

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken on getting those steps in AND doing the Jillian circuits. Sometimes the fact you are "Feeling it" is a good thing as you know it is doing some good. Hope you aren't feeling it too much!

    Well done to you too MITM. Is there something magical about day 5 or have you just noticed it gets a bit better then in the past? I've found I improve my stamina on the cardio if I turn rather than just facing in one direction. Presumably it's because I'm thinking about something other than "How much longer is this going on for?"

    Week 7 day 2
    Shred - day 4 done
    Salsasize - session 2 done
    Steps - 11,201 (only 9 steps difference today MITM) WTD. 22,528

    Have you done any more swimming MITM?

    Keep stepping everyone

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Swim comment above was meant for BM not you MITM.

    Day 5 Shred done. Feeling well and truly shredded

  • mummyinthemountains
    Morning 'Shredders' - Oh I do like that expression LMV!

    Bracken I am so impressed - have I understood this correctly your truck is stolen and you then do 3 circuits of Jillian? I do hope it was the kick boxing and punching to vent your anger. Becks would so approve, I fear I would have headed straight for the fridge.

    LMV - when I first read your comment about the swimming I thought WHAT?!! It does amuse me how you don't listen to the lovely Jillian. One of her many comments is something along the lines 'those of you who are on days 5,6,7 will now be noticing the difference in your stamina....' I know just how many repetitions of each exercise there are so I count myself down.

    Right I had better get moving!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    No more swimming this week LMV, I was at the pool for less than 35 minutes and I am burnt! even with my factor 50 on, and drying off under the shade of palm trees the sun found me. So I am staying out of it for a few days. Am under my umbrella when walking Harry! Still over 10,000 daily for this week and will put my total on later. I am on this Mac pro thing now and don't know how to check my fitbit on it! (Pathetic I know) x

    (When I saw LMV asking if MITM had done more swimming, I thought Crikey! she's swimming as well as walking/shredding and Rosemary, I must have missed that post! lol xx)
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers/Shredders,

    Shred - day 5 done. MITM during today's shred I turned "Her" on and heard the day 5/6/7 comment. I thought "Oh, that's what MITM meant". Was it easier? I'm not sure, but I do think it is doing me good.

    Salsasize - big miss, not enough time. But, I'm aiming for 3 x a week and I've already done 2

    Steps - 10,231 just made it to 10,000. wtd total 32,759

    Still on track!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Thank you BM!!! Well done LMV.

    I've been at work all day and evening and had no time for shredding or salsacising and my only stepping was up and down the staircases carrying heavy potatoes and then crushing them which was like a Jillian exercise, went on and on and on!

    Steps day 5 9,281 = 55,494. Intend to get back on track Sunday don't know if it's possible tomorrow, husband will be cracking the whip!

    LMV hope the dinner party is a success be sure to post the menu - I interested in what you are going to eat!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Great reports here Crackers. Everyone is doing so well. BM, you do get my laughter of the day award for your comment regarding MITM's presumed swimming feats on top of everything else. I laughed out loud. MITM, I did not do any kick boxing with Jillian. Actually, my Jillian is probably less intense than the one you and LMV do. I think the circuits are probably a bit shorter; instead of kick boxing, the one circuit has just boxing moves. That is circuit 4 and I was pleased today to do it; it was however really satisfying and I like it because it is a relief after the first three circuits which all have the cardio moves based on leg work. Today was suddenly very mild and I was able to take Nellie for two walks and get a total of 8137 steps. I did log in yesterday morning for a read but did not post my exercise which was 20 minutes on the bike and 5261 steps. As for heading to the frig, that impulse has been very strong with the stress of the truck incident. I have had some very small indulgences like choosing a fig or dates for dessert which I know is gravitating to the sweeter side of my food list but still I am pleased to have not got badly derailed at the moment- I am under no illusions that it is easily done. I do think the exercise has really helped. And I have often had what other crackers are doing come to mind.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Not quite as nice here as yesterday but still mild enough that I felt there was no good excuse for not going for a walk. I combined that with the treadmill for a total of 8334 steps today.
    Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    edited February 2016
    I had a rubbish weekend for exercise, OH away so I could only walk Harry in the grounds so did not reach 10,000 on either day. Have tried to catch up a bit today, over 11,000 steps already with 2 more walks to go and a good swim of 20 minutes. Just hope I haven't caught the sun again. I usually wear a rash guard but my new ones are on the tight side and the old ones have been thrown. Never mind, because when I am svelte my new ones will slide on and off me easily! Lol xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    You have set a high goal at 10000 steps so don't despair and you look as if you have an ambitious goal for today with already 11000 steps.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I felt rather tired today and was not very ambitious exercise wise. However, it was mild enough that I took Nellie out and with some steps I did while at the bank and an auto dealers, I managed 6068 steps.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    That's a good total Bracken. I think anything over 5000 is good. In fact I have left it as my goal. I always think of it as a win if I reach it and a bonus if I am over xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Sorry for my absence, things have been a bit hectic.
    No shredding over the week-end but did day 6 yesterday
    Forgot to put my pedometer on yesterday so I will have to estimate my steps

    Steps Sat. 7698
    Steps Sun. 8842
    Steps Mon. 10,000 (estimate). 59,299

    Will log in today's progress later.

    Well done to all on the continued effort, especially you in such difficult circumstances Bracken

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hell Crackers/Shredders,

    In a bid to STS after the incident of the cheese and wine I did my best to work hard today. I hadn't done nearly enough steps during the day so this evening I salsasized after I shredded. I was still a little short of the total needed so I decided to do the 15 min one on one with Rosemary which somehow morphed into another 17 min workout which I thought I might as well do too. So,

    Shred - day 7 done
    Salsasize - 30 minute workout, 15 minute workout and 17 minute workout
    Steps - 12,159 week 7 total 71,458

    Weekly objective achieved - yippee

    Next week is going to be a challenge as I will be on the move so much and I'm not sure if I will be able to shred at my parent's house as the only DVD player is n the living room which isn't very conducive to exercise. I will therefore focus on the steps target next week and will make sure I hit 70,000.

    Keep exercising all
  • mummyinthemountains
    I seem to be busy again - keep popping in and catching up on the posts but don't get time to comment... However I wish to close out after completing a week of 'exercise'. So after;-

    4 days shredding
    1 circuit training
    5 salsacising sessions with Rosemary
    90 minutes snow clearing
    2 mini Everest climbs in snow which must burn more calories lifting feet... (husband is home)
    totalling 77,084 steps for the week
    and NO swimming

    I STAYED THE SAME!!!!!!! Obviously I need to add in swimming!

    However on to week 2 and day 2 is already over so

    1 salsacise
    1 shred
    2 more mini Everest climbs not as hard as snow is melting (husband still around)
    so 10,684 steps yesterday and today 15,663 = 26,347

    Good luck LMV for tomorrow. Well done BM/Bracken on your fantastic weight losses! PB did you find your pedometer?
  • mummyinthemountains
    Lovemyveg wrote: »
    Hell Crackers/Shredders,

    Yes LMV 'Hell' did seem appropriate whilst shredding today!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Lovemyveg wrote: »
    Hell Crackers/Shredders,

    Yes LMV 'Hell' did seem appropriate whilst shredding today!

    Lol MITM xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    Day 3

    Steps 15,663 = 42,010

    Whilst working out with Jillian I thought there really should be a non negotiable clause for anybody who participates THEY WILL NO MATTER WHAT LOSE WEIGHT THAT WEEK!
  • mummyinthemountains
    Day 4

    Busy, busy no shredding, no Rosemary and no mountain climbing so happy I'm ahead on the steps because I only did 7,722 today = 49,732
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Spent over 4 hours driving up to Hertfordshire and then on to the funeral, so not a lot of time for exercising or much opportunity to get steps in yesterday. After my parents had gone to bed, I did attempt to do some salsasizing by working out my own routines and doing them to music in my head. Fair play to the husband, he didn't bat an eyelid. However, my parents keep the house at such a hot temperature I really couldn't sustain it for long and shredding would be impossible. My focus will have to be on steps while I am here. Went out for a really long walk across the muddy fields and down into Harpenden today.

    Week 8 day 1 5,833 steps
    Week 8 day 2 14,561 steps. ttd 20,394

    Keep at it Crackers. The hard work will pay dividends to our minds and bodies if we stick with it.

    Well done MITM, you are nearly a day ahead on your steps so plenty of leaway.
