3rd Trimester



  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    Congratulations. :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Congrats Mellynat! that's very exciting that you have your baby girl and good to hear that while it wasn't the birth you hoped for you were happy with it (afterall you have a beautiful baby girl!) :)

    On a different note, is anyone else extremely irritated that we have been told pregnancy is 9 months all our life when it's more like 10?! I'm 28 weeks, therefore I should only have 2 months to go, but there's 12 weeks left so that means 3 more months! grrrrrrrrr
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Congrats Mellynat! And well done, well done on all your efforts to get the ideal birth, it's crazy how these things evade us, and beforehand we think it's so important, but once you hold that bubba it doesn't matter one bit! Interesting that the epidural gave you the shakes, I had that too, but have never met anyone else who has.

    All well here with us, 35 weeks now, had midwife appointment today no concerns everything as it should be, midwife even thought he was no longer breech, but I have an ultrasound booked for 36 weeks and a few days to check position. After that I'll have an ob appointment to discuss options, either to go ahead with VBAC or to have elective c section. MIdwife said she'd need some good ob support to go ahead with a breech VBAC ... we'll see what happens ...
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    BOOBS!!!!! Am I the only one who suddenly has boob pain again? It's like being right back in the 1st trimester! Perhaps they are growing again?
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    BOOBS!!!!! Am I the only one who suddenly has boob pain again? It's like being right back in the 1st trimester! Perhaps they are growing again?

    Yes! 34 weeks here and this is my first baby but it definitely feels like things are happening inside my boobs; like the milk is coming in, even though I know that doesn't really happen until the baby comes. I went ahead and got nursing bras though because I know that I'll need them after I deliver. Nursing bras are like armor though; I feel like a viking in them.

    And my rib cage is getting bigger; I had to buy bra extenders last week. Not liking the rib pain!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    BOOBS!!!!! Am I the only one who suddenly has boob pain again? It's like being right back in the 1st trimester! Perhaps they are growing again?

    My boobs have been sore for most of my pregnancy. I think I just got used to it so I only notice it sometimes anymore :ohwell:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Congratulations mellynat on your birth! Thank you for taking the time to write up your story too! :flowerforyou:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    BOOBS!!!!! Am I the only one who suddenly has boob pain again? It's like being right back in the 1st trimester! Perhaps they are growing again?

    No, at 37 weeks now with #3, and no difference so far. However, I have barely started any contractions yet either, so might just be delayed. They did get sore with both #1 and #2 :-)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just need to vent a little...

    I'm 37 weeks as of today, and these last few days have been really trying. I've had a horrible time sleeping. Can't seem to sleep more than a few hours at a time and only at the strangest hours. Midwife thinks I have SPD so my pelvis has been in horrible pain for about a week now, and it's only getting worse. The pain radiates all around my lower spine and into my tailbone. I pee all the time. I poop all the time, and it hurts when I have to "go" anymore, because I get horrible bowel cramps. I can't even walk after 3pm from the discomfort and instability in my hips. I seem to do better in the morning with that. To top it all off, I just got sick with a cold and can't take any decongestants.

    I feel like all this is wearing on my willpower and nerves a lot. I'm trying to distract myself with work and other things and trying to remember that it's only temporary, but it's getting really stressful and exhausting mentally and physically.

    My midwife told me to get a maternity belt, so that should be here on Tuesday, but I'm just really getting tired of all this.

    I could use some encouragement and maybe some voices of reason...
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Hugs Prego, that's got to be so hard! I've been contemplating a maternity belt too, all of my friends say I'm carrying really low so I guess that accounts for the back pain. Hang in there, you are SO CLOSE! Do you think that taking time off work might be a good idea. I know you said you are trying to distract yourself with work but maybe not working would give you more time for rest and relaxation before your bundle of joy gets here.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Pregosaurus~ I agree wtih EmilyRanae. The hip and back pain can be unbearable. With my first I didn't get any pain until the last month, like you, but with this one it all started around 15-16 weeks. With my first I did get a maternity belt from my OB's office and that did help because I was carrying him so low. With this one I was unable to get off the floor while playing with my 3 year old, and I decided I HAD to do something about it, so I talked with my OB and tried some prenatal physical therapy. Turns out my left hip was tilted too far forward compared with my right and with gentle manipulation, she was able put it back in place (sounds painful, but I didn't feel anything!). Then with strengthening exercises and 2-3 weeks of visiting 2 times a week (to make sure I was holding the proper position and giving me more exercises to do at home), I feel much better! No more spasms! I am just going to continue with the stuff she has given me to keep everything stabilized down there and if I need to see her again I can. I know you are towards the end of your pregnancy, so this might not help too much, but might be worth considering! Hang in there!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Just need to vent a little...

    I'm 37 weeks as of today, and these last few days have been really trying. I've had a horrible time sleeping. Can't seem to sleep more than a few hours at a time and only at the strangest hours. Midwife thinks I have SPD so my pelvis has been in horrible pain for about a week now, and it's only getting worse. The pain radiates all around my lower spine and into my tailbone. I pee all the time. I poop all the time, and it hurts when I have to "go" anymore, because I get horrible bowel cramps. I can't even walk after 3pm from the discomfort and instability in my hips. I seem to do better in the morning with that. To top it all off, I just got sick with a cold and can't take any decongestants.

    I feel like all this is wearing on my willpower and nerves a lot. I'm trying to distract myself with work and other things and trying to remember that it's only temporary, but it's getting really stressful and exhausting mentally and physically.

    My midwife told me to get a maternity belt, so that should be here on Tuesday, but I'm just really getting tired of all this.

    I could use some encouragement and maybe some voices of reason...

    You poor thing! I've been whining a bit about the pain I've been having but it's not to the level of your discomfort :-( Hopefully the maternity belt will help! I don't have a cold but I have constant allergies and sinus pressure, my new humidifier is helping but I can't sleep worth crap anymore. I've pretty much given up, I wake up every half hour. I sure hope you can get some relief, you don't have much longer to go!
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    BOOBS!!!!! Am I the only one who suddenly has boob pain again? It's like being right back in the 1st trimester! Perhaps they are growing again?

    I'm having on and off pain in my boobs again too. I didn't expect that!
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Congratulations, mellynat and thank you for sharing your story!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    thank u ladies!
    wishing you all the best when your big day comes. Time to say good bye to the fit &fab group! hope to see you all in the postpartum group! :)
    Good luck!!
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    Just need to vent a little...

    I'm 37 weeks as of today, and these last few days have been really trying. I've had a horrible time sleeping. Can't seem to sleep more than a few hours at a time and only at the strangest hours. Midwife thinks I have SPD so my pelvis has been in horrible pain for about a week now, and it's only getting worse. The pain radiates all around my lower spine and into my tailbone. I pee all the time. I poop all the time, and it hurts when I have to "go" anymore, because I get horrible bowel cramps. I can't even walk after 3pm from the discomfort and instability in my hips. I seem to do better in the morning with that. To top it all off, I just got sick with a cold and can't take any decongestants.

    I feel like all this is wearing on my willpower and nerves a lot. I'm trying to distract myself with work and other things and trying to remember that it's only temporary, but it's getting really stressful and exhausting mentally and physically.

    My midwife told me to get a maternity belt, so that should be here on Tuesday, but I'm just really getting tired of all this.

    I could use some encouragement and maybe some voices of reason...

    That sounds so awful, but you're so close! Here's hoping that the belt gives you some relief and that you overcome this challenging time quickly. Does it help at all to be in the water? When I get uncomfortable I stand in a warm shower until the water turns cold, and if the pain is really bad, then I take a bath and let the water absorb the pain for awhile. Those are my favorite things. My babe is also super low and it's given my pelvic bone constant pressure/ pain for about a month so far. I also like doing yoga-esque poses to relieve some of the pressure. The one I like the best lately is when you sit on your knees and then lean forward and either hold yourself up with your arms and let your belly hang, or put your arms down and your head down and let your belly fall between your knees. Something about that makes my back and pelvis not hurt. I'll keep you in my thoughts and send some good happy sunshiney vibes your way too :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words to me. I think I just needed to whine a little and get it out of my system.

    @Emily: I'm on maternity leave starting on Monday (really Saturday), so I've just gotta push through this last week. I'm looking forward to having some down time before baby comes so I can hopefully get some rest and get some house chores done. :) Thank you for your kind words!

    @doubletnurse: I was thinking of going to see a chiropractor that works with pregnant women, but I'm a little apprehensive about it. Hopefully the maternity belt will help at least stabilize my hips when I walk. Sometimes I feel like my legs are going in opposite directions at the hip. Thank you for your comments and encouragement! :)

    @tcrofford: I gave in and had a small dose of Afrin just to clear at least one nasal passage so I could sleep the last couple nights. Tylenol PM has been my friend too. Maternity belt arrives today, so *hopefully* that will help with the hip issues. I did get a big exercise ball yesterday, and (other than almost falling on my face), I think it helped. I'm going to try to do those hip circles on it 3-4 times per day from now on.

    @heidi: Hot shower does help ease the lower back tension. I'll try the yoga poses this afternoon and see if it helps. Thank you for your kind words and support :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    typed up my birth plan today and i'm so excited to show it to the doc! We'll see what he has to say about it all. If you haven't written a birth plan I highly recommend it. It's very empowering to know that I have a plan that I agree with. Our first birthing class isn't until March so I'm sure there's stuff I will want to add/remove after really learning how things operate in the hospital but for now I'm super happy about it and feel real good about the decisions we have made :)
  • I just borrowed a belt from my co-worker yesterday, so far it really does feel better, but mostly when standing. Sitting is still kind of uncomfortable.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words to me. I think I just needed to whine a little and get it out of my system.

    @Emily: I'm on maternity leave starting on Monday (really Saturday), so I've just gotta push through this last week. I'm looking forward to having some down time before baby comes so I can hopefully get some rest and get some house chores done. :) Thank you for your kind words!

    @doubletnurse: I was thinking of going to see a chiropractor that works with pregnant women, but I'm a little apprehensive about it. Hopefully the maternity belt will help at least stabilize my hips when I walk. Sometimes I feel like my legs are going in opposite directions at the hip. Thank you for your comments and encouragement! :)

    @tcrofford: I gave in and had a small dose of Afrin just to clear at least one nasal passage so I could sleep the last couple nights. Tylenol PM has been my friend too. Maternity belt arrives today, so *hopefully* that will help with the hip issues. I did get a big exercise ball yesterday, and (other than almost falling on my face), I think it helped. I'm going to try to do those hip circles on it 3-4 times per day from now on.

    @heidi: Hot shower does help ease the lower back tension. I'll try the yoga poses this afternoon and see if it helps. Thank you for your kind words and support :)

    I hope that you are starting to do a little better, and hope that your belt helps! The chiropractor rally can work wonders! I see a prenatal chiropractor and she really help with aches and pains, and help with the alignment of the hips that are causing you pain! I also have my babies adjusted when they are born, and it really helps them too!