May 2013 Due Dates



  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Wow Jess - that's really too bad! I agree with everyone that it seems wholly unfair for this ceremony to throw such a wrench in your plans -- hopefully something will change. But, 5 days! You are so close - enjoy the weekend!

    Laser - thanks for mentioning the sheet/plastic sheet for the co-sleeper situation - we've got our crib mattress covers set, but I forgot about the co-sleeper's mattress. I'm going to do the same as you and just buy extra sheets for now. Also, great news on the GSB testing negative! I'm also irrationally worried about the IV situation (my test is next Friday) so fingers are crossed.

    Momma - 3cm already! That's great! Those BH contractions are definitely working! Also, way to indulge yourself with another pedi -- I just went last Tuesday and agree that it's heaven these days.

    Rebecca - get yourself to a pedicure spot asap. You deserve it! Also, I read through your whole story with the Picotin and am really interested to hear what your medical records say!

    Nothing crazy to report over here. We finish up our birthing classes this weekend and I feel like baby is growing well, or at least my stomach is finally popping in a whole new way. Last weekend was our co-ed shower, so we finished piecing together most of our 'must-haves', and set up the baby monitor yesterday and are putting the car seat in tonight, so things are feeling very real suddenly. I've also started a lame attempt at a hospital bag... which thus far includes a toothbrush, hair-ties, socks and a outfit for the little guy. Which, from what I hear, is probably enough. :wink:

    On a personal note, I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the whole exercise situation. I've been wanting to make it to full term with my boot camp classes, but at 35.2 weeks, I'm not sure I have another 12 days in me. We'll see. The ligament pain is still come and go, but more than that I'm just feeling like walking these days, and other forms of exercise seem too much like a chore.

    Hope you guys are well!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, my, LadyJocc - you just reminded me that we still need to install the car seat bases for our infant carrier/car seat! We were supposed to do that this past weekend and forgot! It's supposed to be rainy and gross here all weekend, so we should be able to do it then. I doubt I'll go into labor or anything before then, though that would be something.

    I didn't realize you all were talking about the co-sleeper mattress. I never used one, so I have no idea. However, in the beginning I used a bassinet at night and then only during the day (once we moved him to his crib at night), and I had to have at least three bassinet sheets (travel crib sheets work fine for mine, too) because I would inevitably have a diaper leak and/or a spit-up incident at least twice a day, so I'd need a third clean sheet before I could wash the other one or two. If it's only nighttime use, though, probably two are fine, maybe three so you can be almost 100% sure!

    I got a call from the hospital records department - I had requested my *entire* record, the first 10 pages of which are free, but since the entire thing is nearly 150 pages, it will cost me nearly $85 to copy (as if I didn't pay them enough for services rendered during my stay...)! She didn't want to proceed without warning me, so I told her that I just needed to know what drugs I was administered during my stay, and she said that I would only need the abstract and the drug work-up sheet. Hopefully that means they'll be completing it soon and mailing it out today, which means I'll get it tomorrow or Monday (the hospital is in the same zip code as my house), and then I can bring it to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

    I'm really getting excited for everyone because the babies will start arriving soon! I had a dream last night that my husband and I went on vacation (weird), and I gave birth at the hotel with my husband delivering. I didn't have any contractions; the baby just came out! I didn't notice if it was a boy or a girl but just wrapped it in a blanket, and my husband cut the umbilical cord without clamping it. I was so mad at him for doing that, then his brother (a doctor) showed up to help out and started yelling at him for cutting the cord! Then I felt really bad and started defending him while we waited for the EMTs to arrive to declare us all healthy so that we could go home. I woke up (one of our dogs started whining for some reason), so that was the end of the dream.

    Anyone have any delivery dreams yet?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm really getting excited for everyone because the babies will start arriving soon! I had a dream last night that my husband and I went on vacation (weird), and I gave birth at the hotel with my husband delivering. I didn't have any contractions; the baby just came out! I didn't notice if it was a boy or a girl but just wrapped it in a blanket, and my husband cut the umbilical cord without clamping it. I was so mad at him for doing that, then his brother (a doctor) showed up to help out and started yelling at him for cutting the cord! Then I felt really bad and started defending him while we waited for the EMTs to arrive to declare us all healthy so that we could go home. I woke up (one of our dogs started whining for some reason), so that was the end of the dream.

    Anyone have any delivery dreams yet?

    So, so, so many weird dreams about delivery... a few nights ago I dreamed that baby weighed 24.9 lbs upon delivery. I later dreamed I was having quadruplets (but we didn't find out until I was admitted to the hospital for delivery). They are almost every night now. I just have to laugh them off in the morning when I wake up because they are soooo crazy and unrealistic.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I got a call from the hospital records department - I had requested my *entire* record, the first 10 pages of which are free, but since the entire thing is nearly 150 pages, it will cost me nearly $85 to copy (as if I didn't pay them enough for services rendered during my stay...)! She didn't want to proceed without warning me, so I told her that I just needed to know what drugs I was administered during my stay, and she said that I would only need the abstract and the drug work-up sheet. Hopefully that means they'll be completing it soon and mailing it out today, which means I'll get it tomorrow or Monday (the hospital is in the same zip code as my house), and then I can bring it to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

    So glad that you'll finally get some answers!! Let us know what you find out.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    No delivery dreams here! Apparently it's too unimaginable for my brain :)

    Nowadays, I'm sleeping so badly that the only way I know for sure that I've slept a little is to wake up from a dream. Is anyone else getting this?

    RBX -sometimes electronic versions of the records are available, too. (And that $85 is SO classic hospital ridiculous. It takes about one minute to stuff those papers into a copier and even if it's 5 cents a page, it's still not $85! I printed out two chapters (about 150 pp!) from my book manuscript last night and it did not cost my school $85.) i had one OB/GYN office try to charge me $25 for a record that was about 5 pages and I put up a huge stink until they gave it to me.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I got a call from the hospital records department - I had requested my *entire* record, the first 10 pages of which are free, but since the entire thing is nearly 150 pages, it will cost me nearly $85 to copy (as if I didn't pay them enough for services rendered during my stay...)! She didn't want to proceed without warning me, so I told her that I just needed to know what drugs I was administered during my stay, and she said that I would only need the abstract and the drug work-up sheet. Hopefully that means they'll be completing it soon and mailing it out today, which means I'll get it tomorrow or Monday (the hospital is in the same zip code as my house), and then I can bring it to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

    So glad that you'll finally get some answers!! Let us know what you find out.

    I second this - keep us posted!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm really getting excited for everyone because the babies will start arriving soon! I had a dream last night that my husband and I went on vacation (weird), and I gave birth at the hotel with my husband delivering. I didn't have any contractions; the baby just came out! I didn't notice if it was a boy or a girl but just wrapped it in a blanket, and my husband cut the umbilical cord without clamping it. I was so mad at him for doing that, then his brother (a doctor) showed up to help out and started yelling at him for cutting the cord! Then I felt really bad and started defending him while we waited for the EMTs to arrive to declare us all healthy so that we could go home. I woke up (one of our dogs started whining for some reason), so that was the end of the dream.

    Anyone have any delivery dreams yet?

    So, so, so many weird dreams about delivery... a few nights ago I dreamed that baby weighed 24.9 lbs upon delivery. I later dreamed I was having quadruplets (but we didn't find out until I was admitted to the hospital for delivery). They are almost every night now. I just have to laugh them off in the morning when I wake up because they are soooo crazy and unrealistic.

    Imagine that postpartum weight loss!

    My SIL's friend (whom I actually have met - so it's not one of those "my cousin's former roommate's brother's best friend" things) was pregnant and went for one of her late term doctor's appointments. They did an ultrasound because she was measuring really big all of a sudden and discovered she was having twins. She had had regular prenatal care, so I don't know how they'd missed it in earlier appointments/ultrasounds. Not only did she find out she was having twins, but for some reason she had to go to the hospital that same day to deliver them. They happen to live near me, and when my brother and SIL were visiting a couple of years ago, they asked them to come by, so I've met the twin girls, too. They're probably six or seven now, so it's not like this was 30 years ago. I guess occasionally those weird things happen!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    No delivery dreams here! Apparently it's too unimaginable for my brain :)

    Nowadays, I'm sleeping so badly that the only way I know for sure that I've slept a little is to wake up from a dream. Is anyone else getting this?

    RBX -sometimes electronic versions of the records are available, too. (And that $85 is SO classic hospital ridiculous. It takes about one minute to stuff those papers into a copier and even if it's 5 cents a page, it's still not $85! I printed out two chapters (about 150 pp!) from my book manuscript last night and it did not cost my school $85.) i had one OB/GYN office try to charge me $25 for a record that was about 5 pages and I put up a huge stink until they gave it to me.

    Yes, I do that all the time with sleeping. I only know I've actually been sleeping because I wake up and am suddenly in my own bed when I didn't remember being there a minute ago!

    As for records, I did try to get them online, but that's only available for the hospital's physician partners (and only for those who participate - so my son's pediatrician records would be on there, but my OB/Gyn records would not). They told me the records department gives the first 10 pages free, then 65 cents/page for the next 100 pages, then 50 cents a page after that. There's probably a lot in those 150 pages or so that I don't need, so as long as what they give me tells me what I need to know, that's fine. I couldn't care less about the rest. At worst, I can ask my OB to please investigate for me, since she seemed a little horrified at my suspicions.

    In a weird way I'm hoping they did give me pitocin because otherwise that means my labor toooooootally sucked, but then again I'll be completely disgusted. It's kind of a lose-lose whether they gave it to me or not!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Thanks for the sympathy re:my mom. I don't know what's going on with her. She called this morning to say my dad would attend the ceremony and she would attend some other ceremony I didn't know about the following week. Problem solved! Except then 2 hours later she texts me to say not to cancel with my friend until I called her; so I call and she says she's still feeling 'conflicted' about what to do and maybe we should just have my friend come after all and my mom would come Wed after the ceremony Tues. Ugggghhhh!!! I told her she can do whatever she wants to do or feels she needs to do, but to make up her mind and stick with it (though not in those words, obviously). I told her that if she's wanting to be at the ceremony and not here for the birth, then fine; we don't want her here if she doesn't want to be here. Aka, we don't want to twist her arm or guilt/force her into coming. I just can't see how a hs award ceremony can compete with a birth of a child. ??? So she now says she will be here Monday as originally planned and I could officially let my friend know she won't need to come. I am just so tired of all of it! We lead rather drama-free lives, so I really hate when drama makes its way into situations!

    Oh, I also got a phone call from the hospital confirming a pre-op appt I had for Monday that nobody ever told me about in the first place. When I called them back to ask what it was for, the lady was already out of the office for the day. Ummmm....ok??? But I was able to find out they always do blood work before surgery (not sure why?). I told them I have 3 young children and no childcare for them on Monday since it's so last-minute. So now I have to go in 30 minutes earlier than scheduled on Tuesday for the bloodwork. I don't even know why it matters so much - when I had the twins, I went into labor, showed up at the hospital, and had surgery. No pre-op appt, obviously! I'm not going to try too hard to get there 30 min early, since I'm already showing up a full 2 hours pre-surgery anyway. It's not like they're not going to do the c-section since I didn't come in 'early enough' for a 30-second blood draw. If the woman hadn't called to confirm it, I wouldn't have known about it anyway!

    Whew. I'm just ready to get everything over with and be home with my kids - it seems like the closer we get to d-day, the more complicated everything is becoming and I'm so over it! 4 days left!

    Meanwhile, nope, I haven't had any dreams. Some of you are having hilarious ones, though! Although maybe only hilarious since they aren't reality, lol!

    RBXChas, I'm really curious to hear what your records show, although I understand the whole lose-lose scenario you're facing!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    reading the delivery dreams has cracked me up. I never had dreams with any of the pregnancies. I kind of feeling left out:)
    I am however to a point where I want to eat everything in sight. I really have just started craving sweets. Not prego this is my biggest weakness. But this whole pregnancy so far I was doing GREAT. eat way less sweets than I do not pregnant. Well not the last few days. All I seem to want is anything sweet. and I swear if I see it the food is going in my mouth. what is happening. I have 4 weeks left and do not want to gain a TON of weight this last month.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    <--she's here a few days early (38 weeks 6 days gestation)! Meet Amelia Rose, born Sat April 27 at 9:13am EST. 8lbs 9.4oz, 21.5"" long, with a head full of hair! I'll give the whole story whenever I get the chance - still in the hospital a couple days thanks to my c-section.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    <--she's here a few days early (38 weeks 6 days gestation)! Meet Amelia Rose, born Sat April 27 at 9:13am EST. 8lbs 9.4oz, 21.5"" long, with a head full of hair! I'll give the whole story whenever I get the chance - still in the hospital a couple days thanks to my c-section.

    Congrats Jess!! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy snuggling on your sweetie - we can all hold off for a while to hear your birth story!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    My turn to vent? (apologies in advance - I'm a bit hormonal right now).

    So, I got up this morning feel like its about "go time" - I'd been crampy all night long and feeling quiet sore "down there". Hubby took little man to church and I got on the treadmill and started walking. I did a mile and a half and was having contractions every 3 minutes - but they were not strong enough to make me stop walking, so I figured no big deal. I grabbed breakfast and did some bouncing on my exercise ball to try and get baby to "drop" a bit more because I've still been feeling little flicks against my rib cage (I have an abnormally short upper body though so no big deal - remember baby was "right there" at my pelvic check last week).

    Got up to use the restroom and lost my mucus plug. Was totally thrilled b/c last time labor started within 12 hours of losing my plug... then hubby and little man get home from church and guess what? Little man has CROUP. That unmistakable seal bark cough. I am beyond devastated. If baby really does come in the next 2-3 days now, chances are big brother can't come meet him in the hospital now because he's sick. And how on earth am I supposed to take care of an infant, relearn to breastfeed, AND have a toddler that is sick all at home???

    The contractions are very mild, and are more like every 15-30 minutes apart, so I don't think it will be tonight, but still.

    Oh, and did I forget to mention that my uncle who we were going to have watch our toddler when we go to the hospital now has a stomach virus going around his house and he can't watch him? Ugh, at least my mom gets home late tomorrow night... as long as I can hold this kid in until tomorrow night we should be fine. And I know that the mucus plug isn't REALLY an indicator of labor - but being at a 3 last Wednesday and now losing my plug - I don't think it's that far away.

    I'm both excited to get this kid here and TERRIFIED about "the plan" for my toddler. Even if I find someone to stay with him during the night if we have to rush to the hospital, he will be up every 45 minutes or so from that dang cough - and who has that kind of patience with someone else's kid?

    Okay, rant over.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    Congrats Jess!!!! You look so happy :-)!!!

    Mormonmama, I'm so sorry about your toddler being sick...I know it must be frustrating having these things happen at the last minute and not have any control over it! Would your mother be able to come over and take care of your toddler when she gets back? Praying your baby waits until after she gets there to come!!

    I know the feeling of wanting to get labor started....this is my first and I have thought a couple of times this weekend that I was starting labor, but then nothing.....Friday I had the worst cramps ever, much worse than any period cramps, plus back ache and contractions....usually walking helps, but they continued whether I walked or rested....then subsided just as I was considering calling my doctor....and the contractions never became regular. Today I have had BH all day long and keep thinking, this has to mean something right??? But they never get more intense. And the backache was so bad in church I could barely handle sitting through the service....but of course when I got home the backache stopped. Even though the BH have continued, but with no regular pattern. I was 80% and 1 cm at my Wed. appointment...but I know I could sit at that for a couple more weeks....maybe all of this cramping/contractions means I am progressing more! I just feel restless and like the days go by so slowly now.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    My turn to vent? (apologies in advance - I'm a bit hormonal right now).

    So, I got up this morning feel like its about "go time" - I'd been crampy all night long and feeling quiet sore "down there". Hubby took little man to church and I got on the treadmill and started walking. I did a mile and a half and was having contractions every 3 minutes - but they were not strong enough to make me stop walking, so I figured no big deal. I grabbed breakfast and did some bouncing on my exercise ball to try and get baby to "drop" a bit more because I've still been feeling little flicks against my rib cage (I have an abnormally short upper body though so no big deal - remember baby was "right there" at my pelvic check last week).

    Got up to use the restroom and lost my mucus plug. Was totally thrilled b/c last time labor started within 12 hours of losing my plug... then hubby and little man get home from church and guess what? Little man has CROUP. That unmistakable seal bark cough. I am beyond devastated. If baby really does come in the next 2-3 days now, chances are big brother can't come meet him in the hospital now because he's sick. And how on earth am I supposed to take care of an infant, relearn to breastfeed, AND have a toddler that is sick all at home???

    The contractions are very mild, and are more like every 15-30 minutes apart, so I don't think it will be tonight, but still.

    Oh, and did I forget to mention that my uncle who we were going to have watch our toddler when we go to the hospital now has a stomach virus going around his house and he can't watch him? Ugh, at least my mom gets home late tomorrow night... as long as I can hold this kid in until tomorrow night we should be fine. And I know that the mucus plug isn't REALLY an indicator of labor - but being at a 3 last Wednesday and now losing my plug - I don't think it's that far away.

    I'm both excited to get this kid here and TERRIFIED about "the plan" for my toddler. Even if I find someone to stay with him during the night if we have to rush to the hospital, he will be up every 45 minutes or so from that dang cough - and who has that kind of patience with someone else's kid?

    Okay, rant over.

    Oh boy, I have been in a similar situation with sick kids and a baby on the way... I feel for you! With my first baby, I went into labor at the tail end of a cold. So I was already tired from fighting a cold all week and not sleeping. With my second, I got hit with a horrible stomach bug only a week after he was born. But I was breastfeeding him, and he didn't end up getting it. Do you plan on breastfeeding? If so, that can supply a great immunity boost for baby, and many times everyone gets sick while they don't. I sure hope everyone in your family feels better!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    <--she's here a few days early (38 weeks 6 days gestation)! Meet Amelia Rose, born Sat April 27 at 9:13am EST. 8lbs 9.4oz, 21.5"" long, with a head full of hair! I'll give the whole story whenever I get the chance - still in the hospital a couple days thanks to my c-section.

    Congratulations! No hurry - enjoy your little one - and let us know what happened when you can :heart:
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I haven't been on here in FOREVER, so I suppose I better update ;)
    Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks. I have been having contractions (some B.H., some more intense and crampy) every 3-10 minutes, going on for hours at a time, for at least a week and a half. SUPER annoying. I am sure they are accomplishing something, but I am not sure how dilated I am, since my midwife does not do routine cervical checks (which is something that I didn't want anyway). My Mom is hoping to make it for the birth, but I honestly don't think that I am going to have a 8 hour labor with this one... which is how far away Mom is. So I am hoping for some sort of indicator (but I don't usually lose my mucus plug until well into "real" labor) or that baby will wait until her due date (May 7) since my Mom will be coming up then for my daughter's birthday... which is also my due date.

    Husband and I are STILL trying to decide on a name... We have a few that we both like, so I hoping that when we see her, we will just "know".

    It's been super exciting watching my friends welcome their babies, and seeing the profile pics change from bumps to sweet little angel faces! I can't wait for my turn!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    reading the delivery dreams has cracked me up. I never had dreams with any of the pregnancies. I kind of feeling left out:)
    I am however to a point where I want to eat everything in sight. I really have just started craving sweets. Not prego this is my biggest weakness. But this whole pregnancy so far I was doing GREAT. eat way less sweets than I do not pregnant. Well not the last few days. All I seem to want is anything sweet. and I swear if I see it the food is going in my mouth. what is happening. I have 4 weeks left and do not want to gain a TON of weight this last month.

    I've been the opposite! Whereas sweets were my downfall while not pregnant, I wanted nothing but for the first two trimesters, and for the third all I want is savory food. The sad part about that is that it's hard to come by, but I guess that's probably a good thing!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My turn to vent? (apologies in advance - I'm a bit hormonal right now).

    So, I got up this morning feel like its about "go time" - I'd been crampy all night long and feeling quiet sore "down there". Hubby took little man to church and I got on the treadmill and started walking. I did a mile and a half and was having contractions every 3 minutes - but they were not strong enough to make me stop walking, so I figured no big deal. I grabbed breakfast and did some bouncing on my exercise ball to try and get baby to "drop" a bit more because I've still been feeling little flicks against my rib cage (I have an abnormally short upper body though so no big deal - remember baby was "right there" at my pelvic check last week).

    Got up to use the restroom and lost my mucus plug. Was totally thrilled b/c last time labor started within 12 hours of losing my plug... then hubby and little man get home from church and guess what? Little man has CROUP. That unmistakable seal bark cough. I am beyond devastated. If baby really does come in the next 2-3 days now, chances are big brother can't come meet him in the hospital now because he's sick. And how on earth am I supposed to take care of an infant, relearn to breastfeed, AND have a toddler that is sick all at home???

    The contractions are very mild, and are more like every 15-30 minutes apart, so I don't think it will be tonight, but still.

    Oh, and did I forget to mention that my uncle who we were going to have watch our toddler when we go to the hospital now has a stomach virus going around his house and he can't watch him? Ugh, at least my mom gets home late tomorrow night... as long as I can hold this kid in until tomorrow night we should be fine. And I know that the mucus plug isn't REALLY an indicator of labor - but being at a 3 last Wednesday and now losing my plug - I don't think it's that far away.

    I'm both excited to get this kid here and TERRIFIED about "the plan" for my toddler. Even if I find someone to stay with him during the night if we have to rush to the hospital, he will be up every 45 minutes or so from that dang cough - and who has that kind of patience with someone else's kid?

    Okay, rant over.

    :frown: I am so sorry you are having a tough time. It's not like you're being unreasonable - these are real things that are totally screwing up what should be a smooth plan! Keep in mind that your mom will understand, and although it is no fun to be getting up throughout the night with a toddler with croup, especially when it's someone else's kid, this is your mom we're talking about. If I were in your mom's situation and, say, it was one of my sister's kids, I would be fine. Also, can she stick around to help after the new baby comes so that your toddler is cared for without having to come into too much contact with you and the baby?

    I know you're probably hoping to go sooner rather than later, but I hope you end up going at least a little later so that you are further into your older son's recovery! But that mucus plug and contractions sound like you are close. I hope it all works out and falls into place :heart:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I haven't been on here in FOREVER, so I suppose I better update ;)
    Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks. I have been having contractions (some B.H., some more intense and crampy) every 3-10 minutes, going on for hours at a time, for at least a week and a half. SUPER annoying. I am sure they are accomplishing something, but I am not sure how dilated I am, since my midwife does not do routine cervical checks (which is something that I didn't want anyway). My Mom is hoping to make it for the birth, but I honestly don't think that I am going to have a 8 hour labor with this one... which is how far away Mom is. So I am hoping for some sort of indicator (but I don't usually lose my mucus plug until well into "real" labor) or that baby will wait until her due date (May 7) since my Mom will be coming up then for my daughter's birthday... which is also my due date.

    Husband and I are STILL trying to decide on a name... We have a few that we both like, so I hoping that when we see her, we will just "know".

    It's been super exciting watching my friends welcome their babies, and seeing the profile pics change from bumps to sweet little angel faces! I can't wait for my turn!

    We pulled out our old name list but haven't really made much progress on it. We weren't settled on a name for either sex last time and figured we would make that decision after birth. I figure I'll keep the list in my purse and will pull it out later!