2 week challenge



    BMWSLP Posts: 7 Member
    My two week challenge:
    1) Record everything. This should be so easy, but it a tough habit for me to get into.
    2) Eat slower. Weight watchers recommends one sip of water after every bite.
    3) Workout a minimum of 3x a week.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    My Two Week Challenge:
    1) Challenge myself with 2 days of heavier lifting per week
    2) Continue working out 5 days per week, but mix it up (yoga class?)
    3) Focus eating on nutrient dense natural foods
    4) Drink plenty of water at night or some green or white tea, instead of snarfing on chips and other empty calories
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Aw man Beeps..... I was just watching So You Think You Can Dance the other night fantasizing about putting Daphne in dance class..... :smile: I never did the ballet thing, but clogged for 5 years, some of that on a competing, traveling team, but I loved it. I'm glad your daughter chose hockey.

    Thanks Amy, I downloaded Songza. Looks cool.

    Welcome new peeps.

    Everyone else, good to hear from you!

    So I had a pretty good first day "back". I was under my calories, but my food choices were so-so. I got a couple mile run in this morning. Was going to lift, but Daphne woke at 6:15 so..... I feel so much better today. I felt so yuck yesterday. Like a pair of my fatter pants were snug. My stomach looks something terrible right now. But I am determined! I just need to get the bloat off, have some solid nutrition days, and get my workouts in.

    I'm off tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. I haven't had a "normal" day off with just my kiddo and me in 3 weeks.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy--I'll have to check out Songza, I'm definitely getting sick of my old music.

    Abigail--That does sound like a fun weekend!

    Beeps--I'll definitely have to keep that in mind if we have a daughter... though I imagine that most kids activites are still a lot of work (just swap sports uniforms for dance costumes etc.).

    Ashley--I'm guessing the bloat will go away after a few days of being on a more "normal" eating/exercise routine. Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    Bluegrass and lambentjewel--welcome, and great goals!

    No workout last night, but I did buy new dumbbells for home (and carrying around 40 lbs of dummbells is kind of a workout for me....). So no more excuses for not lifting. My plan is to lift weights for at least 15 minutes every other day--there's really no reason I can't do that, and I need to make it part of my routine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    The problem with kids, overall, is that EVERYTHING is "expensive". Everything. And, you can't *dictate* what your kid likes or doesn't like....if they like dance, you put them in dance, if they like baseball, you put them in baseball.

    So far, my kids love nearly EVERYTHING they have tried. Through the years, these are the pursuits THEY have pursued (on my dime - these are NOT "school programs" - all private/recreational): drums, guitar, piano, voice, musical theatre, hockey, outdoor soccer, baseball, football, basketball, swimming, skating, tae kwon do, karate, dance (ballet, tap, jazz), gymnastics, tumbling, ball hockey AND I've probably missed some.

    I'm glad I have REALLY 'active' kids - I'm just WAY older and WAY more tired than I was when I started this "motherhood" gig. Some things lose their luster over time....

    Good lord, this isn't the "40+" thread - sorry, ladies!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Well I'm jumping on the "doing damage control from the weekend" bandwagon. San Fran was way fun, but took it's toll. Stepped on the scale this morning to an extra 3 lbs (hoping a lot is water but we'll see). Got back to the gym yesterday and am hoping to workout everyday this week. Too busy at work to write much more but just wanted to check in!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    My oldest has danced for 6 years! She also plays soccer (and I coach), swim team, and piano. My youngest just started dance/swim this summer. It is expensive and VERY time consuming. But, hopefully something sticks when they older.
    BMWSLP Posts: 7 Member
    1) Record everything. This should be so easy, but it a tough habit for me to get into.
    2) Eat slower. Weight watchers recommends one sip of water after every bite.
    3) Workout a minimum of 3x a week.

    Two days in a row recording everything. I have tried to eat slower, this is still tough for me. Worked out twice so far!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome :-) Are we supposed to log daily, or are there rules on this?

    Here is how I did today with my goals:
    - lifted heavier weights: 70 lbs smith rack back squats, used 20 lb dumbells with my chest presses, used 12.5 & 15 lb dumbells for renegade rows. Will continue to inch up the weight and experiment with lower reps. I still did 10-12 reps x 4 sets with these, so can probably push more weight. Gave myself and extra round on the TRX knee presses too. Ended with a little cardio too, so great work out.
    - Nutritionally I did pretty ok: lots of good lowfat protiens, lots of salad, but did take an extra helping of mashed potatoes (they were SO good and buttery) No processed foods today - YAY for health!!
    -Sipping water now, so as long as I don't wander past the chip countertop for a late night snack, all will be fine
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    @lambentjewel: You can share how you did daily or weekly, it's just up to personal preference. Usually I just check in a few days a week to catch up, see how everyone is doing and talk about wins/where I need improvement.

    I myself am struggling to get back into the groove I was in before vacation last week. My eating hasn't been awful, but staying active has been a challenge. Getting back to the gym today, and hope to get in at least 2-3 more workouts this week. Just gotta keep on keepin on.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    lambentjewel - there's no "rules" - I like to "chat", so I pop in pretty often - am totally HAPPY to read daily reports!! How come you're using the smith machine for back squats? (As in, don't do that....)

    BluegrassBrid - I think the "eat slower" piece is actually quite crucial for those of us who are "mindless eaters". I am now teaching my daughter this method. She really DOES need to become MUCH MORE MINDFUL of how she eats (the "what" she eats is up to her parents/nanny to enforce, imho).

    kclynch - kids love activity....I'm not expecting any of my kids to be pro-athletes. And, I'm not sure where dance training can "really" take someone - except to a stripper pole, which I'm not really interested in for my daughter. But, I think giving kids a love of "movement" and "music" has to be healthy.

    ramalem - how DARE you post here about a visit to SAN FRAN without all the DETAILS of the FUN you had in San Fran!!!!!!!!!! come on - smarten up!

    Today, I lift!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Beeps - Oh it was a great time. I went to visit my childhood best friend who I've known practically all my life. We ate a ton of great food, rented a convertible on Friday and drove out to wine country, spent the day sipping lovely wine in 85 degree weather getting a killer tan (aka sunburn then tan), hung out and day drank most of the day on the wharf on Saturday and headed to a great concert by a local band down there called Geographer on Saturday evening. It was a quick but great weekend!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Welcome newbies! Beeps is right, no rules here, so if your looking for a strict challenge this isn't it. We basically just all keep each other motivated and share new tips for diet and exercise.

    Ram- that sounds like an absolutely ideal short weekend trip!

    Beeps and KC- I so look forward to having kids in sports....I'm hoping for some baseball/softball kids so at least I can be working on my tan while watching them :wink: But, obviously they can do whatever they want.

    I am having an ok week this week. I think we are having a growth spurt because the scale was up a couple pounds today. But, everyone keeps telling me how great I look even though I am up like 20 pounds at 22 weeks, which seems a bit high, but I'm not stressing it. I am doing the best I can and besides the increase in ice cream and cookie intake (which really isn't too bad) I think I am doing pretty good. I skipped my walk yesterday morning because it looked like it was raining when my alarm went off, but I may have just been making excuses. The guilty looks I received from my pup was totally not worth the extra hour of sleep though, so I won't be doing that again :happy:

    I got my walk in already this morning and I plan on doing my Jillian DVD tonight!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Chloe- Don't worry about your weight! Your doing amazing and staying active. That will help you get back into shape after baby. I played t-ball and later softball, but my daughter had no interest in that :-( So, I learned how to play soccer.

    Beeps- I ALWAYS dreamed my daughter would be a pole dancer! LOL. But, maybe drill team in high school? I'm actually hoping she gravitates more towards soccer/swimming because they are cheaper and there are more scholarships. Really, as long as they do SOMETHING to keep them busy in high school, I'll be happy.

    Ram- Sounds like you had fun!!!

    Welcome new ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    ramalem -that weekend sounds SUPER-fun! I've always wanted to "rent a convertible" - I never have. Even in Hawaii this summer - we "thought" about it, but then our "parent" brains took over and we have rented a mid-size SUV. lol

    Chloe - you're in SUPER-shape. It'll help through the end of the pregnancy, as well as the tough labour stuff. Poor puppy - there are 1,358 reasons why I don't have pets, "guilty eyes" would be ON THAT LIST!

    kclynch - is "drill team" like "cheerleading"?? We have "cheer team" as it's own recreational sport up here - and yes, kids can also try out for these teams in junior high and high school. It is gonna be super-duper important that kids stay "active" - lifelong. For whatever reason, I'm not worried about it - my oldest son played hockey/soccer all of his years (he still plays hockey now - and he's coming 26!). My middle son is really getting into volleyball and basketball, plus baseball, so he'll stay active. Daughter does EVERYTHING - so she is starting to have to make some 'choices" - hockey remains firmly at the top of her list. Because girls' hockey is all "no hitting", I really think she'll keep up with hockey even into adulthood.

    Kids have SO MUCH opportunity now, it is just INSANE!! Lucky, lucky little devils....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - I agree with you on the dance world being a bit crazy. At first because I love dance so much I was disappointed that neither of my girls stuck with it, but now my oldest daughter is studying martial arts alongside her father which is awesome since they can share that experience & I don't have to bring her. My youngest switched to gymnastics & absolutely loves it. I know in the future it can get serious & competitive, but right now I just enjoy watching the look of sheer joy on her face as she tumbles away.

    Ram - glad you also had a good weekend, hopefully we can both recover this week

    Chloe - everybody's right you do look great

    Welcome lamb & blue - so glad you joined us - this is such a great group!

    Thankfully the heat wave here just broke - it has been oppressive & has really interfered with my workouts and being able to walk my dog - poor thing! Hopefully my husband will get around to installing the AC on the back porch where I workout soon because this is getting ridiculous.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    It is still HOT here. I ran this morning and went for a walk at lunch. Both were pretty rough because of the heat, but I definitely needed it as I haven't done all that much as far as exercise the last few days other than my 15 minutes of weights last night (arm's only so I'd be able to run with friends this morning). My legs start to get antsy at night if I'm not moving around enough. There's way too much to catch up on but I hope everyone's having a good week!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - your dance rant made me laugh! Don't look forward to contending with that someday. That said, I would not be sad at all if my potential future daughter(s) (God willing) didn't do dance...or gymnastics...or running...etc. There are so many body issues tied up in those sports (vis a vis hockey or basketball etc.).

    Chloe - sounds like you have the right attitude towards. Don't worry, your healthy lifestyle will make a huge difference!

    Ris - good commitment! heat makes such a difference. It's 95 here today and I am dreading my 4:30 workout!

    Not logging this week. I haven't been hungry this week and struggling to get in meals (not at ALL like me). Must just be in a funk. Crossfit today.

    Have a good Wednesday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    All you "heat" complainers need to put your BIG GIRL PANTIES ON!!!!!! omg. How MUCH I wish we had HEAT! And HUMIDITY! It's literally like Vancouver here this month - constantly cloudy and rainy and terrible. No wonder I'm in a b*tchy mood 23 out of every 24 hours.

    Abigail - the beauty of "dance" is that it can be picked up ANYTIME! You are LOVING it!! Your girls may choose dance as an opportunity later on. I'm seriously thinking of taking up tap dance (again!) once my kids are teens and driving themselves around.

    RisOnTheRun - get that exercise in! If you think you are "too busy" now, just wait when the pitter-patter of little feet makes it NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!

    chui - there are BODY ISSUES in everything, all the time. somehow, girls are just sucker-punched no matter what they do or where they go. My daughter is 10 and has TERRIBLE body issues already! Ugh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Well, got my lifting in-and-done.

    Literally, I am losing 0.1 lbs per week. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

    The GOOD news is that I'll be down by 5 lbs next June, 2014. The BAD news is I was SUPPOSED to have ERASED that 5 lbs by end of May, 2013.
