Daily Chat Thread



  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I am starting on Monday, excited and a little nervous.
    I did post this already, but I am looking for some more feedback.
    The gym does not have exercise balls.
    I cannot take one with me as I walk to the gym.
    My question is this....
    Can I do the exercise ball exercises when I get home or are there alternative exercises I should do instead at the gym?

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Finished my last Stage 3A workout today. I bumped up on the snatch, tried to go up on the bent over rows, but failed, went up on the overhead squats, tried and failed on the incline press. My left shoulder was "pinging" me today - not really sore just didn't feel like it had any strength or power. It's ok, I know I will improve more when I hit Stage 5. My happiest achievement is that I improved my BWM, my 2nd one was a full minute faster than the first. My jumping lunges are just plain ugly and by the time I get to the jump squats I'm barely coming off the ground, but they get better each time!

    I'm already achy, I hope the glutamine helps with DOMS, otherwise I'll be complaining (quietly) tomorrow. Kathy yea, thx BWM! But it's the good stuff.

    Beeps, I would love to meet another woman doing NROL - actually I would love to "meet" another woman. There are 4 who are there each morning that I am M<W<F) who lonly do that stairmaster thing - for an hour, it's theireexercise/social time and they don't talk to anyone else that I see. There's another woman who I see every time I'm there who lifts but she's not at all social, and today there was another woman there lifting, but doing serious barbie lifts. She actually was watching me do my snatch and overhead squats. I'm hoping she might say something and I can interest her in the program.

    ..and now you're down to 1 walke up right? Woohoo, girl, I bet you're going to have a total blast!

    LB and rachie, hi! glad to see you!! Rachie, good luck! I don't know the answer to your question, but I think the first thing I would do is ask them to buy some! Good grief, talk about basic gym equipment. If it was me, I would do the crunches on the floor, really isolate and tuck in my abs.

    Happy hump day!! Go get it, girls!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Did my last stage 3 workout today again! I decided to repeat before going on to stage 4 as I had a bad knee the first time round. So much better and increased on most things but still sore from Monday. Anyway straight into stage 4 on Friday.

    Rachel I don't think it matters too much doing crunches on the floor instead of on the ball. I avoid the ball as I have a separated tum still post preg and crunches don't help.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    FINALLY FINISHED STAGE 2!!!! woohoo! it only took me twice as long as it was supposed to as I was pretty ill and out of the gym for nearly 4 weeks. Because of how long it took me I dind't really see any strength gains, but now I am healthy and pumped for Stage 3! I think I will love the BWM.

    I am also now gearing up for another 1/2 marathon, so I hope I am able to balance the training for that with lifting. I have pretty bad shin splints in my right leg that reappear fairly easily and I have found step ups really aggravate them - any ideas for how to prevent this? less weight? I may just have to eliminate step ups from my work outs.

    I know I was MIA for a while, but I'm back now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,125 Member
    rachie - it's totally fine to do the ab-work when you get home - I don't believe it will affect anything, negatively. Hey, why not do your ab-work in the morning and THEN AGAIN when you get home from the gym! Awesome!

    emgel - I would drop the weight on your step-ups and make sure your form is PERFECT! (Highest step you can manage, with your thigh perpendicular to the floor and your calf at a right angle from your thigh - and NO pushing off your down leg!). Also, you might want to try "single-leg get ups" as an alternative.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks Beeps!

    Wait, for step ups I shouldn't be using a step that takes my thigh higher than parallel to the floor? I was using a weight bench, but at 5'1" that is DEF higher than parallel to the floor for my thigh - I wasn't having this problem when I was using a lower step - is that the issue?!!?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    ...and today the debate on my radio station is how supposedly "lady body-building" has become SUPER-popular (in 2012) and still 2013. Of course, ALL the men said was "I don't like that "look" - I might as well sleep with a man".

    So, I texted in saying, "you can't BULK UP without drugs. Period."

    Ugh. I'm SO sick of the "myths" out there! I mean, COME ON! I don't look ANYTHING like an Olympic bodybuilder. And, I don't look ANYTHING like the women, on their competition day, when they compete - I mean, they work VERY hard to get "THAT LOOK" on THAT particular day - and they don't LOOK like THAT the rest of the year!

    Men are SO stupid!

    This always makes me mad too. When I first mentioned to my mom that I was going to start lifting heavy, she said, "Ugh, women who do that look gross." It really irked me that my mom (who has never exercised at all, even in her teens) would criticize something she knows nothing about. But people see images of these body building women and assume that's what a woman will look like if she lifts. A few weeks later, my mom actually read my copy of NROL4W and didn't have anything else negative to say.
    I also think that women see the low BF %, duct taped boobs, and dehydrated bodies of the Victoria's Secret models and the Photoshopped pictures of actresses and think that it's "healthy". IRL, most of us look better with some muscle and a healthy diet. Ok, off my soapbox.

    I've missed a lot the last few days, but I hope everyone gets over their DOMS. Rachie, I do my Ab work separately sometimes due to time constraints. Don't think it will make a difference.

    RE: other women lifting at the gym. I haven't see a single one use a dumb bell over 10 lbs and definitely not the Oly barbell. Last night when I went, the gym was quite busy and everyone was on the elliptical and treadmills. One woman came over and did some machines and another elderly lady was doing push-ups on the Smith machine with her trainer. I get a lot of stares.
    Reminds me of a funny conversation I heard at the gym a few weeks ago. I was on the elliptical doing my warm-up and there was a young woman and a woman in her 40's beside me on the Stairmaster and recumbent bike. The younger one told the older one, "The Stair machine is what all the fitness competitors use to tone their butt. It's a good cardio workout, but to really burn fat you should get on the treadmill and walk really fast at an incline. Everyone thinks that you should just jump on and start running, but that's not true...." and on about different things that she probably had read in Women's World. I could see her out the corner of my eye and thought, "Well, she looks good to me, so I guess she's doing something right". Of course, she did a few fast, light reps on the machines after her cardio.
    Later I saw her in the locker room in just her underwear and while she's much smaller than me, she had as much cellulite. Made me want to give her a copy of the NROL4W book.

    Back on topic. Did S6A1 yesterday. Neg chin-ups were a huge disappointment. I think my muscles and brain were like, "what the heck are you doing?" Couldn't hold it at all. Sigh. Hoping for some progress. If not, at least this Stage is not quite as time consuming.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Did S1B1 yesterday. Again, I am amazed at the soreness! It's not terrible but for someone who has religiously done squats the past few months the lunges turned out to be hard (not so much while doing them but the aftermath). Today I am planning on hitting the elliptical to get my legs moving a bit.

    I never see any women really following a weightlifting routine at the gym. I've seen the occasional few doing a few bicep curls but nothing else. Lately, it's been dead in our weightlifting section since our gym started a P90X type workout. I think it's awesome but it sucks when they grab all of the weights for the class. I was stuck using kettlebells but I made it work. This is not ideal for further down the line. I might have to start hoarding weights on my lifting nights!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    emgel - welcome back!

    rachie - you can definitely do the ab work when you get home, or you can do them without the ball as well.

    LB - welcome and sounds like you're off to a good start. The soreness will go away. It usually takes me about a week for it to be gone completely. I get sore after each new stage, or after taking some time off - gotta wake up those muscles again.

    cowgirl - the negative chin ups are difficult, but keep working on them and they'll get better!

    Sorry I've been MIA this last week. Came down with something, not flu or even a really bad cold. My throat is really dry (can hardly talk) and I just have an upset tummy (nauseous, can't eat, but starving all the time). I've lost a couple lbs over the last week, probably mostly water weight since I can't seem to get much water down either. I'm trying, but nothing is appealing at all right now except tea. This is not how I wanted to start off my weight loss in the new year!! Work is busy and can't even take time off to get some much needed rest. Hoping I can get back to it next week!!!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Can I jump in?? :)

    I just started, my next workout will be S1A3, so I still have a lot of kinks to work out, and form form form....:) I go to Goodlife Fitness, and it is a good gym and all, but the branch I go to is a womens gym....and it sucks

    well it WAS good when all I did was run, then jump on the machines for a few mins....ya I was that girl

    so now that I started to lift I can see all sorts of wrong, they are prime example of the women lifting myths out there. They have plenty of dumbells, two pretty padded benches, and a smith machine...that is it!! And enough room, for a trainor and their client. It is pitiful, the only bars they have are the tiny little bars that seem like they would snap if there is more than 100lbs on them, and they probably would if there was enough weight in the gym to put on it....

    now that I have introduced myself and sound like a complete bag (name is Leanne by the way :)) I am really not, I can at least go to another branch if I need to, and after racking my brain, that is my only option...I would really like to be a part of the group, cause I love the program so far, and not going to lie, a little terrified of some of the other stages...but ready to get in there and get dirty....and strong....

    thanks everyone, I am really not a negative nelly...
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Leanne, welcome! I hope you can figure out something. Glad you've joined us and that you've come to see the benefits of lifting!
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Leanne, I hope you find a solution for you that works!

    I've had to modify a lot because I have limited resources at the gym in my apartment complex. I have no olympic barbell. I don't have cable machines.

    BUT, I've been determined to get this done, and I'm seeing results!

    Sometimes you just have to make do with a situation that's less than perfect, but you'll still come out better than when you started :-)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi! Just checking in real quick. I'm on day 3 at home with a sick child. I didn't work out yesterday, but managed to get to the gym the day before. I REALLY need to do something today... gotta get motivated and hope that my mom can watch the kiddo for a couple of hours.

    Welcome Leanne! So are you going to look for a new gym or just find a way to do the program with what you have? That really sucks about the "all women's gym" not having the proper lifting equipment. I'd be ticked!

    Jennie - hope you're feeling better!!

    LB2LL - You must be working some slightly different muscles to have the DOMS. I still get sore on days when I up weights or push myself a bit more -- and I'm in Stage 5. It's crazy! Our gym recently started Crossfit stuff and they use a lot of the equipment as well. Annoying!!

    TGIF everyone!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Leanne, welcome!

    km, that has to be it. I did lift weights before but my methods were all wrong so I was really only working a few muscles and not really working them in the correct way. So now I will feel it! My legs are still slightly sore today but the arm soreness is gone... just in time for more pushups ;)
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    the bonus of my gym is that although my branch is womens only, there are plenty of coed branches that are much more equip, and with my membership I can get in no charge, not nearly as convienient but I will have to travel to another branch once I need to advance...I am going to try some front squats until my shoulders are streched enough to hold a bar better...all in time :)

    thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi Leanne! I was a Planet Fitness member and never used the gym because it was basically useless. So many people hanging around and on machines but not using them, nothing but a smith machine and DBs. I worked out at home until I hit Stage 2. I now go to a local gym - only 3 outlets. It's great. Has the standard cardio-deck, a spinning area, classroom, boxing and specialty area but the big plus is the weights area. Smith machine yea but it has several other setups for lifting, about 15 oly bars a huge variety of weights several sets of dbs and plenty of room. Best of all, they are expanding the weights area, moving it downstairs, so the entire downstairs area will be weight training. I'm looking forward to checking it out. Sadly, they are behind schedule, it was supposed to be done first of the year.

    I finished Stage 3 yesterday morning. I am very happy with the workouts generally. I didn't go way up in weights but I improved in all areas at least by 15-20 lbs, except YTWLs which aren't supposed to be heavy weights anyway. My balance is better, my ankles feel stronger and my endurance and recovery is better. I haven't logged the weight changes, my trainer has all my logs ATM. Next week I'm just going to work out exercises to prepare me for Stage 4. I really didn't like Stage 2, but honestly, I'm looking forward to Stage 4 now. I feel so much better prepared for it this time around.

    Tomorrow, I think I am going to go check out the yoga class at the gym. It starts at 8AM - I much prefer to do my workouts in the morning than later in the day, especially on the weekends. I've never done any formal yoga, but I think it will help my balance issues,

    Kathy I hope your little one feels better soon!

    LB, the one thing that I did that has helped me more than anything else is use a trainer. He's really helped my form incredibly. I used him all the way through these last 2 stages and I see & feel the improvement. And like Kathy said, I am sore most times because I work hard.

    Mary, where are you? Come back! I know you are disappointed about the MRI results but you will find a work around!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Hey Sue I did stage 4A1 yesterday. So much tougher than I expected. Like you i didn't much like stage 2 and frustratingly I dropped back down on almost all the weights. I guess I have to build up again as I haven't done those moves in a while and 3 sets makes a huge! Difference. Normally I don take all the rests it says but I had to rest even if only for 60 s and still it took me well over an hour to complete the whole thing. Ope it gets better. Not liking this stage
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Livlora, , I think you will find Stage 4 improves as you get used to the exercises again.
    Sue, awesome gains! I hated Stage 3, but it sounds like you are coming along nicely.
    LB, I get sore every time I start up again after a break of more than a few days. It's a good thing though. I would second the trainer if you're worried about form.

    Kathy, hope your kiddo is better. We've been sick off and on for several weeks and it really puts a kink in fitness goals! Hope you got to workout.

    6A2 today. My push ups are getting so much better. I feel like this stage is so focused on arms that I did some jackknifes and leg raises after. Date night tonight with the hubs. Been about 5 months since we've had one. Going to try to fast most of the day(other than my post workout drink from Starbucks- don't judge:) so I won't have to worry about calories tonight. Oh and my weight is finally on the way back down. This is as I am eating nearly 2000 cals a day!
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    Today I got up at 7:30AM which is pretty much unheard of on a Saturday, but it meant my gym was blissfully empty and I got the squat rack to myself.

    I knew I would be a bit intimidated by the burly meatheads but the gym has been so busy of late I just feel SO selfconcious when I'm there. I can do everything but the squats and deadlifts away from the big lifting space so I tend to get those done then scamper away back to the stretching area. Guess this will go with time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement :)

    Today I am upping my cals/protein a bit since it's lifting day! I'm doing Stage 1 Workout B1. I'm still a little sore from Monday but not terrible. I'm slightly nervous about deadlifts and maintaining proper form. It's funny because when I look straight ahead and do them my form is pretty much on point BUT when I turn to "check" on how my form is from the side it gets all wonky. So, I will trust my muscles and stay face forward!
    your body will drift when you turn your head. Proper head position is part of good form. Keep checking for the front lol
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. Crazy week at work and home. Went to the gym three times this week but my friday WO was crap I eliminated one set and still took an hour to complete. I raised weight on Wednesday and I think I over used my shoulder or something because I could barely get the bar over my head when I can usually lift 60 or more over head. My form definitely sucked probably from being so tired to start. My neck back and arm all hurt in the right hand side and I pulled a tendon in my right hand. No lifting this coming week. On the bright side I'll get to take the aerobics classes I never have time for. Don't want to get out of routine too much already. (damn my hand hurts just typing. I have to keep my pinky up like I'm drinking tea lol)

    Welcome Leanne and Teely. Beeps, I hope you're having fun in Mexico. Mary and Sue thanks for always being there.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Going to do my first workout this afternoon - eeeeek! Wish me luck!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Sue and CowGirl - Baby girl is all better. Thank God she can go back to school tomorrow, cuz Mommy was about to lose her mind. I have not been in the zone with my eating and exercising. This week was a wash with running. At least I got to the gym twice last week to lift. I have been so tired from doing the mom and wife thing. Just gotta remember to carve out time for myself.

    mcbellnz - Hope your workout went great. I think you're going to love it.

    Livingdeadgirl - It's intimidating at first, but give it a few more workouts and you will totally zone the meatheads out. Soon you'll be a familiar face and it'll be no big whoop. I promise!

    Sam - Ack, sorry about your hand. Bummer!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Boom! And workout Stage 1 A1 is done! Jeez, it was tough - got a good sweat up! (I posted my experience in the "Stage 1" thread).

    Any advice on an option for the shoulder press in workout B? I had a shoulder injury last year, and although I haven't tested it this year, trying to push any weight above my left shoulder caused great pain (I think I did it with poor kettlebell form on the clean and press). I am not sure if I will be able to push much weight....are there any different exercises I can do instead? Not sure if this is the best place to post this question, but hope someone can help.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Kmsairam I know your pain. It is so hard to remember we are individuals as well as all the other hats we wear: wife mother worker cleaner cook driver teacher nurse....

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!

    All I can say is wow! Seriously, in one week? Can I ask if you have much excess fat to release? (I am new here, sorry). I would love to see even half that kind of progress (although it is only day one for me). Congrats!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Today is the second B workout. I was a lot less sore after the second A workout and I am planning on upping my weights for the 3rd workout. My form is pretty good. My husband is pretty big into weight lifting so I use him as a "trainer" if I have a question about form.

    How has everyone been following some of the suggested nutrition advice? I'm always good during the week and sort of slack on the weekends. I'm hoping this doesn't bite me in the *kitten* down the line.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sam - welcome back and sorry about your injury. Hope it heals quickly!

    Livlov - WOW! congrats on the inches lost! That's amazing

    Teely and mcbell - welcome!!

    LB - I always do great during the week and slack on the weekends. I don't watch what I eat nearly as much as I should, but I still try to keep it within my calorie range. You can totally sabotage yourself in those 2 days, so try to not let it get away from you.

    Sue - I didn't care for stages 2&4 either, but I'm sure you'll see improvement when you get to stage 4.

    Kathy - I hope you find time for yourself this week.

    I am finally feeling better, but was up late with a kiddo so was too tired to get up this morning. Will do some intervals and yoga over lunch, then get back into my routine starting tomorrow. I've come the realization that if I'm not following the plan that I have set out for myself, then I will forego all exercie because of it. I've decided that the most important thing is that I'm moving and lifting. So, while I have specific goals for myself this year, I really just need to keep moving and lifting no matter if I'm following a program or not and stop getting in my own way.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I FINALLY started stage 3 today! woohoo! I did manage to hit myself in the face with the cable while doing the reverse woodchop, but that is ok! Generally I liked it! As for the BWM: I can't do the jump squats and jump lunges because of shin splints, so i just do the regular ones twice!

    Question for the group: I want to start a cut cycle Feb. 1. How much do you all cut your calories by and for how long?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Kmsairam I know your pain. It is so hard to remember we are individuals as well as all the other hats we wear: wife mother worker cleaner cook driver teacher nurse....

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!
    woo hoo you go girl!