30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • mummyinthemountains
    P.S. Did not use the 2kg weights as I couldn't get the extra 1/2kg off!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    LMV, hope you are enjoying your well-deserved celebration of your channel swim. MITM, congrats on shedding that holiday weight.
    I have completed my Nordic track both yesterday and today. Yesterday was a big exercise day as I also rode, walked Nellie 2 miles, and was really pleased with how I did with Jillian. Today I was somewhat tired and sore but not in a worrisome way. I walked Nellie 1 1/2 miles and did the Nordic Track. I gave Jillian a pass and think the rest was as beneficial. I also got incidental exercise from cleaning my floors throughout and raking leaves.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Shredders,

    I'm a bit late posting because it's been such a busy day, but

    Day 5 - done

    It's getting a bit easier!!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Yesterday I did not do the Jillian as planned but did do Nordic track, had schooling on my horse, and walked Nellie 1 1/2 miles.
    I have decided that I will make 10 minutes (discounting warmup/cooldown) as an exercise unit for the Nordic track. At the moment if I
    put some effort into it that can be a some real exercise. My plan is to gradually increase the time and then the intensity because even the NT can be somewhat hard on my knee, the dodgy one, though it is said to be relatively easy on the knees. I want to try and bank a few days before Christmas because my goal was to do the track 100 times before the Olympics start and there will undoubtedly be some missed days. That is why I wanted to establish a minimum time to count as a unit. Today I have walked Nellie 2 1/2 miles, did NT for 11 minutes and did Jillian- I had to make some modifications because of soreness but still it was worthwhile.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 6 - done!

    Well done Bracken you are doing excellently on the exercise front. I think it's a really good idea to put a time limit on your Nordic Track. By the end of your 100 days you will have done 1000 minutes - 16.6 hours, that'll be a goodly number of calories burned up! It's particularly good as it's in addition to your normal walking and riding. Brilliant.

    Hope everyone else is doing OK

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Good to see you are back to the shred!
    I have loaned out my shred dvd, so wont be joining you, but I could dust off a Davina at the weekend......watch this space!!!!! x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Shredders!

    Just in case I don't get the opportunity to post again today, I thought I must report in with the Shredders so they know I'm still at it! Days 6 and 7 completed....

    Like you LMV I'm suddenly (overnight) finding it 'easier' or should I say pain free! Monday I realised I was doing the press ups with no ows and the jumping jacks were fine but the real surprise came on that last exercise. Normally when I do the very last one I cry out as I have given it my all and it is a real effort as she counts down those final few. Yesterday and today I could have continued it's not 'killing' me anymore!! I couldn't quite believe it yesterday in fact I was stunned but when it happened again today, I realised I've turned a fitness corner!!

    Right must dash I'm walking with my friend now because as BRACKEN knows it all adds up!!

    Be good shredders!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh Dear Lord!! Press ups/planks/jumping jacks??? What on earth have I signed up for!! lol x I am greatly relieved there is no sign of my DVD yet. However in the "spirit" of things I (almost) took your advice MITM and have bottles to use as weights until I can buy some. I thought the fact they are 2 small empty (plastic) wine bottles from the poolbar of my Birthday treat will be a happy reminder! I will fill them with water not wine as if the going gets tough I may well be tempted to have a "swig" of wine if I top them up with a nice Chardonnay! x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I pleased and surprised myself by doing a good two mile walk with Nellie this afternoon despite the wretched weather- temp about 3C and windy. However, it will warm up in a couple of days. I finished today's exercise with the Nordic track. No riding though due to uncertain roads. B.M. good to see you are mentally preparing yourself for Jillian. But don't overdo it in the beginning. This will probably/hopefully not be the last time Jillian's challenge will be issued.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Great stuff Bracken, you are going really well.

    BM, I can tell you secretly can't wait to get started and join in!!

    Day 7 - done. Is it really only 7 days? It feels like a lifetime already. I am definitely improving and seem to be able to do shallow side lunges with anterior raises now despite my knee. I couldn't manage with my knee at all to start so
    I think the exercises must be strengthening it. That exercise and the press ups are the only ones I have to modify now. I'm not sure I'll ever have the upper body strength to do a full press up, but we'll see.

    MITM - please explain to me what it is you love about this.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A good day despite being colder than yesterday. I only walked Nellie 1 mile but we did get to the stable. I had a really nice ride and actually felt my endurance is improving. Nellie got to run wild and bark at the stable cats (yes, she was reprimanded). I did the Nordic track and Jillian today, as much as I can do with the modifications for sore arm, wonky knee. But the parts that I can do really well I am finding much easier, so like LMV and MITM, I feel there is improvement. I'm not sure how I'll do exercise-wise tomorrow as I have a dental appointment because I lost a filling recently. I'll try to do something even if it means sort of just going through the motions.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 8 (is it really only day 8?) - Done!

    Definitely getting better, managed 3 full press ups before I collapsed into the modified position for the rest. Small steps forward. Felt a bit tired on the second lot of skip ropes today, not sure why, I can usually manage those. Having a nice boiled egg for breakfast and then I'll have half an hour to recover before I go off to pilates.

    Bracken, good luck with the dentist and just try and fit you 10 mins of Nordic track in if you can.

    Right, egg done.

    Keep shredding!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Shredders. LMV, good for you doing full press ups. They are the real thing so you are getting into the big time now. You have not mentioned your pilates in detail but my understanding of it is that it too is quite a demanding discipline. Do you use machines as part of your exercises? The stable owner does pilates and mentions machines that sound like medieval torture devices as part of her routine. The dentist appointment went well. Of course, paying a large amount of money to fix something that was perfectly fine a few days ago is not exactly a treat. However, I have teeth that have a lot of issues and feel that I am really fortunate to have a dentist who is really skilled. I've certainly known numbers of people who have had serious problems with the work they have had done. My appointment was early and the weather was somewhat warmer today so by the afternoon I managed two miles with Nellie and did my Nordic Track, even adding several minutes of time to the base time.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 9 - Done!

    Absolutely brilliant that you banked some extra NT time yesterday Bracken, well done. I don't say much about Pilates other than "The Plank" do I? I really like it, it concentrates on developing core strength so includes quite a bit of work on abdominals and general fitness and stretching exercises. You have to "Zip" (pull up the pelvic floor muscles) and " Hollow" (suck in the tummy muscles) and make sure you have a neutral spine in all the exercises. Breathing is important too and lots of work to mobilise the spine. I've been doing it for three years now but basically missed the summer term this year for one reason or another and I really missed it. I started back in September and am feeling better for it. If I could fit it in I would go twice a week.

    MITM - you haven't been checking in. Where are you? Hope everything's OK. We need your support!

    Got to dash
    Keep shredding
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Shredders!!

    Ooh! I had the most exhausting 45 minutes ever today, snow clearing... Give me Jillian any day of the week over a snow shovel! Winter has arrived here Bracken. However knowing before I started I would be shattered, I did the Shred before I stepped outside into the winter wonderland!

    I don't know why I like it LMV maybe because I know it's only 20 minutes long and even if Jillian says 'just a couple more' I know how many repetitions I do to each exercise, so I'm in my own little world counting down! Today was day 10 and I'm breaking now for the weekend as I'm going to be too busy to find even 20 minutes for Jillian as we've that many schlipkrapfen to make this weekend. And then Monday I'm going to start Level 2 - 1/3 completed!!

    After reading of your success with the full press up, I just had to see if I too could do one - yes!! However far too much effort involved so I'm sticking to the modified version!! I can't remember what the exercises are in Level 2 just vaguely that we enjoyed them more?! Can you remember that?!! However the daughter reminded me tonight of the skipping double fast - I'd forgotten that gulp!

    Anyway see you Monday Shredders and that includes you too BM!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Relieved to hear you are OK MITM. I remember that Level 2 was the least worst of the levels (apologies for the dreadful English Bracken!) and I know that I actually enjoyed the "skating" but I don't remember much else. Looking forward to getting off Level 1 though!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Please don't mention skipping double fast and skating!! lol x I watched the first level from the safety of the couch and that scared the bejesus out of me!! I am enjoying a last weekend of "freedom" before I start Monday! I do have a sore ankle where I twisted over on it a couple of weeks ago, also my right elbow is tender with my arthritis. However I would be ashamed to use these as excuses not to start after hearing how Bracken is overcoming and working around her soreness and pain!! So it is with some trepidation and I must admit a little excitement I await Monday. On the plus side I have managed to order weights from the UK, good old John Lewis came up trumps, although the weights were less than 5 GBP and the postage was 25GBP! lol. (Had to throw in a few items to make the postage worthwhile!!). I am also meeting a friend in the city today to buy some trainers. My last pair had perished when I checked them. Nothing lasts long here due to the humidity.( I don't know how many pairs of leather shoes and belts we have thrown out due to mould). I wear the trainer type sandal to walk in as it is too hot for trainers outdoors but figured there would be less chance of injury wearing trainers indoors to Shred. Could you please inspire me and tell me the results of your first time shredding? I have tried to look for my fit hooker, but no luck. I have read a couple of her thoughts etc on the forum but couldn't find her on the "find a member" bit. I did find that "fit hooker" is a male though! :happy: (Oooh just tried to put a smiley in but it just says happy. Is that right? I am such a technophobe).
    Have a good weekend, BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Shredders,

    Day 10 - done! No more level 1. MITM, I'm ready to start level 2 with you on Monday as I too will probably have a rest day tomorrow.

    BM, fantastic that you are going to start on Monday too. I'm afraid I don't know what I did with my measurements from last year, but at the end of he shred I was in straight leg skinny trousers for the first time ever. Sadly I'm too curvy for them again at the moment and if I can't get into them by 9 Dec I'll have to buy another pair of black trousers for our choir's Christmas concert. Re Myfithooker, click on blogs (between groups and find members at the top of the page) then scroll down the blogs. Myfithooker posted on 15 Nov - something with the word skinny in it, can't remember what - if you click on the name where it says "posted by" then it will take you to her profile.

    The shred will be a shock when you start. I couldn't complete the levels when I started and didn't use weights at all as I simply wasn't strong enough to cope with them. I gradually started using them for a few repetitions and built my strength up that way. I ran out of puff on the cardio stuff as well and when it hot too much I just made sure I kept moving by marching on the spot or something. I remember for the last 3 days MITM and I went back to do a day each of the 3 levels and the improvement in how much of level 1 I could do was really thrilling. So, do what you can because that is so much better than not doing it at all but don't hurt yourself.

    Have a great week-end everyone


    ps the smiley worked!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers
    Well I've found the thread - now I need to find the work out although it sounds pretty scary! Will come back here when I've made some progress and found the CD - next trick will then be to figure out how to watch it on my TV as I've never actually used my DVD player on this tv. Maybe I'll prefer it to the Gym

    Speak soon
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    OK so I've found her on U-tube. Now I need some weights. Baked Beans????