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2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - Happy Canada Day! I commented on your thread and am going to post a link to your prgoress too, but holy crap! So great! You have done such a great job. NTHG ALL STAR HERE! I hope your husband and kids are proud of you!

    Amy - I would love to see that article. I think it is SO true. You are doing great by just trying to be healthy with all that is in your path. We are here for you!

    Lamb - I am not surprised to hear you say that. Most women can surprise themselves with their strength (and gains in it). Good for you! I would consider switching to a barbell if at all possible. It will add some stability to your deadlift and allow you to continue to increase. Most barbells are 45 lbs without any plates so you are well strong enough!

    Things going well here. I am not logging but eating pretty well during the week and no sweating it over the weekend. 2 weeks until the move, things are getting crazy!

    Happy Monday! Let's start the week right!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    (with giving into my daily ice cream craving of course, I mean I am pregnant :tongue: )

    I ate icecream almost every day while I was prego. I gave up wine. Seemed like a fair trade. You're doing great! I can't believe you're already 6 months prego! Have you picked names yet?
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy--Hopefully you'll get some good news from the University Hospital! It'll be good to know the full story when you're going through the options. And that article you mentioned sounds really interesting, and that's interesting advice on keeping stress away! It makes sense though, indecision about anything, even stuff as simple as deciding what to eat and whether to exercies, can be stressful.

    Lamb--Your body definitely knows what it wants!

    Beeps--It's amazing how much lifting has changed the shape of you body! And happy Canada Day to you!

    Chloe--Ha ha yeah you can't deny yourself when the baby is hungry!!!

    Ashley--Finding the right balance is tough! It's not really realistic to deprive yourself of stuff that you enjoy in the long term, so you shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying food and wine, but at the same time it's no fun feeling crappy from eating/drinking too much.

    Kate--Glad things are going well!

    I had an okay weekend. I was happy with my exercise--I got in a run/walk Friday, a 3 mile run on Saturday, and a 6 mile run on Sunday. I didn't do so well on the food though. I have no idea how much I ate at the party, and then one of our friends brought over a flourless chocolate cake and I ate way too much of it after everyone left on Saturday and then again on Sunday. I'm going to get back on track with the logging this week (at least Monday-Wednesday), but then I'll probably skip it over the 4th of July weekend. I'm a little nervous about logging so little over this two-week period, but it will be too hard to do it accurately. The good news is that we'll be going to my parents' lake house for the weekend, which means lots of walking, running, and kayaking. My goal is to get in some sort of exercise at least once a day on each of our travel days and twice a day on the other days, and then to avoid junk food as much as possible but not really stress about calories.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies,

    I failed miserably at logging over the weekend, way too much going on and I just plain forgot. My eating habits have been less than stellar lately, lot's of eating out and too much boozing.

    Beeps - what an amazing transformation. Great testament to if you work hard, it will show! Happy Canada Day!

    Amy - you gotta do what you gotta do. Taking care of a loved one like that is so stressful, just do what you need to do and make the healthiest choices you can.

    Chloe - I hope I can be as disciplined as you when I get pregnant!

    Better - THIS! I identify so much with the "Do I really want that body?" I love food, and I love wine. I think I just need to find a happy medium where I'm happy with my body and happy with the amount of the foods I love I eat. I hate feeling guilty about indulging and it leads me to worse behavior (ie: well I've already done the damage, why not eat a litte more). I really need a mental change in addition to the physical!
    No workout yesterday. I need to get back on track with diet. I do have to say I'm having a bit of a struggle. I realize if I want to get the body I want in my mind, I really need to clean up my diet. LEss carbs, less splurges, less alcohole, less meals out. I LOVE food. I love going out to dinner. I really love wine. I feel like I'm constantly guilting myself for enjoying these things and then I wonder, do I REALLY want that body? Or should I just be satisified with the one I have (while always still working on my physique; my abs are my struggle) and enjoy the lifestyle I want within reason? Some days the answer is yes and some days no. Anyways....just a little food for thought. It's all about the balance I guess. :smile:

    I am starting to think that I might ditch the logging for a bit. It's starting to stress me out (which is silly to say, I know). I'm not looking to lose any weight right now, even though it's summer and I'd feel better in my swimsuit, but I went back for another dress fitting and was scolded again for losing weight. I don't want to stop working out because it makes me feel good, so perhaps not being SO diligent about watching what I eat and just shifting the focus to eating the right stuff might work out better.

    Anywho - Happy Monday Ladies, have a great week :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    (with giving into my daily ice cream craving of course, I mean I am pregnant :tongue: )

    I ate icecream almost every day while I was prego. I gave up wine. Seemed like a fair trade. You're doing great! I can't believe you're already 6 months prego! Have you picked names yet?

    Yes, I definitely have ice cream in some form everyday. I try to buy the bars so that keeps me limited on my consumption. If I buy a carton I tend to eat a few servings at a time.

    And yes his name is Jackson Kenneth Carter. Jackson was the first name I said that Mike liked, so we went with it. And Kenneth is Mike's grandpa's name that died the year we met, they were very close. I'm already calling him Jack though, so I am sure the full name won't be used often.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Looks like commenting here once a week is my routine. :indifferent: Who knew carpools, laundry dishes, food prep and entertaining my kids would be a full time job, lol :laugh: !! Actually looking forward to school so I can have a routine!

    Amy – That article sounds really interesting. Makes sense though. Hope you get some clear answers for your dad. {Hugs} :flowerforyou:

    Beeps – Good luck with the planning!! My parents just celebrated 40 years last weekend! And yay for warmer weather!! And Happy Canada Day!

    Ashley – I love 1 leg deadlifts!! It’s a great exercise!! I may have to do some this week :wink: Sounds like you are doing so great!

    Ashley and Ramalem - I am exactly where you are and have been here since summer started. I don’t want to have to obsess about logging and feeling quilty for eating things that aren’t clean, etc. I want to enjoy life but be healthy at the same time. And I struggle with being happy with my body or continue to strive for the pic in my mind too. Up to this point, I’ve just settled for hanging out where I am :huh:

    Lamb- your food sounds like the stuff I like to eat :D And yes, when I am consistent with lifting, I totally crave protein!!

    Abigail – Hope your shows were spectacular!!!

    Ris – Great job on your runs/walks! Hope the party was lots of fun!

    Kate – Your core is looking so strong!! Great progress, you look fabulous! Your peppers sound amazing too. Great job keeping up with the workouts during this crazy time…good luck during the move!

    Chloe – Jack is such a strong name. It was our first choice for our first born, but then my husband had a co-worker with the same name…he had Tourettes and every other word out of his mouth was the “F” word, and we kept associating the name with him and his mouth, so we changed it to Jake, lol!

    I played softball for the first time in 10 years Fri night and then did Body Pump’s new release Saturday and then had a Zumba Pro Skills training on Sunday…lets just say my hip flexors and quads are screaming at me!! :grumble: Got my weights in 3 times last week, had an anniversary party and bday party this weekend and was surprised to be the same weight today as Friday (not that it’s the weight I want to be, but better than gaining, lol!)

    Plan is to make good food choices but I’m still not logging. We bought a new camper last Thursday and will head out to the camp site tomorrow night through Sat or Sunday. I’m so excited! I have a menu all planned out, agreed upon by everyone in the family….so it should be good!!

    Have a wonderful holiday week/weekend ladies!! :drinker:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    (with giving into my daily ice cream craving of course, I mean I am pregnant :tongue: )

    I ate icecream almost every day while I was prego. I gave up wine. Seemed like a fair trade. You're doing great! I can't believe you're already 6 months prego! Have you picked names yet?

    Yes, I definitely have ice cream in some form everyday. I try to buy the bars so that keeps me limited on my consumption. If I buy a carton I tend to eat a few servings at a time.

    And yes his name is Jackson Kenneth Carter. Jackson was the first name I said that Mike liked, so we went with it. And Kenneth is Mike's grandpa's name that died the year we met, they were very close. I'm already calling him Jack though, so I am sure the full name won't be used often.

    Love the name! I love Jackson and Jack too.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I'm so behind! Like Jen, I am finding summer break to be exhausting!

    Amy, I am sorry to hear about your dad. I think your pull up goal is awesome!

    Beeps- you look FABULOUS! You are proof that hard work and dedication pay off!

    Ris- you are doing so well, don't stress about 2 weeks of not logging. Have fun at the lake! I was hoping we would get out of town this weekend, but it didn't work out. We will have fun hear though!

    Chloe and Ashley- I ate ice cream too! It helped with my morning sickness.

    Ok ladies, it's time for me to get real about my failing weight loss. I can handle maintained, even though I really want to loose at least 5 more pounds. But I'm not okay with is my extra 4, yes, 4 solid been here for a few weeks, weight gain. Part of it is diet part of it is lack of routine. Plus, I spend a lot of time sitting now - playing games, reading with the girls, swim practice, etc. so I am going to set the timer and get up every 20 minutes and do something. Plus, I'm trying to pick a new "program" to follow. Something to get me excited and motivated.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    So glad last weekend is over - all three dance recitals done! They all went well, but I was completely exhausted last night. I did not log over the weekend, but I am sure I was under.

    Beeps - I continue to be amazed at your transformation - well done. Enjoy Canada Day!

    Ashley - I have the same dilemma at times. Sometimes I think I might just eat what I want and dress around my problem areas, of course in the summer it's hard to do that so I have been highly motivated lately.

    Chloe - I love that name, great pick!

    Ris - enjoy the lake house

    Jen - wow, busy weekend, no wonder you're sore

    Kc - good luck finding the right program, that may be just what you need to get motivated
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Happy Monday to all!!

    Chloe - I am impressed that you are so diligent about pregnancy workouts. Good for you!

    Beeps - congrats again on your amazing body. You are my inspiration for hunting down NROL4W over the weekend (had to drive to 2 bookstores). Spent most of Saturday reading it, then did my first workout on Sunday. I am excited!

    Better - Totally understand the experience of picturing the body and I want in my mind and reconciling that with inconsistencies in my behavior. It's just that I love food so much!! :-)

    Chv - I just switched to using a barbell in the NROL4W workout. Much easier to manage and balance with squats! Good luck with your move! It is a short move or major one?

    Ris - have fun at the parents lake house!

    Ramalem - I am totally the same way when I have indulged. Then I just indulge more!! Have a nice break - especially if logging is stressing you out.

    Jeno - I like bodypump too! That camper sounds fun!

    Kcly - we all go up and down, even when losing weight. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Here is what I did my first day of NROL4W. I didn't go as heavy as I could, since some of these are totally new exercises for me and I want to make sure I have good form.

    Barbell squat - 75 lbs x 15 reps (2x)
    Pushup - 6 full body (with a rest) x 2 ( wow...who knew I was so weak in this area??)
    Seated row - 50 lbs (25 in each hand) x 15 reps (2x)
    Step ups - 30 lbs (14 lbs in ea hand) x 15 reps (2x) (used a step that was just below my knee)
    Jacknife - 2x8

    Any suggestions for someone who can't do more than 3-4 pushups without a break, then only 2-3 more max. It was very humbling. I literally shook as I tried to push myself up after a few and my body just wouldn't cooperate! I was shocked how weak I am in this area. Should I do them on my knees? Or just do as many as I can on my toes?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lamb, I used to struggle with pushups too. My advice first would be stick with them. I can now do 3 sets of 15 boy pushups. My chest is not on the floor, but close. Kate (chuisle) gave me a good piece of advice a while back: instead of doing girl pushups, use a bench to do "high incline" pushpups. It is closer to the movement of a boy pushup. Helped me. Good luck! You'll get there.

    I did "Endurance and Fat Loss" of KISS today. I should have done it to finish out my week last week but did not. It was good, took me about 23 minutes.
    I did (all 2 sets of 20 reps):
    1 legged squats: I got down about 1/3 of the way to the floor with no weight. My goodness these are hard....
    high incline back rows
    steep incline pushups
    single leg hip pop ups: first time i"ve ever done these and they will become part of my regular schedule....good stuff
    stability ball crunches supersetted with ball V-ups

    Great quick total body workout. I am really liking the kiss program. I just need to stick with it and get it done each week.

    Had a pretty good food day yesterday and hope to eat well and stay away from the booze today and tomorrow. Thursday we're having people over for the 4th. I'm off Friday. Have a great day ladies!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Forgot to mention that I posted some progress pics in my profile, if anyone is curious from the last 5 months. I have mostly lowered my body fat in the last 6 months by 7-8% and lost about 7 lbs. I removed my face pics as I don't know who might be on here from my work. I am in management, so don't need any underlings finding pics of me scantily clad!!

    Better, thanks for the pushup suggestion.

    Have a great day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,091 Member
    Hi all! Thanks for the "kind" words about my "transformation".

    I'm kind of hoping nobody will EVER *remember* what I USED to look like (and, nobody will - in clothes, I still looked very good!) and will ONLY think this is what I've always looked like (in clothes, I look pretty good!).

    I don't walk around in my scivvies very often!

    My weekly challenge goals:

    1. eat <1,400 calories per day;
    2. drink tons and tons of water;
    3. sleep more (ugh, WHY am I waking up at 5 am??!!?!?)
    4. get in 3 x weight work-outs - I've done one already, will get one done today and then, likely, Friday.

    I also have my appt with eye surgeon on Friday - am kind of nervous about that - it's just the "consult".
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    lamb--on pushups, my suggestion would be to do as many as you can of regular pushups and then switch to some kind of modified (either on a high incline as Ashely suggested or girl puships) to complete your set. So if your goal is to do 6 pushups x2, do 3-4 regular pushups and 2-3 modified pushups, rest, then do 2-3 regular pushups and 3-4 modified pushups. Try to improve your ratio of regular pushups to modified pushups every time you do them until you don't need to do modified pushups anymore. Also, keep in mind that you can do pushup anywhere. Whenever I get sleepy at work, rather than reach for the coffee I get down on the floor and do 20-30 pushups. Others may disagree with me on this, but I've found that I don't really need "rest days" from pushups but can do them every day (sometimes a few times a day).

    Beeps--Good luck with your eye consult! Is it for corrective surgery? Everyone I know who has done it has loved the results and had no complications, so if that's what it's for I'm sure it'll be fine!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,091 Member
    IT'S CATARACT SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,091 Member
    ...everybody's weighing in on push-ups.

    (lambentjewel - I went and looked at your profile pics - MUSCLES are coming along NICELY!!!)


    Here's my $0.02 on push-ups:

    1. don't ever do "girl push-ups".
    2. Make sure you are in full plank position - meaning: TIGHT throughout - NO sagging.
    3. If you cannot do full-plank position push-ups from the floor, NO problem. Start at counter height. Too easy? move down to chair/couch height. Too easy? Move down to 2nd or 1st stair. Just make sure you are in FULL plank position and that your NOSE is basically touching the floor (or surface area) when you are in the "down" position.
    4. Try some push-ups with your elbows flared out to the side (more bicep work), and some push-ups with your elbows tucked tight into your side (more tricep work).
    5. BREATHE through your push-ups!

    I won't lie, it took me A LONG FRIGGIN' TIME to get from where I started (nearly counter-top level) to where I am now (floor), and I bet I still couldn't do 12 push-ups, in a row, from the floor. (I'm doing 3 sets of 8 right now.)

    My upper body strength is not that great - that's all that says to me.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I absolutely hate push-ups & I am terrible at them. Not only do I lack upper body strength I have crazy long arms which makes it way harder for me & almost impossible to get down to the floor. I really like the idea of doing them on an incline - I will definitely start doing that next time they come up in a workout. Thanks for the advice ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Agreed, Beeps, your transformation is impressive but we also know how hard you worked!

    I did Spartacus again last night and I am a little better. I do the pushups inclined at the moment, also.

    We are going to South Dakota with my husband's family. We are driving to North Platte tonight, so I probably won't be checking in much. I do hope I can squeeze in some workouts. My B-I-L is into crossfit these days so maybe we can do some WODs with him!

    My friend is talking about doing the Las Vegas half marathon down the strip, she says we can walk it! Has anyone done it? It looks like fun, lots of entertainment and stuff. It's a Sunday. I don't know, I kinda want to get out of running more and get into the strength and all come fall...
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I love this conversation! I need to do more push-ups! They are awesome for your core too. I like to flip the bosu upside down to do them. Makes you stabilize the core more.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Push ups are tough, but man when you can pull out 8 in a row it feels pretty awesome!