Hourglass figure after weight loss - but I'm a dude :(



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Ok, not my official weigh-in day, but it's been a month since I got my BF measured and I got curious - here's a comparison

    May 21
    Weight: 100.5 kg (at 4 pm)
    BMI: 28.1
    Fat %: 19.8%
    Fat mass: 19.9 kg
    Lean mass: 80.6 kg
    Total body water: 59.0 kg

    June 20
    Weight: 96.8 kg (at 5 pm) (-3.7)
    BMI: 27.1 (-1.0)
    Fat %: 16.7 % (-3.1%)
    Fat mass: 16.2 (-3.7)
    Lean mass: 80.7 (+0.1)
    Total body water: 59.1 (+0.1)

    Only added 100 grams of muscle, but I suppose that I should just be happy that I only lost fat :) - seeing these results got me pretty happy, helped out my workout today a bit :D

    Come on, man. Drop the "only." You achieved what few people can manage. You dropped fat and maintained (even grew) muscle mass. Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.

    This ^^^^^^!!!!! You are doing great!
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Weight June 18, 2013: 96.8 kg (213.4 lbs)
    Weight June 25, 2013: 95.8 kg (211.2 lbs)

    Not seen on the pic (it's under the waistband ;) ), tummy skin is definitely getting wrinkly. I guess that means I'm losing the fat from the right PLACE. Trying not to get too worried about it, even though it probably means I'll never get the 6-pack (?) - we'll just call it battle wounds from a former life now long forgotten :)

    Been at 1800 calories all week. Sometimes tough to get there, but easy enough to add a few carbs where there were next to none previously. AND I'm allowing myself to eat the TONS of lean meat I've been craving since I started lifting ;)

    In the gym I haven't progressed that much this week - I've been working on perfect form, and for that I'm REALLY happy. I may not be moving the weight like before, but it's feeling GREAT. Now, where are those pecs?? :D

    ps excuse the grumpy face. I'm NOT a grumpy guy, but it's 5 am when I take those pics and I'm only human ;)

  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Dude! Holy crap! What a change! :drinker:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Weight June 18, 2013: 96.8 kg (213.4 lbs)
    Weight June 25, 2013: 95.8 kg (211.2 lbs)

    Not seen on the pic (it's under the waistband ;) ), tummy skin is definitely getting wrinkly. I guess that means I'm losing the fat from the right PLACE. Trying not to get too worried about it, even though it probably means I'll never get the 6-pack (?) - we'll just call it battle wounds from a former life now long forgotten :)

    Been at 1800 calories all week. Sometimes tough to get there, but easy enough to add a few carbs where there were next to none previously. AND I'm allowing myself to eat the TONS of lean meat I've been craving since I started lifting ;)

    Please increase calories to 1900 and report back in 1 week. Great work so far.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Please increase calories to 1900 and report back in 1 week. Great work so far.

    Will do.

    Just wanted to say thanks again for this - Seriously, I have a four page thread devoted to ME - how lucky can a guy get? :D
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great work! You are doing so well and have totally come so far since you started this thread! I bet you must feel so much better too :happy:

    Also, working on form for your lifts is super important, so good on you for focusing on that for a bit!

  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Great work! You are doing so well and have totally come so far since you started this thread! I bet you must feel so much better too :happy:

    Also, working on form for your lifts is super important, so good on you for focusing on that for a bit!


    VegasBaby you're awesome! Thanks for the great words or encouragement - I thought of you before my lift today and it gave me the courage to film it, so gonna put it up for critique - THANKS :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Great work! You are doing so well and have totally come so far since you started this thread! I bet you must feel so much better too :happy:

    Also, working on form for your lifts is super important, so good on you for focusing on that for a bit!


    VegasBaby you're awesome! Thanks for the great words or encouragement - I thought of you before my lift today and it gave me the courage to film it, so gonna put it up for critique - THANKS :)

    Awww! That's so awesome! I'm glad I was able to help :smile:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Tagging to make it easier to stalk your progress. :laugh:

    Congrats on your progress so far!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Your progress is really noticeable in those pics, well done and great commitment. And post those vids, form is so essential, and we're nice really :)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks guys :) - posted my DL


    Getting great feedback, even though there's a million things I'm doing wrong lol - but it's a learning process ;)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Thanks guys :) - posted my DL


    Getting great feedback, even though there's a million things I'm doing wrong lol - but it's a learning process ;)

    It's definitely a learning process, but your willing to learn and you're out there doing it. That's the important part. And you've found a great resource here, and the tips that you've received on your form seem like great advice.

    My huge problem is with squats. I feel like there are a million ways to do it wrong, and when you fix one thing, you find something new you're doing wrong. You go to fix that one, then you stop thinking about the first one, and it goes to crap again. *sigh*. We're all right there with you. :smile:
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    This is awesome. You may have been a little concerned about the (in your mind -- unorthodox) approach, but it's working like a charm. Keep it up!
  • ps excuse the grumpy face. I'm NOT a grumpy guy, but it's 5 am when I take those pics and I'm only human ;)


    I dunno... I'm seeing a little Hugh Jackman/Wolverine in your face. Apropos for the transformation you're making.

    Nice to see that not starving yourself really does work. :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Weight June 18, 2013: 96.8 kg (213.4 lbs)
    Weight June 25, 2013: 95.8 kg (211.2 lbs)

    Not seen on the pic (it's under the waistband ;) ), tummy skin is definitely getting wrinkly. I guess that means I'm losing the fat from the right PLACE. Trying not to get too worried about it, even though it probably means I'll never get the 6-pack (?) - we'll just call it battle wounds from a former life now long forgotten :)

    Been at 1800 calories all week. Sometimes tough to get there, but easy enough to add a few carbs where there were next to none previously. AND I'm allowing myself to eat the TONS of lean meat I've been craving since I started lifting ;)

    In the gym I haven't progressed that much this week - I've been working on perfect form, and for that I'm REALLY happy. I may not be moving the weight like before, but it's feeling GREAT. Now, where are those pecs?? :D

    ps excuse the grumpy face. I'm NOT a grumpy guy, but it's 5 am when I take those pics and I'm only human ;)


    Man your progress is very noticeable week to week.

    You also look noticeably angrier as the weeks go by ;)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    Weight June 25, 2013: 95.8 kg (211.2 lbs)
    Weight July 2, 2013: 96.3 kg (212.3 lbs)


    Ok, just kidding. A little. I'm thinking that after I got to work today my weight went back down to 95.8 - don't ask how, really.
    I dunno... I'm seeing a little Hugh Jackman/Wolverine in your face. Apropos for the transformation you're making.
    I love you. No, really.
    Man your progress is very noticeable week to week.

    You also look noticeably angrier as the weeks go by ;)
    It's 5 am. 'Nuf said ;)

    It was a good week for the most part - I ate my 1900 calories except for Sat. and Sun. where I only got in about 1500-1600. No excuses, I kinda just thought I was eating more, but the numbers didn't add up at the end of the day.

    Workouts - well I deloaded on the big ones, then built back up again during the same workout. That means I changed the routine a bit, even though I ended on the big weights - I just needed to double-check my working weights. I'm back on track this week.

    I DID bike less last week - it was rainy and cold, so instead of my usual 25-30 km per day, most of that in the forest, I only got about 10-12 in, and nothing on Friday.

    As far as the pics, not sure I can see SO much of a difference this week, other than the fact that I'm REALLY tired at 5am so completely pissed off at the world ;)

    I keep wondering if there's anything else I need to be doing with my workout?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I think you're looking great! It's always hard for us to see the differences in our own pictures, but I see a difference. (And sometimes there just isn't going to be a huge change week to week anyways.) The top of your stomach (right below your rib cage) has pulled in some, and I think you're slimming down, even if your weight didn't decrease.

    Keep up the great work!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Using last week as an example (even though it was not as much as prior weeks), how many hours of cardio type activity (biking, running, rowing etc) did you do last week?
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Using last week as an example (even though it was not as much as prior weeks), how many hours of cardio type activity (biking, running, rowing etc) did you do last week?

    I logged 11 hours of exercise last week. I think it's safe to say that my weight training usually takes me about 1 hour 4x/week, which would mean 7 hours of cardio for the week.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    You're doing so great! I hope when I post my next set of pictures, I'll have similar results. Keep up the good work!