Getting Started



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm planning on starting with stage 1 next week after I finish reading through once. Anyway I'm just not really sure what weights to use starting out. I'm guessing for the squats I just use the bar, but what about the rows and step-ups? I feel like I'm just going to be staring at the weights for half an hour without an idea of what I should be doing and then my lunch hour will be over and I'll have to leave.

    What are good starting weights for a reasonably healthy, average sized person?

    You figure it out? Honestly, it will be trial and error.
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Got my book today, have read it through, sorted out a work out log, practised with a sweeping brush in place of a bar bell until I can get to the gym tomorrow! Getting there early hoping I can beat the intimidating men there! Looking forward to giving it a good go. Will feed back with how it went when I get back. Wish me luck......

  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Yay, been and done it! Warmed up for 15 mins on cross trainer, then scouted round gym to find out where things were. Set up step with risers and hand weights, located fit ball, then approached scary dumb bells. Decided to use the free standing ones in the workout area, rather than the dumb bell rack in the "men's" area. Began my squats with 5kg weight (don't laugh!) and then a nice trainer noticed me and came on to me to tell me not to hold the bar on my neck, but more on the fleshy part of my shoulders. he also showed me how to clean and press the bar over my head to get it into place. I need to tie my hair back next time!

    I did 1 set of 15 at 5kg then the next at 10kg with not too much problems.

    I found the push ups virtually impossible. I did them off a bench, watching myself in a mirror to make sure my butt was down. My arms were shaking, I was sweating and thought I was going to have a heart attack so something must have been working.
    I struggled with the seated rows, I did 20kg for the first 15, then struggled to do 12 with 25kg. ******* Should I have just taken my time and struggled on, or reduced the weight part way through the reps? Should i redo the same 2 weights next time ? ********

    The steps ups were fine, really got me sweating! I used 2x5kg weights the first time then 2 x 6kg the second.

    I did the prone jack knife, feeling wobbly, but only slipped off once. I didn't find these too bad, dare I say I couldn't really feel them working and could have done more ?? ******* Do you think I was doing them wrong? ********

    The only problem I could see is that because of the location of the seated row and the bench I used for push ups I didn't alternate them. I did the 2 sets of push ups then walked across the gym floor to do the rows. ********is this OK? ******

    Please give me some advice as to how you think I did! Bear in mind I have no strength at all, so my weights are pitifully low to start. I also have to lose at least 50 pounds.
    On a side note my gym buddy friend came in and saw me as I was about to do my last set of jack knifes. She laughed and said she had never seen me so red in the face and sweaty!

  • sanifr
    sanifr Posts: 41 Member
  • adrnew
    adrnew Posts: 2
    I have been doing this program for 4 weeks and now have pulled (or torn) an abdominal muscle--left rectus--doing the prone jacknifes. I can barely do a plank now without searing pain. how long do you think I should lay off this exercise set, and can anyone suggest any alternatives. Thanks
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    Yay, been and done it! Warmed up for 15 mins on cross trainer, then scouted round gym to find out where things were. Set up step with risers and hand weights, located fit ball, then approached scary dumb bells. Decided to use the free standing ones in the workout area, rather than the dumb bell rack in the "men's" area. Began my squats with 5kg weight (don't laugh!) and then a nice trainer noticed me and came on to me to tell me not to hold the bar on my neck, but more on the fleshy part of my shoulders. he also showed me how to clean and press the bar over my head to get it into place. I need to tie my hair back next time!

    I did 1 set of 15 at 5kg then the next at 10kg with not too much problems.

    I found the push ups virtually impossible. I did them off a bench, watching myself in a mirror to make sure my butt was down. My arms were shaking, I was sweating and thought I was going to have a heart attack so something must have been working.
    I struggled with the seated rows, I did 20kg for the first 15, then struggled to do 12 with 25kg. ******* Should I have just taken my time and struggled on, or reduced the weight part way through the reps? Should i redo the same 2 weights next time ? ********

    The steps ups were fine, really got me sweating! I used 2x5kg weights the first time then 2 x 6kg the second.

    I did the prone jack knife, feeling wobbly, but only slipped off once. I didn't find these too bad, dare I say I couldn't really feel them working and could have done more ?? ******* Do you think I was doing them wrong? ********

    The only problem I could see is that because of the location of the seated row and the bench I used for push ups I didn't alternate them. I did the 2 sets of push ups then walked across the gym floor to do the rows. ********is this OK? ******

    Please give me some advice as to how you think I did! Bear in mind I have no strength at all, so my weights are pitifully low to start. I also have to lose at least 50 pounds.
    On a side note my gym buddy friend came in and saw me as I was about to do my last set of jack knifes. She laughed and said she had never seen me so red in the face and sweaty!


    I'm on Stage 4 and 53 years old. Just thought I'd mention that your weights don't look pitifully low to me because I'm well below the weights of a lot of people here.
    Squats and step ups - I started with body weight only and have gradually worked up with dumbbells before getting to a barbell.

    Push-ups - I do on the Smith machine bar. I am still a long way off the floor but have managed to lower the bar a few points when I started

    Jacknives - I didn't find these too bad either except for balance. If you move the ball back closer to your feet will you will feel them do more work.

    Alternating sets? - I like the way Lou Schuler says to do just do what you want and no-one is dictating as to how you set up your exercises. Sometimes I need to do this too (ie change the order of exercises). However I do believe there is a lot of experience and knowledge embedded in this program and there is great benefit in alternating the exercises as advised. Doing the pushup one after the other would fatigue the muscles much more quickly than if you alternated with another exercise.

    So, for what it's worth, from another light lifter - I think you are doing brilliantly. Just enjoy the program. I don't even push myself to increase weights too much now because I am more concerned about getting correct form.
    I've recognized that the benefits for my general well being and self-confidence has little to do with weight.

    I also picked up that some of these ladies have been lifting for a lot longer than me. I fully intend either repeating NROLW or going on to NR for abs. Then I'm sure my figures will look a lot more impressive.
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    Here are a couple spreadsheets that might help with logging as well as calorie requirements.

    Awesome! Thanks for posting that.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have been doing this program for 4 weeks and now have pulled (or torn) an abdominal muscle--left rectus--doing the prone jacknifes. I can barely do a plank now without searing pain. how long do you think I should lay off this exercise set, and can anyone suggest any alternatives. Thanks

    Best to have a doc or pt tell you? I have no idea how long they take to heal.
  • Copied from another site :) It helped me. That initial confusion is universal... LOL

    Stage 1

    Week 1
    Mon. Workout A –
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    You are now finished with Monday's Workout A, go relax for the rest of the day!

    Wed. Workout B –
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    Done with Wednesday's Workout B...

    Fri. Workout A –
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise A
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise B2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C1
    Rest 60 secs.
    1 set of 15 reps of Exercise C2
    Done with Friday's Workout A...You have now completed your first week of workouts. The second week would then start with Workout B, as outlined below. I won't go any further at this point. You can continue the formula.

    Hello everyone. I have been doing Stage1 for almost three weeks and will be done with workout 4 on Friday. My confusion comes in relation to the workout log in the book. From what was printed, and was has been said on this site, each exercise should be done for 2 sets at whatever # of reps you are at. However, the header for the log goes in this order.


    If you are only supposed to do 2 sets why are 4 sets listed? Just looking at how the workouts were set up it seemed pretty clear that you were to complete 2 sets but then I thought, "why would there be 4 on the log?". I always tend to mess up big, so I have been doing 4 sets. Eventually, after talking to people and actually paying attention to the clock, I realized that I'm in the gym for 2-2.5 hrs and workouts should only be about 1! I understand everything else about alternating WorkoutA & B and alternating the B & C exercises. Should I stop and go down to 2?

    I've been searching to try and find the answer and I'm hoping someone can help.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member

    Hello everyone. I have been doing Stage1 for almost three weeks and will be done with workout 4 on Friday. My confusion comes in relation to the workout log in the book. From what was printed, and was has been said on this site, each exercise should be done for 2 sets at whatever # of reps you are at. However, the header for the log goes in this order.


    If you are only supposed to do 2 sets why are 4 sets listed? Just looking at how the workouts were set up it seemed pretty clear that you were to complete 2 sets but then I thought, "why would there be 4 on the log?". I always tend to mess up big, so I have been doing 4 sets. Eventually, after talking to people and actually paying attention to the clock, I realized that I'm in the gym for 2-2.5 hrs and workouts should only be about 1! I understand everything else about alternating WorkoutA & B and alternating the B & C exercises. Should I stop and go down to 2?

    I've been searching to try and find the answer and I'm hoping someone can help.

    Workouts 1 & 2 (A&B) are 2 sets of 15 reps
    Workouts 3 & 4 (A&B) are 2 set of 12 reps
    Workouts 5 & 6 (A&B) are 3 sets of 10 reps
    Workouts 7 & 8 (A&B) are 3 sets of 8 reps

    This is as it is laid out in the book. The worksheets are a general layout and are relevant to the different stages in the book. In the earlier stages you do 2 or 3 sets, later, I believe, they go up to 5 sets so you would need the space on the worksheet. Just ignore the extra space in stage one .


  • Hello everyone. I have been doing Stage1 for almost three weeks and will be done with workout 4 on Friday. My confusion comes in relation to the workout log in the book. From what was printed, and was has been said on this site, each exercise should be done for 2 sets at whatever # of reps you are at. However, the header for the log goes in this order.


    If you are only supposed to do 2 sets why are 4 sets listed? Just looking at how the workouts were set up it seemed pretty clear that you were to complete 2 sets but then I thought, "why would there be 4 on the log?". I always tend to mess up big, so I have been doing 4 sets. Eventually, after talking to people and actually paying attention to the clock, I realized that I'm in the gym for 2-2.5 hrs and workouts should only be about 1! I understand everything else about alternating WorkoutA & B and alternating the B & C exercises. Should I stop and go down to 2?

    I've been searching to try and find the answer and I'm hoping someone can help.

    Workouts 1 & 2 (A&B) are 2 sets of 15 reps
    Workouts 3 & 4 (A&B) are 2 set of 12 reps
    Workouts 5 & 6 (A&B) are 3 sets of 10 reps
    Workouts 7 & 8 (A&B) are 3 sets of 8 reps

    This is as it is laid out in the book. The worksheets are a general layout and are relevant to the different stages in the book. In the earlier stages you do 2 or 3 sets, later, I believe, they go up to 5 sets so you would need the space on the worksheet. Just ignore the extra space in stage one .


    Thanks! Got the same advice on another site, my last hour and a half workout felt like a vacation. I guess that's what I get for over thinking and then just coasting without asking questions :)
  • Mjandjt
    Mjandjt Posts: 58 Member
    Bump :)
  • I will be starting this routine once I finish the 30DS. I am level 3 right now with the 30DS and will probably start with 10lbs weights with the Nrol4 W workouts. I am just nervous about performing a squat w.a barbell, I am afraid I will tip over. Another thing, I workout at plant fitness and they have a 'lunk alarm'. Basically, if you dropped the weights, they sound an alarm (I know I think it's childish but oh well). Can I do the seated rows with a resistance band? I don't think planet fitness has rowing machines or an Olympic barbell.
  • mindovermayo
    mindovermayo Posts: 4 Member
    I have been lifting weights for years, but needed to shake things up. I did the first workout in Stage 1 this morning - loved it!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Just ordered. Local libraries didn't have it. It will be here Wednesday!
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I've just ordered this book but I'm not a total beginner. I've been working with a PT for about 8 months now mainly doing lifting of sorts such as squats, lunges and various horrible things with kettlebells. Are the early stages very basic or do they allow you to adapt and use reasonably heavy weights from the start? I have good squat and deadlift form and I know what my lunge form lacks and how to correct.

    I haven't got the book yet but I'm moving out of the area and want to start in my new gym ASAP without a trainer. Has anybody else started from a non-beginner lifting level and what changes if any did you make to the programme?
  • ptaradactyl88
    ptaradactyl88 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started July 1st and I'm really loving it. I'm new to lifting and have vacation coming in September so I plan to take my time working through Stage 1. I was a bit apprehensive about entering the lifting area of my gym with so little knowledge but it has been a very positive experience so far and I feel the book is very clear in the description of the exercises. I am doing 3 times a week and I feel I am increasing my weights fairly quickly. Some of the exercises I'm pretty good at while others I really struggle with. Lunges and pushups I'm horrible at! I always did pushups from knees instead of toes but started 60 degrees and am currently at 45 degrees and working toward 30 degrees as the book suggests. Lunges I'm at 15lb dumbbells but don't feel steady at all and felt a little pull in my butt check yesterday so thinking maybe I should pull back to 10lbers til I feel more stable lunging. If you have any advice for me please share. Thank you
  • SteppyRohr
    SteppyRohr Posts: 37 Member
    I just got the book and am excited to get started. I too am confused on how the workouts and worksheets work. I think I've found the answers I needed to make sense of it all from this group. Thanks!
  • petallew
    petallew Posts: 9 Member
    Hello I have just joined this group and just finished the book and will begin the programme tomorrow!

    I hope to build my strength and increase my weights like you inspiring women.. Thanks for all your posts!