Hi Starting Dec. 26th...anyone else?



  • mom2my3angels
    mom2my3angels Posts: 250 Member
    I just started today with Week 1 Workout 1. How do I log that in my exercise log? Anyone know the calorie burn for that workout?? Thanks!!

    I have a custom log for each workout...as far as calorie burn everyone is different based on our stats. Best thing to do is get a HRM. I know for me I burned about 200 calories

    Welcome and stick around
  • mom2my3angels
    mom2my3angels Posts: 250 Member
    Today did cardio 1 and went for a run in the park before it started raining. About 2miles. Legs burn, glad tomorrow is a rest day, going to take advantage of that. :). Monday is week 3! Whoop whoop!

    Good job...I am joining you on Monday with week 3

    Today I didn't do Jillian's cardio but I did do 1.5 hours of U-Jam/Zumba with a burn of 686 calories based on my HRM...So glad tomorrow is rest day, my legs are going to kill me tomorrow between this class and skiing!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I forced myself into doing the cardio 1 today. Was so not into it. I'm also sooooo hungry all the time and have been eating too much these past couple days... Stupid TOM :( haha
  • patticarbjunkie
    patticarbjunkie Posts: 133 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    Tomorrow is week 2 day 2
    I started running as well, just a couple of miles. .......so mad at myself lost 27 lbs and ran 1/2 marathon in October after I hit that goal :drinker:
    Started eating like crazy and stopped exercising.
    I had completed the 30 day shred x 2 and actually had a six pack.
    Now a belly again!!!:angry:
    Joined this group for some motivation!
    Have a good night...Patti
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    Tomorrow is week 2 day 2
    I started running as well, just a couple of miles. .......so mad at myself lost 27 lbs and ran 1/2 marathon in October after I hit that goal :drinker:
    Started eating like crazy and stopped exercising.
    I had completed the 30 day shred x 2 and actually had a six pack.
    Now a belly again!!!:angry:
    Joined this group for some motivation!
    Have a good night...Patti

    Welcome! :)
  • mom2my3angels
    mom2my3angels Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    Tomorrow is week 2 day 2
    I started running as well, just a couple of miles. .......so mad at myself lost 27 lbs and ran 1/2 marathon in October after I hit that goal :drinker:
    Started eating like crazy and stopped exercising.
    I had completed the 30 day shred x 2 and actually had a six pack.
    Now a belly again!!!:angry:
    Joined this group for some motivation!
    Have a good night...Patti

    Welcome Patti...so far this group is great!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    Tomorrow is week 2 day 2
    I started running as well, just a couple of miles. .......so mad at myself lost 27 lbs and ran 1/2 marathon in October after I hit that goal :drinker:
    Started eating like crazy and stopped exercising.
    I had completed the 30 day shred x 2 and actually had a six pack.
    Now a belly again!!!:angry:
    Joined this group for some motivation!
    Have a good night...Patti


    Today is rest day ladies. But I don't know if I will take a rest day after my eatfest2013 last night... Will update later! Have a great day!
  • scheidingj
    scheidingj Posts: 5 Member
    Starting Tomorrow! I hope it is good!
  • mom2my3angels
    mom2my3angels Posts: 250 Member
    Starting Tomorrow! I hope it is good!

    Good luck...you can do it
  • cathperko
    cathperko Posts: 3 Member
    Trying to organise my loungeroom so that I can start today! Arrived in the mail so no time like the present right!!

  • mom2my3angels
    mom2my3angels Posts: 250 Member
    WOW crazy workout...Don't like the camel move. Today I did Week 3 Workout 3...feels good to be done...keep it up everyone!
  • Today I start disc 3 and I am excited.
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    Did week 3 workout 3 today. Ahhh!
  • scheidingj
    scheidingj Posts: 5 Member
    did work out 1 week 1! its a step.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    WOW crazy workout...Don't like the camel move. Today I did Week 3 Workout 3...feels good to be done...keep it up everyone!

    I love that move haha. Did this workout today too! Have yoga tonight as well. Keep it up ladies!
  • patticarbjunkie
    patticarbjunkie Posts: 133 Member
    Did week 3 workout 3 today. Ahhh!

    Hi....just curious how is Week 3 & 4 compare to the first two weeks, I start this on Saturday.

  • scheidingj
    scheidingj Posts: 5 Member
    Did Work out 2 Week 1!!! 2 days in a row!
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    Did week 3 workout 3 today. Ahhh!

    Hi....just curious how is Week 3 & 4 compare to the first two weeks, I start this on Saturday.


    It's more challenging than 1&2, but definitely doable. My shoulders are a little sore today. She makes you do real push-ups in workout 3. Today is workout 4, I'll do it after work (I did take a sneak peak last night, ack!!!) LOL
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    Did Work out 2 Week 1!!! 2 days in a row!

    awesome job! Keep at it! :)
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    WOW crazy workout...Don't like the camel move. Today I did Week 3 Workout 3...feels good to be done...keep it up everyone!

    I love that move haha. Did this workout today too! Have yoga tonight as well. Keep it up ladies!

    i'm not a fan of the plank ups. My brush burns just went away from 30 day shred.... Now I have to do these again. :sad: