Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    BBcowgirl, my then 6-yr-old son had a 45-min seizure. Out of the blue. Accompanied by vomiting. After a year of intense observance and testing by neurologists, we felt it was a "febral seizure" even though he was six weeks past his 6th birthday and, therefore, didn't fit the diagnostic criteria. He's 12.5 now and nothing ever came of that seizure. Scary shyte, though.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm only doing 4 reps so the snatch is totally doable at 15 lbs. Now the YTWL, that's is a crazy light weight. I think I'm still 5s on that lol.

    I actually ran my intervals yesterday for the first time in months. I did a 3.5/6.5 split and actually maintained it for the 15 minutes. That's really fast for me. I got my HR up to 162 without feeling like I wanted to die. That huge for me. Usually by 160 I'm praying for an inhaler. Anyway, my calves are screaming today and all the stairs at work may or may no have helped. I felt winded going up the four l=flights of stairs. What's up with that?

    Sounds like a great week Sue.

    CG the Chalk ball is crazy cheap. I'm so there!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Rocky, I bought mine on Amazon- super cheap!
    Sue, sounds like you still will have a great week of workouts. I really hope you're right about the seizure- the docs are sayin she had a preexisting seizure disorder that went unoticed u til the fever. I'm hoping they're wrong. She's home now and doing well!
    Squat jumps or jump squats: just squat then jump up and repeat.
    Beeps, that's comforting to know your son hasn't had anymore. The whole "criteria" for a febrile seizure wasn't met for her so....who knows. She's healthy now, and I'm very thankful for that!
    Sam, good for you fitting those intervals in!

    Did my workout then went back and did Zumba. Next week is a rest week- Im fitting as much in as I can this week.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Seizures are scary seizures in your loved ones=worse than scary

    I am "resting my back" until Friday-- so I am doing some yoga because it feels amazing. And I am trying to get back on my bike--during spring break we are planning a family ride of 17 miles.
    I also started reading supercharged.

    Sam are your splits 3.5 for a half mile 6.5 for a mile?!!!! That's blazing.

    Hope everyone has good workouts this week
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Jo I'm hoping your elbow isn't badly hurt and as you said, with a couple of days rest it's feeling better. and the same for you Pmag for your back!

    Cowgirl, what are squat jumps?

    Thanks - in fact, thanks to all for the better-elbow-wishes. Unfortunately I don't think it's great news.... 3 days on and it seems worse if anything.... aches all day long :-( Have doc appt thurs so will ask for a physio referral I think.

    Can't believe you ask what squat jumps are - they have been a part of my workouts for so long I can't imagine that others don't know LOL. They are great, and awful. Here is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVaEhXotL7M
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello-- lifting makes me so tired -- not immediately after but three hours after.

    I have been reading supercharged-- it seems complicated...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Pmagnanlift - supercharged was too "fussy" for me....I'm way too lazy and just need the 'give me the workout to do and I'll go do it' sort of style, lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Here's the sea urchin stings I suffered (to 4 of my 5 right hand fingers/tips)....I'm back at work, but lifting will be difficult for awhile. Still, going to give it a whirl - I don't want DOMs, anyway, so easing back into it is just fine with me.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yikes, beeps! I hope the rest of your trip was better!

    Pmag, Supercharged might seem complicated at first, but it's really not. You can just do the sample workouts he provides and make great progress. By the time you get to Hypertrophy, you'll be a pro at putting workouts together.

    I lift today. But I'm between stages and don't want to start a new one when I'm going to rest next week. I'll probably just pick an exercise from all the basic movements and do it(core, hinge, push, pull, lunge, squat, single leg) and then do some HIIT.
  • pedalynn
    pedalynn Posts: 12 Member
    Hey guys! I started NROLFW This week, and am only on my second workout.
    Before this, I did a few weeks of barbells and learned the basics. Found out I really liked staring at myself while picking up heavy things and making the bros in the gym uncomfortable, so I ordered the book.
    Having a great time so far. I started the HIIT a few weeks early, and wow that was intense. There's a bunch of great apps that make timing intervals easy.
    I'm 5'9 and 31 years old. Only looking to shave off 5-10 pounds, but really looking for muscle development so I can look like a badass lady superhero at ComicCon, heehee.
    Following the diet slightly adjusted, because I like to keep my carbs lower and paleo-ish. Mostly focusing on hitting those high protein numbers which is totally new to me.
    Add me and we can sweat together! Cheers!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Got my lifting done! Had to sub in weighted glute bridges for the deadlifts - no way gimp-hand can lift heavy BB without using pinky. But, the rest of the stuff I just used DB's, a bit lighter than usual, and didn't use the pinky.

    I hope for NO DOMs.

    The end.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Pmagnanlift I know what you are talking about with needing a nap. When I started lifting a couple of years ago I would get so sleepy later in the day. Now I don't always get sleepy during the day but I sleep sounder when I am working out.

    Also I get a deeper kind of hungry when I am lifting.

    Beeps your hand looks painful, were you snorkeling in Mexico?

    Plan to lift tomorrow, trying to figure out a sporting goods place I can a buy a chalk ball so I don't have to wait for an online order.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I agree that supercharged looks fussy, but when doing it it's actually not too bad at all. Firstly you can pick the exercises you enjoy/ want to improve on/ challenge you and secondly, once you've selected them it's just a matter of working through them like you would in NROLFW. You don't have to keep changing as frequently as NROLFW as the different stages are quite long. You can always build on the weights or choose a progression in the exercise to make it harder, as required.

    I approach it in an 'each stage at a time' fashion and it is quite manageable.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pedalyn, welcome! Sounds like you're off to a good start!

    Beeps, glad you got your lifting done. Hopefully you can walk tomorrow, lol. I hate coming back after resting!

    Rocky, I would think any of the usual sporting places would have it- we have Hibbets and D*cks around here.

    Jo, I am the same way- I usually don't look ahead to see what I have to do for the next Stage- just one at a time.

    Got lifting in- pikes, RDLs, inverted rows, shoulder press,suspended BSS. Then ended up with some box jumps and push ups and back extensions for "metabolic". Hurts so good....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ouch Beeps!

    Someone asked about my intervals. I do 2 min 3.5 1 min 6.5 for 12 min then cool down. I end up running about a mile in that time. HAd major DOMS in my calves afterwards.

    It's my high energy/Low cal week, but I've also been freakishly tired. 2pm I had to put my head on my desk, but by the time I got home, I was fine and did laundry and stuff and now I'm off to Zumba.

    Last night's lifting 5B
    snatch 30db
    row 90bb
    sldl 30dbs
    dbbp 30dbs
    single arm sqaut 20/40

    I really wanted to use the 35db last night instead of 30, but it's too big of a jump so I did the four sets of four instead.

    Welcome Pedalyn!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Resting my elbow but bored of cardio so swapped a few lifts and managed by last hypertrophy 1B today. Swapped offset reverse lunge to barbell reverse lunge from step. Actually a lot harder to maintain balance and increased weight made it tougher on the legs - think I will use this in stage 2.

    Skipped the single arm rows and my complex (which was primarily focused on pushups) for a run at the end. Still managed my shoulder presses and front squats.... seems to be only certain positions which trigger the elbow issues. That said, it isn't so bad today so hoping it's on the mend. Now to think of something using only one arm tomorrow.... :-/
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck, Jo--I can't lift using my legs, you can't lift using your arms: together, we make one functional lifter :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Yes, I was in Mexico. Was swimming to the snorkeling site when I slapped the (unseen) sea urchin.


    Day 1. Literally i'd been in the ocean less than ten minutes.

    No DOMs today and I slept like the dead. I'm at the dr to hear what to do with all the stingers that are still buried in my fingertips.

    I'll lift again, tomorrow - and will add a little more weight.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Good luck, Jo--I can't lift using my legs, you can't lift using your arms: together, we make one functional lifter :)

    Or a completely non-functioning one hahahaha :laugh:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Noob question - thanks in advance for the help...

    Started the NROLFW this week and fluctuating my calories for workout (2,000 cal) non-workout days (1,700 cal) - can barely get to 1,700 cals and can't get to 2k cals, just not feeling hungry. Do I have to force myself to eat, maybe another quest bar or let it go and say close is enough? My diary is open if you need to look. I am 43, 5'5", 145# (aiming for 130#) and do strength 3x week intervals 2-3x per week. rest 1-2 days.

    Also - do you modify any exercises? I'm only on phase 1 but my gym doesn't have a squat rack only a fixed press machine (I hear those are bad) - can I do glute bridge w/barbell for those? and I don't have a exercise ball - I did burpees instead of prone jackknife.