Jo's Packing It On Journal!



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    good to know- my bf thinks I'm a little narcissistic because I take a lot of pictures- but it's the only way to keep track!!!

    I'll have him help me this weekend with pictures -I'll do a full write up looking back on all my posts collecting some feelings and thoughts over all. :)

    I have a very aggressive time line for cutting- so hopefully I can do a full bulk/cut cycle write up soon! :)

    I'm trying to balance cutting with the fact I have this power lifting meet in June- I don't want to go into that after having been cutting for months on end- so probably heavy cut- then push to maintain and then cut again after June.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    good to know- my bf thinks I'm a little narcissistic because I take a lot of pictures- but it's the only way to keep track!!!

    I'll have him help me this weekend with pictures -I'll do a full write up looking back on all my posts collecting some feelings and thoughts over all. :)

    I have a very aggressive time line for cutting- so hopefully I can do a full bulk/cut cycle write up soon! :)

    I'm trying to balance cutting with the fact I have this power lifting meet in June- I don't want to go into that after having been cutting for months on end- so probably heavy cut- then push to maintain and then cut again after June.

    Haha, I know what you mean. My husband doesn't understand the selfie's in my underwear either.

    How aggressive is your cut going to be? I thought too aggressive a cut would start undoing some of the awesome muscle built during a bulk?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yeah you don't want to lose to much or you'll lose mass- but I have to lose weight or get bumped up to another class in lifting- so the idea is to get as small as I can- then train strength.

    So my goal is 15 lbs but if I don't make it I don't make it- I'm not going to beat myself up. I have 10 weeks to get down closer to my weight without losing to much strength.

    I realized I wanted to shoot this year for the 140 range in preparation for a physique show- but that's 40 lbs- not sure I can do it this year- but it's a thought.

    I don't think I can hold up to power lifting to be honest- my body doesn't want to take the volume of lifting :(
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Okay dookie.

    Weighed in again this AM- 176- still solid gains.

    I ate VERY light this weekend considering what I should have been eating- I've been struggling on the weekends getting enough food- esp protein.

    Anyway- I had a VERY long weekend-
    Work all day
    Run home- shower- make up- pack
    Rush to work
    Danced 4 sets Friday night- so 45 minutes of balls to the wall dancing.
    Got my little Chai tea thing from wawa and drove myself home- immediately crawled in bed (so around 12-1230.

    Every intention of getting up to lift- but HA- not so much- woke up at 830
    Class was 11 AM- so did about an hour work on my costume- then off to class
    Class was a sweaty mess- hard work for almost 2 straight hours- but good- really a good place to be working
    Costume work shop from 130-5.
    Wrapped up there
    Gym time 530-7

    . I failed 175 massively-
    I was 175's Bit*h
    I only got 10 reps- my form really struggles under load. So I was chatting with the guy next to me after he helped me get the bar back up (I failed- like failed and sat down on the pins) and we talked about form and he watched me do 175 again for like 3-5 more reps. talked so more about weak points.
    Then I deloaded and just worked 135 for 3-4 sets of 5 reps a piece.

    Banged out my
    OHX 1 x 20 @ 25 lbs
    OHP 3 x 8 @ 55
    BB rows- 3 x 10 @ 115
    SL DL 1 x 15 @ 165
    Cable Incline/Decline 4 x 8 @ 70 and 110

    Up early for work
    Headed to the gym to work with my friend- he's recouping from surgery so he's working closer to my level and was helping me trouble shoot- we talked squat form/depth breathing and where I"m failing.

    Did 135- 155 lots of 135- jumped to 185 then pause squats at 95.

    We did bench- I think I made it to 155 and that was about all I had in me.

    Then we did some cable work because his wrist was only going to take so much benching.

    It was a great workout- about an hour and 45 minutes. Had a lot of fun. But I'm definitely feeling beat up today. Just all over.

    Showered- make up- ran back picked up a girl at the studio-and away we went to a dance event- it's an expensive event- but it's a ton of fun- high level of dancing- professional quality- just super fabulous. Amazing weekend.

    I am really beat up today- both my knees hurt- my foot is bruised and swollen from something that happened on Saturday- I have no idea what- and as of yesterday the back of my hand was puffy and swollen.

    I am not getting the rest that I need. I absolutely know this. I also am seeing issues in my finger nails- and a quick discussion with my co-worker leads me to believe between the knee (inflammation) and nails- I have something missing in my diet. So today is officially the last day of my bulk.

    I'm deeply relieved. I really want to start cutting to get ride of this weight and be able to wear all my old clothes.

    I am going to shoot for maintenance this week- my BF and I are taking some time off- so we have an extended weekend together and I'll probably be a little sloppy with food- but I'm going to start reeling the food in as quickly as I can.

    I also emailed a powerlifting/oly gym about a technical evaluation- so I'm hoping to make progress with my form by making a trip down to see them.

    I think I should have not come to work today- I needed a day off and some sleep - and I absolutely did not get it this weekend. sigh- oh well. Friday- I'll be sleeping in on Friday GO ME!

    Stay tuned for a full write up!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Stay tuned for a full write up!
    You mean this wasn't the full write up?! :tongue:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    heh- nope!!!

    needs pictures and chit!!! :)

    in other news...

  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    pics pics pics!! I mean that in as non of a creepy way as possible, lol :p good luck with your cut, you will do great!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Woohoo!! Awesome job! Waiting for pics....
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Great job! Looking forwards to the "full write- up"! :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    so I have several paragraphs written- pulled up some older threads from November and on to help my consolidate- I'm still not satisfied- it was much more daunting than I thought to sit down and write up 4 months of my life LOL

    I'm trying to organize the pictures into one image to compare side by side.

    It's coming along- just a little bit more slowly than I expected.

    I started cutting Tuesday the 1st.

    I'm down as of this week to 173- which I'm assuming the first 2-3 lbs are all water weight- I'll be interested to see what 2-3 weeks of deficit does- I've thrown in some cardio at this point- but might need to up it. This weekend was a little lax- but I was on a HEAVY deficit the first 3 days to compensate for long weekend (BF and I took off 2 days so we both had some over lapping time together)

    Very satisfied with my lifts- but I've really only had 2 solid lifts since cutting and they were okay.

    Saturday: 2 dance and a day off.
    Sunday- 1 hr dance class
    1.5 hr West African Dance
    2 hr Drum solo workshop

    I felt like it was okay omitting my sunday workout LOL.

    I'm trying to figure out when to start my peaking program- I am aiming for 8-9 weeks or program- I'm getting pushed at the Sheiko program and I have a modified version I'm leaning toward- it's shorter (5 weeks) but I think might be a good option and I'll just mod it a little bit by extending it a week or two.

    I go in for my technical evaluation on the 18th- so I'm not too eager to get ahead of myself with the work- but I obviously can't just stop. LOL

    Definitely need to get some cardio on today- I need to figure out how to get up early and go run or jump rope or do something so I can split my work out up into more manageable pieces.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm excited for pics!

    You've done an amazing job, and can't wait for the details.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Down to what appears to be 172- my stupid scale is hard to read- might still be hovering over 173.

    I unquestionably have not been responsible with my calories- my net calories for the last week have been way to low. And I deeply suffered the consequences yesterday.

    I sat down to show someone what a bridge lift was- and was to close to my DL bar- which means I now have a lemon size lump on the back of my head.

    Then doing walking lunges I pulled something- strained- tore- knotted- whatever- in the top of my thigh- not hip flexor- not the 'quad' as we tend to think- just the upper meaty part of my thigh- which is still quad I know but not the bottom part LOL. Just apparently super clumsy and not on top of things.

    Either way I limped home after abandoning hope of my cardio and bailed on a dance workshop- and made myself my left over steak sweet potatoes and asparagus with a Fresca 'soda'. Then had a good scoop of ice cream and strawberries with some tea while I watched Futurama and almost passed out by 8 PM. Rest seemed significantly more important than cardio.

    It's still tight and uncomfortable today- but it's not doing weird numb/tingely thing so I'm not going to the doctor- just anti-inflammatory stuff and ice- and gentle massage. I have to dance tomorrow so I'm hoping it's functional- no training today- definitely none tomorrow- and I may even not do anything big on Saturday- would be a squat day if anything and I'm not sure that's a good idea.

    I feel okay eating what I'm eating- I mean I'm hungry but I don't feel like I'm starving myself but my body clearly disagrees LOL So time to be more pro-active about hitting the bare minimum. That being said- it seems the scale hasn't moved- but I feel like I look smaller/more defined- but it may just be a placebo affect LOL.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Did really well up till yesterday- BF brought home peeps AND some sort of insane oreo cream frozen pie thing- it's like 470 calories per ONE SIXTEENTH OF A SLICE!!!!

    Of course in my house- pie's are only divided into 1/4's. I only ate a portion of mine- but I'm pretty sure it was still close to 400 calories!!!

    gah- on a none workout day too. not to happy.

    Oh well- had a Doctor's appointment- managed to squeeze in a 2.43 mile run- was happy with that- need to set up my run so it ends at 2.5- that made me angry LOL

    Pulled my quad again sprinting- so no more of that. Poopy. :(

    holding steady all week at 173. fiddlesticks.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    YAY go me.

    Down to 169 this morning. WOOT WOOT.

    Had my technical evaluation session yesterday at Iron Sport Gym. Had a good time- learned a lot- and did a lot of work. Hit a 215 squat solid- pretty pumped about that. Should be able to add some weigh to that now that I know what I need to working on really.

    Dead lift is OKAY- hit 275 which was solid- need to work on that- tired to pull 295 or 305 and failed- gave it 3 good goes and had it not quiet 1/2 way up- sticking point is on the ground- we tweaked form so struggled with that.

    Bench I really don't care about - but we worked it- and that felt pretty good - just need to work with the form adjustments and what not- I'll probably go back down if I have the money there and run through a session practicing commands and stuff.

    I felt solid- sore and tired but solid after I left ( it was a 2 hr session) so I hit the fabric store- and then hit the HS track before I came home. Did an hour of sprint work- ran 1.5 miles intervals with stair sprints every 1/4 mile. Was kind of a fun afternoon. :)

    4 hrs of dance workshop today so no gym- no sprints for me!
  • sagreenspan
    Jo, just outta curiosity, how tall are ya?
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Did really well up till yesterday- BF brought home peeps AND some sort of insane oreo cream frozen pie thing- it's like 470 calories per ONE SIXTEENTH OF A SLICE!!!!

    Of course in my house- pie's are only divided into 1/4's. I only ate a portion of mine- but I'm pretty sure it was still close to 400 calories!!!

    I also HATE that. Makers try to pretend their food is not too bad by saying one pie/cake/pizza can feed the population of a small country, you just need to cut it into microscopic slices to do it. I mean, seriously, who the hell cuts a dish into 16 portions? Hardly even a mouthful each! :noway:

    He he, rant over! :laugh:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Jo, just outta curiosity, how tall are ya?

    I also HATE that. Makers try to pretend their food is not too bad by saying one pie/cake/pizza can feed the population of a small country, you just need to cut it into microscopic slices to do it. I mean, seriously, who the hell cuts a dish into 16 portions? Hardly even a mouthful each! noway

    He he, rant over! laugh

    also being with someone who has absolutely ZERO concept of calories is hard. he is a brown eater shall we say- if it's brown- he'll eat it- if it's green he's out. So he brings home crap like that- and then serves up a "reasonable" slice- and it's like my whole diet for the day.

    I have no effing clue how this boy survives- he has the grossest diet ever- he lives off chicken and pita bread and hummus. And steak. and potatoes- and rice- nothing green- he eats NO green things what so ever- it's exhausting- and it shows on him too.

    I can twist his arm with zucchini- but it's got to be sauteed in bacon grease. I get like ill looking at his plates- it makes me crazy.

    Actually- most of his food/body choices make me crazy but- well I can't have the perfect guy AND the perfect body it seems. fu*&er.

    sigh- sorry- my mini rant over.

    Didn't make the gym today- I had the chance and really wanted to get some stuff done and then reherseal ran late- so I just didn't' make it. It was a risk- I knew. But I had almost 3 hours of dance so I don't feel that bad- did less than 5 minutes of jump rope- felt uncomfortable doing so in my kitchen. pushed a car.

    I mean- I'm alright- still around calories- but sitting on my butt for the last 2 days did nothing for my sense of "get er done"

    oh well- tomorrow is a new day!!! WOOT WOOT
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    took my booty shorts for their first test drive!

    Earned one of these some how- not still 100% certain- thinking it was on the rack pulls- undecieded
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    You look fabulous!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    thanks- I was pretty happy that I didn't die- or my vagina didn't fall out LOL.

    I am not significantly smaller at this point- but I FEEL smaller- and I feel like I like more defined- so I'm pretty happy.

    Started my new peaking program- thrilled about that!!!