Hourglass figure after weight loss - but I'm a dude :(



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Right now I'm doing weight training 2x per week, body weight on the third "weight" day (I can't get to the gym 3x per week with a day in between, so the third weight workout is only body weight). On my lifting days, I warm up with 5 km on the rowing machine, full resistance, then it's squats (45 kg today), overhead presses (30 kg), bent-over barbell rows (25 kg), dumbell presses (18 kg per hand), 3 sets of 10 each. Yeah, I'm a lightweight still ;)

    I haven't graduated to deadlifts - couldn't get an appointment with a trainer for the next 2 months, so I'm thinking of getting friendly with the big guys while they're doing them, and maybe one of them can show me proper form.

    On all the other days, it's cardio. I run on the treadmill (I know, it's better outside, but I'm a WHINER, and the treadmill keeps me from making the "it's too cold, or windy, or hot, or rainy" excuses), anywhere between 7.5 - 10 km, running speed pyramids or intervals between 10.9 (my normal speed) and 17 kph. Sometimes I push myself a bit and try sprints at 22 kph, but they kinda kick my butt after 60 seconds ;)

    What parts of your training program do you like and which do you dislike? How much would you be willing to alter your current plan? Do you enjoy lifting weights?

    What's your bodyweight day look like? You said nerdfitness, are you doing one of the listed workouts?

    One thing to mention, 5k rowing is quite a bit, I'm assuming that's 20 minutes plus (if it's under that you're pushing pretty hard). Might want to limit rowing to time rather than distance and keep it short, 5 to 10 minutes. Then hit it for more after your session if you still want to go.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    What parts of your training program do you like and which do you dislike? How much would you be willing to alter your current plan? Do you enjoy lifting weights?

    What's your bodyweight day look like? You said nerdfitness, are you doing one of the listed workouts?

    One thing to mention, 5k rowing is quite a bit, I'm assuming that's 20 minutes plus (if it's under that you're pushing pretty hard). Might want to limit rowing to time rather than distance and keep it short, 5 to 10 minutes. Then hit it for more after your session if you still want to go.

    Actually I kinda love all of it - LOVE running, although I have no desire to become a marathon man - it's the feeling after the run that I like, the "high", and that I've accomplished something. I look forward to my run all day.

    I also LOVE the weights, being able to put more weight on than last time is also great for that sense of accomplishment. It's just a little bummer that I'm not that GOOD at it yet, but time will help that.

    My bodyweight day looks like I posted earlier.
    On my lifting days, I warm up with 5 km on the rowing machine, full resistance, then it's squats (45 kg today), overhead presses (30 kg), bent-over barbell rows (25 kg), dumbell presses (18 kg per hand), 3 sets of 10 each. Yeah, I'm a lightweight still ;)

    I used the beginners routine from http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/10/11/the-beginners-guide-to-building-muscle-and-strength/ and added a bit because... well I tend to do extra.

    Like the rowing. It took me about 22 minutes, and the last km was a biotch, but I love that push just a bit beyond what's comfy for me! I'd consider "sprints", but... haven't figured out how to do that on the rowing machine yet...
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    What parts of your training program do you like and which do you dislike? How much would you be willing to alter your current plan? Do you enjoy lifting weights?

    What's your bodyweight day look like? You said nerdfitness, are you doing one of the listed workouts?

    One thing to mention, 5k rowing is quite a bit, I'm assuming that's 20 minutes plus (if it's under that you're pushing pretty hard). Might want to limit rowing to time rather than distance and keep it short, 5 to 10 minutes. Then hit it for more after your session if you still want to go.

    Actually I kinda love all of it - LOVE running, although I have no desire to become a marathon man - it's the feeling after the run that I like, the "high", and that I've accomplished something. I look forward to my run all day.

    I also LOVE the weights, being able to put more weight on than last time is also great for that sense of accomplishment. It's just a little bummer that I'm not that GOOD at it yet, but time will help that.

    My bodyweight day looks like I posted earlier.
    On my lifting days, I warm up with 5 km on the rowing machine, full resistance, then it's squats (45 kg today), overhead presses (30 kg), bent-over barbell rows (25 kg), dumbell presses (18 kg per hand), 3 sets of 10 each. Yeah, I'm a lightweight still ;)

    I used the beginners routine from http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/10/11/the-beginners-guide-to-building-muscle-and-strength/ and added a bit because... well I tend to do extra.

    Like the rowing. It took me about 22 minutes, and the last km was a biotch, but I love that push just a bit beyond what's comfy for me! I'd consider "sprints", but... haven't figured out how to do that on the rowing machine yet...

    I'm confused, those are weighted exercises, I thought you had a day where you weren't at the gym and were doing bodyweight exercises. What exercises are you doing?
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I'm confused, those are weighted exercises, I thought you had a day where you weren't at the gym and were doing bodyweight exercises. What exercises are you doing?

    WHOOPS my bad - misunderstood ya.

    You Are Your Own Gym (#YAYOG) app for iphone. NOT sure of the names of all these, but you'll get the gist. Basically, pushups, squats, planks, bicycle squats, hanging knee lifts if I can find something to hang from (I SUCK at these), dips, and that thingie where I do a pullup from a lying position on the floor...

    The number of these vary (note: I AM a beginner, so it's limited compared to others here) - I'm finding that the number of reps I can do goes up pretty quickly, so I haven't found "the number" yet - and some of the days I find myself doing them throughout the day, at the office for example.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Gotcha, one last question. You said you could only do 2 days at the gym giving yourself a days rest in between. If you're not worried about the rest day in the middle, how often can you make it to the gym and how long do you have there?
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Gotcha, one last question. You said you could only do 2 days at the gym giving yourself a days rest in between. If you're not worried about the rest day in the middle, how often can you make it to the gym and how long do you have there?

    Monday through Thursday, all the time I want.

    Also Sunday evening if I push it.

    It's only because I spend my weekends on the countryside, where hiking and mountainbiking are more the WOD
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Edit: Here's the design I'm suggesting. Opening it up to criticism, I gave a bit more description and some links on how to do the moves in the PM:

    Warmup - 5-10 minutes stair master light intensity
    Main lift - Squat - 5 sets of 5
    Accessory 1 - Weighted Reverse Lunges (Rear Lunge) 3 sets of 10 (each leg)
    Accessory 2 - Leg Press 3 sets of 10
    Cardio - This should be your light day. Don't try to break any personal bests just get a workout in. Low Intensity
    Prehab Movements- BW Hyperextensions, External Rotations - Do a few sets of high (20+) reps and light weight. You're not going heavy here, just keeping your muscles healthy.

    Warmup - 5-10 minutes rowing light intensity
    Main lift - Bench Press - 5 sets of 5
    Accessory 1 - Chest Flyes - 3 sets of 10
    Accessory 2 - Rolling DB Tricep Extensions - 3 sets of 10
    Cardio - This should be your distance day. Aim for distance or non-speed duration personal bests. Low-Moderate Intensity
    BW Leg Movement - Step Up with left leg (shoot for 18 inch step) then when you come back down go straight into a rear lunge leading with left leg. Do 50+ reps on the left side then do 50+ reps leading with your right leg (can be done at home if you have a step).

    Warmup - 5-10 minutes stair master light intensity
    Main lift - Deadlift 5 sets of 5
    Accessory 1 - Good Morning - 3 sets of 10
    Accessory 2 - Pendlay Row - 3 sets of 10
    Accessory 3 - Lat Pulldown (or Pullups) - 3 sets of 10 (or 5 sets of max reps if pullups)
    Cardio - Kettlebell Swings HIIT format. High Intensity
    BW Chest Movements - Pushups and/or Dips and/or Bench Dips - 5 sets of max reps. (can be done at home)

    Warmup - 5-10 minutes rowing light intensity
    Main lift - Overhead Press 5 sets of 5
    Accessory 1 - DB Incline Press 3 sets of 10
    Accessory 2 - Seated Cable Face Pulls 3 sets of 10
    Cardio - This should be your speed day. Aim for a set (medium) distance in your best possible time. Moderate-High Intensity
    BW Back Movement - Inverted Rows 5 sets of max reps. (can be done at home with a stable desk or table)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Gotcha, one last question. You said you could only do 2 days at the gym giving yourself a days rest in between. If you're not worried about the rest day in the middle, how often can you make it to the gym and how long do you have there?

    Monday through Thursday, all the time I want.

    Also Sunday evening if I push it.

    It's only because I spend my weekends on the countryside, where hiking and mountainbiking are more the WOD

    I'll shoot you a PM with a bit more specifics but the essence of what I'm going to suggest is a powerlifter split (what? I'm not biased at all!)

    Monday - Squats and accessory, Cardio, Prehab work time permitting
    Tuesday - Bench and accessory, Leg BW work time permitting
    Wednesday - Deadlift and accessory, Cardio, Chest BW work time permitting
    Thursday - OHP and accessory, Back BW work time permitting
    Friday - Sunday - outdoors

    That should cover all bases.

    Wow, AWESOME - I'll look forward to your PM then!

    Definitely hoping for a bit more specific, like... "accessory"? Cause if you want me to work out with a purse they're gonna make fun of me at the gym ;)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I'm showing an average food intake around 950 calories per day over the past two months.

    Now even considering logging errors and estimations which means you're probably slightly over this, I'd recommend you stop this immediately. Moving forward, if your goal is to create an aesthetic physique you will need to eat more. Considering the length of time you've been at this low level of food intake you'll need to increase this incrementally.

    If you want to be guided through this, let us know. It will be a process of sorts.

    Ok, the training regime seems to be in place, I'll be starting rtalencar85's program on Monday.

    That just leaves the food issues - yeah, the TOUGH part. What to eat, how much, calories, macros, number of meals... Yeah, I'm terrified of gaining fat back, so I gotta work on this one. No idea where to start exactly, but... nope, no buts, I'm lost. *sigh*
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Heya--I have only one thing to add that hasn't already been discussed, and that's how to work your way up to pull-ups when you're as tall as you are. I am a girl and a fairly tall one (5'9") so I have two things going against me when it comes to pull-ups. Three, actually, as I have a large frame (like, really large). Yet I managed to go from zero pull-ups to three in the course of three months. The way I did it was by stepping away from the assisted pull-up machine, and I recommend you do the same.

    To build your way to real pull-ups, start by hanging in the "up" position (your chin above the bar, arms bent). Do this for as long as you can stand, then lower yourself very, very slowly. Just a forecast: because you are using the biceps and forearms eccentrically here, you'll get sore.

    Once you can do a pull-up from a jump, do that.

    Eventually, you'll have a real pull-up or two under your belt, and the goal from there on is to try to do them with good form. That means straightening your arms completely when you are down, and pulling your chin above the bar when you are up. Also try to do it without flailing.

    But for a start, I'd do the hanging-up thing. Also, if you find it embarrassing to flail on a bar at the gym (I confess I did, cuz I am macho), get an over-the-doorframe pull-up bar and practice at home (like the Iron Gym one). They are cheap and work great, although at your height you might have to bend your legs at the knees to use it.

    The nice thing about pull-ups is that they work a lot of muscles that are not the primary focus of the powerlifting-style lifts that you've already been told about. Plus you can do them anywhere you can find a horizontal bar, even when you do not have access to a gym.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    We would like to start bringing your calorie intake up incrementally with a rather big increase initially as you are severely undereating.

    Please set your calorie intake to 1400 for the next week and report back to us in 1 week. Please do not maintain your current eating habits of 900 calories/day.

    You are going to potentially gain some weight partially due to water weight changes and possibly due to increased food volume.

    After 1 week, reply to this thread with your weight and how things go and we will increase again in the following week.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Bumping to follow!

    You are in great hands here :) I can't wait to see your progress!
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    We would like to start bringing your calorie intake up incrementally with a rather big increase initially as you are severely undereating.

    Please set your calorie intake to 1400 for the next week and report back to us in 1 week. Please do not maintain your current eating habits of 900 calories/day.

    You are going to potentially gain some weight partially due to water weight changes and possibly due to increased food volume.

    After 1 week, reply to this thread with your weight and how things go and we will increase again in the following week.

    Will do my best, promise :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just checking in to see how you are doing.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I say, flaunt it if you got it bro!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I would hardly say you have an hourglass figure.

    your hips do not go out further than your waist.

    you just have a muffin top and you need to lose more weight before you jump to the conclusion of having a muffin top.

    but no one has the masculine V taper without having muscle mass(no offense)
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I would hardly say you have an hourglass figure.

    your hips do not go out further than your waist.

    you just have a muffin top and you need to lose more weight before you jump to the conclusion of having a muffin top.

    but no one has the masculine V taper without having muscle mass(no offense)

    This is what I was thinking.
    OP- how is it going???
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    I would hardly say you have an hourglass figure.

    your hips do not go out further than your waist.

    you just have a muffin top and you need to lose more weight before you jump to the conclusion of having a muffin top.

    but no one has the masculine V taper without having muscle mass(no offense)

    This is what I was thinking.
    OP- how is it going???

    Will post an update tomorrow morning, to keep with my weekly weigh-in - not quite sure how the body is looking, but I upped my cals to 1400 AND started the training program that rtalencar85 set up for me. I don't THINK I've lost any weight this week, but hoping there's a visible difference????
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I would hardly say you have an hourglass figure.

    your hips do not go out further than your waist.

    you just have a muffin top and you need to lose more weight before you jump to the conclusion of having a muffin top.

    but no one has the masculine V taper without having muscle mass(no offense)

    This is what I was thinking.
    OP- how is it going???

    Will post an update tomorrow morning, to keep with my weekly weigh-in - not quite sure how the body is looking, but I upped my cals to 1400 AND started the training program that rtalencar85 set up for me. I don't THINK I've lost any weight this week, but hoping there's a visible difference????

    Don't worry at all about losing or not losing weight from week to week especially during this particular process we are taking you through. You are going to be incrementally increasing food intake over the course of weeks.

    Lets focus on the long term results. This is a step we feel is necessary for that.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Don't worry at all about losing or not losing weight from week to week especially during this particular process we are taking you through. You are going to be incrementally increasing food intake over the course of weeks.

    Lets focus on the long term results. This is a step we feel is necessary for that.


    So, I've been lifting for a bit over 2 weeks. Going for bigger and bigger weights, following the program that rtalencar85 set up for me, lifting more and more each time. I'm no bodybuilder yet, but was proud to have squatted 75 kg 5x5 yesterday, looking forward to deadlifting 90 kg tomorrow. That's about double what I started with. The workouts feel GOOD, and I'm proud of any progress.

    The lifting has kinda murdered my running, since I'm SPENT after the workout. I've also started biking instead of taking the bus, which gives me about 20 km per day, plus the warmup cardio before my lifting sessions, so... it's a change.

    I've eaten 1400 cal. every day for the last week, with one day at 1500. I feel like I'm eating CONSTANTLY, but I have to admit, since I started weightlifting, I want MEAT - raw, grilled, don't CARE I just want it and in huge quantities hehe.

    My weight last Tuesday was 98.9 kg. This morning, one week later, it was 100.8 :(

    I know it's not the numbers that count, but still - I'm gonna be a good boy and do EVERYTHING SideSteel tells me to cause I trust him, but I don't promise to do it without whining ;)

    The pic was taken this morning - bad lighting, and I'm not sure I see a difference???

    On the other hand, I should stop *****ing - at least I'm in a 32 inch jeans, as opposed to the 54 I used to be in ;)