just doing so well! Hope you aren't swimming instead of riding. I gather Toronto has been flooded!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Odd sort of day but enjoyable. Work at 8.00am to 12.30pm then off to the health club for 100 lengths (1500m) then big lunch (Revetts sausages - local butcher - in a baguette with onion relish, delicious big fat chips; salad) then back to work for 4.00pm. Partners behaving quite well at the moment - it can't last! sunshine seems to have cheered up the patients too.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I'm managing despite heat to get some exercise in. On bday, walked 2 miles, biked 20 minutes and had a short ride- not very intense as the riding ring was very wet again. Yesterday seemed to me the hottest so far, really oppressive and I only managed a 30 minute bike ride. Today I've walked again with Nellie and have done 2 miles, planning a bike ride later. LMV, I hope your training is working out for you. PB, a 100 lengths seems like like a formidible amount of swimming. You must be very comfortable in the water. I have never learned to swim properly and am not sure if I could even do a length anymore!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    I didn't run today but have done about 5 hours of gardening. I helped a friend create a temporary bed in her garden which involved lifting turf, digging out roots and digging the bed over. We then dug out and moved five or six shrubs into the bed. She wants to save them otherwise the builders would destroy them when they start work on their extension next week.

    The husband and I then took a conifer down in our own garden this afternoon, did some general garden maintenance and moved a load of garden furniture around which involved a lot of lifting and carrying. I feel like I've had a full body workout with Jillian!

    Tomorrow, I might get a run in!

    Well done every one else on keeping the exercise levels up

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    managed a trip to the Gym last night before guests arrived. Swim in the sea today. Probably not much of a workout though as I never seem to go anywhere when swimming in the sea although I love jumping the waves. There were only a couple of people as mad as me swimming in the north sea today, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Long walk from car park into town and back. Lunch of bread and dips followed by roast lamb chops with tabbouleh, spring greens, pomegranate and pistachios (yummy). Only really blew it with supper tonight.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Far prefer Marilyn Monroe to the stick insects of today....
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    Well the good news this morning I'm able to move again!! I've just been catching up on the posts and read with some amusement your comment LMV about the garden/Jillian work out - she's everywhere!!!! But I was surprised how one moment I was fine and then 20 minutes after stopping, I ached all over but it's been over 2 weeks since I've done any exercise I realised!!

    PB - I enjoy pottering in my flower beds, dead heading. Watering the vegetable garden I find a bore as it takes so long and because of the current, extreme hot weather our solar heating over heats, so we have to pour off some of the water from the basement into buckets and once it has cooled we use those on the vegetable garden which then means carrying them out.... and my husband is not around at weekends as he's working, so it's down to me. Cutting the grass is something I don't mind doing as it's a real workout living on a slope and using a flymo which no longer glides, so I'm doing all the work and I know I'm burning calories and toning although the lovely daughter did comment this week that perhaps I should take up Davina's 5 minutes bingo wings workout!!!! Is she trying to tell me something?!!

    However today being Sunday in my part of the world gardening is not allowed, so I shall sit on the terrace and admire my handiwork from yesterday!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Do you think using your legs to propel the swing seat while enjoying a G&T counts as a workout?

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Who cares????? sounds heavenly!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh dear - not been a good weekend for food. Its been wonderful though. Good friends, lovely sunshine and plenty of food and wine (that's where it mostly went wrong....)

    Great fun though.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Since I had to water the vegetable garden last night, I was shocked as I could not help but notice the many weeds strangling everything, that I have successfully avoided seeing for the past couple of weeks... So I've been back out today and weeded solidly for 1hr and 40 minutes and have managed to clear 1/2. At least with this dry weather they come out easily and I shall show willing and clear the rest this evening as I want it done and finished now I've started! I'm only in now as I'm washing salad leaves for tea.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    MITM, it seems to me from your recent posts that you have done marathon gardening work which certainly counts as exercise. I've been whining about the heat on the 'started' thread. I've tried to continue walking but as I said there some days I have to choose just what I'll do in the more agreeable time. I'm glad I have a mile and a half in now for today so will try to finish to go at least the two. I 'll try to do a short bike ride but it's not certain today!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I am enjoying our July heat wave, but still no running. I simply can't face it. I'm sure I have enough training in to cope with the 5k on Sunday even if I do end up doing it at a snail's pace!

    Yesterday my husband put me to work navvying. We were putting up some trellis so I was helping dig holes for the posts and carrying wood and trellis panels around. I'm sure I burned up some calories doing that. I also did quite a bit of bending and stretching repairing the netting on the bird cage. It always amazes me how many holes develop in it each year and then the birds start getting in. I don't mind sharing my black currants with them at the moment as I have more than I know what to do with, but the raspberries will be coming on soon and I don't want to share those. They sit on top of the metal frame and peck holes there to get in as well as in the corners at the bottom. I found it easier to do this year and I'm sure that is because Jillian has strengthened my shoulders and arms. I'm going to check to see if I have been successful in keeping the birds out in a minute, if not, I'll have to go over the netting again to see what I've missed. It's about 3 x 9 meters so it's quite a lot of netting.

    I've noticed when I'm working in the garden that I am fitter and stronger so the 2 stone I've taken off and kept off and the work with Rosemary and Jillian has definitely made a difference.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I did not finish that half mile or ride my bike last night- too hot. However, this morning I did walk 2 miles and did a 20 minute bike ride so did something before the heat became impossible. I had hopes of doing another short ride tonight but it is now almost dark and still about 33C plus very humid so I'm checking in here. LMV, you are fortunate to be able to cope well with the heat. I hope your run goes well - just keep well hydrated. I can't imagine running 5 k in this weather. Your garden work sounds like exercise to me and should be helping you. I too found that I have had better upper body strength for gardening this year and also attribute it to Jillian. I am very envious of your excess of black currants. For many years I have picked my own at a local u-pick but this year the owners have closed the u-pick. I gave in and bought a pint from their store but was quite disappointed- very expensive, a very meagre pint, and many berries had stems or were unripe. I may be able to pick some at another locale if I am lucky and they are not quickly picked out. It is interesting to me that your currants are ripe before your raspberries. here raspberries always come first. I have been able to pick several times and have frozen quite a lot for winter. My garden has a lot that could be done at the moment- a lot of weeding and trimming of bushes needed. I did do a little before noon today but gave up with the heat.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well I've had a good day in some ways - although I succumbed to fish & chips at the end. Swam in the sea at Thorpeness this evening and was amazed at how wonderfully warm the sea was... It was just lovely. Afterwards we sat on the beach drying off until the sea mist rolled in. It was such a lovely evening and now my skin feels so soft its lovely. Only spent about half an hour in the sea but that was enough. Caught up with my friend Brenda who was in excellent form. Been a reasonably quiet day at work and have got plenty done. Also went and fetched my contact lenses so tried them out for a couple of hours this afternoon and it was OK except that I need a pair of reading glasses as well as they don't work with my mobile phone! I found myself trying to take my glasses off to get a closer look - until I realised that I couldn't take them off like I can my glasses. Silly me. I STS this week which was a bit disappointing but not entirely surprising with the weekend I had. Feel focused again and am getting the exercise (100 lengths last night and the gym on Monday) Possibly Gym tomorrow night and if Susie is up to it another dip in the sea on Sunday morning. I do love living so close to the ocean. Summer or winter I just love to be near it.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Another 33C with a humidex of 42C. I managed to get up and out early this morning. First I took Nellie for her first real walk since her operation. She walked almost 1/2 mile and was absolutely wild- with excess energy I suppose from being so cooped up. I got in 2 miles in the morning and a 25 minute bike ride and surprised myself this evening with another bike ride of 20 minutes, All this will probably not totally take care of the lunch I had, treated by the stable owner today. We went to a lovely restaurant on one of our Great Lakes and I had the yellow lake perch which was extremely tasty but lightly breaded and pan-fried. It was a very generous serving of fish. I chose the salad over the french fries but expect the dressing ,which was very good, was too good to be lower in fat! A dessert with frozen yoghurt added to the count. Still I am quite pleased that I did not just throw in the towell and not exercise at all because I wasn't eating well today. PB, good to read that you are swimming those lengths and getting into the ocean. I'll take inspiration from that too.