Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • Princess721
    Princess721 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I have been trying to take in 1800 calories/ day which seems that it would be easy BUT a few days this week I have been struggling just to make it to 1200. I don't want to settle at 1200 because when I hit a plateau there wont be any room to cut calories. I feel like I eat all the time buts its mainly veggies, and low cal anyone else struggling with this and if so what are some of the foods that you eat to make you intake goal.

    and FYI Yana I think that you are an awesome and motivational group leader
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    I have to share...I'm working at home today so my neighbor and I went to the park and walked 2 miles at lunch. She suggested we jog a little on each of our laps. We jogged on 4 of the 5 laps. Not a lot but I was still proud of both of us. I haven't jogged in 2 years.

    That's a good job !!!!! I have been doing run/walks on the treadmill and it's no joke, so I feel you and outside is even more challenging !!
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Welcome to all the new Sista's joining us !!!!

    So here is my mid-week check in, I have been ill and that had me in the dumbs a bit, but I have continued to log and work out as much as I can, and I am feeling much better mentally. I am hoping to maitain my weight this week, to say the least !

    I plan on continuing to work out as much as possible till my WI and get a game plan for Super Bowl Sunday, since my team is not in the running, we are just gonna stay in....
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Hey ladies,

    I have been trying to take in 1800 calories/ day which seems that it would be easy BUT a few days this week I have been struggling just to make it to 1200. I don't want to settle at 1200 because when I hit a plateau there wont be any room to cut calories. I feel like I eat all the time buts its mainly veggies, and low cal anyone else struggling with this and if so what are some of the foods that you eat to make you intake goal.

    and FYI Yana I think that you are an awesome and motivational group leader

    I don't have this issue on a regular basis, but I would suggest addign some filling foods like whole grains like hot cerals, brown rice, lentils, Whole-wheat couscousetc, dairy some yogurt, cheeses , protien products that will give you a good cal punch and is very filling. Hope this helps
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Thanks for the shout out:flowerforyou: I love this group!
    I have to share...I'm working at home today so my neighbor and I went to the park and walked 2 miles at lunch. She suggested we jog a little on each of our laps. We jogged on 4 of the 5 laps. Not a lot but I was still proud of both of us. I haven't jogged in 2 years.

    That's a good job !!!!! I have been doing run/walks on the treadmill and it's no joke, so I feel you and outside is even more challenging !!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Thank you, Princess721! You ladies make me feel really good with your kindness. I'm more than happy to be a motivator here, and trust, all of you are motivating me, too! :)

    I'm glad you're feeling better, Nette! I have the exact opposite problem as you when it comes to Super Bowl Sunday - I live in Baltimore - so it's going to be a big deal here! I'm thinking that I'll convince my SO that he and I should go to a sports bar without a buffet, that way we can only eat what we order and still enjoy the game with other people and not be tempted to over eat.

    I was thinking of just making some food and the two of us hanging out and watching the game at home, but that's what we do all the time. I think the sports bar is a good solution, hopefully he agrees, otherwise it's Tex Mex Nachos and homemade hot wings - but taking the skin off of those little wings takes FOREVER...yeah, the more I think about it, the better a sports bar sounds.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I feel like I'm SUPER late, but I would LOVE to join this challenge! I'm new to mfp this week so, everything for me is brand new:

    SW: 181
    CW: 181
    GW: 140

    3 Non-scale victories to acheive by 6/21/13:

    1.) Maintain consistency with weekly work-outs
    2.) Fit comfortably in a size 8
    3.) Continue my journey to natural from the inside out

    I originally weighed in this past Monday morning, so Monday's will be my weigh in day.

    **Also, I hadn't had opportunity to upload a picture as yet, but I will do so very soon!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Hi Angelh1908! It's never too late to join, welcome! Our challenge is your challenge! :) You don't have to post pics in the thread unless you absolutely want to. If you friend some of the ladies in the group, we can see any pics that you upload to your profile!

    Here's wishing you a safe and happy weight loss journey! :)
  • ms4composure
    ms4composure Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    My name is Stephanie McGrew
    I am a personal Health and Fitness Trainer.
    I heard about this summer challenge you guys were doing and i think it is amazing you guys are working to hard to reach your health and fitness goals.

    What i wanted to do was offer my own services (free of charge!) to you ladies!

    So if you need any advice, motivation, or have any health and fitness related questions please feel free to contact me!

    I have a personal blog at:

    i post meal options, workout suggestions, motivation, and all kinds of other information if you need it

    i also have a facebook page at:

    i also post daily motivation and other tips there as well.

    You can contact me on here by messaging me or you can send me a email to

    Like i said please feel free to reach out to me if you need ANY help with reaching your health and fitness goals!

    Stephanie McGrew
    (you can find me here on myfitnesspal @ms4composure)
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm a little late...but here's my latest check-in:

    SW: 208 as of Jan 1
    CW: 201.6

    Down 6.4
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Evening ladies!
    First I'd like to say a big hello and welcome to the new challengers and that you are going to love it here everyone is really supportive and Yana is great to follow.

    OK I'm going to tell you where I am at for the ladies who are not on my friends list.
    Basically I have let myself go, gained 3lbs and eating what I want when I wanted because I got myself into a bit of a rut and was finding it very hard to get out but today I got my mojo back and completed my diary and exercised for the first time in over a week.
    I have decided to kick start myself back onto my keto plan by doing a "fat fast" for 3-4 days so my calories will be as low as 1000 per day and fats will make up 80-90% of my intake, I've heard good things about this so fingers crossed it will do me good too.

    I am a compulsive weigher, I do it several times a day so I'm going to take a break from it for a little while, I'll still post my weekly update if there is a significant loss otherwise I will leave it as is.

    So goals for this week and next:
    1) Exercise at least 5x a week.
    2) Keep to the fat fast and low carb plan after.
    3) No weekend binge not even on my birthday weekend.
    4) Try at least 1 low carb recipe.

    Looking forward to moving forward with you great ladies. :smile:
  • Hello Ladies,

    I would love to join this challenge.
    I have issues with staying motivated to workout. I figured I needed to join a group to receive support and this seems like a great one for me. I know everything that I need to do, but doing it is the issue. I can get lazy and it's a bad habit to have.
    I have started working out this week (AGAIN!) and so far, so good! I can't keep complaining about the weight without taking action, so here I am!!

    SW: 178
    GW: 156

    My other goals are:
    1. Stay consistent with my workouts
    2. Don't eat when I am bored/binge eat
    3. Watch my portions
  • I'm a little late...but here's my latest check-in:

    SW: 208 as of Jan 1
    CW: 201.6

    Down 6.4

    Welcome ! Your never to late and congrats on your loss !!
  • Hello Ladies,

    I would love to join this challenge.
    I have issues with staying motivated to workout. I figured I needed to join a group to receive support and this seems like a great one for me. I know everything that I need to do, but doing it is the issue. I can get lazy and it's a bad habit to have.
    I have started working out this week (AGAIN!) and so far, so good! I can't keep complaining about the weight without taking action, so here I am!!

    SW: 178
    GW: 156

    My other goals are:
    1. Stay consistent with my workouts
    2. Don't eat when I am bored/binge eat
    3. Watch my portions

    Welcome !!! I would suggest that you find a form of fitness that you really like and is fun for you today, my fav thing to do is Pilates, it's my go-to, find something fun, like dancing or something like that, you'll find out that you can't stop doing it and it will become contagious ! I also set weekly fitness goals, and taking week by week seems more manageable you know, you'll do great !
  • Evening ladies!
    First I'd like to say a big hello and welcome to the new challengers and that you are going to love it here everyone is really supportive and Yana is great to follow.

    OK I'm going to tell you where I am at for the ladies who are not on my friends list.
    Basically I have let myself go, gained 3lbs and eating what I want when I wanted because I got myself into a bit of a rut and was finding it very hard to get out but today I got my mojo back and completed my diary and exercised for the first time in over a week.
    I have decided to kick start myself back onto my keto plan by doing a "fat fast" for 3-4 days so my calories will be as low as 1000 per day and fats will make up 80-90% of my intake, I've heard good things about this so fingers crossed it will do me good too.

    I am a compulsive weigher, I do it several times a day so I'm going to take a break from it for a little while, I'll still post my weekly update if there is a significant loss otherwise I will leave it as is.

    So goals for this week and next:
    1) Exercise at least 5x a week.
    2) Keep to the fat fast and low carb plan after.
    3) No weekend binge not even on my birthday weekend.
    4) Try at least 1 low carb recipe.

    Looking forward to moving forward with you great ladies. :smile:

    Hey there Serene, I say put it all behind you !!!! I have learned the hard way that it's all in our minds, your mind is fixed for sucess and that's that ! No matter how many times we fall and get up, WE Keep it moving Sis ! I look forward to hearing your results, nice goals btw
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    I have a NSV to report. Despite starting January with an injured ankle I completed my Leslie Sansone walking challenge of 30 miles. In fact my final total was 33 miles. For February I've increased my goal to 40 miles. For those of you who like to walk the Leslie Sansone group is also very motivating. Check it out. The February challenge starts today.
  • CONGRATS KATHY !!! and with an injury !

    Now, Leslie is my girl !!! Her studio is very close by, I wanna work out with her so badly !!

    I think I may join this challenge if I can't do the C25K program, I need some kinda fitness challenge and I have a ton of her DVDS, I even like her running one.
  • Ladies, not sure if I should WI this Sunday, one I should start my "Ladies Day" on Sunday, well, that's if my husband hasn't knocked me up this cycle lol I hate to do it, with all that extra fluid...

    I dunno, should I pass this week ? Might help me mentally as well, ya'll know I had a tough week...
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Ladies, not sure if I should WI this Sunday, one I should start my "Ladies Day" on Sunday, well, that's if my husband hasn't knocked me up this cycle lol I hate to do it, with all that extra fluid...

    I dunno, should I pass this week ? Might help me mentally as well, ya'll know I had a tough week...
    If you feel you may be taking on water you should leave it until after "ladies time"has passed although I like seeing the fluctuations this can cause but if you feel it may set you back mentally don't do it.
  • Ladies, not sure if I should WI this Sunday, one I should start my "Ladies Day" on Sunday, well, that's if my husband hasn't knocked me up this cycle lol I hate to do it, with all that extra fluid...

    I dunno, should I pass this week ? Might help me mentally as well, ya'll know I had a tough week...
    If you feel you may be taking on water you should leave it until after "ladies time"has passed although I like seeing the fluctuations this can cause but if you feel it may set you back mentally don't do it.

    You know Serene, you might be right, Ima wait and see what happens on Sunday, it might wait and come later in the day, so if I hurryin up in the morning, I should be fine, either way, if it's higher or the same, I will have a nice loss next week ! lol But then again, if it doesn't come at all - Mission accomplished !