


  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Congrats on losing 80lbs Kini 324!! Thats is amazing! Any tips you could share? I have two children and also work full time as well so I know the time challenges involved with juggling a healthy lifestyle, children and work. Its crazy! Any tips would be great :) Thanks and good luck to you! :happy:
  • fromfattytohealthy
    fromfattytohealthy Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all! I just joined this group today also and am ready to lose the rest of my weight for good! I also want to teach my two kids that being healthy is the way to go :) I hope to talk with some of you to share some support, encouragement and tips! Please check out my blog and/or profile! Good luck to all of you on your weight loss journeys as well!

    Sent you a request! :D
  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I have been doing MFP for about two months and am slowly losing, about a pound a week, but that is great for me, since I have never had luck with any diet. I just joined the group. I have 7 kids, 6 boys and 1 girl. They aren't babies anymore, but I love the idea of a group of Moms working together to get healthy. I would love to be friends with anyone who likes to comment or needs support. I work nights and most of my comments are after 10, but I bet there are plenty of moms up overnight! Wishing you all success. Looking for MOM friends!!
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am kinda new to MFP and so far I am loving it! I have two children, my son is 2 and my daughter is 10 months. They keep me very busy and exhausted but I wouldn't change it for the world. I have always been a tad bit heavier and struggled with my weight, but when I got pregnant with my son, things spiraled out of control as I gained over 50lbs. I found out after he was born that those pounds don't just fall off like I thought they would. So I found myself being a very overweight new mom and full time student who had no clue how to loose all this weight. I didn't start working out til my son was 2 months, but once I did I joined weight watchers since I was nursing to learn about the proper nutrition I needed for myself and my son. I also started doing the p90x program which was a tad bit over my head, but everyday got easier and by the time my son was 7 months old I had lost over 40lbs. I hit a plateau at that point and discovered it was because I was pregnant with my daughter, surprise! I did much better with her pregnancy and have already managed to loose the baby weight, but now it's time to loose the weight that has haunted me for years. After working out and loosing weight for the past two years, I have found a love for health, nutrition, and fitness and have decided I want a career in this field. I love learning new things about nutrition and fitness and love the way it makes my body feel. Right now I struggle with eating a few too many sweets late at night but I'm working on it everyday. I have had a hard time figuring out how many calories to eat while nursing my daughter and with the amount of exercise I do but hopefully I have it figured out. I would love to find more moms so we can all help motivate each other on our journeys so feel free to add me. Good luck to everyone on our weight loss adventure = )
  • Annie831
    Annie831 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been using MFP for about a year and been on rollercoaster of diets and exercise but nothing worked for me I believe it was because im just not motivated to do anything lol. But this time I have to change for myself and my family. Im 28 and my heaviest was during my pregnancy by the time I delivered my daughter I was up to 243 and im only 5ft 5. while on maternity leave and breast feeding I was actually down to about 190 but then I stopped breast feeding and went back to work. I have a desk job and I continued to eat as if I was pregnant and put on the weight again and fast. Im down to 215 now but really need to be around 140. My daughter will be 3 in November and I would like to have another child in a year or two and to do that I would like to be at my goal weight or close to it. I have recently started a routine that is working for me I am using my old stationary bike every morning for 20 min and increasing by 5 min every week until I am up to 60 min and it seams to be working so let’s just hope I stick to this I feel like it’s now or never. I am also going to add weight's and strength training in there too at soem point

    Good luck to every one out there and please feel free to friend me the more support the better. Thanks
  • krb710
    krb710 Posts: 19
    I am a 23 year old Mom to Irish Twins. My daughter is 14 months old and my son is 3 months old. I weigh 163 pounds and my goal weight is 120-125 (Im trying to fit back into my old clothes lol). I am a stay at home Mom, that loves to go the gym and workout. I need all the support I can get! I enjoy making new friends, so feel free to add me to your "friends list" on here. :)
  • marichat
    marichat Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Well I'm new to MFP. I'm a 34 year old Mom to 2 girls (5 and 2), and work full-time as a nurse. I currently weigh 164lbs (my heaviest non-pregnant weight!). I had lost my baby weight after my first daughter but I've yet to lose it after the 2nd (actually I have been gaining :frown: ) So I found this (MFP) and I'm hoping to lose 20lbs to reach my pre-wedding weight!

    Now all I need is motivation to do exercises!! Any of you have any tips (workouts, easy quick healthy recipes) for a full-time working mom? Luckily, I now have a mon-fri day job (up until 2 months ago... I was working day/night shifts, weekends, holidays, high-stress work environment which were making it hard to have any routine or good eating habits). Hoping to make friends here and be part of a supportive "MFP Family"!!

  • purplegirlrhp
    purplegirlrhp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I am 35 and a mum of 3. My daughter is 4, then I have 2 sons who are 3 and 18 months. I live in Australia and was using a different calorie counting program that I loved but unfortunately it does not have a phone app and I just find that so convenient that I decided to give MFP a try. I am basically a full time mum but work one day a week in my husband's business. Being a mother is the best thing that I have ever done in my life but it is also the hardest! I was in mum's groups on my previous forum and loved them because I found that only other mums understand that sometimes there really is no energy left at the end of the day to go for a run, or even walk further than to the bed!!
  • danixuit
    Hi. I'm Danielle. I just joined this group and am looking for some support. I am 23 and have a 3 y.o and a 8 wk old. I am 200lbs with the goal of 150lbs, although I would love to loose more. I'm a junk food my sweets. One of my biggest problems though is that I don't eat regularly. Like today for instance...its 730pm and I haven't eaten yet today. Hope to make a support buddy or two =]
  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, Everyone,

    I am new to the group and site. I have 4 kids and would like to lose up to 35 pounds. I really like the food tracker/net calorie function, and I think that this site, combined with another fitness one that I downloaded will really be helpful. Looking forward to hearing from everyone and getting good tips!

  • kerriemily
    kerriemily Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I just had a beautiful baby boy 2 months ago. I am applying for the Canadian Forces next year. I want to be in the best shape I can possibly be. Currently I am running, biking (stationary), and using assorted weights. I am losing inches and gaining muscle.

    If anyone has any tips, or encouraging please send them my way and I will do the same!

    -Fellow Mom on a Mission-

  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    I've been using MFP on my phone for a while but had never logged on the actual website. I've got a lot to lose and a lot to gain from losing. Looking forward to giving and getting inspiration and support.
  • stacyutley
    stacyutley Posts: 5 Member
    I am a mom of four... i weighed 255 when i started this and i want o get back down to what i weighed before my frist. My kids are 10 9 5 and one year..... as of a week into this im down 10lbs but im scared i wont be able to do it. I wish my husband would stay on his diet becasue he weighs 400lbs and im scared to lose him. But if anyone wants to be my freind or text buddy or anything let me know i am in need of freinds!
  • Sweetpeaseg
    hi im a mother of a 10 month old. my name is Katie and my current weight is 167lbs. my goal weight is 125-115. i have a problem with over eating or eating all day long. im also kinda lazy and not very active. ive used mfp before but just wasnt commited. now i plan to def commit and hope to lose all my pregnancy weight. any advice?
  • Momof2activeboys
    HI...I am a mother of 2 children - my oldest is very sports oreinted and the other not so much..he tends to be more squishy like his mom..and I need some help staying motivated,and trying to incorporate things with him so that we can both loose some weight...

    I need some help!!! Why is it that everyday I keep going up a little more, despite the fact that I have been trying to track what I eat, and working out - but NOTHING Is working for me!!! HELP anyone
  • Momof2activeboys
    Hi Michelle!!

    I am here to tell you that you are not alone, and I am very excited to begin this journey myself. I am a mother of 2 and I would love to get more active. I am a CARB junkie! So, I am here to wish you well and let you know that I am hoping for sucess for both of us!! I think that we all need to know we have a support system if we need it!! :happy:
  • silentwalkaway
    silentwalkaway Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Katy. I have three crazy boys, and I need to keep up with them.
    I have been successful on WW, but am worried I am under eating since I started strength training. I would love to join in and support other people on the same path as me! Feel free to send me a friend request! :)
  • moonlightbluebird
    moonlightbluebird Posts: 9 Member
    New to the group, was doing MFP with a couple mom friends who dropped off, but I'm motivated to keep going. Have a two and a half year old, and a new business which is my other 'baby'. Hubs is the guy who eats whatever he wants and never gains a lb. looking for support and inspiration!
  • MamaTiff86
    Hi everyone! I'm Tiffany and a mother of 3,I have two boys 9 and 5 and a daughter that is almost 5 months. I was trying to get back into shape before I got pregnant with my daughter, I was trying to loose the extra weight I put on after having my son. I didn't gain much with my daughter luckily nad I actually weigh less now then I have in awhile but I still need to loose weight. It's so hard being a stay at home mom and trying to stay motivated to keep up with the exercises and make the right choices with food in my hectic life. I would love support and any helpul tips with exerices to do at home and recipes or great healthy snack food ideas. Looking forward to meeting you all
  • roxedy
    roxedy Posts: 49 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Roxanne, mom to a boy a few months shy of two. Right now I'm mainly focused on ridding myself of the mom jiggle (still there after losing the 60 pounds I gained from my pregnancy) but I would not turn my nose up at losing a bit more weight. You'd think with all the chasing my son around I do, fitness would be not a concern. ;)

    Feel free to send me a request!