

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Busy long weekend working very hard - fingers looking very thin! Rained all day yesterday hard so was spared my Sunday walk with the husband and then today we had a power cut in the evening just as I was about to salsacise! However I have managed to do 9931 steps walking around the house.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Good work, MIT. So far today I have only done a little over 3100 steps with Nellie but hope to do more later though the weather is very cool, basically cold, today and it looks like rain. I have a birthday celebration for my niece in the pm too. I have just started lunging my horse to get him back in shape after the long winter layoff and want to get to the stable today also.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Bracken - I was only wondering yesterday if you were back on your horse again yet. The temperature has dropped dramatically again here so for my walk today I had to get back out my cords to wear, the good news they are loose once more on the thighs hurrah! Managed 8091 steps.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Managed 10,000 steps for the first time in yonks yesterday. When my Fitbit started vibrating I wondered what was happening. It's so long since I hit my goal I'd forgotten about the Fitbit celebration. I didn't get out for a walk yesterday but clearly did more steps in my usual pottering than normal.

    I've been sticking with Rosemary and have done three workouts so far this week. It's getting easier already.

    I see that Davina has a new DVD coming out on Boxing Day which is a 30 day fat burn. It's probably akin to Jillian's 30 day shred but I think I will treat myself to it as I don't care for Jillian very much as you know. I think completing it will be my project for January.

    Keep exercising

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Have just checked this exercise thread, LMV. That was a great start; hope you are progressing well and perhaps got that video and will review it for us.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Just wanted to log the fact that I did a max this morning, warm up, section 1 and cool down. I think it's definitely more aerobic than you realise when you are doing it given how much I break into a sweat. Unfortunately for a delivery man he knocked at the door mid way through my session and my husband was in the middle of a phone call so I and my puce coloured face had to answer the door - poor chap, he must have thought I was still dressed up for Halloween!

    Keep maxing
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers,

    Oh LMV how very amusing! I too have done a max today, I did section 3. Have you looked at the bonus yet?! The only part of me that I have not measured is my arms which I'm thinking I should do, as the warm up involves a lot of arm swinging which I'm hoping is doing something to improve them whilst warming me up. I have the chimney sweep coming tomorrow but when he will turn up who knows but I am not maxing until he has been! Over 25 years ago, we were boarding in a house, we had a flat within and I was doing a work out in my Jane Fonda styled outfit, when the postman just walked straight into the living room, with me with my legs in the air - Austrians just walk in without knocking! They get quite a shock when they discover I've locked the front door here since my Mother-in-law died!

    Steps just 8,731 no walking and definitely no leave raking!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Just checking in to confirm that I have maxed this morning. Did section 2 today supposedly concentrating on the waist. Still feels more like a cardio workout to me. As the weather is colder the underfloor heating has kicked in. Had to open the French windows to let some cool air. There was no ladylike glowing here, just horse like sweating!

    That's workout 2 for this week so I've left it until the last minute but as long as I do one tomorrow that will be my three for the week. I plan to get a walk in later this afternoon and I am determined to get my 10,000 steps in today and tomorrow before weighing in!

    Keep maxing!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Morning Crackers,

    LMV - I too have maxed tonight. I waited until the heating had gone off! That was my first for this week, section 1. Depending how much snow I have to shovel tomorrow, I hoping to max again as I'm not walking with my friend.

    Bracken - have you got an exercise plan that you intend to do over the winter months?

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I have maxed this morning. It was pouring with rain, really wet rain if that doesn't sound daft so it didn't look like I would get a walk in today so I bit the bullet and did the whole max, all three sections with the warm up and cool down. Knackered.com.

    As a result I am three quarters of the way to my 10,000 step target so I should make it by the end of today.

    Steps yesterday 11,240

    Keep maxing

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Max is done for the day. I just did the cardio Max this morning.

    Steps yesterday 10,780.

    Steps for last week 62,509. I didn't quite make my target but still moving a lot more than I was a month ago! I did have one extremely lazy day when I didn't even manage 2,000 steps. Shame on me. I got a lot of knitting done though.

    Keep maxing.

  • mummyinthemountains
    Just realised looking at this I have done my 3 max sessions for this week. Yay!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    I have maxed this afternoon and done my rehab on the bike. The physio has started me very slow on the bike - 5 mins low resistance for 3 days, then up the resistance for a couple of days, then increase to 10 mins etc, etc until I get up to 30 mins. This will apparently work wonders for my knee which is much improved anyway. I didn't want you to credit me with a long arduous session on the bike!

    It will be another form of exercise to the dvd's and walking through the winter months which is good. Even though you've done your 3 maxes for the week I hope you've done another one today MITM. I feel better for working out. When does your exercise week run from? Mine's Wednesday to Tuesday and I've only done two so far this week - very lazy Thurs - Sat!

    I had to charge my Fitbit up again today so the steps I did going out to the shops haven't been included. I might add 1,000 on to my total for today.

    Keep maxing, you know it gets results.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I have biked and maxed this morning so have done my three maxes for the week. My steps yesterday were 6867, but I wasn't wearing my Fitbit in the morning so I reckon I did at least 1,000 more but would still have been short of my 10,000.

    Must do better. On that note, I'm off for a walk!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    It was a beautiful day so we went out for a lovely walk around Swansea Bay.

    Steps 20,263

    That's a bit better

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Knee rehab on bike done.
    Max done

    Feeling motivated again after a lax week-end.

  • mummyinthemountains
    Lovemyveg wrote: »
    It was a beautiful day so we went out for a lovely walk around Swansea Bay.

    Steps 20,263

    That's a bit better


    WOW!!!!! A bit better - fantastic!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Weekly steps 72,580 without adding any extra on for the morning when I had to charge it. Delighted to actually hit my 70,000 target for the week and do three maxes.

    Feeling chuffed!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Got up and maxed first thing and decided to do squat to the max for a change. I then did my five minutes on the bike - up to resistance level 6 now. Boy could I feel it in my legs on the bike after all the squatting!

    Max1 for the week done and dusted.

    Have a good day

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers,

    Just to quickly report in, I have maxed so that is my 3 for the week done and I have walked with the friend 13,753 steps in total which is just as well I'm over, as I've a busy 'work' day tomorrow and no walking time.

    Well done LMV - is the husband doing his bit on the bike too?

    Be good Crackers!