

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well Team Cracker, what colour do we each want our T shirts to be? I want something bright and cheerful so I'll go for fresh lime green with pink lettering today. What about everyone else? I expect MITM will have navy!

    Dashed the rain showers and got out for a walk today.

    Day 5 9113 steps. Weekly total to date 38,414

    Keep stepping Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Glad we are competing with ourselves but inspired by others or I would lose big today, LMV! Your first post got me on the treadmill for 2662 steps so better than 0 steps. I'm imagining the shirts - sounds cheery and might make me forget the cold outside.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Been out for a long walk today as we started a 38 mile trail called the Gower Way. We plan to complete it during January. We started off so high up in the hills that we were in the clouds but the weather improved and we finished in a bit of weak sunshine, the first we've seen for days.

    Day 6 - 21,237 Weekly total 59,651 steps.

    Obviously I'm really pleased with today's total and I've made my weekly target a day early.

    Keep stepping Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Wow, LMV. That 21,237 record may stand for awhile here unless you break it with continuing your Gower Way. It also sounds like a great calorie burner as you are walking hills not flats. I must say I am a bit envious of the beautiful walks you have and the walks generally throughout the UK. We have many lovely, serious hiking trails here but not so many that seem so readily accessible as you. We do not have a tradition of footpaths open to the public here. On one of my early trips to England, virtually every day we would just park our rental where we saw a sign for a footpath and go off on a lovely walk. Most of our trails are in conservation areas and parks. However, I had already been thinking that this spring I want to go to some of the more accessible ones with Nellie to walk instead of just walking around my neighbourhood. Today I was pleased to do 6871 steps by stopping at a mall near my Docs to get in some steps and also using the treadmill- the -11C was just too cold for me outside.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Well today has been cold, wet and windy and not at all conducive to going out for a walk. So, to get my steps in I dusted off my Rosemary Conley Salsasize DVD. I did both of the workouts so that was over an hour of salsasizing which bumped my steps right up.

    Day 7 - 13,515 Weekly total - 73166

    Woo hoo - can't believe it, I averaged over 10,000 steps a day. Now that I know I can do it, I suppose I will have to up my challenge to maintain it.

    Bracken I know I am so fortunate to have the landscape I do on my doorstep. Beach, cliffs, woodland, hills, moorland, salt marsh............whatever we are in the mood for, we pretty much have on the doorstep. That is why Gower was the first designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the UK.

    Keep stepping Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Do you sound proud of Gower, LMV- and rightly so. First designated.....! The deep freeze continues and I spent some time today shovelling snow to clear my driveway and an equal amount predicted again for tonight. It was some exercise at least. After that I have managed to do 5262 steps on the treadmill, so one goal day for this exercise week.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Fantastic Bracken. Well done! Snow clearing is such hard work that I think those steps should count double.

    Having a cold snap in the UK too at the moment and lots of rain. I had a meeting this morning so not very many steps. At lunchtime the weather improved a little so as my husband had an appointment in a nearby town I suggested that he drop me in a village on the way and I would walk from there to meet him in town. Big mistake. 5 minutes in, the heavens opened. Then, hailstones. I was sensibly dressed for wet weather, but even so, my jacket was absolutely drenched. We stopped for a cup of tea on the way back in our local cafe and the manager took pity on me and put my jacket to dry on a radiator!

    Anyway, the walk was about four miles and together with the walk from where we left the car this evening to get to the football stadium for a match I managed:

    Week 2 day 1 - 13,935

    Really pleased with that!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    You are on a roll, LMV. Great work. More snow here overnight, not quite as much as the day before but enough for me to deal with. So more shovelling. My back is a little sore from shovelling and probably the treadmill so today my steps came from going to the big box mall and parking away from the entrances and then doing some purposeful steps in the stores. As well the temps have moderated just enough I was able to take Nellie for walk so I have managed 6611 steps. At present I am going to keep my goal the same, the 5000 steps because of the weather. When I can only do the treadmill, 5000 steps is enough at the moment but I will try when possible to do 6000 or more.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited January 2016
    Well done Bracken, that's a great total. I'm not surprised your back is sore after more shovelling. Look after yourself and take it steady. It's surprising how many steps you can clock up when walking around the shops isn't it? I did most of my steps indoors today and had several sessions of running on the spot to get my step count up as I couldn't get to the DVD to do a salsasize workout because of the poorly husband.

    Week 2 day 2 - 7,171. Weekly total 21,106

    Not quite so many today, but averaging 10,000 steps at the moment.

    Keep stepping xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Yikes, running on the spot is not really fun but certainly shows commitment. I hope your poorly husband is soon well again. He seems to be fitting the stereotype that men get sicker less often than women but when they do they are more miserable with being ill! I was able to take advantage of a milder day and walk Nellie. I also did some treadmill and am happy with
    7057 steps. I'm really glad you started this challenge, LMV.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    That's brilliant Bracken. You've blown your target out of the water. Well done. I'm definitely feeling better for a bit of regular exercise! The husband definitely fits the stereotype. I feel disloyal saying it, but he only has a cold and he's soooo grumpy about it and you would think he was dying to hear him talk!

    I followed the same trick as you today - parked as far as I could from the shops and trailed up and down all the aisles in the supermarket even though I didn't need very much. It certainly bumped my steps up a bit.

    Week 2 Day 3 8,688. Weekly total 29,794

    Almost an average of 10,000!

    Hope the weather stays mild for you so you and Nellie can continue to get out and about.

    Keep stepping xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    5152 steps today- not my highest so far but definitely intentional walking as very cold outside for a longer walk with Nellie but had to be at several stops in town and between parking away from the entrances and doing purposeful walking inside the buildings, I was in, I got over my 5000 steps.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken. It's not easy in the conditions you are facing.

    Week 2 day 4 10,889 weekly total 40,683

    Very cold here, but have another walk planned for tomorrow.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Forgot to mention that I got to my step total through salsasizing this morning and shopping for a birthday present for my Mother. I did more steps at the shops than salsasizing! xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I am still stepping too! :) I have exceeded my 5000 steps every but the weekends are so difficult, I did have a cut and colour yesterday, so walked to and from the furthest Taxi stand which helped quite a bit. Not too sure about today, but I am going up to Changi Airport later this evening and that is like a city on its own. So I may well go a bit earlier than the plane is due and walk around to get some steps in. I was a day short in last weeks total but I reached 34,896 Hoping for more this week! It's quite exciting waiting for my progress report when I know I have put the effort in lol X

    Well done on your steps both and the conditions you are doing them in. I swear it really does inspire me xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A short note but no steps to report today- I'll post about it on the main thread.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Not such a good day after all. Started on the footpath but it was so wet/muddy/boggy, I couldn't get through. Thought I would drive to another spot where I could walk from, but it was so misty you couldn't really see much beyond 10 yards so I didn't fancy walking in that on my own. Parked at the far end of the village and walked from there to the tea room, but I didn't get that many steps in. There were seven of us who met up and by the time we had finished it was dark! So, not much walking today.

    Week 2 Day 5 5,098. Week 2 total 45,781

    Fallen behind a bit, but I will be out for a long walk tomorrow come rain of shine.

    BM - well done, keep it up!

    Bracken - really sorry to hear you are laid up. Look after yourself and perhaps you should get your ankle checked out just in case

    Keep stepping
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    I made up for yesterday by going out for a six mile walk today. Also we went to a football match this evening and ended up parking a little further away than normal so I had another walk before and after the match.

    Week 2 Day 6 19,640. Week 2 total 65,421

    Going to Hertfordshire tomorrow for a few days so will be in a car for several hours. Not sure when I will get my steps in but I'll have to manage somehow.

    Keep stepping

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    An extremely poor day for me today with most of it spent sitting in the car as predicted.

    Week 2 day 7 3,311 (shocking!!) Week 2 total 68,732

    Oh dear, 1,268 steps short of my weekly target. Must do better!

    Keep stepping
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Well I got up early enough to walk to the station this mornng s that I got a big of stepping in. It was freezing (or so I thought). When I looked the weather, after London which said -2*C, came London Ontario. I believe this is where you are Bracken. It was -7*C where you are which is even colder, so I felt very grateful for our -2!

    Steps today 9423. Not quite 10,000, but neR enough go stay on target for the week.

    Keep stepping!
