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  • Heya, I'm 35 from Adelaide - I work a million hours a week and so don't get out much...

    Please be my friend!! Interwebs friends is all I has ;)
  • I'm a 25 year old mum to two boys living on the north side of Brisbane. I'm aiming to lose almost 13kg, but I'll be just as happy to be able to fit into my size 12 jeans again without a muffin top. Lol.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a 44yo single mum living in Sydney with my 13yo daughter, who is with me 100% of the time.

    I have 25kg to lose. I just did my body fat calculations today and was horrified to see it is 45%. 5 years ago I was 60kg with 21% body fat and was pretty fit. Hmmm. So, things haven't been that good... BUT THINGS ARE CHANGING!

    I work full time in the city and commute over 2 hours a day, fortunately have an iPad and so I do some work en route, and walk about half of that time, so that is good for my overall health and up until this week, that was the only exercise I was doing. I just joined the gym and have now done 2 classes, spin and pump and although am delighted to be back into the gym, it's pretty sad that I have deteriorated to this level. (but none of that, negativity is behind me now).

    After reading a tonne of posts and blogs, I have ditched the MFP recommended 1200 calories and upped my calories to 1700 per day. I have been starving myself to obesity. Lets see how that works out.

    It is my goal to lose 25kg by next summer (sooner if possible) by eating within my calorie range, doing weights 2-3 times per week and of course the walking.

    I am using the iPhone, iPad apps and laptop for message boards and I'll be logging in every day. I'm also keeping a blog and I am DETERMINED to do this the right way this time and not ever see that fat percentage again.

    So - if you think that we could motivate one another, by all means read my profile and please feel free to send me a friend request with a short explanation of who you are and lets' do this!!
  • cosmicrelief
    cosmicrelief Posts: 14 Member
    Local (aussie) support would be lovely. 32yo mother of 3 from Sydney trying to shed baby kilos.
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    Yep - happy to have MFP friends to work towards goals together. Based in Port Macquarie and 20k to release. 50+ age group. Self employed full time and on the web .. a lot :)
  • carolinelittle
    carolinelittle Posts: 45 Member
    Would love friends :)
  • LosingMandy
    LosingMandy Posts: 41 Member

    Mandy from south Australia. I'm 26 and looking to lose a butt load of weight and get pretty darn fit along the way. I go to the gym, try my hardest to eat clean and take supplements. All of which I am still learning about.

    Looking for friends that have an open diary and lots of hints, advice and encouragement. I'm tottally willing to give the same.

    Addddss meeeeee! :-)
  • I'm needing a few friends to help me keep on track. I'm in WA but happy to speak with anyone :)
  • cassybubby
    cassybubby Posts: 37 Member
    I'd love some new friends! I'm a newly-wed 26 year old from Sunbury, Victoria and I have about 15kg to lose. I was doing really well until recently, when my wedding and the holiday season saw me undo a lot of my good work, so now my hubby and I need to get back on track! I'd love to meet new people in or near my area, so please add me. :)
  • ActiveAli78
    ActiveAli78 Posts: 8 Member
    Mum to 1 from Gippsland (Traralgon). I'm looking to lose 20kg. Happy with my start of 2kg down since Jan 1st but this is a lifestyle change for me, not just a diet, so looking for slow and steady from here on. I'd love some new friends to share the journey xx
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I have been on here forever and a day. The first year was successful, I lost 11kg, last year was a complete bust and I gained nearly all of it back. So I'm here again completely revised and ready to go. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • LoOPiE_619
    LoOPiE_619 Posts: 4 Member
    Im from Perth, 30...add me :)
  • Wastig
    Wastig Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all

    Back from a broken ankle, no exercise for 6 weeks

    Could do with a little encouragement from time to time....

    Please feel free to add me to your friends list

  • :blushing: hi i have no friends on here as yet, please add me if you would like. i am from port pirie south australia :flowerforyou:
  • Any south aussies, better still port pirie? Id like some buddies
  • Dom821
    Dom821 Posts: 27 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm from Perth :flowerforyou:
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Dom821, I have sent you a friend request
  • Lil14U
    Lil14U Posts: 40 Member
    I joined today so feel free to add me to the list. I am 52 years old as of last Frday, 173cm tall, I have 7kg to go after losing 12kg since October using the 'adventures in weightloss’ program. Hit a bit of a snag and found this website; so far I am rely impressed. It would be great to meet someone from Australia for support and motivation (I get lost with all the lb and stones they write about), I live in the Southern Highlands NSW and am dabbling in permaculture (a form of self-sufficiency) all organic on a small 2 hectare property.:smile:

    How do I send a friend request??
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    Male, living in Freo area in WA, but originally from the Netherlands, happy to go through my journey together with others. Lost some weight already, but plenty more to go. Going to a gym and keeping my food intake low. However I don't want to be a party pooper either. :-)
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm Belle, 43 and living in Perth .I've only been on MFP for a few weeks and have lost just over 5kg, looking to drop at least another10. I like to run and have completed quite a few 5 and 10 km races and 2 half marathons., the goal this year is to run a marathon ( note to those reading this, I am an extremely slow runner). I also love to cook and would like to share and talk recipes.