

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken, as an English teacher (you were an English teacher weren't you?) please excuse my superfluous 'g'!!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Lovely walk in the sunshine despite the cold today.

    Week 6 day 5 14,071

    Weekly total 64,926

    Keep stepping

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Yay, back on track with my indoor walking. Hoping to hit at least my 5000 Mon-Fri this week. Feels so good to be active again! If I am only going to be able to exercise 3 weeks out of 4 I had better get on with it lol x So very inspiring to come on this exercise thread and see just how hard everyone is working xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Good to see you back on the exercise thread and sounding full of beans BM. Great positive attitude to make the most of 3 weeks out of 4!

    Well I've done it. I went over to the dark side and did day 1 of the 30 day shred. I'm feeling just a little bit wobbly now, but I did it all. Boy am I out of condition. I was sensible enough to turn the sound down because I know that Jillian always lies about how much there is left to do which irritates me so at least I didn't have to put up with that. In the jumping jacks I could feel all my excess flab moving about, most unpleasant but hopefully there will be less of it after 30 days of this. I really do hate it, but it is only 25 mins out of my day and it does produce results. When I've recovered I think I shall treat myself to a nice warm down session on the sunny side with Rosemary.

    Keep moving Crackers

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Today's exercise tally:

    Shred - day 1 done
    Salsasize - 2nd weekly session done
    Week 6 day 6 11,525 steps. Weekly total 76,451

    Yay, weekly target for steps achieved with a day to spare

    Keep stepping
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    BM, so glad to hear that you are able to exercise again and that you are attacking it with such a positive attitude. LMV, great work. Very inspiring that you took on Jillian despite how you react to her manner. I have thankfully felt quite a lot better today than I have for at least the past three days though not well enough to walk outside. It has moderated from the extremes but is still in the -6C range. I did get on the treadmill for about 23 minutes for 2771 steps ( no great speed that) and later I put my Jillian DVD on and did the warmup and one circuit. LMV, I could not say it better than you have, "Boy, am I out of condition." The warmup felt like a session itself! And I would make no great claims for my form in some of the moves but still I could feel my heart rate going up and I was moving so still worthwhile.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Day 1

    Banish Fat - 3 circuits
    Shred - level 1
    Salsacise - 15 minute session
    Steps - 14,685

    LMV/Bracken - I didn't intend to do 2 sessions of Jillian!! I was in the middle of my kick boxing session which I just love when I remembered I was meant to be doing the Shred today! So I put on the Shred straight after... Oh I still really hate push ups but I am so much fitter that the cardio doesn't kill me anymore and on that very final exercise when she says 5 more would that be the bit LMV you dislike so much, normally I am near collapsing at that stage but it didn't happen I kept going?! I do remember the first time we ever did the Shred and the day after I couldn't walk down the stairs or sit down without nearly crying and I was thinking each time the exercise called for 'sitting' position will my thighs be throbbing tomorrow? Well not long now until tomorrow....
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    How are the thighs MITM. I have no ill effects after yesterday, so unlike the first time we did it. I can however feel that there is something under the jelly belly - could it be my absent stomach muscles complaining a little? Actually it isn't the ab sections I dislike I can usually cope with those it's comments she makes during the first section of each circuit. I've turned her off so I can't recall exactly which bits now, I much prefer it without her commentary.

    Day 2 of the shred done

    Bracken - brilliant work!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Been a busy day and out at cookery this evening so didn't manage to get a long walk in.

    Shred - day 2 done
    Salsasize - 3rd weekly session done
    Week 6 day 7 steps - 7,955. Weekly total 84,406

    Feeling OK, despite the Shred!

    Keep stepping

  • mummyinthemountains
    Very relieved LMV to wake up this morning and be able to kick the duvet off! Yes thighs were fine in fact everything in working order. Wasn't until I started day 2 of the shred and picked up my weights that I was aware of the 'burn' across my chest from that one exercise. Still not really surprising as I've done no weight exercises for weeks, months actually could be a year!!

    Day 2

    Steps 11,203 = 25,888
  • mummyinthemountains
    LMV - we just crossed posts! Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I did some steps today by going to a mall and walking before my Dr. appointment. When I returned home, the snowplough had completely filled in my laneway with wet heavy snow. I did manage to shovel it out so I could park - and got some exercise I think. However, the shovelling probably skewed my Fitbit step numbers which came in at over 8000. However, I think it would be closer to 6500. Still not a bad day.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I have dropped my fitbit and the screen has been blank, however it seems to have healed itself and is working again! I am assuming my week starts on a Sunday with it (always thought it was a Tuesday) and I have only just found it it adds each days total for you so.....

    Sunday 2,804
    Monday 12,513
    Tuesday 13,403

    Total so far 28,878

    I don't think I will be doing my walking DVD today as my knee is a bit troublesome, I am hoping to do some swimming instead later if the predicted storms hold off.

    (I am also going to buy a new spare fitbit in the UK) the panic when I dropped it and had a blank screen was unbelievable!)

    I am so impressed with all the exercise and step amounts on here. Also Bracken, as you said to me..... all the steps count so own your 8000 :)
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I understand your Fitbit panic, BM. Last June my first one suddenly gave out and I was distressed because it was more than 30 days since I had bought it so a return to the store seemed unlikely and to get a replacement under warrantee meant sending it away. I did take it to the store however and was amazed when the salesperson exchanged it- all within about two minutes. A second one while your can buy it in England sounds like a great idea. BM, you are doing brilliantly with your walking and now I see you've done swimming too. MITM and LMV, you are almost making me itch to do Jillian with your fabulous efforts. Today I did my basic walking at 5209 steps and 20 minutes on the exercise bike which I can definitely feel. Oh and yet a bit more snow shovelling. Today the snow that fell was wet and heavy. It is also very cold out. I think I'm through exercising for the day as I need to engage the brain in preparation for my upcoming Writer's Group meeting.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Glad to hear you have no ill effects after a quadruple Jillian session MITM.

    Bracken your 8000 step total definitely counts and shovelling snow is much harder than walking so every one of those steps is well-earned. You want to get rid of that Jillian itch as quickly as you can, only MITM is mad enough to enjoy this stuff.

    Brilliant step totals BM, well done and swimming as well!

    Shred - day 3 (is it only day 3?) done
    Salsasize - session 1 week 7
    Steps - 11,327

    Keep exercising everyone

  • mummyinthemountains
    Day 3

    Steps 9133 = 35,021
    Snow Clearing 90+ minutes

    Bracken if your snow clearing was anything like mine, you deserve every step your Fitbit registered.... I'd completely forgotten after a winter with no 'real snowfall' how totally knackering and exhausting digging a pathway out is!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    We crossed again MITM!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Shred done. I put the audio on today.........I've worked out why I get annoyed with her. She doesn't know what "a couple" means. On more than one occasion she says "Just a couple more" so I do two more and stop and then she says "Five more". I really don't like that! And then she casually comments "Abs are tight"..............of course they are!!

    Right, little bit of sunshine so the husband and I are going to make the most of it and get a walk in.

    See you all later

  • mummyinthemountains
    Just about to start work so quick pop in to report

    Day 4

    Shredded - tomorrow is day 5 LMV so our stamina we should be about to see the difference!!
    Steps 11,192 = 46,213

    Beautiful day today have made the most of it as I believe there is more snow on the way this weekend sob!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Today- 5348 steps nearly all ground out on the treadmill so a bit of a triumph. Also worked at Jillian- warmup and three circuits. Am feeling it!