Introduce yourself!



  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I'm Chantal I am 38 and I have just bought JMBR!!! I should get it in the mail this week. I can't wait!! I am currently doing couch to 5k and will be starting WK 5 tonight. I can't wait to get started!
  • leannmichelle
    leannmichelle Posts: 5 Member
    Trying to get better about using this site:) I have done 4 days of Body Revolution! So far so good, it is tough..and frustrating to think how much ground of I have lost since not working out since last December:( But, need to keep plugging away. I will be out of town for my son's baseball tourney so may have to adjust my schedule a bit...probably will have to make Saturday a Rest day! Sure is good to read posts from others on here!
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    I know. I *felt* the same way too. Food for me is/was a treat, no doubt about it. And by the way, the brunch was canceled but I ended up overeating fish and chips at a pub for dinner. I was full before the meal from the pint of beer I consumed, but I just could not resist finishing my plate because the food tasted so good. So much for my willpower and *new* approach to eating! I actually had french fries for two meals that day! Maybe I just have to accept that any time I step into a restaurant I'm going to overeat and just eat less the days before and after. I have a friend doing intermittent fasting and that's how he handles it.
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    Did anyone else fall off the exercise wagon this past holiday weekend? I didn't sit down much but I couldn't get up before the kids and work out. However I did do day 2 today and I'm glad I did. STILL MOTIVATED dispite a long weekend away!!:bigsmile:
  • bridgeydidge8
    bridgeydidge8 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have just started week 1 of the program again. i started 2 months ago but stopped after 2 weeks as i got a new job and basically life got in the way.

    This time i am so excited to finish and seeing everyone on here is such a huge motivator for me :)

    I am also following a 1200 calorie diet which is going well so far, just have to avoid eating bad foods on the weekends which is by big downfall.

    Going to the supermarket now to buy some heavier weights and healthy snacks :D
  • cultjam
    cultjam Posts: 3 Member
    hey all! so i have had the body revolution kit for awhile and have started the workouts before but with school and work it was hard to stick with it. now that school is ending and i am about finished with a job where i am around food all day (thank god!), i'm starting on the kickstart week. i am on day 3 of the kickstart and so far i'm not having cravings for food too much, but the cardio workout is starting to get old! but the real question i have is if anyone uses any recovery drinks after their workouts. i have the p90x results and recovery formula so i would like to use that but i don't know if it will mess with my results since there are 220 calories in each serving. i would probably only use it after my morning workouts the rest of this week, but would like to use it in the future. has anybody tried it and if so did it affect your results negatively? positively? anyways, hope everyone is doing great with the program, i'll be checking in again after my kickstart week is over!
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    hey all! so i have had the body revolution kit for awhile and have started the workouts before but with school and work it was hard to stick with it. now that school is ending and i am about finished with a job where i am around food all day (thank god!), i'm starting on the kickstart week. i am on day 3 of the kickstart and so far i'm not having cravings for food too much, but the cardio workout is starting to get old! but the real question i have is if anyone uses any recovery drinks after their workouts. i have the p90x results and recovery formula so i would like to use that but i don't know if it will mess with my results since there are 220 calories in each serving. i would probably only use it after my morning workouts the rest of this week, but would like to use it in the future. has anybody tried it and if so did it affect your results negatively? positively? anyways, hope everyone is doing great with the program, i'll be checking in again after my kickstart week is over!

    Are you doing the kickstart diet too? I'm a little scared to do that as it is really restrictive. I haven't done the two a days yet, but I would like to, it is just hard for me with my work/kids schedule. Unfortunately I haven't used the recovery drink so I can't help you there. Good luck with everything!
  • 365toHealthy
    365toHealthy Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I started last week and I have just begun my second week. I am aiming for a one pound a week weight loss which I have so far managed to maintain (for one week only!!!).

    I am enjoying the workouts and I am looking forward to progressing. The only thing I don't like is the cardio DVD :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: . I am going to do a different kind of cardio on those days as I really don't want to lose motivation.

    I want to do this properly and take my time as I want to be in this for the long haul.

  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12

    I'm gearing up to start this program. Most likely Monday if it arrives in the mail before then. :tongue: I'm nearing the end of the most challenging year of my life. Last August 1st my husband moved out and by mid-September we were divorced. Leading up to the split I was so anxious that I lost quite a bit of weight...maybe 10-15 pounds. Then in the June 2012 timeframe I got a stress fracture under my big toe on my right foot, only to be followed up in July with a fracture of my left foot. So with exercise out and then embarking on this new life as a single mom and all the stressors and time constraints involved with that I have packed on the weight. Maybe 35-40 pounds. My feet are rehabbed and although I likely will never run distance gain (I was a half marathon runner) due to my stress fracture likely returning I feel READY to take back this body. I think I am also mentally ready for this challenge. Time to come out of the haze and start living this life for me!

    My stats:

    38 years old
    173 lbs
    goal weight: 135

    However, how I look and feel will always be more important than the number on the scale.
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    I hear you about the cardio. I feel the same way! I thought it was just me. I did that one this morning and thought that somehow it could be better because I love the circuit training days! I'm currently on week 2 (I did a lot of stop and start but now I'm committed)
  • jh1222
    jh1222 Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm Jen! I'm in the middle of week 3. I love that these workouts are making me feel strong and I can feel and see definition in my arms and legs already!! I'm not trying to focus too much on the scale and numbers just yet because of the early point I am at in the program. I didn't do the diet bc I don't eat much of the foods. I'm so glad I found this group!! My friends, coworkers and spouse aren't getting the same excitement out of feeling my biceps (yes, they're back!) as I do!!! Thought you'd understand here!!!
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    Hello! I'm Chelsea, I'm a new mom trying to get back in shape from being pregnant. I work full time and my daughter is 6 months old. I'm usually exhausted and have fallen off the work out wagon- I have 20 pounds to go to get back to pre pregnancy weight. I'm starting Body Revolution tomorrow!
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I'm Chelsea, I'm a new mom trying to get back in shape from being pregnant. I work full time and my daughter is 6 months old. I'm usually exhausted and have fallen off the work out wagon- I have 20 pounds to go to get back to pre pregnancy weight. I'm starting Body Revolution tomorrow!

    I completely understand where you are at. I'm a newish mother of two, my son is 14 months and my daughter is almost 4. I also work full time and I struggle everyday to have enough energy to do the things that HAVE to be done. It's taken me over a year to get motivated to try, fall of the wagon and get back on. I'm on week three of the body revolution but when I say week three it has taken me well over a month to get there, but so far it has been completely worth it. The best advice I have is when you fall off the wagon is to get back on. I have to get back on the wagon several times a week, Losing the weight but more importantly having the energy is what keeps me going. Plus I love the support on this website! I've never been a "boards" type person, but I have really appreciated the support and knowing that there are others that go through the same struggles and successes that I do!
  • robinplus2
    robinplus2 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm Robin. I started workout 3 on Sunday. Needless to say, it kicked my behind!! I have a friend who is almost done with it and she has loaned me the program. So, I get the play by play from her on all the crazy yet to come. Every time she tells me something about new it makes me thankful for what I'm doing now. :-)

    I'm excited to see the change after Phase 1. It's definitely a challenge. I am not using the diet plan but tracking my calories on MFP instead. I am also not sticking to the 1200 recommended calories a day. I eat between 1350 and 1500 a day. I've been told that will help me when I reach maintenance and I will be able to eat more and not gain weight.

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • robinplus2
    robinplus2 Posts: 24 Member
    It's always nice to have someone who appreciates the nice definition in your newly formed biceps!!! You go girl!!
  • Kate4030
    Kate4030 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kate.I started Body Revolution on Tuesday of this week. Three workouts in and I still like it...that's a good sign, right? :) Cardio 1 kicked my butt this morning though, that is tough!

    I am really excited to see my results. I made my husband hide our scale (I am a bit obsessive about it). I am not going to weigh myself or take measurements until the 90 days is over. I can't wait!

    Only 87 days left :)
  • Hi everyone! I'm glad to see the support of JMBR here. I started around May 20th - and I am about to start Phase 2 next week. I'm scared of what she's going to have us do next! I am a little disappointed that I haven't really lost too much weight though this month, but I have noticed my clothes are a little looser. Does anyone use protein powder after workouts? I work out in the morning, before I eat, so by the time I workout, shower, get ready, and get to work where I can finaly eat breakfast it is almost an hour and a half since I started my workout. Could this timing be a factor as to why I am not really loosing weight? I've been eating mostly clean, not too many cheats, salad for lunch, chicken for dinner. Is there more I could be doing?
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome to all the members I have not yet said hello to! Ill health has meant I've not been around much for the last few weeks.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I always have protein powder, yes. I found upping my protein was key in me getting a better looking body. When I did my shred I think I ate too few calories and not enough protein which left me still looking "skinny fat". The weight was coming off but I was losing muscle mass.. And things looked saggy.

    Reasons for why you're not losing weight.. Are you netting enough calories? Too few cals can hinder progress.
    Phases 2 and 3 ups the game a little so this increase in intensity might spur the losses on with bigger burns. Are you drinking enough water? Taking adequate rest?

    Sometimes weight doesn't seem to change but clothes become loose like you mentioned. This is why it's important not to gauge progress only by the number on a scale. It's about those inches too!!!
    Hi everyone! I'm glad to see the support of JMBR here. I started around May 20th - and I am about to start Phase 2 next week. I'm scared of what she's going to have us do next! I am a little disappointed that I haven't really lost too much weight though this month, but I have noticed my clothes are a little looser. Does anyone use protein powder after workouts? I work out in the morning, before I eat, so by the time I workout, shower, get ready, and get to work where I can finaly eat breakfast it is almost an hour and a half since I started my workout. Could this timing be a factor as to why I am not really loosing weight? I've been eating mostly clean, not too many cheats, salad for lunch, chicken for dinner. Is there more I could be doing?
  • meganwnek
    meganwnek Posts: 6
    Hi!! My name is Megan and i am starting JMBR August 4th. I have attempting jmbr before but quit during the second month, i dont even remember why. I would love new motivational friends to help me get through the whole thing this time!