BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all!!

    For the new people who are having trouble right now - you are definitely in the right place. This group has helped me so very much.

    I am also one who has trouble stopping once I get started, but I find if I keep logging, even if I have to make my diary private until I get through the worst of it, I do get back on track faster!! Try to be objective and analytical about your eating patterns and get as much emotion out of it as you can. I think we start a binge for many reasons, but we keep eating out of self-loathing and hopelessness. If you can see this as a long term goal and realize that one binge will not derail your fitness lifestyle, it will help you get less emotional about it.

    You are doing great taking the steps you are to succeed!!

    The little things you do are making a huge difference in your life. :drinker:

    Finally and really important - The only failure is giving up!!!!!!
  • Hello to All!

    I just joined this group and I've just realized that my overeating is really binge finally hit me last night as I was bingeing. I don't know why I haven't realized this before now, but I haven't.

    I lost 20 lbs last year and then starting in November of last year I started bingeing after a nasty fall that left me with a disloacted shoulder and a wound in my leg 1 inch deep and 2 inches across. I had to do physical therapy 3 times a week and go to the Wound Center once a week. I have bipolar disorder and had stopped my therapy in October because in the winter, the walkway at my therapist's office is very treacherous. I'm all healed now and I've started therapy again.

    I hope to get support and provide support by joining this group and thanks to everyone in advance.

    Donna L.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hello to All!

    I just joined this group and I've just realized that my overeating is really binge finally hit me last night as I was bingeing. I don't know why I haven't realized this before now, but I haven't.

    I lost 20 lbs last year and then starting in November of last year I started bingeing after a nasty fall that left me with a disloacted shoulder and a wound in my leg 1 inch deep and 2 inches across. I had to do physical therapy 3 times a week and go to the Wound Center once a week. I have bipolar disorder and had stopped my therapy in October because in the winter, the walkway at my therapist's office is very treacherous. I'm all healed now and I've started therapy again.

    I hope to get support and provide support by joining this group and thanks to everyone in advance.

    Donna L.

    Hi, welcome, and glad you are healed and back in therapy.
    Also suspected of having bipolar among various other things.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome Newbies!

    I binged last night Luckily it was not on all unhealthy food. Some was greek yogurt and bananas :happy:

    Still it was very much over and I just tracked it all. I really need to get this figured out. I am so frustrated right now and so confused.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I counted yesterday as a binge day too. It is all about my behavior with the food. Unfortunately even a large amount of healthy food = unhealthy behavior. Obviously something was bothering me, but instead of using alternate coping strategies to explore and deal with it, I chose to turn to food. Made it an early night so that I could stop before I reached 3,000 for the day. I consider that a success though. It could have been far worse, especially if I had unhealthy calorie rich food in the house. Good thing I didn't.

    Thank you all for sharing too!

  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I'm definitely feeling strong enough to battle the BED today, but still thinking about it and food nonstop.

    To the above poster who asked questions about my workouts and my weight, you didn't offend me at all! I'm slim, yes, but at 5'2" and 110-115lbs still well within the healthy weight range. That being said, I was definitely trying to restrict my calories too much on big workout days. It's tough for me to find a balance because huge runs (20+ miles) mean I have to eat a lot, and it's tough to stay mindful when my body is screaming EAT! I love running too much to give it up though, but I'm working on it.

    Tsikkz, I can't wait to look up the podcasts you suggested!!! :D I love her book thus far and I'm really hoping between her and my therapist I can get a handle on this in a healthy way. I can't wait to be able to say I went a whole month without bingeing.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I counted yesterday as a binge day too. It is all about my behavior with the food. Unfortunately even a large amount of healthy food = unhealthy behavior. Obviously something was bothering me, but instead of using alternate coping strategies to explore and deal with it, I chose to turn to food. Made it an early night so that I could stop before I reached 3,000 for the day. I consider that a success though. It could have been far worse, especially if I had unhealthy calorie rich food in the house. Good thing I didn't.

    Thank you all for sharing too!

    It is success Diane for sure!! Yesterday was similar to me but I was celebrating good stuff and I know not a good behavior. We use food to celeberate and to cope with stress. How can we win? But we will!! Thanks for sharing too!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Yesterday was one of those bad/good day deals for me.

    After a large weight loss it is so hard for me not to binge. I like to treat myself with splurge on food instead of other things. I am doing good working on this in the sense that my binges are getting much more controlled and on a much smaller scale toothan in past and this morning I still weighed in after binge yesterday and was only up 1 pound which is better than past binges for sure. I usually do not weigh after a binge but I am forcing myself to do it from now on.

    Yesterday my net calories were not over 3000 and I logged it all too. Another success! In the past binges exceeded 5000 calories and I stopped logging it. So yesterday forced myself to log it all which helps control it too. I am getting there. I want to get down to one splurge meal per week (one splurge item per week) vs a day binge and yesterday I definitely consider a mini binge and I maintained my weight loss if I get right back on track today. So I am overall happy about yesterday for sure….and moving forward to today..

    Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • I often binge when I get up during the night and I usually get up 2-3 times a night. I had a great day with no bingeing yesterday but did binge during the night. I logged it all which is a first for me. I am determined to deal with this issue.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome Newbies!

    I binged last night Luckily it was not on all unhealthy food. Some was greek yogurt and bananas :happy:

    Still it was very much over and I just tracked it all. I really need to get this figured out. I am so frustrated right now and so confused.
    Good job on tracking it all Karen!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I see a lot of new faces out there! Welcome!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    ^^ I has been posting the link to the group in the motivation forum for some days now, hehe.

    I am having a good run currently.
    I am not finding IF so hard. In fact, it makes eating more enjoyable for me because instead of the indecisiveness I used to experience over which thing to pick for dinner so I didn't go over this, or that, I can pretty much eat what I want for dinner as all the calories have been saved up. I only snacked anyway during the day, and got a lot of calories in my daily latte and cake treat, so this is better. Obviously, I sometimes get hunger before my dinner, but it has not been intolerable and just looking forward to and planning dinner helps with that.

    Seen quite a few who have found Intermittent fasting has helped with their binging. It also seems to result in my macros naturally ending up where they should without fussing.
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    I often binge when I get up during the night and I usually get up 2-3 times a night. I had a great day with no bingeing yesterday but did binge during the night. I logged it all which is a first for me. I am determined to deal with this issue.

    I'm proud of you for making it through the day. I think it's all about small steps getting you in the right direction. Logging it can be painful, but it's great that you did it. I think it makes me feel more accountable for my actions. Just try your best everyday, one day at a time. I believe in you.

    Heather :)
  • angelaengbrecht
    angelaengbrecht Posts: 55 Member
    Last night I binged, and today I'm trying to eat normal. I'm under my calories for the day, so I need to eat dinner, but I can feel a binge coming again, and I'm terrified that if I start I won't be able to stop.

    I'm probably feeling like binging because I only ran 1/2 of my daily training schedule, then I got a call from my boyfriend (who currently lives 8000 miles away) and I stopped. Now I don't feel motivated to start again, and I'm also feeling like I don't "deserve" food, which I realize is insane, and just setting myself up for a later binge.

    I'm not sure what to do, but being able to vent about it (for the first time ever... I'm so glad I found like forum!) really helps...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Last night I binged, and today I'm trying to eat normal. I'm under my calories for the day, so I need to eat dinner, but I can feel a binge coming again, and I'm terrified that if I start I won't be able to stop.

    I'm probably feeling like binging because I only ran 1/2 of my daily training schedule, then I got a call from my boyfriend (who currently lives 8000 miles away) and I stopped. Now I don't feel motivated to start again, and I'm also feeling like I don't "deserve" food, which I realize is insane, and just setting myself up for a later binge.

    I'm not sure what to do, but being able to vent about it (for the first time ever... I'm so glad I found like forum!) really helps...

    I tend to feel very bad if I miss exercise myself, and for some reason, doing less can often trigger hunger in me, or the urge to eat bad things, but think to yourself, 'this is illogical. I could not complete my exercise, but as long as I stay within my goal by a few hundred calories, I am perfectly fine'. Life happens, including interruptions to schedule(which I hate, incidentally, being in the autistic spectrum). Instead of binging, have a really nice dinner, something you might normally consider too indulgent for dinner, and enjoy it. Missing half your training will not impact your weight, it does not work like that. In fact, often when people take a rest for a day and eat a little more, they lose more. It is to do with hormonal responses and giving your body a slight shock. Hope you manage to fight the urge and remember, you do deserve food. We are supposed to eat, regardless of exercise. Exercise should, in truth, be for health, stamina. Strength, wellbeing, fitness. Not a method of burning off calories. In the non dieting world, that just does not come into play. People eat well, within reason, with some indulgences here and there, and exercise because they enjoy it and it keeps them feeling well. Try and work on your mindset a little, it might help,
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I feel exactly the same way.
  • I often binge when I get up during the night and I usually get up 2-3 times a night. I had a great day with no bingeing yesterday but did binge during the night. I logged it all which is a first for me. I am determined to deal with this issue.

    I think keeping your behaviour in your awareness and being accountable is a good step
  • Got right back on track last night after the binge....I did log it all though....what an eye opener! I tried to focus on what my feelings were before during and after the binge but I can't come up with anything. I always do feel bad afterwards but before and during, I just don't know....I don't think I feel anything but that's probably not true. Whatever it is, it's buried pretty deep.

    We're going out to eat tonight and I usually do fine at restaurants and usually don't binge on those nights so maybe I'll have a good day under my belt....sure hope so.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I tend to feel very bad if I miss exercise myself, and for some reason, doing less can often trigger hunger in me, or the urge to eat bad things, but think to yourself, 'this is illogical. I could not complete my exercise, but as long as I stay within my goal by a few hundred calories, I am perfectly fine'. Life happens, including interruptions to schedule(which I hate, incidentally, being in the autistic spectrum). Instead of binging, have a really nice dinner, something you might normally consider too indulgent for dinner, and enjoy it. Missing half your training will not impact your weight, it does not work like that. In fact, often when people take a rest for a day and eat a little more, they lose more. It is to do with hormonal responses and giving your body a slight shock. Hope you manage to fight the urge and remember, you do deserve food. We are supposed to eat, regardless of exercise. Exercise should, in truth, be for health, stamina. Strength, wellbeing, fitness. Not a method of burning off calories. In the non dieting world, that just does not come into play. People eat well, within reason, with some indulgences here and there, and exercise because they enjoy it and it keeps them feeling well. Try and work on your mindset a little, it might help,

    This is so true, and so beautifully put. I really believe weight loss is 90% mindset and 10% application.

    I can talk to people and usually tell whether they are ready to succeed or not, its the same vibe I get when I talk to other people who have achieved their goals. Its like an undefined realization deep inside that can only be reached through personal growth. One things for sure though, you reach that level only by failing multiple times, and because of that every time we fail we need to grow from it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Got right back on track last night after the binge....I did log it all though....what an eye opener! I tried to focus on what my feelings were before during and after the binge but I can't come up with anything. I always do feel bad afterwards but before and during, I just don't know....I don't think I feel anything but that's probably not true. Whatever it is, it's buried pretty deep.

    We're going out to eat tonight and I usually do fine at restaurants and usually don't binge on those nights so maybe I'll have a good day under my belt....sure hope so.

    I think part of the binge process is that it sort of sinks whatever feelings are actually at play, which is probably why many of us do binge. It acts as a cover. A temporary elastoplast.
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