3rd Trimester



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    First of all, congrats to all the new babies! Secondly, I have a question for all of you. I am 31 weeks + 4 days and starting yesterday I have been having increased movement along with a sharp tingling sensation in my privates. Anyone else have this? Do you know what could be causing it?

    I've been experiencing that too. Everyone's explanations make since to me. Hopefully that means the baby is getting the cervix good and soft for delivery
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    We welcomed Anara Lillian Dux on February 21, 2013 at 5:59pm. We got home last night and I have a free moment here to write up her birth story.

    Had a doctor checkup on Wednesday, February 20th, and I was able to convince him that labour would not proceed unless my water was broken. I had also had an emotional day, resulting in higher BP, as my last surviving grandmother passed away that morning and I was unable to be with her due to travel restrictions and imminent delivery. We made arrangements to have me induced by breaking my water on the morning of February 21st.

    I called the hospital at 6:30 am on the 21st to confirm that there were staff and beds available to do the induction. We got the go ahead, so we arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am to do paperwork and the necessary prep work while waiting for the doctor to arrive. He arrived shortly before 9am, and did the first attempt to break my water at 9:10am. I was 3-4cm dilated and no contractions then. He was uncertain if he succeeded, since there was minimal fluid leak, but he wanted to wait and see what happened. I had some bleeding, where he hooked my cervix, but no change in dilation or contractions. At 10:50am, with no contractions started, they put me on an IV hormone drip to stimulate contractions and labour. Contractions started almost immediately, but were mild in severity and did little to progress labour. We waited around until 3pm, telling jokes with the labour nurses and having a good time. We knew that nothing was happening and that a second water break attempt would be needed when the doctor returned to check on me. He arrived at about 3:10pm, did another assessment and saw I had only progressed to 4cm dilated.

    He broke my water successfully on the second attempt at 3:25pm. We got a large gush of clear fluids and within 5 minutes, contractions started to increase dramatically in severity and frequency. We knew then that birth would likely be within a few hours if I followed previous labours. I was able to breathe through the first hour or so, but by the time the contractions started getting 2 minutes apart, lasting 60 seconds and hitting about a 8 on my pain scale, I had to ask for pain medicine. I had requested demerol, which I had used successfully before, but was told that labour procedures had changed and they were no longer allowing that as a pain choice. My options were morphine or fentanol via IV, since I was only 6-7cm dilated at that point. I chose fentanol, as I was leery of morphine. However, I was unaware until I spoke with the health nurse that fentanol is a super concentrated derivative of morphine. As soon as it entered the IV site, I felt a burning sensation and immediately began to feel hot. My mother in law asked if I was feeling okay, as I had gone from pale to very red all through my face and neck. I said no, felt hot and ill, and when the nurse looked at my arm, the vein that the IV was in was turning red and tracking up my arm towards the elbow. She immediately gave me Benedryl via the IV to counteract the allergic reaction. So I now know that I cannot choose morphine or fentanol in the future for pain relief.

    At about the 2 hour mark, they checked me again and I was 8-9cm dilated. By 2 hrs 15 min, I was getting anxious twinges and feeling like it was getting close to pushing time. I warned the nurses it was getting close, they checked me again and I had only a small rim of cervix left to dilate. The doctor and his resident came in the room to get ready and at 2 hours 30 minutes I told them I had to push. Anara was born 4 minutes later, after 2 pushes, with a brief pause to remove the umbilical cord from around her neck. It was not tight, just wrapped once and her heart rate was good throughout. We got to spend some brief skin to skin contact together before they wanted to check her out, as her cry was a little weak. My mom got to cut the umbilical cord, since my husband was unable to be at the birth.

    She immediately improved as they assessed her, with her cry getting louder and she was lifting her head and trying to get up from her belly to her knees and elbows. She came in at 21 inches long and 8 pounds 6 ounces. When they returned her to me, she immediately latched on and nursed for almost 30 minutes. We stayed in the hospital for almost 24 hours this time, as she vomited some mucous and afterbirth through the night from the fast delivery and they wanted to make sure it was all gone before we were released. She appears to have had a little bit of an allergic reaction to the fentanol herself, as she has some red areas that turned into small blisters on her arms and thighs, so we will have to watch that. She is now 48 hours old and a nursing pro, getting me up every 2-3 hours for a ~30 minute feed. Her older brother and sister are thrilled and are happy to help me with anything I ask and to hold her as often as I allow.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Congratulations Aeriel! What a beautiful name, and pleased it all worked out.

    I enjoyed my son's first ever triathlon yesterday. I was happy to be there, but in reality being heavily pregnant meant I didn't see much! I saw him start his swim, then rushed off to the chute from the sea to transition, but missed him there ... so made my way up to the bike leg, watching for him coming out of transition ... when my husband calls on my phone to say he's just getting off his bike, so I waddle as quickly as I could to the run course ... watched and watched then worried ... only to find out he'd finished before I even got to the run course apparently!! It will be easier when I'm not so huge or he does longer distances!! He smoked it, and can't wait to do another!

    So this week is the week for me, I hope, 39 weeks now, my girl has her school visits next week and I don't want to miss those! Fingers crossed for a good baby who fits in and comes this week!!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I love that name Aeriel! Did you get that from Serinity or had you heard it before? Firefly/Serenity was the first I ever heard it but I love it!

    Rachy-I hope all goes well!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I had my 34 week appointment today. Left in tears because they're wanting me to do an ultrasound to check baby size DESPITE my protests. I told them I wanted a natural birth. They said "Yes, your notes say that and we want to help you with that", but they're already talking about bringing in the OB for the delivery because of baby's size. They're also talking induction and other things that I am against (and they know I'm against).

    So, did some research and am switching providers next week. Feels soooo good. But I'm a little nervous since I'll be 36 weeks by then.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Joining up over here from the 2nd Trimester boards - YEAH! Hi everyone!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Congrats Ariel on your little girl! Beautiful name for a beautiful girl :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I had my 34 week appointment today. Left in tears because they're wanting me to do an ultrasound to check baby size DESPITE my protests. I told them I wanted a natural birth. They said "Yes, your notes say that and we want to help you with that", but they're already talking about bringing in the OB for the delivery because of baby's size. They're also talking induction and other things that I am against (and they know I'm against).

    So, did some research and am switching providers next week. Feels soooo good. But I'm a little nervous since I'll be 36 weeks by then.

    oh honey, that sucks so much! Hang in there and good job with deciding to switch! It pisses me off that even midwives don't trust the woman's body to do what it was made to do I have my first real appt with my new OB/midwife next week (34 weeks) and I'm so excited about it! After learning so much more about the birth process and how crappy it can be in a hospital I am considering becoming a Doula to help other women navigate this crap

    Welcome RBX!
  • Why is that Bettywoo? Like for a larger fundal <sp?> measurement?

    Just curious, but I think even if you do the US they cant like force you into anything even if he weighs big according to them, probably just to check.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Why is that Bettywoo? Like for a larger fundal <sp?> measurement?

    Just curious, but I think even if you do the US they cant like force you into anything even if he weighs big according to them, probably just to check.

    At my 32 week ultrasound I was measuring 5 lbs 4 oz. (Three weeks ahead on all the measurements). My fundal measurement has also been larger than normal.

    While I know I have the right to refuse any treatment, they certainly have a way of making you feel like you dont have that right. I dont want to spend the next 5-7 weeks fighting interventions that I believe are NOT necessary (such as induction due to size).
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I had my 34 week appointment today. Left in tears because they're wanting me to do an ultrasound to check baby size DESPITE my protests. I told them I wanted a natural birth. They said "Yes, your notes say that and we want to help you with that", but they're already talking about bringing in the OB for the delivery because of baby's size. They're also talking induction and other things that I am against (and they know I'm against).

    So, did some research and am switching providers next week. Feels soooo good. But I'm a little nervous since I'll be 36 weeks by then.

    oh honey, that sucks so much! Hang in there and good job with deciding to switch! It pisses me off that even midwives don't trust the woman's body to do what it was made to do I have my first real appt with my new OB/midwife next week (34 weeks) and I'm so excited about it! After learning so much more about the birth process and how crappy it can be in a hospital I am considering becoming a Doula to help other women navigate this crap

    Welcome RBX!

    I've educated myself a lot on the birthing process for this pregnancy (Last pregnancy resulted in induction via arom and pitocin, internal fetal monitoring, then epidural was so late and worked so well I couldn't feel to push, so they needed vacuum and episiotomy to get my son out. He was having decels due to the cord being wedged between his shoulder and neck, so with every contraction the pressure was causing a decel.

    I hope your new practice works out well!!!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I can't believe I'm in the third trimester already!!! It's encouraging to read some of your birthing stories and exciting to think that soon I'll be holding my baby boy! I am 28 weeks 2 days and am finally feeling really pregnant......

    I've been having some Braxton-hicks contractions lately.....up until now I have kept up jogging (in the middle of long walks) but it kind of freaked me out when I had a couple of intense BH one day last week after a jog. It wasn't immediately after, but I didn't take the time to rehydrate and went out to do a bunch of errands afterwards. Then I felt the tightness and back pain and I had to sit in the car with the seat warmers on my back and drink a bunch of water. They went away and everything was back to normal. But I slowed down to just walking for a couple days and was able to jog again with no problems, but at a slower pace and with longer walking breaks in between. But yesterday and today I ended up just walking again because I would feel some cramping and/or like baby's head is pressing on my bladder making me feel like I'm going to have to find a bathroom. I was hoping I could jog up until the end of my pregnancy (or at least until a couple weeks before my due date), but I also don't want to put myself or my baby at risk. This is my first so I'm not sure how my body reacts! I have an appointment tomorrow so I will ask my doctor what he thinks. It's crazy how immediately after I entered the third trimester things are changing so quickly! Has anyone else had similar situations? Or some intense Braxton-Hicks and been told to change anything with your activity level/exercise routine?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow well done keeping up the jogging Laurab. I get braxton hicks all the time, and have done for quite a while now. I always get them when walking or swimming. I have to say I never get back pain with them due to exercise. I have had lower back and period type cramping pain in the last week or so, (I'm 39 weeks now) combined with braxton hicks, but never any contractions that felt painful.

    Funbettywoo - That sounds tough, but a good plan to change provider at any stage if you feel their wishes our out of line with your own. Good luck with that.

    Welcome RBX!

    I had a scan today, due to concern about reduced fetal movements. All is well, but for some reason he's just chilling out a lot more. Midwife has suggested that I do the same so I can regularly check on movements. So every 2-3hours I have to have a lie down and give him a poke! Poor boy!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I love that name Aeriel! Did you get that from Serinity or had you heard it before? Firefly/Serenity was the first I ever heard it but I love it!

    Rachy-I hope all goes well!

    I heard it on Serenity/Firefly, but they spell it Inara. We are saying it the same way, but changed the spelling slightly to make pronunciation easier. I did find out that Anara is a name with a meaning though, meaning either "princess of peace" or "pomegranate flower".

    Good luck Rachy!

    And welcome to the 3rd trimester RBX :-)
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    RBX-We must have about the same due date.....I'm due May 19th!

    I went to the doctor today and everything looks great! I asked my doctor about the contractions and he said that BH are normal and that as long as I'm not getting multiple BH, like 5 minutes apart and they are not painful during exercise that I should be able to continue doing what I'm doing. So I'm kind of happy about that! It's hard to know what's normal/what isn't/how everything should feel when it's your first pregnancy...I tend to be overly cautious :-)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Laurab (and anyone else who is wondering what's "normal") I talked to my doc yesterday about what pain is normal and what isn't. I had heard what your doctor said but it still was hard for me to determine. Were my bouts of back/abdominal pain BH, or just pain, or something to be concerned about. He said if your pain is constant and increases with activity that is normal, if it comes and goes in waves then you need to start paying attention to it. If it comes in waves, sit down, drink a bunch of water and relax for a while. If it stops after hydration and rest then don't worry about it, if it persists and gets more frequent then definitely give a call. He then added "but if you are ever concerned I'm just a phone call away so don't hesitate to pick up the phone."

    Hope that helps, it certainly helped me. I felt it was better than the "if they are frequent or happen more than 4x an hour give me a call" that I got from my last doctor.....oh and he also said that if you move and it hurts a lot like doubled over in pain, that's totally normal and just your body adjusting to the extra weight and all your tendons and everything streching to prepare for the baby.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...

    That last while was the hardest for me! Hope you get to meet your little one soon!

    All my company is now gone, and today was my first full day alone with the 3 kids, as my husband left for another long truck trip last night. It went well, and the two older kids are being a big help. Anara is very mellow, and that is a nice change from Kiera (#2), who was a real challenge.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    EmilyRanae, thanks for the info!!! I have been wondering about all of the little pains, or cramps, and contractions....but they all seem to be normal....it's so hard to tell with your first! I just hope I can tell when labor starts haha. But I need to get in the mindset that it's ok to call my doctor if I have the slightest doubt.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done Aeriel! PLeased all is going well with your little Anara, and I notice you've been doing some great logging too. I hope my older two are helpful, my #2 was hard work, someone said to me the other day "maybe she always knew she'd be a middle child!" I'm amazed by how tiring the waiting feels ... I'm past my due date now ... but still feeling remarkably comfortable, no pains, no swellling, no back ache ... movements have slowed down, I feel tired, but I think I'm just tired of waiting! I know it'll happen pretty soon, but right now I feel like I'll be pregnant forever!!