Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Well, had my pinky "surgery" to remove sea urchin stingers.

    It didn't go well.


    Much like the first cataract surgery I had last September, I ended up fainting and then I had a seizure (dr's word choice, not mine, so please don't skewer me if this isn't correct terminology).


    It was THE most disorienting thing I have ever had happen. When I "awoke", I thought I had died ~ there was just a very bright light and my husband's face over mine....I didn't know who I was, I didn't recognize my surroundings and I think my sight returned before my hearing so it was all very, very confusing and frankly, TERRIFYING.

    My husband has now gone out-of-town for the weekend with middle son for a volleyball tournament. I've stayed behind to be with daughter at a hockey tournament. I am sitting at work (because I'm ALL ABOUT "distraction", just now...), but I'm feeling relatively, ummmmmmmm, hollow. I mean, I feel fine - the episode is over - but I don't feel good.

    I have 2 stitches that will come out next week; pain is completely bearable. I just can't get that "I thought I died" feeling out of my head.....and, it feels like a REALLY SILLY feeling to have over a pinky-thing.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps pinkies help hold the dumbbell. They are important. Get well soon.
    I am going to try lifting again this weekend.
    Tonight was a fun dance for my (grade school aged) kids.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck, Jo--I can't lift using my legs, you can't lift using your arms: together, we make one functional lifter :)

    Or a completely non-functioning one hahahaha :laugh:

    Hee hee heee. I finished my week by being told to lay off the bench pressing for the weird feeling I keep getting in my pec-shoulder connection and then slamming my knee into the car door, earning a nice bruise and lump. I'm going to get a bubble.

    Beeps, I used to pass out from low blood sugar from time to time when I was a teenager/in my early twenties--it is a totally disorienting experience. I always felt like I was suddenly going down an increasingly fuzzy tunnel and then boom, out. I would just drop where I was, and then suddenly wake up elsewhere, wherever I was carried. I can totally understand why you felt like you died--it fits all our popular imagery of what that would be--tunnels, then light, and key figures in your life--so your brain said "well, damn, I must be dead!" but thankfully you're quite the opposite. It's a hard experience to shake, though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    It was very disorienting. I have lower blood pressure and often crumple to the floor (on purpose) when I feel faint (especially during pregnancy). But, I don't think i've fainted, or then seized, in a long, long time.

    I will go lift on Monday. I lifted on Wednesday, without my pinky, and did fine. I need to "get back to normal" asap because this mind-*kitten* is too crappy to stick around in/for.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    It was very disorienting. I have lower blood pressure and often crumple to the floor (on purpose) when I feel faint (especially during pregnancy). But, I don't think i've fainted, or then seized, in a long, long time.

    I will go lift on Monday. I lifted on Wednesday, without my pinky, and did fine. I need to "get back to normal" asap because this mind-*kitten* is too crappy to stick around in/for.

    Sorry things went so badly for you Beeps that must be such a horrible feeling. My husband had to have stitches taken out one time. You'd think no big deal but he had low blood pressure and over stressed from the initial accident - anyway I was standing in the doorway of dis office watching from a distance (because gross) and he passed out. Totally fell over backwards bent over the exam table. FREAKED me out!!! The orderly was like. Can you please call for help. it was horrible to watch. I'm sure your husband was just as scared as you went your spell happened. Hope you get back to your usual self soon.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks Sam, that does help. I was second guessing myself thinking I must be doing something wrong. I'm glad I wasn't. And it certainly doesn't hurt to do more booty builders :wink:

    Beeps that really does sound terrifying! I'm sure it'll be nice to get back in routine.

    Jen, ouch! I just sliced my pinkie open while trying to clear a clog in our kitchen sink. Turns out it was clogged with a broken shot glass. Wth? :grumble: Somebody's got some explaining to do...
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps that sounds frightening.

    We had a mellow day - I am still increasing my biking time slowly. I finally put together an indoor bike trainer which was a gift from my hubby two Christmases ago! It is pretty cold out 39 and I could not motivate to ride out there.

    I did some ice skating with my girls-- it was a fun time.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    Jen, ouch! I just sliced my pinkie open while trying to clear a clog in our kitchen sink. Turns out it was clogged with a broken shot glass. Wth? :grumble: Somebody's got some explaining to do...

    A broken shot glass? How on earth…? Serious ouch. Eeep.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Damn Beeps, i just glad you're ok.

    I had a crazy bust day yesterday. My cousin dropped off her son at 8:30 and festivities started. WE went to make and take at home depot, we had lunch at a McDonald's with a nice and big play area (Still zero temps in NJ), then we went to B&N for a Lego event. Then we traded kids so I cold have a nice kid-free anniversary dinner with the husband (16 years married :happy: ) We had an amazing meal at a Vegan restaurant in our old home town. I some how managed to stay in my cals... I think. It was a homestyle restaurant, so I doubt the estimates on MFP were accurate. (the vegan chocolate cheesecake was to die for) I was stuffed to the gills though. Had a very lazy Sunday Morning, but now I need to get my butt in gear and stuff done. I might have tomorrow off because of snow. It's not fun any more.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps sounds like an awful experience. Was it the site of blood, surgery etc. that brought it on? Some people have an autonomic response to seeing blood etc. that drops their BP. Very problematic for people especially when in the middle of medical or nursing school (known people who had to drop out due to this reaction). Occasionally I've worked with patients (or their companion during the procedure) who have this reaction over very minor procedures besides more invasive surgeries. When you get the stitches out maybe they can find a way to make more comfortable. Or maybe you have dissolving stitches and won't have to go back?

    I'm off to lift today, WO 3 A. I am almost done with stage three of the life edition. I was planning on just repeating the 3 stages all over again next. What do you gals do once youv'e completed all the stages in a training plan in the book. Repeat it or go to something else?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam what a great day-- very busy, but sounds like fun.

    Will lift- all those lunges helped my balance the most. I am mucking about trying to delay stage 7 because I'm not sure what to do next and I hurt my mid back so I am doing more glutes- I like glute bridges right now.

    Sleepyjen it sound like you are working hard around some tough injuries.
    Keep up the good work!

    I lifted for a long time today but I don't feel that tired probably because I stepped down some weights to protect my back. I subbed out Romanian dls for glute bridges, but otherwise did workout 1 from stage 7
    I am going to pt tomorrow to ask about my back.

    And I am foam rolling!!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam what a great day-- very busy, but sounds like fun.

    Will lift- all those lunges helped my balance the most. I am mucking about trying to delay stage 7 because I'm not sure what to do next and I hurt my mid back so I am doing more glutes- I like glute bridges right now.

    Sleepyjen it sound like you are working hard around some tough injuries.
    Keep up the good work!

    I lifted for a long time today but I don't feel that tired probably because I stepped down some weights to protect my back. I subbed out Romanian dls for glute bridges, but otherwise did workout 1 from stage 7
    I am going to pt tomorrow to ask about my back.

    And I am foam rolling!!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, Pmagnalift! Did a little running today, walked a bunch. It felt good.

    I am also a frequent user of the foam roller. :)
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    This is my last full week of stage 1! I have one more workout next Monday and then taking the rest of the week off before starting Stage 2. I'm stoked about my progress but I'm getting really frustrated with my grip strength. I've been having to stop to regrip the bar during my last few work outs. Dumbbells are the worst. I'm up to 30# dumbbells on my lunges and I have to stop after three or four to adjust. My gym doesn't allow chalk. I have gloves and they help, just not enough. I've seen that a lot of you have the same problems with grip but I'm wondering if anyone has seen improvement over time. Are there any grip exercises that you've found effective?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    rocky - I do have to go back to get the stitches out. Trying to decide if I should pop an ativan or not....it's been a tremendously difficult weekend, but I do remember receiving an ativan prescription for a root canal I had done, oh, 11 years ago???? So, maybe if I dig around in my medicine cabinet, I can find them.

    But, enough crying!!

    I need to return to MY normal, so I am going to lift today, even with bandaged pinky. And, I am back to a slight calorie-deficit.

    I returned from vacation nearly a week ago and it is time to get my diet back in check, work my body, sleep better, etc., etc....I don't even RECOGNIZE the person I've become and THAT is NOT a road I want to spend ANYMORE TIME ON.

    It;s done. Over. Moving on, now....l
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    ...in the vein of "moving on", I think I'm actually going to go and re-do Phase 2 of Venus. It has been my FAVOURITE phase - more upper body, less lower body. Makes arms POP for summer, etc.

    I won't start that, today, since it isn't even in the binder I'm carrying around....but, I'll get myself straightened away before Wednesday and give it a whirl.

    Also, am thinking of getting a "rebounder"....this winter just is NOT ending, so even any extra cardio I would have thought I would be getting, by now, just is NOT happening. I'd like to find a solution, at home, that I can be happy with. Some (second-hand) $60 rebounder might do it! Tosca Reno posted on the damn thing in her latest column in "OXYGEN" magazine....and, it actually offers some cardio benefits for pete's sakes!!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Veggiemama: I deal with grip strength issues too. I am going to buy a chalk ball and straps which soon. I have a flex sueeze ball, like a balloon filled with sand that I grip on to help. But for sure my legs can lift much more than my grip strength.

    Beeps: Maybe ask for fresh medication, what you have is really old... Good luck with pinky, poor pinky. :wink:

    I had a good session yesterday. DLs with 105#. I think I could have done a bit more, but I want to get straps and chalk first. I bench pressed this week and find my left to be weaker. I just started doing some of my HIIT on the stair climber,which is really a good work out for me. I bought a new pair of size 8 jeans at Old Navy, the sweet heart boot cut, fit awesome! Can tell my weight traning is making a difference.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps: in the vein of "moving on", I think I'm actually going to go and re-do Phase 2 of Venus. It has been my FAVOURITE phase - more upper body, less lower body. Makes arms POP for summer, etc.

    I have been thinking about trying to add some muscle to my shoulders and upper front arm, not biceps but shoulders. Ideas for particular moves?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Here's what is in the Venus vault for "shoulders":

    Alternate Standing Shoulder Press
    Bent Lateral Raise
    Bent Straight Arm Lateral and Narrow Raise
    Corkscrew Shoulder Press
    Double Raise
    Dumbbell Row and Kickback
    Dumbbell Row Narrow
    Lateral and Curl
    Lateral Raise
    Lateral Raise
    Lateral Raise and Front Raise
    One Arm Dumbbell Row
    One Arm Dumbbell Row Narrow and Wide
    One Arm Dumbbell Row Wide
    Shoulder Press
    Shoulder Press and French Press
    Stick Ups
    Straight Arm Lateral and Narrow Raise
    Upright Dumbbell Row
    Upright Row and Shoulder Press
    Venus Cross and Press
    Venus Raise
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Whew!! My arms/shoulders hurt just reading those. LOL I'll have to look up half of them to see what they are.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm feeling whiney. So knowing that I will not whine and jut say no gym today. Over doing the rugelach at work probably didn't help.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I finally decided to stop NROL4W and created a lifting workout that is tweaked here and there. The NROL4W is a great workout routine, and I may come back to it sometime in the future, but I thought the moves just got too complicated too fast, and sometimes I would sacrifice form....but that is just me :smile:

    I started my new workout today, and I must say, I felt it...and with great form! Cardio days on non-lifting days are still a go!

    I will come in from time to time, but ladies....lift on and show the world what we can do!! Wohooo!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey guys I am trying not to lift for one whole week. I need to rest my back. I want badly to finish stage seven.-- but my whole right lower back is knotted. So a yoga/ cardio week for me. I should do more biking anyway.

    Rocky nice dls!

    Beepejaye maybe try a different new rules or just repeat stages until you finish. I know some mpfers have repeated stages and I wish I had. Although it has taken approximately 14 months since reading the book to get to halfway through stage seven!!!!

    Sam enjoy your anniversary

    Beeps that is a long list of shoulder exercises---your shoulders look great already.
    What is oxygen magazine?

    Vegmama-- sorry I have grip strength exercises. My grip " endurance" has improved so I can hold on to 27.5# db for fifteen step ups or lunges or whatever but I usually need to reset at that point. I still can't open a jar. In nrolw the author goes on and I out grip strength correlating with longevity- but if its true I'm not going to last long. 30# db on step ups is heavy!!!

    Sorry my last post got duplicated somehow
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was looking at the Venus website last night--those of you who do it, did you just get the basic package or have you also gotten some of the add-ons? If you've done NROLW, do you like one better than the other? why? (I'm nosy)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone, I started a quick message to y'all yesterday and then got totally overwhelmed at work. But I did get a great lifting session in yesterday! DLs, at 135, leg extensions at 150, walking lunges w/ 10# DBs, hanging leg raises and back extensions. I have DOMS, I'm still not working out regularly but more so than I was earlier this year,

    I have a horrendous upper respiratory cold - I am not spinning at all this week, and will see how I feel at the end of the week. Fortunately, I can still lift,

    Wow Beeps! That looks so painful! I'm glad the rest of the vacation was fun, and girl you look awesome in that picture!!

    Seems like many of us are hurting or on the mend from either a physical injury or an ailment of some sort. I guess it goes with the time of the year and the way the winter has generally been. Hope we all (YOU ALL) get to feeling better quickly!

    I don't know if I missed any new folks, but just in case, HI!! I am happy to have new friends especially you who are lifting heavy stuff! Just let me know you're from NROL4W!

    I'll try to sneak back in later on, but we're busy again here in the office, and quite frankly, if I can sneak out early today I'm going to.

    Rock it my friends!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No whining....but, if you do whine, it's likely due to the terrible weather! :tongue:

    bepeejaye - this thread is just a "daily chat" thread....doesn't bother me what "strength program" you follow, as long as you are, in fact, lifting heavy things! So, please stick around - keep posting - we're all interested in what everyone else is up to!

    Pmagnan - I think "oxygen" also has an online presence...it was a Canadian magazine that focused on fitness for women (mostly heavy-lifting, but some HIIT stuff, too). It went bankrupt last year, but was rescued by an American outfit. I like all the poses in the magazine and practice some of them, myself! I also like some of the workouts....fun to try, even if I don't do "them" on any regular basis.

    Also, Pmagnan - grip strength WILL imrpove, but you might have to work on that specifically. Opening jars isn't just "grip", it is also "Forearm" strength. So, there's lots of auxillary work that you can do to improve grip strength (just google and click "images").

    sleepyjen - I started Venus with the $40 12-week program. After about 5 months, I then chose to invest in "immersion", which is all of their products, forevermore (for free). I get bored very easily so am happy that I have plenty o' workouts to choose from. I just "print and go", even though Venus has an app!

    sulegal - your PR's continue to IMPRESS THE HE*L OUTTA ME! Sorry about the cold....hope that ends, soon!

    Happy mardi gras!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm feeling whiney. So knowing that I will not whine and jut say no gym today. Over doing the rugelach at work probably didn't help.

    Is rugelach that cookie looks like a mini crossiant? I couldn't resist that either.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I finally decided to stop NROL4W and created a lifting workout that is tweaked here and there. The NROL4W is a great workout routine, and I may come back to it sometime in the future, but I thought the moves just got too complicated too fast, and sometimes I would sacrifice form....but that is just me :smile:

    I started my new workout today, and I must say, I felt it...and with great form! Cardio days on non-lifting days are still a go!

    I will come in from time to time, but ladies....lift on and show the world what we can do!! Wohooo!!! :flowerforyou:

    Are you using a program or being your own trainer? When I started lifting I started with mostly compound lifts which are straight forward and easy to make a workout with.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Veggiemama, I struggle with grip strength as well but not even close to the 30# mark you're going at. That's impressive! I know that sports stores like Academy also have hand-grip exercise things (oh gosh, I have NO idea what they're called!). We purchased them for my diabetic brother who had muscle-atrophy in his hands. They look like an inverted V and come in different resistance strengths and basically you squeeze it like a stressball. Not sure if they would make a huge difference but it came to mind.

    Sue, colds suck and I hope yours passes quickly!

    I'm "back" from birthday weekend mode and really need to kick my booty into gear both movement-wise and definitely diet-wise. It's cold and sleety here. Our university offices delayed opening until 11 am, and I feel just as gloomy and lazy as the weather.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Happy Fat Tuesday Everyone! I am going to start NR all over again! Back to stage 1 today... This because I honestly haven't had time to research any other regimen or read any other book! I felt like a beginner though because only 55lbs 2x15 squats!? :huh:

    Beeps... wow, sorry you've had such a bad experience on your trip, but your picture is awesome! I hope your back to normal soon! Btw, what is Venus??