Hourglass figure after weight loss - but I'm a dude :(



  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Oh ok. For squats and DL it's 50% of the heavy triples he had me do this past week. The incline presses are new, and I think the idea is to get my upper body strength to match my lower, also to help my shoulder, which he's got me doing accessories to help. My heavy triple BP was 2x90 kg, with a 5x5 at 70

    I hope I explained it right, AIS?

    Sounds good, right? Or are you guys still concerned?
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Ok, since there's no response I'm just going to start the program as is when I hit the gym later today. Then we'll see what the result is ;)
  • Christina9876
    Christina9876 Posts: 3 Member
    This thread is just too much fun to follow - I joined this group just so I could say, go you! This is inspiring!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    My apologies for not responding, I've been away with family for the holidays.

    I had the weights set at 50% of his assessment max, with the intent of increasing every time he hit reps at the weight.

    I will be sending Sara, SS PMs to discuss more so that hopefully we can have a more unified front on how to beat up and starve grgmrtn
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I will be sending Sara, SS PMs to discuss more so that hopefully we can have a more unified front on how to beat up and starve grgmrtn

  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Just a quick update on the weight program - today I did day three. Tomorrow's the last day of week 1.

    I've hit all my reps. Every one of them.
    I upped the program's weight on the incline barbell bench yesterday (40 kg not 30) and the front squats (40 kg not 20). Can't have people pointing and laughing ;) I LOVE FRONT SQUATS!!!!

    So - the program, + 10 min cardio warmup, plus about 150 push-ups, 100 scaptions and 100 external rotations (5x20), and all the pull-ups I can do (I'm only at 1-2 unassisted, but I do several throughout the day), + about 20 km mountain biking per day (in 2 increments - I take the forest route to the train station and back to get to/from work).

    I'm WRECKED. I came close to puking today. I hurt in muscles that can NOT be found in Grey's Anatomy. My belly button lint hurts.

    I can't move. I'm stuck on the toilet. Yes, I'm writing this from my phone.

    I'm thinking of just falling asleep here at some point, and hoping I wake up on the floor, so I can roll somewhere and MAYBE pull myself into a standing position. Or crawl. THEN we'll think about getting to work in the morning.

    And you know what?

    I FRIKKEN LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No idea if it's a good program. No idea if it's helping me maintain lean body mass and lose fat. No idea. Don't care. Love it. Hurt. But love it so far.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    LOVE this post. Kickin' *kitten*!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Just a quick update on the weight program - today I did day three. Tomorrow's the last day of week 1.

    I've hit all my reps. Every one of them.
    I upped the program's weight on the incline barbell bench yesterday (40 kg not 30) and the front squats (40 kg not 20). Can't have people pointing and laughing ;) I LOVE FRONT SQUATS!!!!

    So - the program, + 10 min cardio warmup, plus about 150 push-ups, 100 scaptions and 100 external rotations (5x20), and all the pull-ups I can do (I'm only at 1-2 unassisted, but I do several throughout the day), + about 20 km mountain biking per day (in 2 increments - I take the forest route to the train station and back to get to/from work).

    I'm WRECKED. I came close to puking today. I hurt in muscles that can NOT be found in Grey's Anatomy. My belly button lint hurts.

    I can't move. I'm stuck on the toilet. Yes, I'm writing this from my phone.

    I'm thinking of just falling asleep here at some point, and hoping I wake up on the floor, so I can roll somewhere and MAYBE pull myself into a standing position. Or crawl. THEN we'll think about getting to work in the morning.

    And you know what?

    I FRIKKEN LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No idea if it's a good program. No idea if it's helping me maintain lean body mass and lose fat. No idea. Don't care. Love it. Hurt. But love it so far.

    It's a good program man, just be careful about piling weight on so quick or you'll burn out.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    It's a good program man, just be careful about piling weight on so quick or you'll burn out.

    I'll be a good boy, promise. I've got an expert that I report my progress to almost daily, I'm sure he'll keep me in check :glasses:

    Will post an update here tomorrow.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    Weight August 27, 2013: 93.0 kg (205 lbs)
    Weight Sept. 10. 2013: 94.4 kg (208 lbs)

    In the pic I did something I hadn't dared to before. Dunno if it's visible, but I didn't pull my shorts up around my ears this time - so the hanging skin under my navel is fully visible. Took time to get the guts to do that one. On the other hand, it makes my love handles more visible too lol. Other than that, not sure there's much difference?? My SO says there is, so... ;)

    Yeah, gained weight. It's not because of diet, that's for sure. Was on point with calories, almost there with macros (except during the weekend, where carbs took over, but still staying within my calories).

    The lifting program is going GREAT - upped my lifts yesterday, but it's only week 2 so we'll see ;)

    Wondering if the DOMS will EVER go away, but learning to love THEM too!

    P.s. Did ya see my VEINS? Did ya? :D
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Your legs make me drool. Sounds like you're doing great!!! Hope you're still enjoying your lifting program, and glad you're not dead. :wink:
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Your legs make me drool. Sounds like you're doing great!!! Hope you're still enjoying your lifting program, and glad you're not dead. :wink:

    Thanks auddii - you're always great with keeping me motivated - and it's nice to know someone's still watching this thread ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You are doing great. The weight gain is probably from the change in lifting routine. Lets give it a week or two to settle and then reassess.
  • So my favorite part about the new post?

    The fact that you had the confidence to not pull your shorts up to your ears (sorry I have to giggle :laugh: ) because THAT.....gaining THAT confidence? My friend, THIS is when the magic starts to happen! :bigsmile:

    Great work! And have a hot bath in some Epsom salts....that way you'll be read to kill it again next workout!

    Looking great buddy! Keep it up!
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    Weight Sept. 10. 2013: 94.4 kg (208 lbs)
    Weight Sept. 24 2013: 93.5 kg (206 lbs)

    Ok so I'm almost back to the weight I was at (93.0 kg) the beginning of my new program.

    In the side pic I know there's bad posture, it was 5.30 am - sue me ;)

    Also in the side pic, that's not fat on my tummy, it's skin. I tried to tuck it in, but it was an uphill battle today :( - am I EVER gonna get rid of that junk???

    Other than that - I'll leave it up to y'all to tell me if there's results this time. I THINK there is, but not sure anymore. I probably look at myself too much hehe.

    Food: Had two "bad" days this week - meaning: I ate within my calories, but didn't look at the macros. My way of cheating meant eating my calories in carbs since the world was a jerk. I WANTED to eat several bakery inventories, but didn't ;)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    look at the change in upper arm definition over that range of photos!

    also, either you put bleach in your wash, or you've changed your shorts (this is spot the difference, isn't it?!) :)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    look at the change in upper arm definition over that range of photos!

    also, either you put bleach in your wash, or you've changed your shorts (this is spot the difference, isn't it?!) :)

    LOL - the red ones were on sale, so I have about 100 pairs. I have 2 pairs of the grey ;)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    I noticed the upper arm change too, but Lydia did a great job spotting the shorts change, I missed that one! All your hard work is paying off. I don't think you have an hourglass figure anymore!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    There's definitely a difference!! You look deflated (this is GOOD!!!). There's less fat under the skin, and while the loose skin is annoying, there's less fat keeping it firm. It will firm up eventually, plus at some point when you've cut down enough you can do a bulk, eat all the foods, and flesh out some of that skin with huge muscles. :laugh:

    You're doing fantastic, and definitely keep it up!

    And did I say your arms... :love: