Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Gawd, why can't I just stop shoveling food into my mouth????

    This seems SO impossible these days!!

    Where is the Beeps from January?!?!? I just KILLED it that month!

    I am WAY off my game...

    I'm with ya, hungry and can eat a lot right now if I don't control my gator (my limbic system). Maybe it's more daylight?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I like front squats because, for me, i think i actually have much better spine alignment.

    I just don't do squats much because my posterior chain is weak....and i choose exercise moves that help strengthen my oosterior chain, instead.

    Beeps I'm Reading Mens's Health Total Fitness Guide 2009, Power Training right now and just finding out what the posterior change is.....I don't if I have any issues with THAT. I will eventually meet with a trainer to check form but I want to get someone who understands where I'm at now age wise and past injury wise and my goals, etc. So I haven't quite started shopping around yet.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sue, I hope you are feeling better....

    Pmag...don't beat yourself up...I think those kinds of days are necessary....

    I have not been feeling well either...it is almost like I am sitting down, waiting for whatever it is to clear, so that I can race back into the gym!!! I will not rush this time though...I am waiting for it to run its course, then BOOM! I will be back!!!
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Thank you for the responses.....I appreciate it! I'm gonna keep reading and exploring, but NROL4Life seems like it might hold the edge since it seems to address the over 50 crowd. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    I do need to post goals....and then I need to FOLLOW-THROUGH....

    1. DRINK MORE WATER. I realize that, due to stingers in finger-tips, pants up/down in washroom breaks has become challenging....so, I avoided all my drinking! Too bad....because I need to get back to 12-16 glasses per day. Bottom line, I EAT LESS WHEN I DRINK MORE.

    2. BRUSH MY TEETH. A lot. Often. For whatever reason, this really helps me NOT eat.

    3. USE PROTEIN SHAKES. It is a complete b*tch that as soon as I "go off" protein shakes/bars, in favour of "real food", I EAT TOO MUCH. I guess that is just the way it is, with me....and while the "clean-eating" folks might not like it, I prefer a LOWER weight and if it takes FAKE food for me to get there....so be it.

    The end.

    (PS - I am back to 1,400 calories per day - or 9,800 per week....as I suspected, when I go ABOVE that, I just maintain or I gain....NO BUENO.)
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I do need to post goals....and then I need to FOLLOW-THROUGH....

    3. USE PROTEIN SHAKES. It is a complete b*tch that as soon as I "go off" protein shakes/bars, in favour of "real food", I EAT TOO MUCH. I guess that is just the way it is, with me....and while the "clean-eating" folks might not like it, I prefer a LOWER weight and if it takes FAKE food for me to get there....so be it.

    I read this thread often and rarely comment but this totally made me chuckle!! thanks!!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I do need to post goals....and then I need to FOLLOW-THROUGH....

    1. DRINK MORE WATER. I realize that, due to stingers in finger-tips, pants up/down in washroom breaks has become challenging....so, I avoided all my drinking! Too bad....because I need to get back to 12-16 glasses per day. Bottom line, I EAT LESS WHEN I DRINK MORE.

    2. BRUSH MY TEETH. A lot. Often. For whatever reason, this really helps me NOT eat.

    3. USE PROTEIN SHAKES. It is a complete b*tch that as soon as I "go off" protein shakes/bars, in favour of "real food", I EAT TOO MUCH. I guess that is just the way it is, with me....and while the "clean-eating" folks might not like it, I prefer a LOWER weight and if it takes FAKE food for me to get there....so be it.

    The end.

    (PS - I am back to 1,400 calories per day - or 9,800 per week....as I suspected, when I go ABOVE that, I just maintain or I gain....NO BUENO.)

    Beeps drink a lot, then wear a skirt and go commado :laugh:

    For 20 calories I occassionally have a cinnamon jaw breaker to keep from wolfing down something stupid, similar idea as to brushing your teeth, confusing the taste buds.

    I did see info that "sudies show" those who replace a meal a day with a shake do have better weight control over time. :drinker:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I do need to post goals....and then I need to FOLLOW-THROUGH....

    1. DRINK MORE WATER. I realize that, due to stingers in finger-tips, pants up/down in washroom breaks has become challenging....so, I avoided all my drinking! Too bad....because I need to get back to 12-16 glasses per day. Bottom line, I EAT LESS WHEN I DRINK MORE.

    2. BRUSH MY TEETH. A lot. Often. For whatever reason, this really helps me NOT eat.

    3. USE PROTEIN SHAKES. It is a complete b*tch that as soon as I "go off" protein shakes/bars, in favour of "real food", I EAT TOO MUCH. I guess that is just the way it is, with me....and while the "clean-eating" folks might not like it, I prefer a LOWER weight and if it takes FAKE food for me to get there....so be it.

    The end.

    (PS - I am back to 1,400 calories per day - or 9,800 per week....as I suspected, when I go ABOVE that, I just maintain or I gain....NO BUENO.)

    That's not a lot of food Beeps. Have you considered that you are hungry because you need the extra energy? The above comments sound quite concerning to me, you shouldn't need to brush your teeth to distract yourself from eating :-/

    I'm now maintaining on 1900 cals..... and I'm not massively active. I'm lifting 3 times per week with 2 cardio sessions.

    Do you have an attainable goal?

    Jo xx
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    ...also, 4) eat the same thing, daily. THIS WORKS FOR ME. As soon as I get even a little bit "experimental", ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. I really need to have the same salad, for lunch, the same protein shake, after workout, the same 2 x yogurts for afternoon snack, and then a sensible, small-portion supper. THE END.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    jo_marnes....for whatever reason, I just don't get a lot of calories to ingest, or I gain weight. (I gained weight on NROL4W, and that had me at 1,800 cals on a regular day and 2,100 on a lifting day - I am 5'9".)

    I think my "maintenance" is likely about 1,650. And, that's if I was to weigh every single thing which I put in my mouth - which I don't.

    So, for whatever reason, if I actually want to lose bodyfat (....and I do....) I need to be in the 1,300 - 1,400 range. 1,300 will likely have me BINGE-ing, on occasion. No bueno. But, 1,400 I can mostly do.

    Realistically, I do BEST with a weekly budget, than with a daily....so, some days I can fast and bank some calories for later in the week, special occasion restaurant event or whatever.

    I'm at 9,800 cals for a week - that's totally doable for me....I just need to smarten up an DO. Stop trying and start doing.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, sounds like a good plan. Honestly, "clean" changes depending on who you talk to. Whey is one of the most easily absorbed and cheapest proteins you can buy. If it helps you meet your goals go for it.
    I hope everyone who was feeling bad is getting better!

    I'm very sore from lifting yesterday. DLs always kick my butt. Did the stretches from T-nation, the Agile 8, this evening and it helped immensely.
    We should probably start a challenge for Spring. I'm struggling with not overeating right now too. Vacation got me off track and it's soooo hard to get back to making good decisions. Yesterday and today my macros, cals, water, fruits/veggies were all on target, but it's so easy to lose motivation after the first of the week for me. I'm also still very bloated and puffy all over from the long car rides, high sodium foods, and horrible amount of carbs. Hoping it will settle once my body realizes I'm drinking plenty of water and getting some protein. It's very depressing to look in the mirror right now:(
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello- I lifted last night and this am felt great. I am feeling much better than last week.

    It does seem like 1300-1400 cals seems low Beeps- but I can see how not weighing and not including oils etc can add up so you probably lose at 1600 or so.

    At one point last summer I was weighing and counting oils and then I would jump rope at night if I was over. I didn't lose much weight but my jump roping improved tremendously. I think MFP overestimates cals fro exercise for me and since I ate 1490 cals for a year I know my tdee .
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I started Stage 6 today - bit surprised by how SHORT it was, but also my legs and arms are sore already!

    I wasn't able to do the full 2 sets of 10 pushups as I seem to have lost a bit of strength in that area since stage 4, but I did 8 in each set... and I wasn't able to get to use a squat rack because 3 guys were using it the entire way through my lunch break so I had to use a light 15kg fixed bar bell for the split squats.

    I can definitely split squat more but I need the rack to put the bar back on when I'm finished - I can't lift much more than 15kg over my head safely!

    Lat pulldowns were good - really felt and saw the muscles working with that.

    All in all was in and out in 30mins which is a change! Looking forward to seeing some real strength gains in this stage and kicking on to the Final Cut!!!!

    I'm going to do Abs next!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    BBcowgirl - yes, what *does* CLEAN-EATING mean, anyway?!?!?! I don't really care because I am not following any "clean eating" movement....I'm all about the calories in being lower than calories out and that is THE END.

    If you start a *challenge*, I might join....

    Pmagnanlift - I log all my calories (without weighing....) - including oils, etc. - so it isn't really that I lose at 1,600. I am pretty confident I do not....I also never eat back my exercise calories. I have plenty o' bodyfat to lose....which means I can work with a larger deficit (some days....) over time.

    lawlorka - please keep reporting on stage 6!! I really enjoyed that stage, but bailed 1/2-way through due to a shoulder injury....I just really want to hear all those great BACK stories and PULL-UP stories!

    Today, I lift!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Finished reading Mens's Health Total Fitness Guide 2009; Pretty similar philosphy to the NROL series. Now I could see how it's possible to work out at home with a barbell, plates and dumbells and get a complete session. Although I prefer just going to a gym.
    The book has a good secion on shoulders, more range of motion and injury prevention stuff which I am going to try out and suggest to my DH too.

    I am starting training for a spring 5k. My goal is get below a 10minute mile pace. I am going to a quick TABATA session at lunch today to see what that's about.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    ...I am soooooooooo tired that I want this dinner thing to be canceled. It has already been postponed until 7 pm. I missed my lunch-time work-out due to (unscheduled) meetings.


    I just want to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This time change is NOT agreeing with me (yet!).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Finished reading Mens's Health Total Fitness Guide 2009; Pretty similar philosphy to the NROL series. Now I could see how it's possible to work out at home with a barbell, plates and dumbells and get a complete session. Although I prefer just going to a gym.
    The book has a good secion on shoulders, more range of motion and injury prevention stuff which I am going to try out and suggest to my DH too.

    I am starting training for a spring 5k. My goal is get below a 10minute mile pace. I am going to a quick TABATA session at lunch today to see what that's about.

    Didn't Lou Shuler write for Men's Health (maybe still does)? Tabata is fun- hope you enjoyed it!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lawlorka, enjoy those short workouts....Stage 7 is killer.

    Beeps, hope you found some energy(or a nap!). I personally think "clean eating" is just another catch phrase used for marketing or for groups to communicate superiority. Anytime a program calls for eliminating entire food groups(unless you have an allergy/intolerance), I find it suspect. That is one of the reasons I wasn't interested in Rachel Cosgroves' book. She really pushed a dairy-free, sugar-free diet. I think the all or nothing mentality is what got most of us in bad shape to start with. Finding a healthy, sustainable balance is the main thing anyone should try for(unless you have medical reasons of course).

    Anyone else up for a challenge? I really want to hit 50lbs lost by June (2 years of lifting). To do that I need to focus on the cals and macros!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Clean eating is an odd term to me, as I think of it as food free of dirt and disease causing organisms :laugh:, a work related effect.

    I,m up for a challenge, I'd like to loose about five pounds and have it stick. I am still playing around with my macros, right now shooting for a 30,30, 40 split and about 1800 kcalories, but not sure if I can loose/maintain there...

    a 5k with a new PR is a goal right now too.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    oh the DOMS!!!!!! Can't remember the last time I was this sore the day after!

    Word of warning to those of you coming behind me - Stage 6 may seem short, but don't underestimate it!!!! DOMMMMMSSSSSSSSS