BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    Last night I binged, and today I'm trying to eat normal. I'm under my calories for the day, so I need to eat dinner, but I can feel a binge coming again, and I'm terrified that if I start I won't be able to stop.

    I'm probably feeling like binging because I only ran 1/2 of my daily training schedule, then I got a call from my boyfriend (who currently lives 8000 miles away) and I stopped. Now I don't feel motivated to start again, and I'm also feeling like I don't "deserve" food, which I realize is insane, and just setting myself up for a later binge.

    I'm not sure what to do, but being able to vent about it (for the first time ever... I'm so glad I found like forum!) really helps...

    I tend to feel very bad if I miss exercise myself, and for some reason, doing less can often trigger hunger in me, or the urge to eat bad things, but think to yourself, 'this is illogical. I could not complete my exercise, but as long as I stay within my goal by a few hundred calories, I am perfectly fine'. Life happens, including interruptions to schedule(which I hate, incidentally, being in the autistic spectrum). Instead of binging, have a really nice dinner, something you might normally consider too indulgent for dinner, and enjoy it. Missing half your training will not impact your weight, it does not work like that. In fact, often when people take a rest for a day and eat a little more, they lose more. It is to do with hormonal responses and giving your body a slight shock. Hope you manage to fight the urge and remember, you do deserve food. We are supposed to eat, regardless of exercise. Exercise should, in truth, be for health, stamina. Strength, wellbeing, fitness. Not a method of burning off calories. In the non dieting world, that just does not come into play. People eat well, within reason, with some indulgences here and there, and exercise because they enjoy it and it keeps them feeling well. Try and work on your mindset a little, it might help,

    Thank you for the words of wisdom!

    I did beat it, which is a FIRST for me. I can sometimes see binges coming, but I've never successfully stopped on UNTIL LAST NIGHT.

    It's really nice to know that I'm not alone. All of you are so inspiring to me. Knowing that other people have fought (and won!) this battle makes it so much easier for me.

    I did eat a healthy dinner. I bought a bit of healthy fruit on the way home, and ate it slowly and carefully. I managed to walk past multiple bakeries and convenience stores that normally might have been a disaster for me. Then, I decided that I could eat some dinner, and still manage to stay in control.

    I bought a healthy take out option, which I portioned into two, so as to stay under my calorie goal!

    THE OTHER HALF IS STILL IN MY FRIDGE! That never happens. For months I've avoided keeping any food in my house, as I will eat it all uncontrollably. This is a huge victory for me.

    Thank you (all) for the support!

    Yay for you stopping yourself. That was HUGE. I'm very proud of you!
  • Candycane777
    Had the worst weekend ever and let it beat me the past three days in a row. Gained five lbs from it too... I was doing so well with this diet but lately it keeps kicking me back down and making me hate it all over again. So yes, I'm new to this group, and hoping it helps. Because any little bit helps, right?

    I just did 4 days, and the weight came right down once I got back on track. Let it motivate you to get back on track. I have been doing well too, and need to keep my gains.
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    Feel like I am going to binge right now, but really don't want to! I have made it the last 3 days in a row. Any suggestions everyone? I am going to try and get some water to see as I am sure I am just thirsty, but I really feel like I want some dark chocolate and by some I mean alot! My self-control is getting better, but don't feel like it right now.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I've had a bad, bad day. I want to binge, but just binged 4/13. Every other day is my norm. I'm not getting treatment for B.E.D, but have been diagnosed, as if that was even necessary. All in all, it just kind of made things worse.

    I'm over my calories already, but have manifested some sort of false hungry that can't be calmed. In that very moment, every food that I binge with came barging into my mind and I can even taste them in my mouth.

    The more sad I am today, the deeper it's pulling me in. Problem is, It's 9:26pm and the day gets worse by the hour, minute, second.

    Losing hope.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Feel like I am going to binge right now, but really don't want to! I have made it the last 3 days in a row. Any suggestions everyone? I am going to try and get some water to see as I am sure I am just thirsty, but I really feel like I want some dark chocolate and by some I mean alot! My self-control is getting better, but don't feel like it right now.

    I know how you feel today. Distract yourself, if you can. I'm at work for another 3 hours, and that's not a distraction enough for me. I'll sit here and obsess over food until I get some. I wish you luck!
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    I've had a bad, bad day. I want to binge, but just binged 4/13. Every other day is my norm. I'm not getting treatment for B.E.D, but have been diagnosed, as if that was even necessary. All in all, it just kind of made things worse.

    I'm over my calories already, but have manifested some sort of false hungry that can't be calmed. In that very moment, every food that I binge with came barging into my mind and I can even taste them in my mouth.

    The more sad I am today, the deeper it's pulling me in. Problem is, It's 9:26pm and the day gets worse by the hour, minute, second.

    Losing hope.

    Hang in there! Been there, of course. It seems that emotions are behind this desire to binge, so I'd just recommend that you sit with the hard feelings and let yourself feel what you feel. It's possible that you want to binge because it will soothe whatever anxiety you're feeling. If you binge, you will still have those hard feelings, but you'll have all the binge crap to deal with, too.

    Take good care of yourself!
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Feel like I am going to binge right now, but really don't want to! I have made it the last 3 days in a row. Any suggestions everyone? I am going to try and get some water to see as I am sure I am just thirsty, but I really feel like I want some dark chocolate and by some I mean alot! My self-control is getting better, but don't feel like it right now.

    How are you doing now?
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    Thanks for the support everyone. Well I got some water with lemon juice in it, then brushed my teeth. Still haven't binged. Going to try to get some sleep, though I am craving a "snack" to put it politely. Jaimrix hang in there, who knows after work maybe you will be so tired you fall right asleep with no craving for a binge whatsoever! :)
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. Well I got some water with lemon juice in it, then brushed my teeth. Still haven't binged. Going to try to get some sleep, though I am craving a "snack" to put it politely. Jaimrix hang in there, who knows after work maybe you will be so tired you fall right asleep with no craving for a binge whatsoever! :)

    Well done! Enjoy the sleep of a strong fighter!
  • prestonam
    prestonam Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Everyone, I have recently been diagosed with Bullima Nervosa (binge not vomit) been put on lexapro and go to a psychologist twice a month (all i can afford). Ive been having a bad day today mainly I think because its my first day of my woman time(haha). I have been trying an eat every hour tool that my psychologist told me to try and its been so sooo good until today. Argh, i feel sick because I ate too much but I still want more so aggrevating. Especially since I lost a kilo and was so happy this morning and now I want to eat. :-( I just want to go asleep and wake up in a new day but no its 3.25pm loads more time to eat :-(
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hey Everyone, I have recently been diagosed with Bullima Nervosa (binge not vomit) been put on lexapro and go to a psychologist twice a month (all i can afford). Ive been having a bad day today mainly I think because its my first day of my woman time(haha). I have been trying an eat every hour tool that my psychologist told me to try and its been so sooo good until today. Argh, i feel sick because I ate too much but I still want more so aggrevating. Especially since I lost a kilo and was so happy this morning and now I want to eat. :-( I just want to go asleep and wake up in a new day but no its 3.25pm loads more time to eat :-(

    Hi, I struggle with bulimia too (after a history of anorexia), but am a purge type, though that is becoming less and less frequent, along with the binges. Eating hourly would never work for me, it would just trigger me to be even more food obsessed, and to want more. Also, it would be pretty intrusive on life trying to fit all those snacks in. I chose intermittent fasting instead. It allows for a shorter period of time to eat, meaning you can eat a large enough meal that you don't feel tempted to binge. But, good luck with what has been suggested to you, and feel free to add me for support.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    What a crazy few weeks for me! I am again looking for some kind of help with BE. I see a therapist and a psychairst. The Pshych is the one that said there is no treatment for BE. I am once again looking for a doctor that knows about BE. Most of the programs in my area are not on my insurance. That really sucks. Once is far away and may have some day programs. I will look into those for now. I am frustrated because I need to get this under control.

    I am also reading books too. One I just started is Nice Girls Finish Fat. I jhave read some by Gennen Roth too.

    Today is better and I am feeling okay. I went to an Overeaters annomyus groups last night. It was not for me. They have some beliefs that just don’t work. It was sad because I can relate to the women I met there. Just not the methods they use.

    rani_87, Welcome! I have had a tough time lately too. We just need to keep trying and we will beat this someday.

    rincoglionita, I have heard of topomax. My current doctor says there is no treatment for BE. I am looking for other options. Most in the area are not on my insurance. (Which sucks). I talked with one residential facility and the lady recommended topomax. I am so frustrated because the pyscharist seems to think mosty anexoria and bulmia are what are treated in those facilities. I am looking into some things.

    Graelwyn75 Thanks for the info! I have heard of thoise therapies and none of them are used by my therapist or the psychologst. I see the therapist tomorrow and may ask anout that. Maybe he was planning to start that soon.

    DopeyDudleyDu, I suggest distraction! That works for me sometimes. A wlak, a movie, playing a game, reading a book…etc. GOOD LUCK

    jaimrlx, I have been there. I was so hopeless the other day I wanted to go check into a hospital. I hope today is better for you.

    prestonam, I hope you are doing better today.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hello friends,

    Just making conversation. Do you do better when you weigh in often, or better when you don't?

    Personally, I do better when I don't. I have paid attention to how the scale makes me feel (whether I gain or lose), and it always seems to upset me. Even if I have a really good loss, it's just never enough. Plus my weight loss seems to be in a delayed cycle. When I was consistently losing I would plateau for a few weeks and then have a nice loss, over and over the cycle went. And it would just make me so mad for those few weeks I wasn't losing. So, better to stay away from it and just keep doing what I'm doing to change my behavior to lead a healthier life without bingeing. Right now I've been weighing in about once a month.

  • dladisheff
    It is so different for everone...this weighing thing. For me, I do better if I weigh in daily. It doesn't upset me and I need to see that number. It orients me to reality and I tend to ignore/avoid/be oblivious to, reality. I am morbidly obese and you wouldn't think it would be easy to avoid knowing how much I weigh, but I do avoid it. I'm always surprised when I look in a mirror. So, seeing that number pulls me back to reality and grounds me. I know that for a lot of people, it just stresses them out and I can understand that but for me it's just the opposite....I find being grounded in the reality of the situation to be calming....go figure.:smile:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hello friends,

    Just making conversation. Do you do better when you weigh in often, or better when you don't?

    Personally, I do better when I don't. I have paid attention to how the scale makes me feel (whether I gain or lose), and it always seems to upset me. Even if I have a really good loss, it's just never enough. Plus my weight loss seems to be in a delayed cycle. When I was consistently losing I would plateau for a few weeks and then have a nice loss, over and over the cycle went. And it would just make me so mad for those few weeks I wasn't losing. So, better to stay away from it and just keep doing what I'm doing to change my behavior to lead a healthier life without bingeing. Right now I've been weighing in about once a month.


    I was a slave to the scale until I went through my insane period of daily binge eating late last year. I was on it every evening and my mood was very much impacted by it. I was actually just underweight back then, yet seeing a few Ibs fluctuation would really impact me badly. Now that I am heavier, I wonder just what I was on, lol. It was my old anorexic mindset back in action, basically. I hardly get on at all now. Last time was about 3 weeks ago, so I guess it is monthly for me now. I go more on what I see in the mirror at the gym when I am working out. I am seeing lean muscle, so I must be doing something right.

    Edited to add, I would also tend to binge in more recent times, if I got on the scale and the number was not as I had hoped for or expected. Even if I shrugged my shoulders and got on with my day, obviously at some level it affected me, as I would still end up overeating the same evening.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Like lot of us, my journey started with the scale. I hadn't realized how far I had let myself go until I weighed for the first time..

    I weigh in everyday but since I started cutting in abs it doesn't bug me. I more go off now how my stomach looks, but before I started showing, even the tiniest fluctuations would affect my whole day, especially if after a night of binging I was heavier I would feel the feelings of shame and guilt all over again.

    I really really must stress how important taking measurements is! if you haven't, do it NOW. I only check my measurements when I am feeling depressed, as it always motivates me.

    I have been the same weight since November but I can promise you I am a hell of a lot leaner than I was back then, I also own calipers I use, but if you're not a bodybuilder it isn't really necessary.

    Remember, the scale goes up and down, but lose pants don't lie!
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member

    Remember, the scale goes up and down, but lose pants don't lie!

    This made me smile. :D
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    It is so different for everone...this weighing thing. For me, I do better if I weigh in daily. It doesn't upset me and I need to see that number. It orients me to reality and I tend to ignore/avoid/be oblivious to, reality. I am morbidly obese and you wouldn't think it would be easy to avoid knowing how much I weigh, but I do avoid it. I'm always surprised when I look in a mirror. So, seeing that number pulls me back to reality and grounds me. I know that for a lot of people, it just stresses them out and I can understand that but for me it's just the opposite....I find being grounded in the reality of the situation to be calming....go figure.:smile:
    It is the same here for me. I use the scale as one of my tools in my handy tool box. It stops me from drifting too far off course. It helps me with binging also. I know this is not recommend at all by many therpists but many do advocate it as long as you don't use the number to berate yourself or feel sad when it goes up and you don't know why. I don't get upset if if goes up period. If I have been eating right and it continues to go up or something I keep going.

    Weighing regularly or daily does not work for everyone but it works for me since I went most of my life without stepping on a scale and my weight loss surgeon's nurse told me he wanted me to weigh myself every day for the rest of my life I thought he was nuts. But now I wished I had listened to him. If I had I would not have re-gained some of my weight.

    Now I weigh everyday and move on.....
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello friends,

    Just making conversation. Do you do better when you weigh in often, or better when you don't?

    Personally, I do better when I don't. I have paid attention to how the scale makes me feel (whether I gain or lose), and it always seems to upset me. Even if I have a really good loss, it's just never enough. Plus my weight loss seems to be in a delayed cycle. When I was consistently losing I would plateau for a few weeks and then have a nice loss, over and over the cycle went. And it would just make me so mad for those few weeks I wasn't losing. So, better to stay away from it and just keep doing what I'm doing to change my behavior to lead a healthier life without bingeing. Right now I've been weighing in about once a month.

    Hugs!! You know what to say to start a conversation......Do what works for you babe! But I totally know how you feel. I know weighing daily works for me but in the back of my mind I still feel guilty about having to do it to keep my binging at bay. But no more. I am done with my doubts because I know it helps me and proof is in the pudding for me.

    One day at a time......
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support about the eating disorders centers. I did find one that takes my insurance but it is farther away. I am going tomorrow morning for an evaluation. I am starting to see how my BE has gotten worse over the last few months. I know I need help at this point I would consider medication while I work on therapy.

    I am so grateful to have all of you right now. I feel like all of you “get it” and know how BE feels. I know we are all different but it is comforting to know I am not alone.

    Diane, I am better without the scale. It messes me up if I am down or up on the scale.

    I used to weigh every day even more than once a day. I thought I could handle it but I was wrong. It was becoming an addiction. Everyone is different though. I used to worry if I stayed off the scale I would slip up and start gaining. But with water eight I always felt so terrible when I was up .

    rincoglionita, I agree! So glad you said the doctor is wrong! She even mentioned that most residential facilities are for ananorexia and bulimia. I told her I had such a bad week I almost checked myself in and that was her response.

    Graelwyn75, thanks! That is just what I need. I am reading a book now too. I was hoping for some guidance from therapy but they have not done that after 6 weeks.
    Also, I stopped using the scale when you convinced me it was not the best. I shoud thank you for that! It is great staying off that scale!

    , good job!

    prestonam, I sometimes want to binge when I lose. I might be sabatoging myself though.
This discussion has been closed.