Daily Check In Thread



  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    I did W4D1 this morning. I wasn't feeling well but went anyway (because I won't get a chance to go out again until Friday). I was slow as a snail in that last minute, but got 'er done. Still dealing with my stomach issues, though :(
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    super job everyone...not really much else to say..just wanted to say hi
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I did W4D1 this morning. I wasn't feeling well but went anyway (because I won't get a chance to go out again until Friday). I was slow as a snail in that last minute, but got 'er done. Still dealing with my stomach issues, though :(

    Good for you for taking the initiative to run now since you won't be able to do it later in the wk. :smile:

    Today's lunchtime fun was Week 4, Day 2! I tried a new park near work, which was ok, but it was more nature trail than running trail. Natural paths with just fine gravel, no pavement. It is a sunny day, but I wouldn't want to chance running it after a rain - too many tree limbs and roots in the path.

    And in my haste, I thought I forgot socks in my gym bag today. So I ran without them and got a huge blister. Then I got back, checked my bag, and low and behold - socks!!!! Grrr! Oh well, hoping that it looks better by Thursday's run.

    I'm often too lazy to grab socks before heading out to run and wondered what the problem wold be if I didn't wear socks. Now, I know. Thanks. :laugh:
    I'm a super slowpoke, but completed W6D3 (and repeated it today) this week. (I'm only running at 3.3-3.4, so I'm not on track for a 5K distance anytime soon.) No races for me- I'm perfectly happy with where I am, though :smile: On to week 7!!
    Yup. You're doing, what? 20 minutes at a time now? That's great!
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Didn't want to go out running but I dragged myself out and am so glad I did. W4D2 complete!

    Also I was yelled at from a car for the first time.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I finally did day 1. I am using the iphone app. Silly me, I didn't take my phone off silent mode and I missed my first queue for the 1st run. I figure it out and decided to tack on another minute during cool down.

    I live in a hilly neighborhood, so I extended my warmup to start in a flatter zone. Of course, it seemed like every run interval was up a hill! I did my extra minute (or a little longer) to make up for the first one. And I did a 10 minute cool down. In my neighborhood, the way home, in almost all directions, is actually uphill. So I cooled down with a walk uphill. :)

    Can't wait for day 2! I'll likely do it on Thursday. I do need to find a flat-ish route.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    W3D2 finished....not great...but felt really good...

    I completed C25K Week 3 Day 2 (1.50 miles), in 15:00, pace 09:59 min/mile, with @RunDouble
    1.50 miles in 15:00, speed 6.01 mph
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done to everyone who's keeping moving.
    W3D2 finished for me tonight
    4.8km in 36:12 including WU/CD
    6:27min/km for the run
    8:36min/km for the walks

    Average time is staying about the same, walks are getting faster and the runs are getting slower, though I didn't find myself begging for the runs to finish today, which was good.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    W3D2 finished....not great...but felt really good...

    I completed C25K Week 3 Day 2 (1.50 miles), in 15:00, pace 09:59 min/mile, with @RunDouble
    1.50 miles in 15:00, speed 6.01 mph

    Wow! That's great. And, if it gets worse in the upcoming wks, try slowing down. You may be going too fast.
    I finally did day 1....
    I live in a hilly neighborhood, so I extended my warmup to start in a flatter zone. Of course, it seemed like every run interval was up a hill! I did my extra minute (or a little longer) to make up for the first one. And I did a 10 minute cool down.
    I'm glad that you made up for the warmup and the missed run. That shows how dedicated you are. Good luck.
    In my neighborhood, the way home, in almost all directions, is actually uphill. So I cooled down with a walk uphill. :)
    :laugh: You can't escape the hills. I can just see you stopping, looking in all directions, and noticing that they're all hills. :laugh:
    Well done to everyone who's keeping moving.
    W3D2 finished for me tonight
    4.8km in 36:12 including WU/CD
    6:27min/km for the run
    8:36min/km for the walks

    Average time is staying about the same, walks are getting faster and the runs are getting slower, though I didn't find myself begging for the runs to finish today, which was good.
    Well done to you, too. Everything gets real in W3, so if you're not begging for the run to stop at this stage, you're doing great. :smile: Also, if you slow your walks a bit so that you can recover more, you may be able to run a bit faster.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    Did W6D2 this morning - Hooray! But I do wish this hot and humid weather would go away!!!

    Happy that I carried on and completed each of the 10 minute runs.

    On to the straight thru running on Friday!

    Great work everyone - you keep me inspired to continue.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    Great job everyone! I love reading everyone's experiences, trials and successes. Y'all keep me motivated! THANKS!

    I'm back after a 3 week hiatus....doctor ordered some tests. Rec'd "NO RESTRICTIONS" order. Woot! I really missed C25K.
    I had completed W5D1 when I was sidelined. After 3 weeks of just walking 3 days a week, I chose to start over with W1D1, recovery day then W1D2, 2 recovery days and planned on W1D3 but forgot to set back the app. Before I knew it I had completed the first 5 min run of W5D1. So I finished it! I believe that everything happens for a reason so I did W5D2 last night. It was wonderful! I'm planning 2 recovery days then Friday I will decide if I'm moving to W5D3 or doing W5D2 again. I MIGHT AS WELL TRY IT is my feelings on it as of today. We will see what Friday brings.
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    Completed W6D2 last night, and did it outside. I hadn't ran outside since week 4, and boy was it a wake up call! I finished my runs (2 ten minute runs, with a 3 min break in between), but the last five minutes of both were tough! It's all straight running now, but I know I can do it now. :D On to 25 minutes straight with no walking tomorrow!
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    W7D1 yesterday, probably my best run yet. Still setting a slow, slow pace, but it felt effortless! I went a little over 1.5 miles, so I'm on track to run a 5k in November in 45 minutes (my goal for my first ever 5k). Feeling good!
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    W8D2 finished. I've been doing the 5k loop on the treadmill and have been finishing 5k before the cool down period, so today I just turned on the treadmill and ran. Ended up doing 3.5 miles in 38 min including warm-up and cool down. If it ever gets below 90 degrees, I'm going to try running outside one of these days just to start getting more used to that.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done to you, too. Everything gets real in W3, so if you're not begging for the run to stop at this stage, you're doing great. :smile: Also, if you slow your walks a bit so that you can recover more, you may be able to run a bit faster.

    I don't mind if my run slows down a bit, I am probably still running too fast anyway to be honest. There is no way I could hold a conversation during my run sections.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    W7D2 down! :D

    Decided since I only have 1.5 weeks left, I should try bumping up a little bit and seeing if I can handle going a wee bit faster. So today was pre-warmup of 5 min @ 3.1 mph. Then true warm-up 5 min @ 3.1 mph, 12.5 min @ 4.6 mph, 12.5 min @ 4.5 mph, cool down was 2 min @ 3.1/3.2 mph and 3 min @ 3.5 mph. PHEW. Every time I finish a run I always say "that was the most sweat I've ever ... sweated" and it legitimately was this time again! :)

    Great job to the rest of you too! Need to see more checking in :p
  • kita_254
    kita_254 Posts: 34 Member
    Did W8D1 of C25K today. I'm so close to finish line I can almost taste it!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I am on W2D2. I am sure I am not getting the distance in that others do, but feeling accomplished to just be moving forward. I am so slow, but never thought I could run. I found I was running too fast and once I slowed down I could do the intervals. Love seeing my body improve from what it couldn't do two weeks ago!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    wrong place - edited
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I suck at following the program. So far i have done:
    W1d?- made up own intervals as i left my phone at home
    W2d1 - on monday
    W3d1 - just now, thursday

    I found the first two weeks of intervals not challenging enough.... i didnt think i was very fit at all but i feel good about this! It was hard to keep going through the second 3 min run, but i managed it. So i expect i will stick to the program properly from here
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Great job everyone! I love reading everyone's experiences, trials and successes. Y'all keep me motivated! THANKS!

    I'm back after a 3 week hiatus....doctor ordered some tests. Rec'd "NO RESTRICTIONS" order. Woot! I really missed C25K.
    I had completed W5D1 when I was sidelined. After 3 weeks of just walking 3 days a week, I chose to start over with W1D1, recovery day then W1D2, 2 recovery days and planned on W1D3 but forgot to set back the app. Before I knew it I had completed the first 5 min run of W5D1. So I finished it! I believe that everything happens for a reason so I did W5D2 last night. It was wonderful! I'm planning 2 recovery days then Friday I will decide if I'm moving to W5D3 or doing W5D2 again. I MIGHT AS WELL TRY IT is my feelings on it as of today. We will see what Friday brings.

    That's great news! It's funny how the mind can trick us, I bet if you'd deliberately went out to do a W5 run you'd have been worrying about it before hand lol

    Good luck on Friday, I'm sure you'll do great on Friday but I'll be cheering you on virtually anyway :)