Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Noob question - thanks in advance for the help...

    Started the NROLFW this week and fluctuating my calories for workout (2,000 cal) non-workout days (1,700 cal) - can barely get to 1,700 cals and can't get to 2k cals, just not feeling hungry. Do I have to force myself to eat, maybe another quest bar or let it go and say close is enough? My diary is open if you need to look. I am 43, 5'5", 145# (aiming for 130#) and do strength 3x week intervals 2-3x per week. rest 1-2 days.

    Also - do you modify any exercises? I'm only on phase 1 but my gym doesn't have a squat rack only a fixed press machine (I hear those are bad) - can I do glute bridge w/barbell for those? and I don't have a exercise ball - I did burpees instead of prone jackknife.

    Nice to be fit: I can't address this first question so I'll leave to someone else. Your calorie intake is a little higher that mine and we are about the same size.

    I use the life edition of the series and it gives a variety of moves in a category so if you don't have certain equipment, etc. there are alternative exercises you can do. Example is today I worked out in a gym that doesn't have a squat rack, just a smith machine. I had planned on back squats but did goblet squats instead. Also I sucked at assisted pull ups today so I did kneeling rows with a cable machine instead.... Once you get to know the categories there are many exercises in each to mix it up.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Thanks Rocky503. I don't track my exercise on MFP with calories so those numbers include my exercise #'s. I used the calculator from the road map link and did custom goals. Does that make a difference. I guess that would mean those cals are net?
  • pedalynn
    pedalynn Posts: 12 Member
    Just journally rambling:
    Had a great day with my third workout of the week on stage 1. Kinda sad that I'll have to wait till next week to lift again. I'm addicted to progress. Haven't had any real soreness, so I'm upping my weights each round. It took 30 mins to go through instead of 17' because I had to go slower on bigger weights. Push ups are still the hardest, using the 45 degree version for now. It will be awesome to get my real push up and chin up on.

    Do any of you ladies use pre-workout supplements? It's probably unhealthy in the end, but it's fun for me to get silly on caffine when I hit the gym.

    With the calories, I don't know if I should eat more even if not hungry, to feed muscles. I'll just make sure my post-dinner munchie snack is protein-centric.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome nice
    Pedalyn glad you are enthusiastic

    I am down in the dumps because I can't use my back--- I know I can try and isolate legs and arms etc but I still seem to tweak my mid back and my nonlifting days are swimming so not viable with a sore back.

    I am also having issues with childcare which is really upsetting. I can't believe how hard it is to find someone reliable for afterschool care.

    Anyway it is almost the weekend. I will have to just do some yoga and get my meditative groove on..
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Sorry, pmagnanlift....childcare woes suck the wind out of ALL sails.

    I'm off to the dr to have them freeze my wee pinky and remove 3 x stingers. Ugh.

    No lifting today.


  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Good luck Beeps!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Sucky, right??

    To make myself feel better, I keep reminding myself WHY I went to Mexico in the first place, lol! So, here I am, in the beautiful warmth and sunshine, soaking up local culture/history (at the tulum ruins....):

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Oh Beeps, that sounds awful! But you look just fab in that pic!

    I haven't been on this particular thread in awhile, as I'm struggling with other things at the moment and really don't feel worthy of ya'lls presence. However, I just started Stage 2 and had a question that I would humbly ask you ladies. And bear with me here, as I feel like this may be a seriously dumb question. I've done workouts A & B once so far. A again today.

    What is the difference between lunge/rear foot elevated, bulgarian split squat, and reverse lunge w/forward reach (and for that matter step-ups)? In my very fitness-unedumuhcated mind, these are all just fancy-named lunges with the weights in different spots?? Do they work different areas? I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels and doing basically the same thing several times...?

    Up to this point, I really like the workouts, so I'm sure I'm just being a ditz and missing something?

    Thanks in advance. I may not pop in much to say hello, but I really do adore reading everyone's updates. You all inspire me. Truly. Thank you.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, are you home? If not TRY to enjoy your time.

    Willlift, this is a judgement free zone. I love these ladies. Nothing but positive energy.
    Yes, these are all just lunge and step variations. The best thing to do is Google the moves but I will try to explain them. For
    rear-foot elevated: Stand with back to low step, take big step forward, raise foot so toe rests on top of step and complete lunge move complete all rep on both legs.
    Bulgarian Splits: stand with back to high step or bench, take big step forward, raise leg behind you so that the top of your foot rests on top of bench and dip down you'll feel the pull in your quad, go straight up and down try not to lean forward.
    step up: stand facing high step or box, hold weight at side, place one foot flat on top and only use that foot to lift you to top of the box (do not push off with the non-working foot. foot on the floor) bring back foot to the top and just graze the toe and and back down. basically keep all weight on working foot at all times and little weight on non working foot
    lunge with forward reach: stand facing low step, place working foot top and take big step back. drop into lunge position reaching forward with light weights, back up feet together, and repeat.
    I hope that kind of helps
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    so ends high energy week. Made it in five days, three lifts with required intervals and two zumba classes. I'm like 700 cals under for the week which isn't all the much. I probably would have slept through the class tonight but I was due to meet up with a friend. tomorrow is anniversary dinner :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Well, had my pinky "surgery" to remove sea urchin stingers.

    It didn't go well.


    Much like the first cataract surgery I had last September, I ended up fainting and then I had a seizure (dr's word choice, not mine, so please don't skewer me if this isn't correct terminology).


    It was THE most disorienting thing I have ever had happen. When I "awoke", I thought I had died ~ there was just a very bright light and my husband's face over mine....I didn't know who I was, I didn't recognize my surroundings and I think my sight returned before my hearing so it was all very, very confusing and frankly, TERRIFYING.

    My husband has now gone out-of-town for the weekend with middle son for a volleyball tournament. I've stayed behind to be with daughter at a hockey tournament. I am sitting at work (because I'm ALL ABOUT "distraction", just now...), but I'm feeling relatively, ummmmmmmm, hollow. I mean, I feel fine - the episode is over - but I don't feel good.

    I have 2 stitches that will come out next week; pain is completely bearable. I just can't get that "I thought I died" feeling out of my head.....and, it feels like a REALLY SILLY feeling to have over a pinky-thing.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps pinkies help hold the dumbbell. They are important. Get well soon.
    I am going to try lifting again this weekend.
    Tonight was a fun dance for my (grade school aged) kids.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck, Jo--I can't lift using my legs, you can't lift using your arms: together, we make one functional lifter :)

    Or a completely non-functioning one hahahaha :laugh:

    Hee hee heee. I finished my week by being told to lay off the bench pressing for the weird feeling I keep getting in my pec-shoulder connection and then slamming my knee into the car door, earning a nice bruise and lump. I'm going to get a bubble.

    Beeps, I used to pass out from low blood sugar from time to time when I was a teenager/in my early twenties--it is a totally disorienting experience. I always felt like I was suddenly going down an increasingly fuzzy tunnel and then boom, out. I would just drop where I was, and then suddenly wake up elsewhere, wherever I was carried. I can totally understand why you felt like you died--it fits all our popular imagery of what that would be--tunnels, then light, and key figures in your life--so your brain said "well, damn, I must be dead!" but thankfully you're quite the opposite. It's a hard experience to shake, though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    It was very disorienting. I have lower blood pressure and often crumple to the floor (on purpose) when I feel faint (especially during pregnancy). But, I don't think i've fainted, or then seized, in a long, long time.

    I will go lift on Monday. I lifted on Wednesday, without my pinky, and did fine. I need to "get back to normal" asap because this mind-*kitten* is too crappy to stick around in/for.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    It was very disorienting. I have lower blood pressure and often crumple to the floor (on purpose) when I feel faint (especially during pregnancy). But, I don't think i've fainted, or then seized, in a long, long time.

    I will go lift on Monday. I lifted on Wednesday, without my pinky, and did fine. I need to "get back to normal" asap because this mind-*kitten* is too crappy to stick around in/for.

    Sorry things went so badly for you Beeps that must be such a horrible feeling. My husband had to have stitches taken out one time. You'd think no big deal but he had low blood pressure and over stressed from the initial accident - anyway I was standing in the doorway of dis office watching from a distance (because gross) and he passed out. Totally fell over backwards bent over the exam table. FREAKED me out!!! The orderly was like. Can you please call for help. it was horrible to watch. I'm sure your husband was just as scared as you went your spell happened. Hope you get back to your usual self soon.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks Sam, that does help. I was second guessing myself thinking I must be doing something wrong. I'm glad I wasn't. And it certainly doesn't hurt to do more booty builders :wink:

    Beeps that really does sound terrifying! I'm sure it'll be nice to get back in routine.

    Jen, ouch! I just sliced my pinkie open while trying to clear a clog in our kitchen sink. Turns out it was clogged with a broken shot glass. Wth? :grumble: Somebody's got some explaining to do...
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps that sounds frightening.

    We had a mellow day - I am still increasing my biking time slowly. I finally put together an indoor bike trainer which was a gift from my hubby two Christmases ago! It is pretty cold out 39 and I could not motivate to ride out there.

    I did some ice skating with my girls-- it was a fun time.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    Jen, ouch! I just sliced my pinkie open while trying to clear a clog in our kitchen sink. Turns out it was clogged with a broken shot glass. Wth? :grumble: Somebody's got some explaining to do...

    A broken shot glass? How on earth…? Serious ouch. Eeep.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Damn Beeps, i just glad you're ok.

    I had a crazy bust day yesterday. My cousin dropped off her son at 8:30 and festivities started. WE went to make and take at home depot, we had lunch at a McDonald's with a nice and big play area (Still zero temps in NJ), then we went to B&N for a Lego event. Then we traded kids so I cold have a nice kid-free anniversary dinner with the husband (16 years married :happy: ) We had an amazing meal at a Vegan restaurant in our old home town. I some how managed to stay in my cals... I think. It was a homestyle restaurant, so I doubt the estimates on MFP were accurate. (the vegan chocolate cheesecake was to die for) I was stuffed to the gills though. Had a very lazy Sunday Morning, but now I need to get my butt in gear and stuff done. I might have tomorrow off because of snow. It's not fun any more.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps sounds like an awful experience. Was it the site of blood, surgery etc. that brought it on? Some people have an autonomic response to seeing blood etc. that drops their BP. Very problematic for people especially when in the middle of medical or nursing school (known people who had to drop out due to this reaction). Occasionally I've worked with patients (or their companion during the procedure) who have this reaction over very minor procedures besides more invasive surgeries. When you get the stitches out maybe they can find a way to make more comfortable. Or maybe you have dissolving stitches and won't have to go back?

    I'm off to lift today, WO 3 A. I am almost done with stage three of the life edition. I was planning on just repeating the 3 stages all over again next. What do you gals do once youv'e completed all the stages in a training plan in the book. Repeat it or go to something else?