


  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! You are doing a great job already, and it will benefit your little ones in the long run too:)
  • Hey! I'm 26, a part time student and employee, full time Wife and Mother of a 3 year old. I joined MFP a year ago but wasn't serious about tracking until now. We just moved into our first home and with all the yard work and little bits of work we had to do around the house I lost a little weight without even trying. That gave me a jump start for some much needed motivation. Now my husband and I are trying to have another baby which is not happening as fast as I would like... so to keep my mind off the fact that I am not pregnant I decided to buckle down and start tracking what I do everyday. I have been only doing it for 2 days now but it's helping a lot and I can't wait to see more results.
  • mrsberry2008
    mrsberry2008 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone **waves**

    Im Beccy, I recently turned 30 and live in the uk with my husband and two children. Millie is 7 and Josh is 5. I was a member of mfp a couple of years ago and done really well but I almost got to goal and stopped tracking. Then I stopped exercising. Then I slipped back into other old habits. Grrrrr.:brokenheart: :sad: :sad:

    Now im back where I started at 157lbs which is what I weighed just after the birth of my son!!

    So im back with some new found motivation and this time I am going to get to goal and stay there :laugh:
  • resa0210
    resa0210 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Teresa. I am 27 and I am on a mission to lose about 90 lbs and get back to feeling like myself again. I am a sahm to a beautiful and super active 5 year old little girl. Before getting pregnant I never weighted over 115. While I was pregnant I gained about 70-80 pounds and 5 years later I am at 215 pounds. I have tried several times to lose the weight and get healthier but I have lost my motivation and gave up on myself. I am tired of feeling so bad every day. I hate looking in the mirror because the person I see there doesn’t feel like me. I am always tired and feel sick every day. I want to be able to play with my daughter and enjoy spending time with my fiancé. We are trying to plan a wedding but I have not worked for it at all because I do not want to get married and have those pictures hanging on the wall of the fat bride.
  • Hi ladies. My name is Tiffanny. I am 23 years old and a mother to an almost 2 year old boy. I peaked at an all time high after giving birth to my son weighing in at 185. After 2 years of on an off dieting, exercising, and slowly learning how to eat clean and healthier, I have lost 45lbs. I downloaded the MFP app on my phone about a year ago and only logged on and off when I remembered. I didn't know a thing about the online site or forums. I am so glad I've gotten back on MFP and learned about the site. I'm hoping to make lots of new friends so we can all help each other to our goal. I want to lose about another 30lbs and learn more about toning and strengthening my muscles. Would love all the tips I can get. (:
  • Hello my name is Brittany and a mother of one biological daughter who will be one this monday, and a step mother to a stepdaughter who is 7. I am too addicted to pops, and hot cheetoes. I weigh 170 but would like to lose at least 40 pounds to be more active. I need more buddies that will support me and push me when I need to be pushed.
  • Hello all,

    I'm a 36 year old new mom to a beautiful baby girl, and am looking forward to getting to know you.

    Many thanks in advance for your support, and count on mine in return.
  • heidi_cat
    heidi_cat Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 28 and gave birth to a beautiful little girl 8 weeks ago. I know that I need to start forming healthy habits in order to give her a good role model. I am breastfeeding and constantly want to eat - especially sugar! I am also struggling with finding the time or motivation to exercise. I am hoping to meet some new friends that will give me encouragement, and look forward to supporting them as well!
  • Hello,

    I am new here too! I am looking to loose 40-50lbs. How do you post on the forums?
  • jesscox2003
    jesscox2003 Posts: 65 Member
    hi guys... i am a 27/yo single mother to 3 kids, ages 9,5 and almost 2... i started my weight loss mission when i weighed close to 240 lbs. im happy to say im down to around 206. its been a struggle and i am willing to be anyones support as long as they support me back... if u wanna make friends please add me as a friend :) happy weight loss trails :)
  • Hello! I'm a mom to a adorable 2 year old and constantly dealing with the guilt from having to split my non-working time with her and trying to be fit. I started losing weight right after Thanksgiving last year and have done okay. At this point I think I need some support and new ideas about staying on track and continuing to be motivated. I started at 246 and am down to 177, but have 30 or 40 more pounds to lose to make me (and my physician) happy.
  • Im Pam 29 looking to get in shape for my big 3-0 in April. I have 2 lil girls 2 and 4. I live in Northwest Arkansas. I need to loose about 65 or so lbs. Good luck everyone!
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey everyone! This is the first group I've joined --yay!:) I'm Jen, I just turned 40 this summer, and I'm a mom to three kiddos (ages 10, 8, and 3), and life is busy, as I'm sure it is for all of you! I've had a membership to MFP for while but this is the first time I've really used it--and I love it! I love all of the support I am finding here! It really is a motivation place to be. Yes, I have a weight loss goal in mind, but in the past, I never get there, so why say it now. I'm trying to focus on doing the work each day--being consistent! I want to look back 6 weeks, 6 months, and a year from now -- and still be going strong here! Glad to be here with other moms!:)
  • Hey to all you moms out there. I am trying to step it up and actually use MFP now. I am dedicated as of today and i WILL lose the weight. I am fed up with my own excuses and would love help and support from other moms out there. Good luck to all of you and if i can help in any way .. i would love to
  • lvgentile
    lvgentile Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Laura. My weightloss goal is about 15-20lbs. Exercise is my nemisis :tongue: and find it hard to find the time or motivation to do it. I work full time and have a 2 year old daughter. I don't eat horible but not the greatest either. Any help would be appreciated.
  • shorview
    shorview Posts: 14 Member
    I am a SAHM to two children, ages 3 and 1. I usually hover around 150 (before and after baby #1) but gained much more weight with #2 and hover now around 176.

    I feel like I just have no motivation like I have in the past. It is my own fault and I also am a stress eater OR eat when I have quiet time because who knows when it may be quiet again, hehe. So sometimes I eat because the clock says, I should, not my body!

    I am on level II of Jilian's Ripped in 30 and doing pilates 2/3 x a week and spin 1x/week.

    It is hard to make wise decisions being at home when the cabinet is only a few steps away.

    I look forward to staying on track with everyone else. I have been reading other introductions and can see that I am "not alone." That only makes me feel better!
  • dandes
    dandes Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! Welcome! I can totally relate to the way you're feeling. I have two daughters ages 10 and 7, about 5 years ago, I thought I was going crazy! Now that they are a little older, their needs have changed and I can allow myself to get a sitter a couple of nights a week so I can actually get out to the gym. My husband is away during the week and home on the weekends. We both work full-time, yet I feel I carry the lion's share of family responsibilities, so getting out and being active during my own time is really important, it's actually saving my sanity! I have been on and off with MFP, mostly because of a shift in priorities and having to put myself last again, but I've promised myself that this time I am not giving up on myself, I will reach my goal and I am on the right track. I have started taking YOGA classes too, which really help me feel centered and grounded, my body feels amazing afterwards. I wish you the very best on your journey, please friend me because I will most definitely encourage you on your journey! Sincerely, Danielle:wink:
  • dandes
    dandes Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I am looking for a friend like you! I look forward to seeing your progress on MFP, you are welcome to friend me. :wink:
  • Marythemommy
    Marythemommy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 42 and the mother of 4 teens (19,17,16 and 13), the oldest 2 were adopted as teens and have many special needs including severe mental illnesses. In caring for their severe emotional needs, the rest of the family, and trying to balance running a company (which went under due to the recession), I've totally neglected my own health. 6 years ago I'd lost almost 40lbs on South Beach and felt very healthy. Over the last 6 years this crept back on until suddenly I realized I'd gained 80lbs! I've lost about 15lbs on MFP and think it's pretty realistic to lose another 60.
  • HI,
    I never struggled with weight unitl after having my children. I have done weight loss challenges, etc. and lost some but gained it back. Right now I aml at my heaviest and feel very horrible about myself. I could use all the support that I can get. I am also a preschool teacher and love my job I just dont' want to feel like this anymore!