

  • Lindac672411
    Hello All:

    Pamela: That is great news! Hopefully the medication will work itself out of your diet as the pounds continue to go down.

    Mi3: WOW!!! Is all that I can say. You are one busy lady, and yet you manage to handle it daily.
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Thank u ladies for ur encouragement!:happy: Yes, hopefully I will b able to decrease the Crestor when more weight comes off. Guess I'll find out since I don't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel yet lol. At least now I know that isn't a train:laugh:

    Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
  • Lindac672411
    Have a great weekend! Try to stay focused, as we can do this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
  • Lindac672411
    Well I am happy to report that I am losing inches, while the scale may not be too kind to me...I definitely see it in my clothes.

    How is everyone else doing? :happy:
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    hey everyone =D been low carbing for a while now feel free to add me need a bit of saport as i feel myself falling off the wagon!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! Doing ok here. Not losing anything, so a little frustrated. Haven't weighed in about a week. It's been a huge disappointment lately, so have layed off. Going to try the Atkins Fat Fast for a few days with Lynne :drinker: Hopefully I'll get 3 or 4 days in...5 would be great, but one can only eat so much fat :laugh:
  • Lindac672411
    Welcome Lilmissy, you can get all the support you need here. We are currently doing a "no cheat" August where we stay within our carb range. Feel free to join in.

    Bailey, I think if you do the fat fast for 2 days, you should be ahead of the game. That is hard to do, I tried it and was nauseous, but I did lose 3 lbs. Good luck, but once you get back in to ketosis, you should be fine.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Not having the best last 2 days. When I fall off the wagon, I fall HARD. I am back on today though. Threw away the rest of the leftover ice cream and bread. I'm done and back in the game! I am going to do the FAt Fast starting Monday and do 2 or 3 days and evaluate how I feel and if I need to continue. It always takes something bug to get me back in the game. It's so hard for me. I have absolutely NO willpower. This Fat Fast will be what I need. Once I get back on, I'm always hardcore at it until I fall off. I can have a bad day sometimes and get back on, but it's really hard for me. If there are temptations around, I cave. Without the temptations, I can't cave, right?

    Hope everyone else is doing well and keeping the August no cheat challenge going. I failed :( I am going for September!
  • Lindac672411
    Bailey: If is ok to cave every once in awhile, but the trick is to uncave on the very next meal.

    You can do it and besides you have done so well. So look at this as a "stepping stone." WTG!:wink:

    Looking at Dr. Oz, talking about Safflower oil and/or GLA( 800mg), calcium Pryruvate 1,000 mg/day(helps to release the fat in our cells), Chitosan 1,000mg/ before each meal (blocks carbs), suppose to help you burn fat and stop the cravings. I am starting to look like a pharmacy over here.:noway:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375

    Looking at Dr. Oz, talking about Safflower oil and/or GLA( 800mg), calcium Pryruvate 1,000 mg/day(helps to release the fat in our cells), Chitosan 1,000mg/ before each meal (blocks carbs), suppose to help you burn fat and stop the cravings. I am starting to look like a pharmacy over here.:noway:

    Yep, looking all those up RIGHT NOW!!
  • Lindac672411
    Don't despair Bailey, you may still be losing inches throughout your entire body. It will all come together for you, just stick with it.:happy:
  • Lindac672411
    How is everyone doing? Hope everyone is doing well.

    Bailey, I love that picture of you and your son. You are looking good girlie!!!:smile:
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    Have been very busy and not kept up with MFP. Trying to do better at that. Still having success on Atkins. Not sure how much I have lost since my scale broke but I am wearing clothes I had in the back of my closet because they were too tight. This week I started the C25k...ME!!! I never woulda though I would be saying that! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Lindac672411
    Hi Renee: We missed you on the boards and are glad you are back. Congratulations on your weight loss and your C25K. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to.

    Bailey: 50 minutes of Spinning is FANTASTIC!!!! I couldn't even last 10 minutes. Nice job!

    LilMissy: How are you coming along? Hope you are still sticking with it...you can do it. Take it one meal at a time.:flowerforyou:

    Well I am back on track (feeling much better), and ready to get the scales moving again. It is sooooo nice that the humidity is now gone and Fall is coming....Yeaaaaaa!!!!!

    To All: Have a great low carb day and I will chat with you tomorrow.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    that's why I stopped watching Dr. Oz. I need to learn all I can about how to live healthy with what I can grow and buy at the grocery store. I can't afford all those extra's that Dr. Oz wants people to take.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    I've been offline about 13 days now, I had company and since my pc is in my living room, didn't want to appear rude, I hate when people do that to me. Anyway got a big surprise, I lost some more weight when I wasn't looking. I think I plateaud for a couple mo. there and finally dropped another 8 lbs. I'm happy about that. I think if I'm going to keep losing I'm going to either have to cut my intake more or bump up the exercise more. Exercise is hard for me with my physical problems, so I've pretty much stuck to walking about 25 minutes at a time. I try to just keep moving, even if it's puttering, at least not sitting constantly. I had an eggbeater omelet this morning for breakfast with sharp cheddar and a slice of that 30 calorie lean deli ham, and a sliced tomato, and for lunch, 2 nathans beef franks with sauerkraut and pickle and spicy brown mustard, not sure yet about dinner but leaning towards taco salad minus the taco chips, or maybe I'll make some chili meat and just put some of that over the salad, works for me. Anyway just trying to stay focused. I'm going to keep my carbs real low the rest of this weekend and see if I can shake loose another pound or two =) Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!
  • Lindac672411
    HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! :happy:

    2012 Newbie: That is fantastic! Wow, isn't it amazing how when you are not stressing over losing weight it seems to fall off and when you become conscious of it, it seem like id doesn't want to move. The walking is great for sure. I too try to get in at least 10,000 steps which is equivalent to 3 miles.

    Keep up the good work.

    To all others: Let's keep strong, so we can get to the finish line.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks Linda, I'm doubting I'm doing 10000 steps but I'm doing alot more than I use to. Exercise is not my favorite activity for the sake of exercise. I'm enjoying being out in the open air more though since I've lost some weight. I've been trying to get back into gardening--something I really loved but kinda gave up on for a long time due to problems getting up and down from the ground, not just from weight, but knees, hips, bad back, bad neck, bad balance, etc. But I've been doing that again a little more, too, and
    really enjoying it and makes me tired and sore but it's a good tired and sore and accomplishment because last year I couldn't do these things at all. In a way I feel like I'm being reborn a bit, rediscovering a part of me I had tried to just forget for a long time because I was so busy worrying about my now ex dh and trying to fix. Now I can focus on fixing myself at least as much as is in my power to do so, and leave the rest to God. Do I hear an Amen LOL
  • Lindac672411
    2012 Newbie: I am right with you on that hip thing. I have bursitis and muscle spasmsacross my back, so walking is not really an option for me right now, so while I can't get in the 10,000 steps, I am trying to at least maintain 5,000 steps which is equivalent to 1.5 miles per day. Some days are better than others, once the back stops hurting, I might can pick it up a bit as the hip is not as sore as it once was in the beginning. Not as painful, but if I do too much it gets sore, the back kicks in then I am incapacitated for a day or two.

    Everyone is really doing well with their eating... Bailey, don't worry you will get back on the wagon strong!

    Will check back in tomorrow. Stay strong... WE CAN DO THIS!!!