
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All - good work Bracken - I really hate the heat especially when its humid so I really feel for you. My brother and his family should be hitting Toronto in the next few days so hopefully they won't find it too uncomfortable. Its been hot but not too humid here and although I STS this week I am happy with the exercise I've managed - a mile in the swimming pool, 2 sea swims, a trip to the Gym and last night after the heat had gone off the day a lovely Nordic walk in the forest. Very quiet surprisingly, I thought the weekenders would all be out having arrived at the caravan site but no, there wasn't a sole about and I only saw a toad on the path! Live several others I've been finding the summer more challenging that I expected - but realised that I have been socialising much more than I would normally - probably because I feel so much more confident! But I'm refocusing and will try to make the next few days as positive as possible.

    Those of you who are going on holiday in the next few days - I hope you have a great time. Keep in touch and make good choices!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done everyone on persevering with exercise in the heat. I had a bumper day yesterday.

    Ran 5k in the morning. Walk on the beach at lunchtime. Late afternoon walked from a friend's house to watch the raft race at Mumbles - probably 1.5 miles, then walked back later another 1.5 miles. Then walked to see the new house they've bought, probably another .5 miles.

    No wonder I feel a little tired today after doing all that in the heat!

    So far today, not a lot of exercise!!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Think you are entitled to a day off don't you????
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    That was a busy day LMV!!! and I agree to a little r&r!

    I Zumba'd away last night in all the heat and sweated buckets, so hopefully has done some good. It says that I burnt over 700cals on MFP, which to me sounds crazy, but I like it :smile:

    Today, Im not quite sure what to do - I am thinking of doing some exercise tonight too. Maybe pull out a dvd or something, but will see how it goes as I have another Zumba session booked tomorrow evening! At the moment I am finding I enjoy the classes more than the DVD's, but whether I haven't found the right Zumba dvd yet, or just enjoy the company/party feel I don't know.

    Well done PB, on all swimming efforts - my pool is about 30mins away, so I don't use it as often as I would like to, and am a bit jealous about how much you are managing to get there!

    Bracken - well done on the walking the other day and getting some exercise in. It is so easy to listen to those demons in your head telling you not to go, but you feel so much better afterwards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I wrote about my poor exercise day today on the other thread but will note that I did manage a two mile walk yesterday before i went out to dinner.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Well done on that two mile walk Bracken.

    I have just posted on the other thread that my back problem following the Race for Life hasn't improved so I've been to a physiotherapist. I've been ordered to have a quiet week-end and to go back on Monday. I'm banned from all running for the moment as the jolting from running on roads has probably caused the problem.

    I will be exercising my right arm (and my left) this week-end as one of my old champagne drinking partners is visiting with her husband. Obviously this is not a recognised exercise activity as the calories burned lifting the glass are put back on tenfold when you take a sip. But .......... Some things just have to be done!

    Hoping everyone has a more active week-end than me

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    sounds terrible LMV! Enjoy!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    OK I've done it - I've signed up for Aspire. Here we go! And to get me started I did 100 lengths tonight. Of course can't count it cos it doesn't start until Sept. Asked at the Health Club and they said no problem to put up a form for sponsors which is good and they will sign my forms as well.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Carole. We'll be able to keep each other going. I haven't decided which pool to do it in yet. I've found somewhere with a 25m pool which has really good opening times so I'm going for a swim to check it out tomorrow. Other than that I could try the National Pool where Ellie Symonds and some of the other elite swimmers train as that's a 50m pool. I have a feeling they rope it off though and the opening hours for the general public are limited. I loved it when I lived near the 50m Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh - I do like a big pool!! I can't wait to get started.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Good thinking LMV. I'm going to do it in my leisure club pool which is very small (hence the 100 lengths everytime). The team there are going to sign my report and they've agreed I can put up a request for sponsors if I want to. Not sure how I'd get the money in that way though. Tried to write this yesterday but it suddenly disappeared (I think my laptop may be nearing the end of its useful life). I just put in the name of it on the Aspire website and it came up which was good. I could do it in the larger pool in woodbridge but the problem is always swimming around other people and the limited public opening hours that don't fit with my work lifestyle.

    Everyone seems very upbeat at the moment which is great. I went down a bit after my holidays but feeling really motivated by you all again now so Thanks.

    Safwig - you are doing so well! 27lbs is a huge amount - just think how great you look compared to when you started and even if you have a few more pounds to go its all going in the right direction. I always take a look at the chart on Tesco Diets when I want to remind myself how far I've come.

    I'm off out to supper with an old friend this evening which could be tricky - but she hasn't seen the new me so hopefully it will be a big surprise as we haven't seen each other since last year.

    Mum and Dad are still here which is fine except that Mum insists on going around behind me clearing up. Usually before I've finished with something. Still she's trying to be helpful. Took her to Aldeburgh late last night for a short walk which was refreshing as it was a very hot (25 degrees at 9.00pm) evening. I don't like the hot weather. I'm sorry but I just feel yeuk when its hot - I get no pleasure from it.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member

    I'm hoping that when you start your training for Aspire you're going to keep us posted to inspire the rest of us to exercise!

    LMV - I'm feeling very sorry for you and your injury, it must be so frustrating. Are you allowed to walk instead - lots? Hopefully the swimming will help.

    PB - Have you set up a justgiving page as I'd like to sponsor you.

    BRACKEN - Well done on keeping up the walking, I'm looking forward to Autumn and getting out more as this heat was too much during the summer months. And I'm going to start doing Jillian again on my return from England! Good job it wasn't Jillian who gave LMV her injury!

    Right I'm now going to cut the grass which will burn a few calories which I shall be eating later!!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Just had breakfast and then off to the pool for a training session. Bought myself a new pair of goggles yesterday as my old ones were letting in water. hoping I can wear my contacts with these. Yes I have got a just giving page - its www.justgiving.com and if you search for Carole Edwards that will take you to the page - thank you for the support MITM! its very kind of you but I thought you'd already sponsored LMV and its a big ask to sponsor two of us. I'm doing OK on this and am now going to run a raffle at work during the flu campaign too for Aspire.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - it wasn't actually my intention to be anonymous!!! But it's late and I'm getting tired and I missed out somewhere!! However keep training and I shall be checking up on both you and LMV on my return.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All - well I'm back on the wagon (I hope). 2 miles swum since Saturday and I've officially got the bug back on riding - I had my ride at Poplar the other week which was great and then a groupon deal came up for a 2 hour trek and I've booked on that - and then my friends invited me to ride their new cob - and of course they had a spare riding hat (brand new but didn't fit properly). Now need a pair of half chaps or gaiters and a pair of gloves and I'll be kitted out well. will take a stroll around the lanes on Harley on the first ride as forest might be a bit too interesting and he is still only 5 so a youngster - but he is for their daughter who is just 11 so considered quite safe and of course all of their horses are so well looked after and trained that they have few bad habits. Getting read to go to work shortly. It was a long day yesterday and I only made it to the pool at just after 7pm so was under some pressure to do my mile - still at least it wasn't too busy. Hoping today will be less stressful and full on.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hi PB, glad to hear that you are doing well and especially that you have reignited your riding desire. What you are doing sounds like great fun. I look forward to hearing about your adventures. I had my first school in almost a month and was thrilled to do a 5 jump mini-course. I did a short hack yesterday but today doesn't look promising as it is now raining. I am pleased however that Nellie and I got a 2 mile walk in before the rain. I have just done a quick drop-in here as I need to go to the grocery store to buy some supplies for pickling. I am starting with a chili sauce (fruity, it has apples, peaches, and pears as well as the tomatoes and onions) and hope to do a couple of other recipes too but we'll see. I am trying to make my exercise a priority so don't want to get too caught up in preserving. But it is nice to have a few jars on hand as little gifts.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    It has been a hectic day with the floor installer here all day. I had to get up at 6:15 to finish removing things from the rooms that would make it easier to get the job done- even took down bedroom curtains and washed them so I'm getting a head start or forced start on fall house cleaning. Rather tired because I was up late last night finishing jarring the chili sauce I made. However, I did manage to walk 1 1/4 miles this a.m. I got to the stable today but had a small mishap-thankfully nothing too serious. I was walking my horse around an outdoor field when he suddenly gave a terrific shy (more like a lunge and then a shy) and I was instantly on the ground. It is only the second time I have fallen off in almost four years so I suppose that is some consolation and apart from some sore muscles I seem o.k. The cause of the shying- a flock of wild turkeys just inside the woods at the edge of the field. No walking tonight though.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - ouch! glad you are OK - even at a walk a fall can be a real problem. I'm really looking forward to doing some more riding myself although I think I will just be doing some gentle hacking. Channel swim challenge has started - I'm feeling very positive about it. Hopefully, I will remain injury free for the next 12 weeks as I think that is the only thing that will stop me.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Really sorry to hear about your fall Bracken. Look after yourself as I expect you might be a bit achy after that. You might need a nice long, hot bubble bath to soak your muscles.

    I went to the pool yesterday and swam 2km towards my channel swim. No ill effects today I'm pleased to report. I plan to swim three times a week so will be back in the pool tomorrow morning. Good luck to you PB - I'm glad I've got you for company as 22 miles is a long way!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    Been to the pool this morning and swam 50 lengths towards the Aspire Challenge - 2.5km. I am now 13% of the way across the channel! Hope your swim goes well today Carole.

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi LMV, I seem to have missed something with both yours and PB's swimming. Could you please give me some info on it. Is it a challenge or for charity? Please let me know if I can be of any help or join in. Many thanks x x