April Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • traceycalaway
    traceycalaway Posts: 13 Member
    me 16
    binge 3

    Had a binge last night. I felt terrible after. What I can't figure out is why I do this to myself when I know it makes me feel terrible
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    Angela: 15
    The Binge: 6

    My calories were higher because I didn't withhold in order to 'make-up' the difference. I'm hoping that the pay off for this will come next week when two things happen:

    1) My body feels safe knowing that I am not going to randomly starve it.

    2) My mind recalls that any amount OVER that I eat on any given day, WILL increase my weekly overage. There's no making it up later. Each day is its own game.

    - - -

    This is my plan too! I've been doing it since 8th April (after a massive binge on 6th & 7th) and so far, so good. I wrote about it in this thread http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/948178-i-think-i-ve-finally-discovered-the-secret-to-maintenance when I decided to give this a go. Have a look if you get a chance, as I put some other stuff I the post that helped me get my head around things :smile:
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    Today : April 21st

    I've been back over my food diary for this month and re categorised as follows;

    Days within calorie goal : 10
    Days almost within calorie goal (within 200 calories) : 3
    Over eating days (but NOT binge) : 5
    Binge : 2 (originally I counted 3 binges this month, but pon closer inspection, one of them was over calories, yes, but certainly not a characteristic binge)
    Days where the guilt monster made me starve myself to compensate for overeating : 0 (I'm quite proud of this one, as usually I yo yo through the month in a binge / starvation cycle)

    So, all in all, so far, I say I have 18 wins& the binge gets 2.

    Today looks to be another exceed my calorie kind of day, but I'm hoping to avoid the big B.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Jul: 16
    Binge: 5 (4/4, 4/5, 4/11, 4/12, 4/19)
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Kim: 18
    Binge: 2
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    It's still 21st. I normally don't report scores until the morning after so that I can be sure I'm reporting accurately. Unfortunately I've already binged tonight :ohwell: so can now report;

    Me : 18
    Binge : 3

    What I feel is important now is not to beat myself up about it and start afresh tomorrow - no binges and no restricting to compensate.

    Fingers crossed.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    21st April.

    Kate - 17.
    Binge - 4.

    Had a really bad one yesterday, but am okay today. One good thing now is that I get my act together the day after. It has been a long time since I had more than a single episode of binging. It was my cheat day, and as with the last planned one, I ate over what I had planned. Thus, I will in future be sticking to one item each Saturday as my cheat, and not several. I still ate as usual today pretty much, once I had done a good exercise session. No way I could have done otherwise as I was starving when I got home.

    I have noticed that a lot here, seem to be very obsessed with numbers, details, listing things. I am fairly sure that is one aspect of what drives this sort of disorder. The over focus on details. The perfectionism.
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    April 19

    Binge: 9 (April 1-9) pre MFP
    ME: 10!!!! (April 10-19) first ten days of MFP!!!
    Really proud if myself.

    ^^^this right here is so awesome!
    I have noticed that a lot here, seem to be very obsessed with numbers, details, listing things. I am fairly sure that is one aspect of what drives this sort of disorder. The over focus on details. The perfectionism.

    I completely agree.
    I work as a behavior analyst (ironic, right?) and something that I KNOW about behavior is that it's VERY difficult to get rid of a behavior without either a) shaping it into something more appropriate or b) replacing it with another, more desirable, behavior.

    Thanks for sharing this. I mean I've always thought about things in terms of change your circumstances or change how you think about them, but what you've said gives me something else to ponder about. I'm good at dwelling and obsessing on things. lol Anyway I'm all about trying to learn and figure things (me) out. Thanks for sharing what you've learned.
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    Heather: 20
    Binge: 1
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    April 20

    The B-3

    April 21

    The B-4

    Binged Sunday night. I sort of planed it all afternoon. It's my last opportunity to eat in secret as my husband returns on Monday. I don't feel good about what I did but I logged everything and I'm back on track today.
  • April 15 - 21

    Me - 4
    Binge - 3

    It is so difficult to eat within the 1500 calorie mark. When I mean binge I go max to 1900 when I don't excercise
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    April 2013:
    Mollie - 18
    The Binge - 3

    Days did not log it all - 1
    Jan- 4 days I did not log it ALL
    Feb- 3 days I did not log it ALL
    Mar- 6 days I did not log it ALL
  • Tatyanakuster
    Tatyanakuster Posts: 163 Member
    April 21



    So glad the weekend is over.
  • April 21

    Me - 20

    Binge Monster - 1

    survived the weekend, relatively unskathed.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    April 21
    Karen 13
    The Binge 9

    Days Left 8

    Binge Days
    4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4
    4/5 4/8 4/10 4/14

    Overate calories but did not binge day
    4/13 4/18
  • angelaengbrecht
    angelaengbrecht Posts: 55 Member
    Angela: 16
    Binge: 6

    - - -

    Overall, it was a good day.

    I had one urge to binge right after eating a planned dessert item. I was able to suppress it by taking some time to plan tomorrow night's dessert, reminding myself that I'm free to eat WHATEVER I want, just not all at once. Haha.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Jul: 17
    Binge: 5 (4/4, 4/5, 4/11, 4/12, 4/19)

    Days left in April: 8

    I can do this, I really think I can. My 25th birthday is on Saturday and it's also my best friend's weeding (ugh, sigh) so I'll be busy with social stuff and out of town which means bingeing is unlikely. I also have a boy coming to visit in 2.5 weeks..my new motivation.
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm doing better but still upset about my last binge. It really pisses me off that I can ruin a couple of weeks of healthy eating and tough work outs with a couple of days of binging. I lost two lbs in two weeks but gained them back in one weekend of binging so just trying to lose those lbs again and hoping not to gain them anymore. I'm want to get rid of them and never see those lbs again!

    Me: 19
    Binge: 2
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Me: 21
    The binge 0
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    April 2013

    Diane: 15
    Binge: 6