Hourglass figure after weight loss - but I'm a dude :(



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    definitely a difference from last time, your ribs are showing, and you have a smooth line at the top of your shorts, nothing bulging! great going :)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    definitely a difference from last time, your ribs are showing, and you have a smooth line at the top of your shorts, nothing bulging! great going :)

    Thanks :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I agree that there is a difference :) The thing now is that you are getting to the point where the "difference" is hard to pinpoint to specific areas....more like you just look smaller, more compact if you will :laugh: But yeah, everything is looking smoother and much more lean :happy:

    Great work sir!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Is it me or am I starting to look scrawny? When do I get pecs? :laugh:
    There's a definite difference, and I don't think you're looking scrawny. But, your're eating at a deficit, so you aren't going to be adding muscle mass. From what I understand you can get stronger and you can increase the size of the muscle fibers you already have, but you can't add muscle fibers without eating at a surplus.

    If you want to be big, you'll probably need to cycle through bulk and cut cycles. I have a feeling Sara and Patrick can help you with when that would be appropriate, but I think they still want you on a cut for now.

    It's a process, and you're doing great. It's a long journey, and getting to where you want is step z. Right now, you're at step f or g. You've made progress, but you are still early in the process. Don't get discouraged because you don't have the six pack or pecks that rival bodybuilders. It's coming, but you can't rush it.

    Keep going, you're doing great!!
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Whenever I look at this post, I get the urge to do a handstand.. although I haven't ever done one before lol

    Great update, keep up the amazing work! (you should post a before and now photo for your devoted followers!! :flowerforyou: )
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Whenever I look at this post, I get the urge to do a handstand.. although I haven't ever done one before lol

    Great update, keep up the amazing work! (you should post a before and now photo for your devoted followers!! :flowerforyou: )

    Haha good idea - I'll try and get a couple pics to match my before pics tomorrow evening ;)

    Thanks for being a devoted follower. Send money lol
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    Nice job! You can really see a difference. As someone said you won't gain mass but as your bf% goes down your muscles will look more defined.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Bumping, hoping SS and Sara notice I've updated...
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    *listens to the crickets*
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry for the delay - one of us will respond soon.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    This is the lifting program I'm setting Greg up with. Particularly over the next 6 weeks it's going to be pretty rough so don't cut his cals too much Sara and SS! ;)

    Week 1 - 6 Volume
    Workout 1 - Squat
    Squat 10x10 (Start at 60kg)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x10
    Good Morning 3x20, Reverse Lunges 3x20

    Workout 2 - Incline Press
    Incline Press 10x10 (Start at 30kg)
    Pendlay Row 3x20
    Rolling DB Tricep Extensions 3x20

    Workout 3 - Deadlift
    Deadlift 10x10 (Start at 70kg)
    Front Squat 3x10
    Good Morning 3x20, Reverse Lunges 3x20

    Workout 4 - Incline Press
    DB Incline Press 10x10 (Start with 10kg DBs)
    Lat Pulldowns 3x20
    Kroc Rows 3x20

    Week 7 - 12 Peaking
    Workout 1 - Squat
    Squat Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x10
    Good Morning 3x15, Reverse Lunges 3x15

    Workout 2 - Incline Press
    Incline Press Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Pendlay Row 3x10
    Rolling DB Tricep Extensions 3x15

    Workout 3 - Deadlift
    Deadlift Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Front Squat 3x10
    Good Morning 3x15, Reverse Lunges 3x15

    Workout 4 - Incline Press
    DB Incline Press 10x10
    Lat Pulldowns 3x10
    Kroc Rows 3x15

    Week 13-14 Deload

    Week 15 Assessment

    Week 16 Off

    Modified 5/3/1 is a 6 week cycle where you run 5s, 3s and 1s week twice in a row using the same weight, and your second time around the goal is to beat your previous max rep attempts.

    Every time he makes reps on any of the exercises (except the 5/3/1 workouts) he'll be increasing weight.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    This is the lifting program I'm setting Greg up with. Particularly over the next 6 weeks it's going to be pretty rough so don't cut his cals too much Sara and SS! ;)

    You forgot to mention the pushups, pullups, external rotations, and scaptions as well as cardio you've got me doing on the side ;)

    Seriously, these next weeks are going to be EPIC!!!!
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Total transformation and amazing dedication. :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This is the lifting program I'm setting Greg up with. Particularly over the next 6 weeks it's going to be pretty rough so don't cut his cals too much Sara and SS! ;)

    Lawdy, I am glad you did not write my routine, I would be a whiny bish (more of one than I am now) on that :tongue: You do realize that the poor guy is cutting? =)

    Serious question...is the weight on the bar for the main compounds being reset downwards?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This is the lifting program I'm setting Greg up with. Particularly over the next 6 weeks it's going to be pretty rough so don't cut his cals too much Sara and SS! ;)

    Week 1 - 6 Volume
    Workout 1 - Squat
    Squat 10x10 (Start at 60kg)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x10
    Good Morning 3x20, Reverse Lunges 3x20

    Workout 2 - Incline Press
    Incline Press 10x10 (Start at 30kg)
    Pendlay Row 3x20
    Rolling DB Tricep Extensions 3x20

    Workout 3 - Deadlift
    Deadlift 10x10 (Start at 70kg)
    Front Squat 3x10
    Good Morning 3x20, Reverse Lunges 3x20

    Workout 4 - Incline Press
    DB Incline Press 10x10 (Start with 10kg DBs)
    Lat Pulldowns 3x20
    Kroc Rows 3x20

    Week 7 - 12 Peaking
    Workout 1 - Squat
    Squat Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x10
    Good Morning 3x15, Reverse Lunges 3x15

    Workout 2 - Incline Press
    Incline Press Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Pendlay Row 3x10
    Rolling DB Tricep Extensions 3x15

    Workout 3 - Deadlift
    Deadlift Modified 5/3/1 (Start at double 10x10 Weight)
    Front Squat 3x10
    Good Morning 3x15, Reverse Lunges 3x15

    Workout 4 - Incline Press
    DB Incline Press 10x10
    Lat Pulldowns 3x10
    Kroc Rows 3x15

    Week 13-14 Deload

    Week 15 Assessment

    Week 16 Off

    Modified 5/3/1 is a 6 week cycle where you run 5s, 3s and 1s week twice in a row using the same weight, and your second time around the goal is to beat your previous max rep attempts.

    Every time he makes reps on any of the exercises (except the 5/3/1 workouts) he'll be increasing weight.

    In my opinion there's a potential issue in that this amount of volume is going to require him to reduce loading significantly on those 10x10 weeks. Generally that's not a good idea during a caloric deficit, IMO.

    Given this situation I would either choose a lower volume training program or I'd bring calories up. And the problem with bringing calories up is that it doesn't jive well with the goal of fat loss.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Leave intake as is for the next week please.

    Please make strong efforts this week to track as accurately as possible and update us in 1 week.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I'm gonna let ArroganceInStep respond about the program, and just say that I'll give an update in a week as usual.

    Sara: "reset downwards"?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'm gonna let ArroganceInStep respond about the program, and just say that I'll give an update in a week as usual.

    Sara: "reset downwards"?

    She's referring to this: the weight on the bar that you would use for 10x10 will have to be much lower than the weight you were previously using for your work sets.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Oh ok. For squats and DL it's 50% of the heavy triples he had me do this past week. The incline presses are new, and I think the idea is to get my upper body strength to match my lower, also to help my shoulder, which he's got me doing accessories to help. My heavy triple BP was 2x90 kg, with a 5x5 at 70