Looking to add some more friends who are in their 40s



  • Feel free to add me too. I'm new to MFP and could use some supportive people on my friends list. :smile:
  • knb2000
    knb2000 Posts: 29 Member
    hi there! I just discovered this site from a cousin of mine. I think it's pretty cool.

    but, after reading other peoples thoughts, I don't see anyone else join for my same reason. I NEED MORE ENERGY! I am turning 40 this year and having a really hard time with no energy. I am tired ALL the time. I know I need to get back to exercising more and that should help, but I just got to starting working on it. Anyone else who is close to 40 found these changes going on??? Help! I need advice and anyone - feel free to add me too.

    I'm right there with ya. After 3 weeks I have already noticed a difference in my energy level. I do take a Stress B-Complex Vitamin daily though so that helps with the energy level also but I was having to take that way before I started this journey.
  • jcmoneyman
    jcmoneyman Posts: 4 Member
    I had that same problem for a while. I didn't even have the energy to start working out!

    One day, I decided to just start with walking. Just through the neighborhood. A very slow walk, looking at houses, talking to people. I was tired and hungry when I got back and started munching . So I figured, if I'm going to get hungry from doing this, I may as well get energy food. First thing I did was replace all the the chips and cookies with fruits and crunchy veggies. Then I cut out fried foods and swore of ALL fast food places.

    My energy came back quick and motivated me to get in better shape. And I am glad I did!

    I hope that helps
  • jcmoneyman
    jcmoneyman Posts: 4 Member
    hi there! I just discovered this site from a cousin of mine. I think it's pretty cool.

    but, after reading other peoples thoughts, I don't see anyone else join for my same reason. I NEED MORE ENERGY! I am turning 40 this year and having a really hard time with no energy. I am tired ALL the time. I know I need to get back to exercising more and that should help, but I just got to starting working on it. Anyone else who is close to 40 found these changes going on??? Help! I need advice and anyone - feel free to add me too.

    I had that same problem a while back. I didn't even have the energy to start working out!

    One day, I decided to just start with walking. Just through the neighborhood. A very slow walk, looking at houses, talking to people. I was tired and hungry when I got back and started munching . So I figured, if I'm going to get hungry from doing this, I may as well get energy food. First thing I did was replace all the the chips and cookies with fruits and crunchy veggies. Then I cut out fried foods and swore of ALL fast food places.

    My energy came back quick and motivated me to get in better shape. And I am glad I did!

    I hope that helps
  • Lee_71
    Lee_71 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 40 and my son has just left home so I am feeling a bit sad but also thinking I might be able to do this for myself now. I have tried it before but just on my own... so it would be good to have some 'friends' in here. I would like to be connected with people so we can motivate each other, celebrate the highs and work through the lows. So, please add me as your friend :)
  • Feel free to add me. I just started this up. I am a father of 3 (47 yrs old). Love the Detroit Lians now that they have picked up 2 of my Boise State players :)
  • KayWatNor
    KayWatNor Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me.....I'm a mother of two (17 & 12 yrs. old) and I'm starting to gain a passion for running. I wish you well with your fitness journey!:smile:

  • planetshark
    planetshark Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me too ... Here to network and make new fitness friends! :)
  • wallyshak
    wallyshak Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 47 married with 4 boys down here in Australia. Feel free to add me. Hope I can post in here
  • Hello! I'm 44, mom to 3 (8, 12, & 18), married. I just started today, actually kind of enjoy counting the calories instead of figuring the Weight Watcher points! I'll need to do a lot more activity as I am hungry, and I'm not sure if 1200 calories will do it. Lots of fruit and veggies, but I am a hungry girl!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 47 single Mom to one daughter that is out of the nest. I hate the single part. Bless you all
  • Marty_D
    Marty_D Posts: 39 Member
    If your a Detroit Lions fan...... you're also an excellent judge of character! How exciting is Calvin Johnson to watch! Best of Luck to you.
  • I'm 43. If you'd like someone that's active here, and that can motivate, encourage, and support you in any way. Feel free to add me.
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 45 with 2 kids aged 9 & 12. I just joined about 1 month ago. Feel free to add me too.
  • beautifulone14
    beautifulone14 Posts: 27 Member
    You can add me!!
  • sabjoy
    sabjoy Posts: 9 Member
    Hello All!
    Please feel free to add me as well. I turned 40 this year and would love to lose 40 pounds, and I'm looking for people to help motivate me.
    Im also a Nurse as well. I'm a case manager!
  • texaschick43
    texaschick43 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just turned 43, mother of 2 beautiful kids ages 10 and 2 (got a late start) and i work full time at a desk job. Looking for friends for motivation and support!! I seem to find myself finding excuses NOT to exercise...it's too hot (from Texas so it's hot alot)..I dont have anyone to watch the kids...or since it's fall...the games are on all weekend long.
  • stubtail
    stubtail Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 43, mother of 2 (6 and almost 8) with a desk job. I try to get up each morning and do something, anything, to lose these 30 pounds that found me. Feel free to add me too!!!!
  • feel free to add me!
  • Hi I'm 47 years old, would love the support too. Feel free to add me too. Thanks