Getting Started



  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    I downloaded and read this book many moons ago. Ive done a refresher reading and I'm ready to start today!
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm pretty new to this and will be doing stage 1 workout b for the first time tonight. I have a few questions to the ladies that have been doing this.

    Have you all been doing it at the gym, or anyone doing it at home?
    I'm doing this at home. I do not have a row machine or a lat bar pulley system, so I've been trying the alternatives for those in the book.

    Did you follow the diet exactly in the beginning?
    I'm thinking about following the same macro goals, because I don't like some of these foods and can't eat nuts because of braces.

    How did you decide what weights you started with?
    I haven't lifted since high school (7 years ago) so I just guessed on what weights to start with. I started squatting 70lbs, 30lbs on the dumbbell bent over row (alt. for seated row), 15lbs on step-up, and bw on the other 2. I'm not sure about workout b yet since I haven't done it, but do those weights sound beneficial or should I have tried heavier?

    In stage 1, did you find that doing this workout alone was enough, or did you do cardio on off days too?
    With just starting this workout, after doing 30ds, I feel lazy only working out 30 mins 3x a week. I'm thinking about walking and yoga on off days to stay limber, and keep from muscle cramps. Any advice on working out on off days?

    Thanks for any info!
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    No one?
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Hey there brit,

    I'm working out at the gym. No weights at home.

    I think those weights sound reasonable. They're heavier than where I started! The important thing is upping the weights as you progress, so you don't want to start too heavy. If you're confident on your form, go with what feels right.

    I wanted to just give lifting a try, so didn't do cardio on off days during Phase 1. It did feel lazy, but I kind of enjoyed it. :smile: Walking and yoga would be great though, to keep limber, as you say. I'm not doing NROLFW anymore (doing Nia Shanks' Beautiful Badass) but my program recommends brisk walks on off days.

    I didn't do the diet exactly, just followed the macros and tried to get my protein up.
  • hopeelizabeth11
    hopeelizabeth11 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm pretty new to this and will be doing stage 1 workout b for the first time tonight. I have a few questions to the ladies that have been doing this.

    Have you all been doing it at the gym, or anyone doing it at home?
    I'm doing this at home. I do not have a row machine or a lat bar pulley system, so I've been trying the alternatives for those in the book.

    Did you follow the diet exactly in the beginning?
    I'm thinking about following the same macro goals, because I don't like some of these foods and can't eat nuts because of braces.

    How did you decide what weights you started with?
    I haven't lifted since high school (7 years ago) so I just guessed on what weights to start with. I started squatting 70lbs, 30lbs on the dumbbell bent over row (alt. for seated row), 15lbs on step-up, and bw on the other 2. I'm not sure about workout b yet since I haven't done it, but do those weights sound beneficial or should I have tried heavier?

    In stage 1, did you find that doing this workout alone was enough, or did you do cardio on off days too?
    With just starting this workout, after doing 30ds, I feel lazy only working out 30 mins 3x a week. I'm thinking about walking and yoga on off days to stay limber, and keep from muscle cramps. Any advice on working out on off days?

    Thanks for any info!

    I've only been doing this for a couple weeks, but I'll try?

    I do the workouts at home, largely because I have all of the dumbbells I need and more so it remains economical for me to do so. I've started at relatively low weights but eventually I'll need to use more than I can support in my makeshift personal gym. Anyway, lots of people on here use a gym as well, all depends on your means and preferences.

    My impression is that most people don't follow the diet itself but rather do calories at TDEE - 15% (or 20%). I think there's a post about that but the book helps you calculate it as well

    You are starting with more weight than I did, if that helps? I started with an arbitrarily light weight for the first workout and increased for the next workout if it seemed too easy. I'd say start with the heaviest weight you can do the exercise with while still keeping your form and finishing all the reps. Some people do the first few workouts with lighter weights so they can focus on correcting their form, which is another good way to go about it. I guess what I'm saying is "I dunno, do those weights seem beneficial to you?" Everyone has a different starting point.

    I never post so hopefully I haven't led you

    Anyway, good luck! :smile:

    ETA: Ehh I didn't refresh before posting. Also I forgot your last question. I run twice a week on off days and go to a belly dancing class every so often, but no other lifting-type activities. It does seem like the stage 1 workouts are not enough but I'm told the subsequent stages have less of that problem
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    Thank yall for the comments, and advice. After doing a few more workouts, I'm getting to feeling a little better about all this.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member

    I've reached a point where I can't afford to lose more weight without appearing scrawny so I'm looking to focus more on weight training while maintaining. I don't really want to gain weight like in a traditional bulk. Do people usually see results even if they're simply maintaining?
  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    Magpie, I'm fairly new to this, so no expert. I do know that I didn't start NROLFW until I was at maintenance. Not on purpose, it just happened that way. I certainly hope there will be results at a maintenance level. Just make sure you're eating enough. Sounds like most people experience a bit of weight gain when starting, but that seems to taper off and go away. I have not really gained, but it could be that I am easing into the weight - ie starting too light on the weights.

    I've done about 7 workouts so far and really look forward to my workout days (except for lunges!).
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Finally started this. Did workout 1 at home yesterday. I have a Total Gym so I used it for seated rows. I struggled finding something for the step - up though. I tried using the 2nd step on my stairs, but the leaning got me off balance. I tried using my step (from step aerobics), but it's not high enough. I'll be trying to figure out something for Friday's workouts - but would love suggestions. My kitchen chairs are too high. I have a bum right knee and couldn't hardly do one, without weights, on a kitchen chair.
  • SteppyRohr
    SteppyRohr Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe this is a dumb question but I am asking it. When doing the lunges do you count 1, 2, 3, 4....or 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4,4, ...
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    It should be 15 on each leg, so 1-1, 2-2, etc. (total of 30)
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,671 Member
    Looking for input on the correct way to do the barbell squat. On p 158 of the book, the 2nd picture shows the gal down to thighs parallel to the floor. On several youtube videos, proper form is shown as going way further - nearly touching the floor. It seems that would put a lot of stress on the hips/knees, of which I need to be careful anyway.

    Appreciate any input on proper form to get the most benefit from this particular exercise!

    I'm interested in others' opinions on this as well. But from what I understand by reading something in the book about form for squats is that there is no 'perfect form' so your form may not look exactly like everyone elses. Also that when doing squats you should not be pushing up on your toes, so when you start to feel your weight shift towards your toes is when you need to stop descending and start back up. Right?
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I'm starting this tonight, I was nervous, but reading everyone's tips helped!!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I'm starting this tonight, I was nervous, but reading everyone's tips helped!!

    Yesterday was my first workout, and I was super nervous too! I did it just fine. You will too :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: It will be worth it! I did a few practice moves before adding any weight just to get comfortable with the movement. I was really stoked with the prone jackknife. I got to 10, and thought darn I did not hit the 15, then looked at my sheet and realized I was only suppose to do 8 :laugh: I giggled at myself, and did ten more on the second set. I figured I could do it then I should. I am a little sore today, but not too bad. I was really pleased overall that I over came my nerves, and stood in front of that mirror in the gym, did my workout to the best of my ability. Go for it!!!
  • salsacatblue
    Hello all! I am planning to start the program next month though I am pretty familiar with most of technique but only thing I have never done is the squat with barbel and just wondering did everyone who never worked with barbel was it difficult to master technique?
    Did you get a personal trainer to show you properly how it should be done?
    Explanation of move is simple enough I think I can do it with just the bar in the beggining to practice move and get used to. But at the same time I don't want to do wrong move and screw up my back.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hello all! I am planning to start the program next month though I am pretty familiar with most of technique but only thing I have never done is the squat with barbel and just wondering did everyone who never worked with barbel was it difficult to master technique?
    Did you get a personal trainer to show you properly how it should be done?
    Explanation of move is simple enough I think I can do it with just the bar in the beginning to practice move and get used to. But at the same time I don't want to do wrong move and screw up my back.

    I practiced the moves a couple of times with just body weight then moved to a 30 lb bar (which was so easy) moved up to 40 lbs. on my second set, and decided that was still too easy. So Friday I am going to try the 45 lb. Olympic barbell by itself if it is still to light i will add some weight.
  • salsacatblue
    Good for you nancy! I guess I will "woman-up" and go to the bar! I have been doing different program and dumbbell squat with two 25lb so should be ok physically but i will practice with lighter bar so i will get used to the form.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I did body weight for 1st day, but then decided I'd try to Olympic bar for the 2nd day of squats. It was just right for me, It was almost too much of a challenge to get the squats done but my form was kept in check.
    Like Nancy I also do a few reps before hand to practice my form. I ask the guys and usually they're helpful at the gym. I'm so happy I've womaned up to the weight room!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Just ordered all equipment today and should be here within the next two weeks (I hate shopping so I live online lol).. in the meantime, keeping my diet in check for the last 2 weeks (in deficit) and studying this book and you guys religiously lol

    I ordered: 7' Olympic barbell (with 110lbs worth of weights to start), bench (declines, inclines etc..), Rack, swiss ball, bowflex select tech dumbbells (up to 52.5lbs)... and a multilevel step.. think I covered it for now? The most expensive item was the dumbbells lol

    Can't wait to get my stuff and get set up!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Tomorrow is Day Two of my NRFL4W and I am excited. Monday went ok, save for the prone jackknife on the BOSU Ball. Balancing on it is a bit taxing, but with practice, am sure it will get better. But I have an alternative. I think I will use the TRX Circuit Suspension cable to do the Prone Jackknife if need be.

    I used to do bodyweight squats up until last week, but working with the barbell works differently, I guess. I did not fell sore, up until this afternoon! Today was cardio day - TRX Circuit Suspension (45 minutes), then Core (35 minutes), then Zumba (1 hour HRM did not go as high today), and now am feeling the "good" soreness :)