Like Minded Lushes September 2012



  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm really impressed with these 0 days you guys are racking up. I haven't had a zero day in a couple of weeks.

    I have a doctor's appt this week that I'm really nervous about because of some weird health problems that have just started happening. One would think this would prompt me to be doing healthier things, but, um, no. I drink more when I'm stressed and this is stressing me out.

    Plus, I'm one of those people who gets on WebMD and convinces myself I have all sorts of terrible diseases (like cirrohsis.) I know, I probably sound like a nut. I have a phobia of doctors and always have.

    Also, is everyone here really honest with the docs when they ask about alcohol use and smoking? I can't really bring myself to admit how much of both I really do (although I have made a lot of progress on cutting down the cigs... :embarassed:

    Just wondering...:smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    One time I was very honest even about a small hit of medicinal maryjane to help with awful cramps and this idiot doctor I went to for the first time told me I was a drug addict (I don't smoke, it was the first hit in over 15 years) but he didn't beleive me. He told me I was an alcoholic and a loser and that I needed serious help. Needless to say I never went back to that prudish freak of a doctor every again. ( I went in for a sever neck tweek and really bad cramps) I now go to a crackter practer for my neck when it tweeks bad.
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    That's what I worry about too, the judgements. I know I shouldn't but it makes it hard to be honest. I'm afraid the doc will tell me I just need a good shrink or something! Ugh, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, what a jerk that dr. was to you.

    I just started seeing a chiropractor as well. He was much easier to be honest with, and made me feel comfortable (well the adjustment was not so comfortable, but I could tell he was working some places that I needed to have worked!)

    By the way, your dogs are precious!!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I had zero's all week - well Monday - Friday....and part of the reason I was shooting for those is I haven't had consecutive zero's in forever!!
    I had 2 Bacardi & diets last night but I'm back on the zero bandwagon today...

    Doxie - I'm pretty honest w/my doctor about my alcohol but the funny thing that I lie about is the amount of Advil I take - I get a lot of headaches (whether I drink or not....) but I always downplay my Advil usage so they don't bi*** at me... :blushing:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Also, is everyone here really honest with the docs when they ask about alcohol use and smoking? I can't really bring myself to admit how much of both I really do (although I have made a lot of progress on cutting down the cigs... :embarassed:

    We screen admissions in the hospital for substance abuse and typically double the number they give us. Some nurses freak out if they hear that they have 2 a night and put them on alcohol withdrawl protocol. I laugh at them and tell them that I drink more than that.

    Anyway, I am ready for zeros...danced and drank a bunch last, I think I will shoot for severe moderation and zeros before I leave for Chicago in 2 weeks.

    Today, I clean, do laundry and watch football.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Sat - 5 beers
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Listened to my body and took today as another rest day. My legs are killing me and have been sore for a couple weeks now. We have gotten most of the wedding forms done today so we're in good shape. I had champagne earlier and now mixed drinks but spaced out and watching football :smile: Sort of a nice lazy Sunday, back to the double work outs tomorrow though as my second and final dress fitting is this coming Saturday :bigsmile:

    OH! We ordered our wedding bands and they should both be here by the end of the week!!!!!!!! Cannot wait to see them! They aren't matching and they're both different from the norm :smile: Also ordered our Swarovski toasting flutes that my mom will pay us back for because she wanted that to be her gift to us :flowerforyou:

    As for yesterday we went out to lunch and had some drinks and I came home and just got in bed. So I had one meal, a few beers and was in bed SUPER EARLY. Napped a bit then was up on and off through the night but woke up feeling great :smile: I'm looking forward to bed tonight and definitely looking forward to my work outs tomorrow!

    Happy Sunday my lovely lushes :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    ivrognes et mes amies.... Voila, le maison de cheins!


    Finally done. dog run and house. Time for a drink:drinker:

    Mama lush and her furry lushlings
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Nice work, mama lush!

    Too many drinks to count yesterday. None today but waaayyyy over in calories due to hangover eating. Hell, I had red velvet cake for breakfast and it just kept going from there. :glasses:

    Fresh start tomorrow.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Nice work, mama lush!

    Too many drinks to count yesterday. None today but waaayyyy over in calories due to hangover eating. Hell, I had red velvet cake for breakfast and it just kept going from there. :glasses:

    Fresh start tomorrow.
    Thanks Syd.

    Mmmmmm, cake for breakfast yum. so many birthday parties ended that way the next day. I feel your pain.

    I am currently drinking wine to deal with the pain in my arms from pushing a truck full of pea gravel out into a wheel barrow with my arms. Monday is a new day.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Very nice work on the run and doghouse. Did you photoshop them in the window or are they forever in that pose? Very cute either way.

    Sid - I have had days like that. You will get through this. Red velvet cake lushiness is almost as good as alcohol lushiness :p

    Last night - 1 glass of cab
    Sunday - 1 margarita

    Just gave Callie a bath, she loves strange. She particularly loves to be towel dried, she slumps to the floor in heavenly bliss, so cute. Other than that though she is 100% mischief and puppy antics. She has destroyed two remotes along with a bunch of other stuff like flip flops, tennis shoes, socks, phone cases,. The good news is my house is less cluttery ;) I am thinking one more year before she grows out of this.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Very nice work on the run and doghouse. Did you photoshop them in the window or are they forever in that pose? Very cute either way.

    Just gave Callie a bath, she loves strange. She particularly loves to be towel dried, she slumps to the floor in heavenly bliss, so cute. Other than that though she is 100% mischief and puppy antics. She has destroyed two remotes along with a bunch of other stuff like flip flops, tennis shoes, socks, phone cases,. The good news is my house is less cluttery ;) I am thinking one more year before she grows out of this.

    Thanks. The window is a faux window that I put the picture in (it the one I am using as an avatar currently. I made it into a window and mounted it on the side of the house in a plexiglass sleeve and framed. it. It was my way of personalizing the house for them. I can change it out sometime in the future should I need to.

    Ritter is still very destructive. Hats are his current passion. He love the bills of all of doug's hats. too many to count have bitten the dust.
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    More wine than I can even begin to count all three nights (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) but I'm going to try for some zeroes this week!

    Wine is my downfall. I Just love it!

    That doghouse and run is amazing! And your Lushlings are so cute. My little lushlings are locked up in the guest bathroom today because my upstairs neighbors plumbing backed up yesterday morning and flooded my bathroom, bedroom and part of the kitchen. It was a delightful way to start and spend the day....

    I hadn't intended to have any wine last night, however :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Its monday, BOOO!!!!!!

    I am failry honest with my doctor....when I go, I haven't been in probably a year or more.

    Robin, love the house and run, GREAT JOB!!!

    Sydney-I was barely hungover and ate like crap yesterday, so no worries. We decided to get chinese delivery...always dissapointing and that is probably why we rarely get it, we always forget. Last time we picked up PF Changs via take out, but were too lazy to get off the couch yesterday. We watched a True Blood marathon....8hrs haha!!!

    So Friday, I had 1/2 bottle of white and a glass of red.
    Saturday-almost a bottle of white then a couple brewskis.
    Sunday-1 glass of white and 2 glass of red
    Not sure where the week will take me but wine will be in there most day, I'm sure!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Nice work on the dog run, Mama Lush, is there a space for Doug as needed.

    Sunday, 0
    Monday, 0

    I'm shotting for some zeros this week and very controlled moderation. I am sure by Wednesday, the liquor devil will be wispering in my ear. I'll be working my long weekend hours; so, I might have a decent number.

    I'll be in Chicago soon to celebrate my Dad's 70th birthday party. I can't believe that he's 70 and time flies so fast.

    Pole dancing tonight, just when the bruises started to disappear.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Sun - 5 beers and a shot.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Nice job on that pup house/run Mama Lush!!

    The very soon to be husband (20 days!) is home sick today so he's tucked up in bed. This means I finally am getting the laundry done haha and other house work that won't bother him. Once he comes downstairs to the couch then I can work out =]

    Took the last two days off of work outs because my legs were just killing me and they are thanking me today. Had champagne and mixed drinks all yesterday while we filled out the wedding forms and watched football, spread out though so I feel great today :smile:

    This week is just full of wedding stuff, forms have to be sent to the manor tomorrow, Kyle's wedding band is coming tomorrow, mine should be here by Friday and I am dying to see it and then I go for my 2nd and final dress fitting this Saturday! Now that we had a conference call with the manor and had some relief over the forms I'm not stressed and just super excited :bigsmile:

    With that said I'm not sure what the week holds for drinks, we'll see if I feel like it or not :drinker:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Monday-Thursday- zeros
    Friday- 8 oz red

    Saturday- 2 michelob ultras after staining the fence for 6 hours, then a glass of red while getting ready, a margarita before dinner, 2 glasses of red with dinner and a beer after......indulged big time at the anniversary dinner split a tuna tar tar appetizer with some bread, halibut with potato gnocchi and king crab sauce (AMAZING) and fried ice cream for dessert

    Sunday- we fried a turkey at a friends house and for some reason once we started frying that we decided to fry everything we could get our hands on, I'm surprised we didn't throw the dog in there! :laugh: So I had some fried pickles, turkey and potatoes. Drank a few beers a vodka drink and some wine

    This week doing my usual.....zeros until Saturday!
  • jacie81
    jacie81 Posts: 8 Member
    Boozy weekend :ohwell:

    Friday - bottle of champagne
    Saturday - bottle of red
    Sunday - a day of drinking. Bloody Mary, beer, beer and more beer

    I did work out 6 of the 7 days last week. Success! Shooting for zeros until Friday. My daughter and I are leaving town with my sister and her kids. Heading to my parents vacation home in central Oregon for some fun in the sun. Leaving the husbands behind!

    Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend. Now on to the next one!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lots of posts from the lushes!
    Friday=5 drinks
    Saturday=7 drinks
    Sunday=had to finish my husbands beer while he napped, it was getting warm...