2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    F*cking scale.

    That is all.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    F*cking scale.

    That is all.

    Throw it out the window!!!

    That is all.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good food day yesterday. I had a beer after dinner which hadn't planned on, but it fit in my cals. I refrained from #2 so that's almost like a bigger success than not having any!

    Beeps, not to gloat after your scale bashing, but finally after a 3 week gain, I had a pound loss this morning. I attribute it to the 4 mile run and a light dinner last night. Of course there was the beer and TOM, so I'm interested to see what next week looks like. Unless I am uber good, I expect a stay or maybe a tiny loss or gain. Better get my *kitten* together. I think I'll be doign measurements this weekend if I feel "good".

    It's my Friday!! Have a great weekend ladies! I'm going to really try to be good.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Better, congrats on your scale victory!

    One of the reasons I only weigh once-per-week is because of the fluctuations....however, I'm in week 5 of an 8-week contest which requires a weight-average for the week, so I'm forced to weigh more often, just now. And, yes, that f*cks with my mind!

    Anyway, I'm nearly done this UNcontest and, frankly, I won't join another one that forces me to weigh more than once-per-week.

    Having said that, I USUALLY weigh on Wednesdays (traditionally this *is* the lowest-weight day for me during any week!), and yesterday WAS Wednesday - so why the scale showed a ZOOMING high is BEYOND ME!

    My motivations are:

    1. I have an Oscar bash on Sunday, so I *know* I'm going to eat TONS of junk food, so I want to eat lower calories all this week to account for THAT big day.
    2. end-of-February photos/measurements are around the corner; and
    3. I am in Palm Springs March 3 - 7...

    So, I'd better get downright MILITANT with my diet if I want to get the BEST out of myself over the next couple of weeks!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ris - hop your knee starts feeling better soon, good luck with the run on Sunday

    Better - congrats on the loss

    Kate - congrats on Notre Dame and best wishes with your project at work

    Beeps - good luck with your diet crack-down!

    I really need to get vigilant with my diet and stop with the frequent splurging. I had a girl night at my sister's house Wednesday and went a little nuts with the wine, chocolate, popcorn & candy - yikes! I felt miserable the next day. Anyways, I am still plugging along with my Les Mills Combat DVD's, but since I haven't really followed the diet plan along with it I am not seeing results. I am glad it is almost over and I am still working on what to do next.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--congrats on your loss!

    Beeps--sounds like you have lots of things coming up to motivate you! I kind of like weighing myself every day because it helps me learn what causes the day-to-day fluctuations and not stress over them so much, but I can see how the ups and downs would drive you a little crazy.

    Abigail--I hear you on the splurges. It's so hard to say "no" when you're in those types of social situations (and wine, chocolate, popcorn & candy are delicious). I think it just takes practice, maybe next time you say no to the candy, and the time after that you say no to candy and the second (or third or fourth or whatever) glass of wine.

    Well in 3 hours and 25 minutes I'm off to Orlando for my race! I'm going to take a break from logging, and then see how much damage control I have to do on Monday. I'm guessing that we'll be doing a lot of walking on Saturday if we go to one of the parks, and then I have the race on Sunday, so even if I splurge a little on the food I'm hoping that the exercise will keep me from going too far over my calories.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Good luck in your race, Ris!! I'm sure you'll do really well!!

    Abigail -I'm with you - laser-beam focus on nutrition is gonna be KEY for me!

    I had a board meeting all morning, so no work-out, today. Am trying to catch-up on my work so that I don't have to work all weekend. Gaaaahhhhhh!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Had a fabulous vacation and thinking I will take the next two weeks to contemplate my next steps. I will try to be reasonable with breakfast and lunch, but it's restaurant week(s) in Denver so I'll be indulging too and don't want to be counting calories.
    I wanted to ask people, have you compared strcit calorie counting and not counting? I just wonder if I have become too obsessed and maybe I should just try to make better choices but not count, see if it matters for me.
    The other thing I think I should focus on is performance goals, and not weight or even pictures (of my midsection...) because I want to be able to do a pullup, and maybe run 10k, and try something new like pilates or pur barre. I wonder if I have been just checking the box on my workout plans and not really challenging myself!
    Oh, but I have to share something, I know you'll understand-I had to hover over toilet (in the DR, it was like a urinal-no seat) anyway, I thought, all those wall-sits are helping me now! I guess that's why it's included in the sexy FEMALE workout:tongue:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello ladies! So I found out last week that I am pregnant. It is still really early, so we aren't telling many people yet. They told me at the doctor to just increase my normal cals by 300 a day. I plan on continuing to log, just to keep myself in check. So I am thinking I will increase my cals to 1800, since I have been eating at 1500. Any thoughts on this? I probably won't run anymore, just walk outside and on the treadmill. But, I will keep up with spinning (just lower my intensity), yoga, TRX and Pilates.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Welcome back Amy! For me, not counting calories doesn't really work well because I'm a snacker and it's hard for me to ballpark how much I'm eating throughout the day. I also tend to eat when I'm bored/stressed, so I don't really trust myself to only eat when I'm hungry. I'm okay if I skip logging for a few days, but if I stop for longer than that my weight starts to creep up.

    But I think that not counting could work if you had a plan. For example, if you set your goal for 1800 calories, and decided that you would aim for 3 meals of 500 calories and two snacks of 150 calories, you would be fine if you can estimate what 500 calorie meals and 150 calorie snacks look like. Or, if you are good about only eating when you're hungry, you could probably ignore calorie limits altogether and really focus on only eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full, as long you're careful about avoiding empty calorie foods. If your only concern is that you won't be able to log your dinners accurately for restaurant week, maybe you can try logging your day until dinner and just make sure that you leave enough calories so that you can indulge a little? I do that sometimes--I leave 800-1000 calories open at the end of the day and try not to go overboard at dinner.

    I also think that focusing on performance goals is great, and will naturally force you to increase your exercise intensity. My only caution is that you still need some sort of plan to keep your nutrition in check. For example, running a 10k is an excellent goal, but a lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that because they're running so much that they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight, and that's just not the case. That's not to say you HAVE to log or anything, but just make sure that you're eating healthy foods and keep in mind that no matter how much you work out that doesn't give you a free pass to eat as much as you want.

    If you do decide to skip the logging for a while, I would suggest at least having some way of checking in on yourself if your goal is to maintain your weight or lose. Otherwise, if you're overeating, you could discover that you've somehow gained 5 or 10 pounds without realizing it. But if you're okay with that risk, then you'll probably do some good by directing your energy toward just being healthy without stressing about everything so much.

    As for me, I did my half marathon yesterday, and it went pretty well! It was very slow, but it was a fun time. It was at Disney World so everyone was stopping along the course to take pictures with the characters and in front of the castle and stuff. I'm guessing that I ate back all of those calories and then some, so I need to be extra good this week. I also need to get back to lifting, so I'm going to do arm's today at lunch.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    CHLOE - CONGRATULATIONS! What exciting news!!

    Amy - I'm glad you had a good holiday. I think it's totally a good idea to focus on a "goal", such as doing a pull-up, or completing a 10k....and THIS is the right time of year to do that!

    Ris - that race sounds like a HOOT!!

    Here's my ***** from the weekend. Weighed on Saturday afternoon, unusual for me since I usually weigh in the mornings - anyway, it was my LOWEST weight of the week! Great! Then, I only ate 900 calories on Saturday. Weighed Sunday morning (which is the time of day I *usually* weigh) and I was up a POUND.

    I just do NOT understand the scale. Don't wanna understand it frankly - just want it to move in the RIGHT direction.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed the Oscars last night, I ate a TON of junk food....got THAT binge outta the way....WON'T weigh for the next couple of days and then I have to do photos/measurements, etc. on THURSDAY.

    Have a great week, all!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Chloe- I am so, so HAPPY for you! That is awesome news. I think upping your calories and keeping up with your workouts is a good idea.
    Ris- Sounds like a fun race. Did you stop and get your picture taken with Minnie Mouse????
    .Amy- Welcome back! I think an indurance challenge would be a good change of pace. Glad all those wall squats paid off.:wink:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Someone just walked into my room and I posted too soon!
    Beeps- You are still doing amazing with your weigt loss and I think as soon as your challenge is over and you go back to once a week weighing, you will be happier.

    As for me, I decided to go old fashion, and get a calander where I can write how many minutes I am working out and a Y/N if I come withn 2% of my macros. I know there are tools on here where I can look at my week or month, but I need a hardcopy visual. Today, I am starting the LP fat loss plan. I need to think of a snack of about 200 calories that fits into my macros, I'm pretty excited, because I've seen so many people have great success with it. I am hoping to lose 6 pounds, which would be .5 pounds a week. I weighed in this morning, I was up almost a pound, but measurements look good. For some reason I forgot to write down my January measurements, but since October I have lost like 6 inches but weigh just about the same. Crazy. As for my workouts, I hope to do a minimum of 5 days. I am really liking the jump rope. If I jump rope for 10 minutes on my lunch hour, that is close to 100 calories - based on MFP since my HRM has broke like 6 months ago and I never replaced it. I hope everyone has a fantastic start to their week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats, Chloe! That is exciting and who would argue with your dr?! so just be reasonable with the exercise and get enough sleep!
    Kelly, that is awesome about the inches vs. pounds, I think it is a good reminder to all of us too, we say the scale isn't the whole picture but we forget since it is the easiest tool we have. also, good luck with LP fat loss plan, I need to give it another look. there are a lot of 200 calorie snacks, not sure what macros you need but greek yogurt and an apple, or peanut butter on celery, or
    Ris, your advice makes a lot of sense, I think you are right, it is harder to log when eating out. I noticed that some people who are on 1200 cal-per-day diets are totally wrong about the calories, one girl said two scrambled eggs and cheese was 160 calories, and I am thinking that cannot be right! So you can "count calories" and be wrong. Another reason for a food scale...
    Beeps, glad you had a good time at your Oscars party!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies.
    Welcome back Amy. I'm glad you had fun and were able to hover and pee with ease. :wink: I hear you on the logging. I have been diligently logging for over 2 years and sometimes I feel like a slave to it. However, I have always had a mental tab running for quite a long time. Everynight before bed, I'd calculate what I'd eaten that day. I have a pretty good handle on calorie content, so I figure I got at least a little close. Anyways, I take breaks from logging now and again but generally think logging holds me accountable. Case in point....when I say "diligent", weekends are not so diligent. It is my goal to log EVERYTHING, so I can get where I want to be a transition into maintenance. I logged all week last week and I had almost 3000 calories Saturday!! I ran 6 miles, went to lunch and ate healthy but had 2 pints of Magners (almost 500 calories) and then proceeded to drink about 7 glasses of wine through the rest of the night; (Eric was in Lexington watching basketball so I just drank and watched movies and relaxed). Oops.... Anyways, I averaged my calories and averaged 1726 w/o exercise and 1459 with. So we'll see how my weight turns out this week. So i short, I think do whatever works for you. Maybe take a break, keep tracking weight/measurements, and see how if affects you physically and mentally after a couple weeks.

    Ris, congrats on your race! Sounds fun. How's the knee?

    Beeps, I'll be glad when you don't have to weigh in daily anymore. :wink: I think it's driving you nuts! :smile: Great job on the loss and I hope you enjoyed your splurge. I saw someone had a red carpet rolled out on their front walk/stairs on my walk yesterday and I thought of you.

    Chloe, CONGRATS!!! That's great news!! When I was prego I think I was eating around 1600-1800 calories a day but I think I'm a little shorter than you. I continued to work out but quit the heavy lifting and got a HRM so I could monitor my HR. I kept running through 36 weeks, but it was slow and I walked a bit. Different doctors will tell you different things about heart rate. My sister's dr. told her to keep her HR under 140. Mine told me if I could talk, I was fine. If you continue yoga and pilates, just let your instructor know you're pregnant so they can help you modify. Some twists, etc. you wouldn't think about being "bad" actually are. I did a little yoga while prego as well. I also continued to log my entire pregnancy even though many people thought it was silly. I refused to let it all go and eat whatever I wanted and as a result gained 30 pounds, 20 of which I lost in 2 or 3 weeks. The last 10 took me 4 months. Sorry to ramble on....just wanted to share. :smile: So happy for you!

    KC, sounds like you have a great plan. I just made a spreadsheet today of my calories. I'm a visual person; I need to see things.

    My week ended up OK. I splurged Saturday, and even some the rest of the weekend but didn't go over the top the other 2 days as much. I got all my workouts in and a bonus walk. I also took measurements Friday and was down 6.5" (10 locations) and 2.5 pounds from January 6. That has given me some motivation to continue on. I am seeing results. I also had a great run Saturday with a friend of mine. The weather was chilly but sunny. We ran a nice steady 10 minute mile pace and pretty much gabbed the whole way. I was able to get to the grocery (and spend $250) yesterday and got some meal prep done for both the baby and me to make nights easier to get workouts in. I'm set to have another good week! And we don't have anything planned for the weekend so that should reduce the amount I drink.....

    Have a great week chicks!
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Hey ladies! Catching up....loving all the great energy in here right now :)

    Amy - Welcome back! Glad you had a good vacation. Your post comes right on time for me...I've been really focused on the scale/mirror goals lately. (Probably some of my obsession is that I don't *have* a scale right now, ha). I do find that when I track food and I get in a routine with what I'm eating - which keeps me from obsessing - that I'm able to shift my focus toward fitness goals and I feel more balanced all around. For me having a routine is a variety of foods, not the same thing all the time, but focusing on protein, vegetables and fruits with cutting out the bad stuff. I think part of the reason I've been more about the look lately is that I've been having a lot of "off" days with parties and whatnot. I know I couldn't get to my scale goals without tracking through that stuff, but I could probably do it without tracking if I was eating my normal stuff all the time, if that makes sense. Haha.

    Chloe - CONGRATS on your wonderful news! My plan for the first trimester (should I ever get there again, I hope!) is to move to maintenance calories, then add 300 starting in the second trimester. I've read you should aim to maintain as much as you're able the first trimester. I'm no doctor though, of course!

    Ris - Your race sounds like it went great! Did you get any pictures with Disney characters? :)

    Beeps - Damn that scale! I know you're having to weigh more often than you'd prefer to lately...hopefully you'll start to see more down numbers to cancel out the days you're up one. You're working hard, you'll see it pay off!

    KC - I do the same thing with a calendar. I have a day planner, and I just love seeing it fill up with all my activity and food notes. Something about having those little spaces to fill in keeps me going! Good luck with the LP plan! Congrats on losing 6 inches, that's awesome!

    As for me, I had a rough week! Last Sunday was dinner at a friends, WAY over cals. I managed to stay within my calorie goals for the rest of the week, even with going out to a steakhouse for my anniversary on Thursday. But then Saturday night was another dinner out at my sister-in-laws house. A "Bagna cauda" (say it: banya ca-da) which is a cultural traditional meal around here. You take bits of meat and vegetables and cubes of cheese, drop it in to simmering olive oil/butter/GARLIC then eat the whole thing on slice after slice of french bread. Sooooo good, sooooo high calorie. Haha! I did keep it to one beer. But then I ate lemon cheesecake for dessert. Oh well! That's behind me now.

    I know I probably didn't lose anything this past week, but I don't think I gained either. That's OK with me. My social calendar is open the next few weeks so it should be easier for me to stay on goal!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Chloe--congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Sounds like a good plan on upping your calories and modifying your exercises.

    Beeps--the scale does funny things. That's odd that it was lower on Saturday afternoon than on Sunday!

    Kelly--I didn't get my picture taken with Minnie Mouse, but did get it in front of Cinderella's castle--note the new profile pic. And I like the method of using a calendar to track your workouts/macros. MFP is great on a day-to-day basis, but I like being able to see the whole month at once.

    Ashley--my knee's doing okay. Running slow seemed to keep it from acting up. I'm going to ease back into running regularly over the next few weeks and see how it goes. Sounds like you had a nice weekend!

    Schmoozy--we got our picture taken with Sebastian, but that was it. We weren't running very fast but we still didn't feel like waiting in the lines for that. That does sound like an indulgent week!

    Got my lunchtime workout in. My arms hurt now, in a good way :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    My personal trainer e-mailed me this morn because he had a cancellation...so, I hopped on over to the gym and tried TRX!!!

    Boy, did I LOVE IT!! Loved it. Maybe it was just nice to have someone to work-out with....maybe it was just the "novelty" or "newness" of the equipment. I don't know....but, it was such a NICE CHANGE OF PACE from what I've been doing, and, yep, I'm pretty sure I'll feel DOMs tomorrow.


    We did some squats, which included just regular squats, as well as some overhead squats and even some one-legged (assisted) pistol squats!

    We did some push-ups, which included some burpee-style exercises (hated these!).

    We did some lunges which included reverse lunges, curtsy lunges, as well as something more like a side-to-side thing-a-ma-doey.

    We did some rows, including some one-armed ones.

    We did some planks, including front planks, side planks and also some kind of "wood-chop" style twisty-abs.

    We did some chest flys and some reverse flys. LOVED THESE! (Haven't been doing enough chest work, I don't think, in my current routine!)

    Tried some "specializations" - so, some work on my lazy glutes, some bi's, some tri's, and a bit of shoulders.

    I am so warm and cozy just now....as if my muscles have had a really good session - haven't felt this "feeling" in awhile and I'm just really happy with today's work-out.

    It was MORE "cardio"-like than I prefer, but, that's okay. I did a 3-min row to warm-up and about 10-mins of stretching/rumble-rolling at the end.

    I have one more personal training session on Wednesday, we'll do some more TRX, and then I'm on my own, again....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    love the pic, Ris!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Chloe - congrats, that's wonderful news! I have also heard the 300 cal thing so that sounds right, however I have to warn you that drs make a lot of fuss about how much weight you gain & I don't think that should be the focus - as with everything eating healthy & exercise is the key, ignore the scale. With my first I ate a lot and I mean a lot, however it was all healthy foods and I continued my normal exercise routine and just dropped crunches (for obvious reasons). Anyways I gained a ton of weight & the nurse raised her eyebrows every time I got on the scale - rude! - but very soon after she was born I was back in my old clothes & I felt great. My 2nd I was tired all the time and did no exercise & craved and ate nothing but sugar while the nurses & drs congratulated me for not gaining too much weight and after she was born I was wicked flabby, I looked like a popped balloon and it was a seriously uphill battle to get back my figure.

    Beeps - glad you enjoyed TRX, I've heard good things, but never tried it.

    Amy - I too have been grateful for strong quads in a public restroom

    Shmoozy - glad you were able to maintain even after a splurge

    Better - congrats on the loss, that is good motivation, keep up the good work!

    I will be done with my DVD program on Saturday so I am working on a game plan for what to do next - I do know it will be a mix of weights, cardio & yoga/stretching.