May 2013 Due Dates



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Our baby arrived at 37ish weeks Saturday! We named her Delilah Annebella and she's a perfect little peanut.:heart: Good luck ladies!! :flowerforyou:


    ETA that I think I posted that on your board or in your posting, but my phone was screwing up, so who knows...
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Our baby arrived at 37ish weeks Saturday! We named her Delilah Annebella and she's a perfect little peanut.:heart: Good luck ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    AWHHHHH! Congrats! (and thanks for the good luck sent our way!)
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Okay, can I just say the cravings in these last few weeks are KILLING me??? I cannot find anything to satisfy my sweet tooth. I'm going on 2 weeks of CRAVING sugar - but nothing is cutting it (luckily as soon as I know something isn't going to hit the spot I stop after a bite or two) but come on. What does a pregnant lady have to do to feel better? I'm seriously debating skipping lunch and going to grab coldstone instead.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congratulations, Artemis! Your baby pic looks adorable!

    We're all getting so close! How exciting! Can't wait to see who goes next!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and met with one of my dr's colleagues. He checked all my charts (since he hadn't seen me before) and noted that I've been measuring at least 2 weeks big at all but one of my appointments, and that both u/s showed us 1.5 weeks ahead of my due date. He told me that if I was his patient he might move my due date up one week (which would put me at 36+3 today) but that regardless the hospital would not intervene if I went into labor anytime after this coming Sunday (according to LMP that is 36 weeks, but could really be 37 weeks).

    He encouraged me to start being more active and to try to get my BH going again (they'd tapered off dramatically). He gave me the "you wouldn't run a marathon without warming up first" analogy. So, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical last night and it felt GREAT. I had some very, very mild BH afterwards so I'm planning on continuing that for the next few weeks - we'll see if it makes a difference in labor times (with my first I "went into labor" around 8 PM on a Monday and our baby was born just after 3 PM on Wednesday, so around 43 hours). Anyways, I'm pretty excited to hit the "safety mark" of 36 weeks - even if full term isn't technically until the next week.

    Hope you are all feeling well!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Our baby arrived at 37ish weeks Saturday! We named her Delilah Annebella and she's a perfect little peanut.:heart: Good luck ladies!! :flowerforyou:

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Okay, can I just say the cravings in these last few weeks are KILLING me??? I cannot find anything to satisfy my sweet tooth. I'm going on 2 weeks of CRAVING sugar - but nothing is cutting it (luckily as soon as I know something isn't going to hit the spot I stop after a bite or two) but come on. What does a pregnant lady have to do to feel better? I'm seriously debating skipping lunch and going to grab coldstone instead.

    YES! All I want is JUNK! And not fast food junk - as in, I don't want to eat a greasy burger and fries (that actually sounds gross to me these days) - but cookies and ice cream. Candy, not so much. Thankfully I haven't given in and bought any, but I keep seeing things in my Facebook newsfeed for Rita's (whose custard I love because it is so reminiscent of the stuff I used to get on the boardwalk back in NJ), and it's SO hard not to just jump in the car and go!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and met with one of my dr's colleagues. He checked all my charts (since he hadn't seen me before) and noted that I've been measuring at least 2 weeks big at all but one of my appointments, and that both u/s showed us 1.5 weeks ahead of my due date. He told me that if I was his patient he might move my due date up one week (which would put me at 36+3 today) but that regardless the hospital would not intervene if I went into labor anytime after this coming Sunday (according to LMP that is 36 weeks, but could really be 37 weeks).

    He encouraged me to start being more active and to try to get my BH going again (they'd tapered off dramatically). He gave me the "you wouldn't run a marathon without warming up first" analogy. So, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical last night and it felt GREAT. I had some very, very mild BH afterwards so I'm planning on continuing that for the next few weeks - we'll see if it makes a difference in labor times (with my first I "went into labor" around 8 PM on a Monday and our baby was born just after 3 PM on Wednesday, so around 43 hours). Anyways, I'm pretty excited to hit the "safety mark" of 36 weeks - even if full term isn't technically until the next week.

    Hope you are all feeling well!

    That's so cool that technically you could be ready to go in less than a week! I have been having a lot more BH contractions lately (they don't hurt - just lots of tightening), but I didn't realize that doctors would actually encourage you to try to have more of them. When I told my OB about them, her only response was that it was normal - she didn't say that I needed to chill out or that I needed to get moving so that I could have more.

    I'm excited for you, though!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Anyone else's legs actually hurt from swelling? Granted, the swelling I'm experiencing is not as bad as it was when I was pregnant the first time, but it hurts sometimes, especially on my shins where the skin is naturally tighter. I hate my cankles, too! Putting them up definitely helps, but MAN is it annoying, especially when it starts to hurt rather than just look awful :frown:
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and met with one of my dr's colleagues. He checked all my charts (since he hadn't seen me before) and noted that I've been measuring at least 2 weeks big at all but one of my appointments, and that both u/s showed us 1.5 weeks ahead of my due date. He told me that if I was his patient he might move my due date up one week (which would put me at 36+3 today) but that regardless the hospital would not intervene if I went into labor anytime after this coming Sunday (according to LMP that is 36 weeks, but could really be 37 weeks).

    He encouraged me to start being more active and to try to get my BH going again (they'd tapered off dramatically). He gave me the "you wouldn't run a marathon without warming up first" analogy. So, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical last night and it felt GREAT. I had some very, very mild BH afterwards so I'm planning on continuing that for the next few weeks - we'll see if it makes a difference in labor times (with my first I "went into labor" around 8 PM on a Monday and our baby was born just after 3 PM on Wednesday, so around 43 hours). Anyways, I'm pretty excited to hit the "safety mark" of 36 weeks - even if full term isn't technically until the next week.

    Hope you are all feeling well!

    That's so cool that technically you could be ready to go in less than a week! I have been having a lot more BH contractions lately (they don't hurt - just lots of tightening), but I didn't realize that doctors would actually encourage you to try to have more of them. When I told my OB about them, her only response was that it was normal - she didn't say that I needed to chill out or that I needed to get moving so that I could have more.

    I'm excited for you, though!

    I was kind of surprised by the advice too, because in the past when I was having them I would drink water, lay down, and hope they went away. But, I guess the difference is back then I was only 30ish weeks along. Either way, I'm happy to be moving again - and at least now I'm not stressed about making them stop like I was before.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Congratulations, Artemis! How exciting!

    Mormonmomma, isn't it great to get to the 'point of no return' aka they won't try to stop labor? It always makes me want to do jumping jacks or something to get things going! :wink:

    Also, yes - I've been eating WAY too much junk lately. I'm the same as RBXChas - not wanting burgers/fries, but muffins, cookies, ice cream, etc - yum!

    I actually haven't had really any swelling so far this pregnancy (knock on wood) but I remember the swelling hurting when I was pregnant with the twins. Not fun!

    I had my 37w visit yesterday - no dilation, surprise, surprise! I'm totally convinced my body just doesn't know how to dilate. So now I've 'resigned' myself to the idea that I'll probably just deliver on my scheduled c-section date and not at all before. There IS the chance of my water breaking, but I'm not counting on it!

    This morning I went to the grocery and have planned out the next 2 weeks' worth of dinners (after that, it'll be meals I've frozen, take-out, or meals from friends for a while). I'm just stuck on what to do the night before my c-section! I don't want to eat out since we'll probably get enough of that after the baby is born. I don't know if we should do something 'special' since it'll be the last dinner as a family of 5 (though my mom will be here for dinner as well) or stick with easy/simple so cleanup is quick and we can spend a little more time relaxing with the kids before bed, since it's the last night as a family of 5. I'm leaning toward that one, but at the same time really like the idea of a nice 'last meal'!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Anyone else's legs actually hurt from swelling? Granted, the swelling I'm experiencing is not as bad as it was when I was pregnant the first time, but it hurts sometimes, especially on my shins where the skin is naturally tighter. I hate my cankles, too! Putting them up definitely helps, but MAN is it annoying, especially when it starts to hurt rather than just look awful :frown:

    I so hear you! I actually went and got a pedicure last weekend (which happens maybe once a year for me) and the sweet little lady that worked on me got the swelling down sooooo much. It was amazing to see the difference as she finished one leg and was just starting the other. I told DH that it felt so good I might go again if baby doesn't make his appearance until 39 or 40 weeks.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    This morning I went to the grocery and have planned out the next 2 weeks' worth of dinners (after that, it'll be meals I've frozen, take-out, or meals from friends for a while). I'm just stuck on what to do the night before my c-section! I don't want to eat out since we'll probably get enough of that after the baby is born. I don't know if we should do something 'special' since it'll be the last dinner as a family of 5 (though my mom will be here for dinner as well) or stick with easy/simple so cleanup is quick and we can spend a little more time relaxing with the kids before bed, since it's the last night as a family of 5. I'm leaning toward that one, but at the same time really like the idea of a nice 'last meal'!

    Do you have a favorite meal from childhood that your mom would be willing to make for you? If she's coming to help I'd ask her to do dinner that night so you have one last night to snuggle on your current babies before the newest additon arrives. Maybe make it a family game night and play some of your kiddos favorite games or watch a movie together while grandma makes her famous ______ (enchiladas, lasagna, shepard's pie, etc...). Just a thought :wink:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Anyone else's legs actually hurt from swelling? Granted, the swelling I'm experiencing is not as bad as it was when I was pregnant the first time, but it hurts sometimes, especially on my shins where the skin is naturally tighter. I hate my cankles, too! Putting them up definitely helps, but MAN is it annoying, especially when it starts to hurt rather than just look awful :frown:

    I so hear you! I actually went and got a pedicure last weekend (which happens maybe once a year for me) and the sweet little lady that worked on me got the swelling down sooooo much. It was amazing to see the difference as she finished one leg and was just starting the other. I told DH that it felt so good I might go again if baby doesn't make his appearance until 39 or 40 weeks.

    I got a pedicure about 4 weeks ago, and I am ready for another! I have some gift card credit at the spa (it's nicer than the nearest salon, and it's $5 more for a better pedicure), plus they sent me a $10 coupon for my birthday (May 10th). In my last pregnancy, I got them every 3 weeks from about 20 weeks forward. This time I waited until I couldn't comfortably reach my toes :tongue: I typically don't spend money on stuff like that, but I feel like it's worth it to pamper myself just a little bit. I get the SpaFinder gift cards at Costco, so it costs $80 for $100 worth of gift cards :smile:

    So maybe I just need to schedule a pedicure after all...
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All! Just checking in!

    I hit full term last Friday and it kind of hit me over the head: I feel SO SLOW and SO BIG!!! I don't really have any real aches and pains like I had earlier (maybe a little SI pain in one joint); it's just that my body seems to be naturally holding back, preserving energy for the baby, the birth, and beyond.

    In terms of MFP stuff, I'm just doing whatever feels comfortable. I am eating what feels good -not junk food, but food that I know will make me feel good. My swim workouts are no longer focused or structured: I do my water runs at a relaxing pace, and my laps are calm and continuous. If I feel like doing some butterfly to stretch out I will, but I am not exerting myself. I still feel completely wiped out after any physical activity, no matter how low impact I think it is.

    I think I've hit a peaceful moment that is best described by Hamlet:

    There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all. Since no man, of aught he leaves, knows what is't to leave betimes, let be.

    I can't predict when my little "sparrow" will fall, but he will come and I am ready.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Hi All! Just checking in!

    I hit full term last Friday and it kind of hit me over the head: I feel SO SLOW and SO BIG!!! I don't really have any real aches and pains like I had earlier (maybe a little SI pain in one joint); it's just that my body seems to be naturally holding back, preserving energy for the baby, the birth, and beyond.

    In terms of MFP stuff, I'm just doing whatever feels comfortable. I am eating what feels good -not junk food, but food that I know will make me feel good. My swim workouts are no longer focused or structured: I do my water runs at a relaxing pace, and my laps are calm and continuous. If I feel like doing some butterfly to stretch out I will, but I am not exerting myself. I still feel completely wiped out after any physical activity, no matter how low impact I think it is.

    I think I've hit a peaceful moment that is best described by Hamlet:

    There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all. Since no man, of aught he leaves, knows what is't to leave betimes, let be.

    I can't predict when my little "sparrow" will fall, but he will come and I am ready.

    TheLaser, that's beautiful! :-)

    I've been feeling great lately. Everyone at church and such keeps commenting on how I 'haven't had that baby yet' but it's not like I can really control anything! Other than being eager to meet the baby and be done with pregnancy, I don't have any complaints. I'm sleeping great, keeping up with chores (even mowed our 1/4 acre lawn on Saturday), and don't even feel very huge, probably thanks in part to how huge I got with the twins. This week I'm just doing all the normal chores and getting things set up for when my mom comes - in 1 week!! - and trying to spend some quality snuggle time with my other babies before this next one arrives. I'm definitely in the 'calm before the storm' and enjoying it as much as I can! Baby arrives in 8 days!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Some of you are getting so close! How exciting!!!

    We took our prenatal classes this weekend. It was helpful since we are in a new country and we learned the different terminology, etc.

    One great tidbit here is they give "walking epidurals" here, so you can still move about with some assistance. You can birth squatting, standing, on hands and knees, on a birthing chair and the hospital is fine with this :smile: Even with the walking epidural, nice to have some choices.

    From what I remember my family members who had epidurals had to stay on their was a full epidural. Those who had epidurals, did you find that to be true?

    Also learned more about the Tens machine, which has previously been mentioned to me...... I think I'll be renting one.

    How's everyone else's labor plans going?
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Ladies, new to this thread - I am due May 5 and looking for some new friends... I'm especially interested in friends who plan on breastfeeding. I know that can be tricky with working out and eating enough calories for your supply. :-)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Some of you are getting so close! How exciting!!!

    We took our prenatal classes this weekend. It was helpful since we are in a new country and we learned the different terminology, etc.

    One great tidbit here is they give "walking epidurals" here, so you can still move about with some assistance. You can birth squatting, standing, on hands and knees, on a birthing chair and the hospital is fine with this :smile: Even with the walking epidural, nice to have some choices.

    From what I remember my family members who had epidurals had to stay on their was a full epidural. Those who had epidurals, did you find that to be true?

    Also learned more about the Tens machine, which has previously been mentioned to me...... I think I'll be renting one.

    How's everyone else's labor plans going?

    I had an epidural last time and had to stay in bed. After birth, I had to hang out there for a bit to let it wear off, and they had me get up slooooooowly. I was totally fine, but they were just being cautious. I didn't mind hanging out in bed because I felt totally awesome after the epidural (plus I got to doze off, since I went into labor right after I fell asleep for the night), but it would have been nice to have the option of walking around.

    I had to look up the TENS machine - I didn't know there were any uses for it for labor. Interesting what you learn!

    Otherwise, I don't have any real plans, but I need to talk to my OB about not getting pitocin unless it's necessary. I feel like that was a major reason as to why it was so God-awful last time. Not that I expected L&D to be a walk in the park, but you shouldn't feel like you literally would rather die than continue on.

    A birthing chair sounds kind of awesome, though!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi Ladies, new to this thread - I am due May 5 and looking for some new friends... I'm especially interested in friends who plan on breastfeeding. I know that can be tricky with working out and eating enough calories for your supply. :-)

    Welcome, and congratulations! I am due May 26th with baby #2, and I had a really rough time with breastfeeding the first time. I am determined to do things differently this time and have been looking into figuring it all out with working out/losing weight/eating enough without sacrificing supply. There's a forum for that here:

    How are you doing otherwise?