2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Quick check in. I've done well with my workouts this week (one cardio short of my goal) and my eating has been good. I had 2 glasses of wine last night and I was supposed to have 0, but not terrible. I need to keep my diet and drinking in check this weekend as we have several events planned. I hope to get a bike ride in on Saturday or Sunday and we'll be walking at my work party in addition to the usual walks to coffee shop and farmers market. I'm feeling good though, despite not 100% hitting my drinking goals. I'll just improve next week! Have a great weekend ladies. I'm outta here at 2:30 to go play golf!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    <<<--- I took this yesterday in Hawaii. I only wear tankinis in public (due to my discomfort at all tummy stretch marks from tummy babies) which is why my tummy is so white!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amaze-balls, Beeps!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Lighting helpsb

    If I turned my belly away from the sunlight, it was awful. Turn my tummy toward the sunlight, get a good shot.

    Posing is EVERYTHING. Remember that when:

    A) taking your photos; and
    B) viewing other people's (good) photos.

    There's a LOT of "smoke-and-mirrors", people.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Just a week later & my daughter is almost completely healed, just a little pink & I don't think there will be any scars. It is amazing how fast face wounds can heal. I had a crazy week last week even with only one kid. I lifted once & the rest was just walking the dog daily and one ballet class. At least I got some fresh air & a little bit of exercise & stretching - better than nothing.

    Beeps - glad you are loving Hawaii & I am sure you still look pretty awesome even without the strategic posing

    Better - glad to hear your week went well & you came close to your goals, hope your weekend was okay as well

    Amy - don't sweat it about Crossfit, do what you like otherwise you won't do it and will end up wasting money and/or getting discouraged. I may go on-line & look into the Female Fitness Bible myself

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Abigail, I'm glad to read your daughter is doing well.

    My 1- week goals:

    1. No food before lunch.
    2. No more booze (I indulged plenty this first week. Now, I'd like to lay off!)
    3. No afternoon snacks.
    4. Try a friggin' salad why don't you.
    5. Try to fast on plane rides.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    WOW Beeps! Amazing! And look at you setting goals on vacay!

    Quick check in as I really need to get motivated to do some work. It's about 85 degrees in my office and is making my motivation very minimal so far on this Monday.

    Had a bad weekend. Too much booze (which resulted in a terrible hangover yesterday), not enough activity, and did OK with food. I did walk twice, but was pretty dissapointed with my Saturday night. Friday I did come home from golf, poured a glass of wine, and only drank half, so there was that. I still feel yuck today: bloated and sleepy. And dissapointed that I wasted a day of my weekend on the couch watching TV instead of enjoying it. Oh well....moving on. This week will be better! I did manage to make it to the grocery, so I have plenty of good foods to eat. And I have my food prep for the week to get done tonight since I slacked off yesterday. I'm planning on a stoller run this evening too and lifting in the morning. I'm back on track! (Again).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, Warrior Dash was Saturday and it was fun but my friend had problems with her shoes and we did not set any records! Basically she was wearing those water Keens, and they just filled up with muf and the mud has sharp pebbles and it wasn't much fun for her after that obstacle!
    I enjoyed the private shower and free food and tent for St. Jude Warriors.
    The T-shirts were pretty cute this year too!

    So the next couple of week I am going to take it easy and try to just watch calories. I got Supper Solutions (the pre-assembled dinners) to better help me with the calories in the evening. I need to cut back the drinking but there is a happy hour plan Tues and Thursday this week. So I think that's my goals-average 1500 cals a day over the week, drink 7 or less drinks per week...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--you look awesome! Posing and lighting can only take you so far, you've worked hard and it's okay to be proud of the results :wink:

    Abigail--I'm so glad your daughter is healing so well! And nice job getting in some workouts even with your crazy week--it's definitely better than nothing.

    Ashley--I've had weekends like that, and it sucks. But I'm glad to see you're getting yourself back on track today!

    Amy--Glad you had fun at the Warrior Dash! That sucks that your friend had problems with her shoes. Sounds like a great plan for the next few weeks!

    I had a good weekend. I got in a good run on Saturday and a nice long walk on Sunday. I indulged a little on cookies and Indian food, but I've been having trouble getting enough calories lately, so they were planned indulgences to get my weight where it's supposed to be, which it seems to be as of this morning. Going forward, my goals are to stick to my calorie goals as closely as possible (and try to not to eat junk just because I have extra calories left over) and get in some kind of exercise every day.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    and Beeps, you look awesome:love: wow

    Abi, I had to go back since I missed your earlier post, glad your daughter is healing nicely, too bad about missing camp! When I was 4th grade I was going to camp with a friend but she fell and broke her ankle the day we were to leave and I had to go by myself, sleep in a tent by myself and I didn't know anyone. I was so lonely and scared (and scarred for life, right?:blushing: )
  • Lynn5cmu
    Lynn5cmu Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on/off my fitness pal and finally got the kick in the *kitten* to get serious ! I am the heaviest I've ever been and am so uncomfortable. No one around me diets/ exercises! I have always loved this board you guys are all so supportive ...and I'm glad to see other people mess up every now and again , not just me! I have been keeping track now a little less than a week. Thanks for letting me join in! Feel free to add me as friend if you want!

    Goals for the rest of the week& next week:
    - stay within calorie goal
    - Cardio at least 30-45mins 3 days
    - hitt and kettle bell 3 days
    - not blow all hard work so far on bday celebration
    -get the girl balls to get on the scale
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here's how I did, today:

    My 1- week goals:

    1. No food before lunch. <<<--- I had a protein bar at 11. Boo. But then didn't eat lunch until 2.
    2. No more booze (I indulged plenty this first week. Now, I'd like to lay off!) <<<--- had 1 tsp bailey in my morning coffee.
    3. No afternoon snacks. <<<--- eeeekkkkk....so far 2 ice creams and 1/2 bag of chips.
    4. Try a friggin' salad why don't you. <<<--- I had a salad for lunch....AFTER ingesting chips and guacamole!
    5. Try to fast on plane rides.

    Gawk. Day 1= suck age. I feel bloated and terrible and I'm pissed at my inability to just knock it off, already!

    Tomorrow is flight day. I want to fast all friggin' day I feel so awful!
  • danilyman
    Hello Ladies! I'm new to the group and I find your posts completely motivational. Thank you! I have a bachelorette party in 10 so my 10 day goals are to:

    1: stay in calorie goal
    2: stay under 80 net carbs a day
    3: burn 400 to 500 calories 5 days a week

    I'm really just trying to get back int the groove so hopefully it works!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome new ladies!

    Beeps.....You're on vacation! Cut yourself a little slack. :wink: I hope you had a great time desptie feeling yucky. I'm sure the bloat will be gone soon enough.

    Ris, glad you had a nice weekend.

    Amy, how terrible! :wink:

    Hope the rest of you are doing well.

    I ran last night and did not wake to lift this morning. I need to lift at least twice before I leave town Friday. I've got the bar class Saturday morning in STL and should be able to get a quick run in Friday morning before we leave.

    I did pretty good with eating yesterday. I even had a small piece of cheesecake and was under my cals. It's been in the fridge since Saturday and it needed to be gone. I also made turkey muffins, got some laundry done, and straigtened up. So productive night indeed!

    Have a great day!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, new folks!
    Dani, what does your menu look like with such low carb? I have such a hard time with low-carb. I kept wanting to try carb-cycling but I couldn't seem to get a plan!

    Beeps, you are too hard on yourself. I wish you could just enjoy your vacay and some splurges!

    My first day trying to stick to 1500 cals was fail. Today will be a struggle also, since I am meeting friends for happy hour. I have budgetted two white wines but depending on what happens I will probably drink three.

    Ashley, have you done the bar class before?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Ashley, have you done the bar class before?

    I have done Pure Barre once. I actually went with my friend that teaches the Dailey Method (similar to pure barre). I didn't love the class, but the instructors were not great; even my friend said so. I am excited to take her class. Something different anyways.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm not being hard on myself - just cognizant that i'm on a slippery slope...

    No exercise when I get home, re: cataract surgery. That weighs heavy on my heart. On my soul.

    Anyway, today is a travel day. Hope I eat nothing.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, yeah, cataract surgery:( that will be tough.

    I need some serious motivation. I feel like I just got a wake up call when I entered my info into the Scooby website for calorie needs and basically it says with a 20% deficit over TDEE I can lose 2.5 pounds per month! that's at 1200 cals per day!

    It is so hard for me to be consistent at 1200! I think if I do a week of clean, maintenance cals I wil drop a little water weight and such, but I am just feeling discouraged. My clothes don't fit... But it's even harder for me to stay low on cals when I work out, especially strength training.

    Maybe we can bring back the star chart? I can keep track, so just tell me what your calorie goals for the week are, tell me what you got and you get platinum, gold, or silver star based on how close you came.

    Also, I thought maybe it's been long enough, with the newer folks maybe we should reacquaint ourselves?
    My name is Amy. I live in Denver and work for the government in policy. I am married, no kids.
    I want to lose fat, I would like to be about 20-23% body fat, right now I am closer to 30%.

    I am going to psych myself up for the rest of this week, then starting Sunday I am going to go back to the calorie cycling, averaging 1200 per day over the week. This seems do-able for me and I don't really have any plans that would derail me. I think the key for me will be planning ahead, and getting back into logging like a fiend :devil:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Look at Amy all motivated! :smile: I'm with you girl. I totally slacked during July. I kicked off Augst with a 0.5 lb loss so hope to keep it up for South Beach!

    I like the star challenge. I was aiming for 10,000 net (exercise adjusted) calories last week, but I totally failed over the weekend and am fairly certain I was over. I think I am going to shoot for 9500 this week.

    About me: Ashley, from Lousiville KY. I am a landscape architect that works for an engineering firm. I DON'T "do yards", rather I do planning and zoning and civil engineering. I have an almost 19 month old daughter and plan on starting to try for #2 after we return from South Beach in October. I've never been terribly overweight, just a little chubbier than I prefer most of my life. I've been focused on lifting heavy for about the last year and will always be a runner, preferably in the 2-3 mile range. I love food and booze. I have no idea what my BF % is, probably somewhere in the mid to upper 20's. I'd rather be in the lower 20's.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Abigail, sorry I missed the post about your daughter’s accident but I’m glad she is doing better now!

    Welcome Dani and Lynn!! I’m Jen and I’m from Omaha, Nebraska. I just quit my job as a speech pathologist (after 14 years) to be home a little more with my boys (12 and 8) and to pursue other adventures in fitness. I’m a licensed Zumba instructor and have been a certified personal trainer. Needless to say, just like some of the ladies here, health/fitness is a lifestyle for me; however “Life” happened and I got off track. But I’m back again and trying to be ferocious by 40, which gives me until November!! Eek!! Good luck with your goals and again, welcome!

    Ashley – Sounds like a solid plan and that you have things rolling into action!! Good for you! Enjoy the barre class!! My gym has it and I keep meaning to try it.

    Beeps – I totally understand. It’s like you work so hard for so long and it takes just a fraction of the time to mess things up. So then ya think, “if I just stay in somewhat of control, I don’t have so much damage to undo”. I kick myself every time after a vacay. This is exactly what I am trying to fix from way back in May!! Safe travels and hope the surgery goes well!

    Amy – I like the idea of bringing back the star challenge. I especially liked the weekly totals vs the daily totals!! I want to lose some fat too and earn that trip to Vegas, so I’m in!!! Starting Sunday that is :bigsmile: I have just been getting into the groove of eating better, weights 3xweek…next step is logging. Besides, I have a Rib Festival Fri and a Beerfest Saturday :drinker:

    Food - ok, I think the worse thing I ate was sweet potatoe fries
    Exercises - spot on (weights 3 x last week and endless Zumba classes)
    Alcohol - Fri 1 beer, Saturday - 3-4 cocktails and Sunday - 1 glass of wine. Not to shabby :)

    I signed up for 2 at home courses - Prenatal Fitness and Nutrition Fundamentals...I'm hoping to be enlightened! If I find anything of interest, I will make sure to share! Have a great day!