

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I really do feel for you, both with the need for cheese (my downfall too) and practice meetings! I had about 15years of practise meetings, which I am sure contributed to my very grey hair!! It's good that you have an outlet with your riding. I just had to walk in my stables to smell the horses/hay and could literally feel my blood pressure dropping. I am hopeful when we eventually live in a "proper" country (with seasons and fresh air) that I can have my dreams of a house with land, horses and alpacas!! lol (If I didn't have my dreams I would go stir crazy living here!!) Well done with the swimming, six miles is such a long way to swim x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bailey - yes the horses really do help. And like you I adore the smell you get when you walk into a stable box. They are so interested in you and so want to communicate that you can only concentrate on them. I am always pleased when I can ride a horse that is making meringue - I work so hard to be soft in the hand and keep contact. Harley is making me look forward to riding again.
    I suppose the issue at work is that I'm frustrated by my inability to get to a sensible resolution that everyone will then just go with. They simply can't see that they are all being intransigent (over annual leave!!!!!) and that they all need to compromise. One partner came in yesterday with his solution (on paper) which involves putting in requests early - this crisis has been brought about by another partner who thinks the younger partners are too keen to take every school holiday. I'm just cross cos they seem to think the salaried GPs should rearrange their holidays so that the partners can have what they want. Oh well - no point winding myself up now. Enjoyed my swim yesterday lunchtime but a long late evening at work last night and another tonight. Can't see how I can take a break today either as I have meetings all day.

    I totally get your dream Bailey - and Suffolk is a good place to come for it. Lots of off road riding in the forest!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Just got back from a lovely ride on Harley - we are getting on so well. Its hard to believe he is only a 5 year old - he is so good and kind. Mind you he made me laugh when we got back to the yard - he shook himself so hard he nearly shook me off! Then I gave him a little shower cos he was hot and then we popped him and Ed and Merlin out in the field. Butler was not impressed as he isn't allowed out so I gave him a whole load of carrots and some polos to cheer him up. Had such a good morning - am planning a swim this afternoon - if its like last week it was fantastically quiet at about 2.00pm - I guess everyone is out having sunday lunch.

    The weather has been good this weekend - and yesterday it was warm enough for an adder to be sunning itself on the path - but thankfully none of the horses took fright. I went on a 2 hour trek yesterday. My buttocks were a little sore after that. Still I can't remember ever being this fit! I can actually chat and trot and deal with tripping (the horse that is) all at the same time! Not sure how many more lovely fine days like this we will have.

    HOpe all is well with everyone - its been a bit quiet on here

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    2016 January Step Challenge

    I have been thinking about what is achievable for me this month. I know that 10,000 steps a day is what is recommended, but looking at my diary, I already have two further trips to London this month as well as other commitments so I'm not sure if I can mange that. I am therefore setting myself the target of 50,000 steps a week and if I mange to exceed it some weeks, all well and good. I have just clipped my pedometer on and I'll see how I do today, but I shall start proper logging on Wednesday.

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    i finally got my fitbit working and am setting it to 5,000 steps daily. my last target was 10,000 so I intend to be back to that by February. 50,000 a week sounds like a good goal to aim for. I am not starting walking indoors yet as I want to get the hang of eating properly and slightly dog walks. I usually jump in all guns blazing and then have an injury or something stupid happen, so I am trying to be sensible now! x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I too am starting slowly as I posted the other thread but 5000 seems like a good place to start
    with the goal of getting to 10000 by February. The 50000 per week sounds like a great plan.
    I'll record on Wed, Jan.6.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well, having worn my pedometer I did 9307 on Tuesday and so far today 4328, but I have spent most of it in the car after being away for a couple of days. Glad to be home and let the battle of the bulge commence tomorrow. Le's go for it!


  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    I have a card - 2 sophisticated ladies sitting at a table drinking wine - one says to the other "Look at that! I've already done 10,000 sips on my pedometer!" Count me in, I will be joining in the step challenge as I'm sure the extra pounds I lost in the run up to Christmas was down to the walking I did with the daughter. So from Tuesday....
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    6244 steps on my pedometer- a combination of shopping walking and walking Nellie.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    First official day of the step challenge so I went for a walk down to the salt marsh and then back up the hill. Combined with the other running around I've done today, my step total at 10.00pm is 10,195. I'm exceedingly pleased with that, 20% of my weekly target already. I also have quite a long walk planned for Monday. One of my New Year resolutions last year was to walk right around the Gower coast - about 50-60 miles. I sprained my ankle quite badly last February and was on crutches for a few weeks. It took me quite a while to get the strength back in that ankle so I didn't get started on the Gower coast until September. I took part in the MacMarathon which was a 22 mile walk all along the South Gower coast from Rhossili to Mumbles raising money for MacMillan nurses. I then did the north coast in three 8 miles sections and a final walk from Gowerton on the North coast to Mumbles on the South coast via Swansea to join it all up in a circle. Chris and two friends did it with me and we enjoyed it so much we decided our January project would be to walk the Gower Way. This is a linear walk from Pen Lle'r Castell high in the hills which marks the northern boundary of the original Gower Lordship to Rhossili in the South. We are doing it in four sections so will be walking from the Castell to Gorseinon next Monday come rain or shine. I had forgotten about this when I set my target so it should be quite easy for me to achieve my 50,000 steps a week this month.

    Hope everyone else is getting some steps in

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken, great start, especially in your cold weather! You must have posted while I was writing my post. Hope you and Nellie enjoyed your walk

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Day 2 - 6,820 steps. Weekly total to date 17,015.

    I spent quite a bit of time reading today as I had to get a book finished for book group this evening. I couldn't read on the move so had to sit down. I went out for a walk this afternoon to a local beauty spot called Worm's Head. It was so windy the waves were really crashing against the rocks. Walking was hard work in that wind so I'm sure I burned more calories than usual with all the extra effort.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Extremely quick pop-in but really am pleased I can log my steps in today as this afternoon my computer developed a major fault. I am so fortunate that my friend Adam who was a teaching colleague responded to my distress call, researched the problem and called me and was able
    to remotely log in and fix it.
    So today 6335 steps.
    Will have to read all the enticing posts tomorrow.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken!

    Day 3 - 8163 steps. Weekly total to date 25,178

    Yay! Half way in three days, so on track to meet my target

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks, LMV and well done to you.
    Day 3- 5381 so still a little above my goal. Time was a bit of an issue today so pleased.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Fab LMV and Bracken! I've hit my 5000 steps Mon-Fri this week but know I won't Sat or Sun. Where I walk Harry around the Marina and wildlife park is so full of tourists and joggers etc on the weekend it's just awful. We usually take him to the Botanic Gardens or dog run so he can have a good walk at the weekends, unfortunately I don't drive here so we will be staying in the Gardens. I'll have to buck my game up through the week! I don't feel ready to start indoor walking yet, maybe soon. Have a great weekend xxx

    Ps, I haven't felt this motivated in such a long a long time, I know it's due to being a part of Team Cracker!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Love the Team Cracker- I think we should all adopt it and wear, at least fantasy Team Cracker shirts! You've done great this week, BM. It must be awful to be overrun with tourists. I've read that Barcelona is actually trying to cap the number of tourists at certain venues.
    Today 5337 steps with Nellie so I've hit my goal of 5000.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    This Cracker hasn't done so well today. The weather has been atrocious with constant rain which at times was torrential. As a result, I haven't been out walking today and only managed a poor total.

    Day 4 - 4123 steps. Weekly total to date 29,301

    I will achieve my weekly total though. Go Team Cracker

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Surprisingly I hit my steps yesterday, 6526 so feeling very pleased. It was due to having to take Harry out more frequently as we were only walking around our gardens, but it just shows "every little helps!" (from our Tesco days). I should have my weekly Fitbit statistics through on my iPad tonight. They will tell me my distances, calories ate and burned and any progress I have made etc. So hopefully with this first week almost over they will soon be improving! Bracken, I am already "wearing" my Fantasy T shirt, but in my head it is at least 3 sizes smaller than I am! Maybe one day :)
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Popping in to the exercise site but without a report! I'm in the same boat as LMV with morning downpour followed by afternoon blowing snow and big temp drop. The yard is now covered with snow. However, seeing that LMV managed to get over 4000 steps in anyway I feel inspired to manage a few on the treadmill. However, I have done 4 of 5 planned walks so I do have Mon/Tues if needed to complete my week. BM, congrats on exceeding your goal.