
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well I'm not going to mention the word 'torture' as maybe BM doesn't realise I'm saying it tongue in cheek!!! I had a lovely session with Jillian this morning, I thought of you LMV as I did the iceskating exercising. I am finding the session so much easier to do now but I could never do 45 minutes - 25 is my absolute lot. I was reading in the blog section yesterday one woman weighing 500+ lbs claimed to be able to do Jillian's 30 day SHRED!!! I was in total awe until I realised she's been with MFP for 2 years and has lost 9lbs, at that size you'd lose 9lbs after one session with Jillian, but this site is full of heavy weights it's like being on the Biggest Loser USA. Right I'm now heading for the garden again to potter and enjoy myself, no picking up a spade.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    MITM - I can tell by your comment to my shattered post that you've got my number! There has been way too much enjoying myself this week and not nearly enough exercise, so I was shattered for all the wrong reasons! I'll pay for it on weigh in day as well - I've got to get off this see-saw of 2lbs on then 2lbs off! I did do 3 hours in the garden yesterday and I'm off to get some new plants this morning which I'll plant later so I'll be doing more gardening today. Still a mass of weeding in the veg patch to be finished off but I think I'll get my first bowl of strawberries today! Glad you are still having a good tie with Jillian xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Zero exercise today, spent four hours driving and then a lot of sitting and chatting to my parents. Did a lot of lifting and carrying in the garden yesterday though so definitely burned some calories then. The strawberries were lush xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    YOu must tell me how you managed this! I ache in the mornings regularly - now it could be the arthritis but I think its that my body isn't used to all the exercise. Gardening would really be painful

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    MITM/LMV you both must have enormous gardens?

    I'm off on another little holiday in 2 weeks time (well less now) so am trying to do what I can now to get down another couple of pounds before I go. Looking forward to the break though I think I'm running out of steam a bit.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    LMV - please get off the other end of my see saw!!! We must follow CAROLE's lead and be more consistent in our exercise. Hope you are feeling back to normal today CAROLE?
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member

    Yes thanks feeling a bit better today although its been a bit of a tricky day with some difficult meetings and cross patients because a GP went off sick this morning. He says he'll be back tomorrow so I've got my fingers crossed.....

    Retail therapy worked OK yesterday. Off for my swim tomorrow evening. Don't get home until late on a Tuesday so don't do much exercise except what I get from walking about.

    Mammogram today as well - its been a real whoopee kind of day!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well hello everyone,

    There doesn't seem to have been as much exercise going on as usual. I have been terrible for the sat week and haven't done any e excise at all apart from one day when I actually went to the supermarket rather than shopping online. I couldn't find anything so walked the length and depth of the enormous superstore several times. If I had been wearing my pedometer it would have gone into overdrive!

    So, today s day 1 of my plan to shift 7 - 10lbs before I run the Race for Life. I need to do some exercise every day between now and then to get myself into better shape and to get my fitness levels up. I'm going to record my exercise countdown on here, so

    Day 34 - been out for a run for the first time in two weeks. It was a bit of a struggle, but I made it. 5 minute warm up walk, 25 minutes jogging and 10 minute warm down walk.

    I must say, I feel better that I am back in control of myself and that I have a plan.

    Carole - not long till your holiday now and well done on keeping up the exercise. It doesn't look as if you are running out of steam to me!

    MITM - are you doing anything other than gardening?

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I'm on a mission...............I've just done 30 minutes with Rosemary as well!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Sadly LMV I haven't done any exercise except to potter in the flower beds this past week. Today I ventured out into the vegetable garden to seriously fight the many weeds... in this heat not alot else is growing, plus I had an evening walk with my friend whose doctor once told her to get a dog, the speed we were going if I were a dog I'd be one of those little designer dogs that are normally carried around in a basket!!! Tomorrow I intend to do far better. Hope you've read my post (after yours) on the other thread and I will see you tomorrow on this one!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Now read, I had missed it. Be back later to report on my exercise xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Slept really badly last night so couldn't face getting up at 7 to exercise. No time to do it before I went to Welsh class so I've had to do it later in the day. I spent 2.5 hours in the garden doing some quite heavy work, digging over a bed and planting it up. I moved a couple of plants around in the garden too. I felt quite tired but I'm on a mission, so I've just done 30 minutes of Rosemary.

    So, Day 33 - done, 30 mins of salsasizing.

    Just time for a quick shower before I go off to cookery class

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well done LMV! My day was pretty messed up, it was too hot in the morning to venture into the garden, so I planned to take the daughter straight from school at 1pm to the outside pool, where I intended to swim some lengths too!! However just as I was about to put together a packed lunch, there was a huge crash of thunder! The whole afternoon it thundered with flashes of lightening and up this high it's pretty noisy but didn't rain properly just big drops every now and then...

    When it evenutually passed I made it to the vegetable garden and weeded. I now have a pain in my knee from staying in the same position for too long! In the evening I trotted around the village with my friend who had, had a migraine all afternoon with the heat and the thunder so we went even slower than usual... To make up for it I went with the daughter for a 20 minute speed walk which didn't hurt the knee before another 1/2 hour in the flower beds - which did!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Just read an excellent blog from start to finish 'FatGirls Other Diary' by wizbeth1218 and one of her posts was 'I've got a secret'

    .... I have no secret. I do pray. For strength. For abstinence. For freedom from obsessing over the number on the scale. For Jillian Michaels to shut up. (Just kidding on that last one. Sort of.)

    We're not alone LMV!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I'm here but still a little confused by the setup of this new site. However, thought I must start somewhere. I have read through all the exercise posts now. I see there is still a Team Jillian and a Team Rosemary debate going on. I must confess to favour Jillian but of course, I don't know Rosemary. I am really pleased MITM that you have taken so much to Jillian. I really love her video but I must confess that I have not done it for some time, for a number of reasons. The most exercise relevant one is that I really think I overdid it when I was doing it and ended up very sore, not just the usual kind of exercise sore. I have had a very sore neck that has kept me awake a lot which I think was made worse, if not caused by the Jillian workout. I also had a terrifically sore hip, I think from being overly enthusiastic about the kicking. However, I am not turned off Jillian and certainly do not blame her. I should have realized the kicking would affect that hip which has been dodgy for awhile and I know it is easy to strain your neck if you don't do an exercise properly. The thing was I really enjoyed doing the exercises when I was doing them and am hopeful that I will do them again- only this time I will start slower and be more careful. Despite my recent difficulties with dieting, I have kept some degree of exercise. Nellie, who is turning from a puppy into a young dog, has kept me walking. She easily does a mile at a time- some of it is on the verge of a jog, never a stroll! I've also been riding though we have had a number of days when the riding ring was too wet with all our rains and we had to return indoors to ride- not the best at this time because it is rather hot in the indoor arena. The gardening has been on-going and more strenuous than usual because of the buidling of the new fence. I've done a lot of digging and relocating of plants, especially hostas. Some days I have felt as if I will be permanently bent over! However, I can now devote more time to formal exercise and have decided to log it on this site. I won't log my food though as I find using my diet journal is quicker. However, I do know that logging diet and exercise is crucial for me and when I have let that slip disaster usually follows. I am also planning on using my bicycle again- I found it very helpful last year because it uses different muscles and when I was too tired or sore to walk a bike ride was doable. Today it was walking, riding, and gardening with a spot of floor washing indoors and I feel good, despite a sore back! I enjoyed reading all the posts and look forward to talking about exercise. Regards to all.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Bracken, absolutely lovely to "see" you here. We are complete again now! I am so sorry to hear of your injuries, I wish you a complete and speedy recovery. I agree with you re the need to log our dietary intake. I have never done it before but am enjoying it and it has been an eye opener, not so much calorific wise but the sugar and salt contained in some foods. I am sure logging daily as I am now is benefitting me enormously. Nellie sounds as if she is doing great, has she grown much? Anyhow, off to walk now. We have dreadful smoke here from Indonesian forest fires so the Government have put out warnings to stay indoors, be careful if you have respiratory conditions etc. It is really weird to see everyone walking around in masks, but the smoke is dense and we have poor visibility so my walks aren't for as long as usual but I don't want to stop because I may not get started again! Enjoy your day, it really is so good to see you on here x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Welcome back Bracken,

    Fantastic that you found us and as BM said, I feel we are complete again now too!

    BM, well done on continuing to exercise through that awful smoke.

    32 days to go and my day 32 exercise is done. Went out for a run at 7 this morning and I'm glad I went early as it's starting to get warm. I think it's going to be a nice day. Right, can't hang about as I have to be at the dreaded dentist by 9.

    Be back later. MITM, I'll check that blog out!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Ooh... I have exercised today in the heat... even if I only splashed for all of 6 lengths of the pool! As the moon was in the correct position for weeding (so they take longer to regrow!) spent a good part of my evening in the vegetable garden. The husband spent hours but then he's a firm believer in this moon lark! I had a walk with the daughter as my friend had another migraine as it's so close, we went right up as high as my profile photo as the daughter wanted to eat a piece of chocolate on her return! Tomorrow according to the moon, it's not a good day for weeding hurrah!

    BM - good job the parents aren't staying with you at the moment, but I thought of you as I was gasping for breath on my walk.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    LMV - look whose on the cover of this month's Shape magazine!!!! May even ask my mother to bring me out a copy!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    What is Shape magazine?
