2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hellooooooooooooooo!!! Checking in quickly while at work. Boo. I was supposed to be off today, but had to get some stuff done for my boss. Go figure; it's the nicest day we've had in weeks.

    Quick checkin with those I can see on this page....

    Great job on goals Ram

    Chloe, As I keep saying: you are doing great! I'm glad your pregnancy is going well and quickly. I got very anxious, in a good way, towards the end. I just wanted to meet her.

    Ris, I'll have to Google that reality show! When we went in 2008, it wasn't too crazy. I saw they now have "Party Like A Rock Star" room. Nice.....

    Hi Shannon!

    Beeps, I'm glad you got to enjoy some kid free time. I konw what you mean about food and its effect. I can put down some food, no doubt. But I find I may be more sensitive to larger quantitiies of food now. Last night I had some chicken, potatoes and plantains, and a little beans at this Nigerian place, and I still had indigestion this morning from eating too much. I wasn't all bloated from lots of salt and crap, just too full. Which strangely caused me to wake up hungry this morning which is unusual. Tends to happen the morning after I eat a larger meal. Not sure why....

    Lamb, I used to mindlessly munch when I drink, but I really don't so much anymore. Every now and again I'll want some pizza, or tacos, or other crap at the end of the night, but typically I'll just want some chocolate or a little something sweet while drinking. So far I'm doing OK not smoking. I haven't been an all the time smoker in probably 10 years, but I still love a cigarette when drinking. I can be around it, but a lot of times I'll cave and bum one. Luckily very frew of my friends smoke anymore socially or otherwise. I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday night, and haven't even cracked into my gum.

    Kelly, I LOVE pizza! Yum!!!

    I've done alright this week. My lift yesterday morning was nice. I'm planning a 3ish mile stroller run this afternoon after work since the weather is so nice. Hopefully I'll get my lift in tomorrow morning and some more cardio on my day off Friday and my last strength over the weekend. However I have my 5k Saturday, so may lift Friday instead. I'll see how I feel. Weigh in is tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit fluffy today. Felt good yesterday so not sure what's up. I had 3 drinks last night; may be the culprit.

    I'm off to lunch! Think I'll walk and get something. Have a great day!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Boo! Today I realized how much 5 pounds is on little person like me. I had to go to meeting this am and could nt find ANYTHING to wear. I have like ten outfits on my bed. I fasted until noon today. I have one of my fav P90X DVDs today. I am pretty mad at myself because I was in denial about my weight for so long, I think it is going to be a struggle to get back to even where I was. I have training 2 days next week and have NO idea what I will wear. UGH! Sorry to complain and run, but I have to pick up my kids. I will comment later. Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    kclynch, forgive yourself, do what you can today, move on. Self-flaggelation (sp?) SUCKS and HELPS NOTHING.

    Better - your work-outs look steady - I'm always glad to read about 'NO SMOKING' - that *kitten* is gonna KILL YOU.

    ramalem - I need to "feel" like I'm back on a roll, because, today, I DO NOT.

    Mind you, I was at the dr's office for my pre-surgical appt (blood pressure, etc.) and they weighed/measured me. Turns out (again!), I AM 5'9". I've measured 5'9" (or just under, depending on time of day of height measurement...) since adulthood, so couldn't figure out the Feb/13 5'8" measurement.

    Let's just say, with 5'9":

    a) I get 50 more calories PER DAY; and
    b) I'm AT VENUS on shoulders/hips, but 0.25" off at my "natural waist".

    So, maybe I only need to lose 4- to 5- lbs (instead of 8- or 10-).

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yay Beeps!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sweet Beeps! What type of surgery are you having?
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--Here's the Wikipedia entry on the show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Catalina
    I don't think anyone watched it, but seeing as how I watch a lot of CW (and had stayed there) it stuck out.

    Beeps--Glad to hear you're back at 5'9"! Some people just get lazy when they're taking measurements. I was not too happy when I went to the doctor's office the other day and instead of getting the scale to balance they just got it "close enough" which showed my weight as being a pound more than it should have been....

    Kelly--I know what you mean, 5 pounds definitely makes a difference in what I can wear. But sometimes that the reality check of having your clothes not fit right is just the inspiration you need to stick to your plan!

    That's all I can see. My week has been going well. I'm still not terribly hungry so staying within my calories has been pretty easy. I lifted weights last night and got in a good run this morning, so I feel like I'm getting back on track with exercise.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - technically I am 5' 8.5" but I always round up & say I'm 5'9" - I like that better.

    Ris - glad that your week is going well, good job

    kc - don't feel bad, just keep on moving forward & do what you gotta do

    Chloe - it is hard not to splurge with all kinds of events going on, but you also just might need some extra calories at this point. I am getting bored with my current DVD's as well & I'm looking for something new myself.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Better - I'm having cataracts removed in late Aug/early Sept.

    Ris - Please post a "baby bump" update photo!

    abigail - probably, I'm 5' 8.75", I used to say: "just under 5'9"....but, when it comes to calorie counting, that "smidge" matters. When the dr announced "5'8", it took AWAY some calories and it meant I had to go LOWER in some measurements. I was HEARTBROKEN. Now, I'm JUST ABOUT at those (lower) measurements, anyway...so, being 5'9" again, is simply, well, WONDERFUL!

    I got my lifting in-and-done and STILL haven't eaten a single morsel of food, today! Since supper is now only a couple hours away, looks like I'm gonna make it, no sweat!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, that's right. I think you told us that.

    Ris, I read about The Catalina on widipedia. Sounds trashy and like I would have loved it! I looked for it on Netflix to no avail. :ohwell:

    I think I technically measure 5'1.75" and round up to 5'2". I haven't had a "real" height taken in a bit. Maybe at my dr. apt in October I'll have them "really" do it.

    I had a great 3ish mile stroller run and some walking last night. Weather is perfect in KY: low 80's and low humidity. Completely uncharacteristic for almost August! I'll take it!

    My weight was up this morning. It really shocked me. I've had a higher than normal weight the last few times. Once was right after the 4th so I was up, then down half a pound the next week, and I really expected at least a pound loss today. Let's hope for better tomorrow. I need to lift tonight, but the weather is so nice I bet I go for a walk instead. Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Better - I'm off the scale this month because it's just messing with my head. My measurements are staying the same as they were on June 30, 2013, so I don't know why the scale is bumping around.

    Anyway, I'm going to focus on what I CAN control, which is what I put in my piehole.

    I'm actually going to try to LOSE WEIGHT when I'm in Hawaii. I figure if I focus on fresh food and fish, I have a chance.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am in a much better mood today. I got up early and got my workout in. I have had to low eating days. Hopefully today will be good. I can do this. I am staying off the scale until my weigh in day- Mon- in hopes of being pleasantly surprised. :-)

    Beeps- when do you go to Hawaii? You girls and your awesome vacations make me sad.

    Ashley- glad the weather is nice. We had a lot of rain yesterday, which was nice. I am over heat. I bought a lot of clearance light weight sweaters. I am ready for 60s, but it will probably be November before we see that.

    Thanks for all of the words of encouragement. Your girls are the best!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    kclynch - I'm staying "off" the scale for awhile. Because I have impending forced-exercise-breaks, I figure "what's the point"?? The scale will be there when I'm back at 'er in late-September!

    I go to Hawaii on August 11. I have some tough weeks at the office to get through until then, though....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Weekend company arrived last night - I survived, but only because I'd had a couple drinks at my book club, first, lol! Hubby drives down to meet my parents and pick up our 2 littlest kidlets this morning....he'll bring them back and hit the waterpark with our weekend company. I, gratefully, am at work.

    I will go lift at lunch. The weather looks BEAUTIFUL today, but not gonna be that great over the weekend. Poop.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashely--you might still be able to find the Catalina on www.cwtv.com, I know they have full episodes of a lot of their shows online. It's blocked at work so I can't check.

    Kelly--glad to hear you're feeling better! It's amazing how exercising and eating right can affect your mood. I definitely get grouchy when I don't get my workouts in and just feel like crap when I eat crap.

    Beeps--going to Hawaii sounds lovely! I've never been. But eating fresh fish and fruit sounds wonderful and healthy. I'll try to post a new bump pic this weekend when I'm on my home computer. It has definitely taken on a life of its own.

    I'm definitely ready for the weekend, I have no focus today. I have plans with friends most of the day tomorrow but I'm going to try to sneak in a quick workout in the morning. On Sunday I'm meeting some friends for yoga in the park, and I'm looking forward to that too, though it will be interesting how that all works with my big old belly (it's regular yoga, not prenatal yoga). Food should be okay, I'm going out to lunch tomorrow and brunch Sunday, but even if I spluge a bit the rest of my meals should be home-cooked, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep things under control.
  • mamoon00
    mamoon00 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm a new MFP member - was wondering if these 2 week challenges are just always ongoing or if there's specific starting and ending days (like 1st-15th or whatever). Thanks! I've read through a couple of pages and it looks like you all are really positive and keep each other accountable, which is fantastic!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    For whatever reason, we tend to post "2-week-goals" on MONDAYS!

    But, there's no "rule" against posting them any-old-time!

    Have at 'er!
  • mamoon00
    mamoon00 Posts: 2
    Ok cool, well maybe I'll get myself in order and post my goals on Monday! Thanks so much :) Have a great weekend!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Another week has gone by, but I wanted to check in with you all!
    I did make it to crossfit twice this week. I have a major brusie from my horrible attempts at cleans-power cleans and hang cleans they had me doing in each class! It's a tough workout and I sweat so much, I figure that's fat dying:tongue:

    The Sand Dunes: they were really neat. We went first to Zapata Falls, which is a few miles from the Dunes, very different landscape, short 1/2 mile hike and then you are there at the Falls. The dunes are pretty spectacular, we did not climb all the way to the top, or anything.

    I got on the scale and saw about the highest number I have ever seen! I am trying not stress about it, it's probably a lot of water retention from the new workout and PMS.

    I hope you enjoyed your kid-free week, Beeps!

    I plan to get a nice mix of work, relax and workout this weekend. Going to a Rockies game Saturday and Dragonboat Fesstival on Sunday!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    HI Ladies,

    I hope you all are having a GREAT weekend!!

    I just got my lift in this morning and though I LOVED San Francisco, I am glad to be home. I enjoy my job, but it is so dangerous to eating a healthy diet. One night I entertained clients at the Ritz-Carlton and pretty much ate nuts, cheese, and pizza for dinner- healthy! Got home last night and have had some good nutrition since then and already I am feeling better. I think my Monday goals will be around nutrition and calories. I am pretty disciplined with exercise, but not as much with food, so that will be my focus for goals in the upcoming weeks. OVERALL i did great not drinking much alcohol in San Francisco considering that I was entertaining clients almost every night and surrounded by it!!! And, importantly, I didn't binge eat when drinking. I only had 1/2 martini one night and 1-1.5 glasses of wine other nights. Last night was Friday night with hubby and that used to be our WINE nights on Fridays and Saturdays, but we didn't have any, so feeling pretty good.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    lamb - great success in San Fran!!!! Your job DOES sound fun and challenging for weight loss.

    Amy- Glad you liked the dunes and enjoyed cross-fit

    Welcome, Mamoon!

    Beeps- I hope you enjoyed your weekend company.

    Ris- How was yoga in the park? I want to see some new belly pics of you and Chloe!

    As for me, I got in 3 16-18 hour fasts. I feel like my food choices are good, but I have't logged as much as I should. I did not workout all weekend. Regardless, I am feeling slimmer. I got all excited to step on the scale this morning, first time since Thurs, and I was EXACTLY where I was last Mon AND UP from Thurs. BOO!!!!! I haven't been this high since i joined MFP. I really thought it was bloat and what not and at least 2 or 3 pounds would come off not problem once I laid off the snacks. Guess not.

    2 week Challenge
    * 5 workouts this week - A MUST
    * LOG everything - maybe my eating is not as good as I think.