General Discussion :D



    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    CealR: Let us know how that rotation works. That is a rotation I wouldn't mind trying.

    Dld53: Great job! Just knowing the numbers didn't go up means you are doing something right. ;) Love those days were you can go out and just walk. Those are my favorite because it gets me out of the house and time with the kids.
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning,

    Back from Dominican Republic. We had a great trip, so much fun! Didn't workout once...haha! Was too busy with the kids there was so much to do in so little time. I don't have much guilt from eating at the buffet every day because the food was good but sloppy if you know what I mean...lots of stuff covered with sauce and dressing which is yucky! I opted for poached eggs or omelette for breakfast, some protein and salad for lunch and same for dinner. I only had a few drinks a couple of days so not too bad. It was for the kids so drinking alcohol seemed unnecessary. The weekend however was packed with potato chips and cheesecake, ahhh!

    Anyways....great to be home and get back on the saddle. Looking for a new workout to switch things up a little. May go to Walmart to look for ESNS or Hardbody. The scale went up 3 lbs so not to bad. I think it is a lot of water (salt air) because my fingers are like little sausages and I cant get my rings off. Hopefully a couple days of flushing will take care of that.

    Was really nice to come home to see all the snow gone and temps above freezing! Will spend the day catching up on laundry and cleaning the sand out of the house and try to start another routine tomorrow. I really want to get 10 lbs off before the long weekend in may! Your suggestions are welcome.

    Congratulations to everyone on your success!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    sounds like everyone is plugging along!

    My saturday was an interesting day..(feel free to check out the dairy, espc breakfast! LOL) but it was OK. I finally got my EAS Lean 15 powder and it is YUMMAH! HElping keep me full too.

    I am pleased to say, the increased protein and calories have not, so far effected me too bad. I was up a pound and a half this morning from yesterday...but I got my period yesterday too and feel like Im lugging around a ring of water..On a sidenote..can anyone reccomend something GOOD OTC that I can use to get rid of some of the bloat? Ive tried durex, Gas-X..nothing seems to get rid of it..drives me CRAZY!

    Got my workout in Sunday and this morning..just time for a run on SAturday..but did mega cleaning too!

    Im thinking of going and getting another DVED this week and start a new one this my day, food wise, planned out..should be a good protein day!

    On another sidenote..I had two of my sheep lamb out this my baby lambs! :)
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Di....amazing results..look forward to seeing what the two week mark brings. :)
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    Gooooood afternoon everyone!!

    So, the 21 Day Fix is kicking my azzzzzzzzz!! Each move that you do, you do it for a min straight (for most of the workouts). You might think that it's not a very long time, but holy good god you arms and legs are DYING after these moves!! LOL I was sore 6/7 days this past week! WOW!

    Di: Great job on your loss!! Sometimes the tape measure is more of a friend than the scale. Also, I am not using the containers. I measured them to see how much fits in them (like 1 cup, 1/2 cup, etc). After looking at the meal plan that goes with the book, I saw that she only wanted me eating 1236 calories a day. LOL NOPE! Not gonna happen! The containers are good for people that have portion issues. I eat pretty much what she wants, but just a few hundred calories more. Soooo I've got a bunch of cute storage containers LOL hehe

    TX: BABY LAMBS!!!! HOW CUTE!!!!!! hehe

    Hope you all have a great week!!

    Erin (Chm)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning All :) Beautiful start to the day here again :happy:

    Erin - Great job with the 21 day fix, sounds like one to consider after my hols :D I must admit i thought the calorie count would be low with the containers, but like you said brilliant if you have portion issues. One min straight of holding an exercise does sound like a lot - considering most Jillian moves are 30 seconds! Way to go :happy:

    Lucy - thanks for the kind words - hope everything is going well with you :smile:

    Sarah - *love* your Saturday breakfast, yummy :D Glad the protein and few extra cals is working well for you - sorry about the bloat though, TOTM is awful, but at least you know where the extra 1.5lbs came from :D Love baby lambs, how awesome to be so close to them :smile: Hope you find a new DVD, any idea what you are looking for?

    cbraun - good to have you back and great that you enjoyed your holiday - I think 3lbs up is pretty awesome if you ate what you wanted, I'm sure it will go in no time :D Hope you find something great for your new routine, do you want to stick to Jillian? Loads of awesome workouts on YouTube, BeFit and Fitness Blender are ones i've heard good things about :D I think rotating any Jillians will give good results too :D

    SMFRN - sadly we didn't get our walk yesterday, but definitely going to get out today - sun is shining and supposedly will be all day so a good roam around the countryside is definitely called for. Hope you are having a great day :smile:

    Hope everyone else is doing well :smile:

    Good start to the day here, completed my fat burn x 2 and very happy today as i definitely didn't feel as tired using the weights - might try some of the exercises with the 4kg :-0 With weights the idea is not to be able to do them easily right? Planning a slightly different routine this week as DH and I are out all day Sunday, so going a bit harder as i'll have slightly less exercising this week - today i'm hoping to get all of NMTZ in for my second workout and a long walk with the children this afternoon. My holiday is in exactly 50 days time! Hoorah :happy:

    Wishing you all a great Tuesday :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello All!

    Taking a break from JM DVDs for the next two weeks, just too busy to get to a full DVD every morning. Getting my exercise in short bursts of 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day instead of a longer workout all at once. Hoping to get back to it in May, going to try a mix of ESNS and YM with maybe a few NMTZ and BFBM days thrown in for fun. Decided to give up on RI30, just hated it too much to want to do it.

    Hope everyone is plugging along well so far this week!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Di, weights have always puzzled an extent..I started, a year ago, with weanie 2 pounders, which I quickly got tired of and went to 3 pounders. This past fall, I had the inclination to go to 5 pounds..because while I could "feel" the 3 pounders, I wasnt "dying"..I decided against it and simply went with more weight exercises then upping my weights (alot of the JM cardio you can add weights, which is what I do) let me know what you decide. My husband also was alittle iffy on me upping weights..:)

    So great to have a goal, 50 days will fly by!

    jmht-Ive thought of adding back in YM to my routine..its been sitting and not getting love..I want to do more yoga to increase my flexiability..I like YM has some cardio in there too..Ive not ever done level 2 though..might be a good time?

    chm-yes! a minute drags on FORVER! When you switch things up within a doesnt seem to burn as much..LOL..glad you are pushing thru..your diary is an inspiration..thank you. :)

    Good day so up, did level 4 RI30..feeling it in my quads and even alittle in my abs. I like level 4..although the plyo makes my shin splints act up abit..:(..added my full minute of russian twists at the end with BOTH 3 pounders in my hands..still up 1.5 pounds, but dont feel so bloaty..hoping it goes back down soon.

    soccer practice, so a nice long walk or run is in order..depending on how I feel!
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    txranch - You mentioned that you are working out in bare feet. Nonononono! Get some good shoes with lots of support and watch your shin splints disappear.

    If you have a Running Room near you, take an old pair of running shoes in with you and they will fit you properly in the correct shoe. I used to have the same problem when running, etc. Someone gave me this advise and I have never had shin splints again.

    I'm in Canada and our best store is Running Room with pro's not commissioned teenagers, so make sure that you go where they actually run and workout and know exactly what you need.

    Hope this helps..take care
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :smile:

    Sarah - I'm glad i'm not the only one puzzled by the whole weights/strength training thing! I had always thought lighter weights and more reps was better for toning, but the wonder that is the internet seems to be suggesting that even for women heavier weights and less reps will give me the toned/athletic look i've always wanted! For now at least i'm going to give my heavier weights a chance - really as i'm still doing Jillian and not stronglifts or NROLFW i don't think i'm changing that much! Definitely enjoying eating more though, and seeing as i'm not gaining weight i'm going to continue for the next few weeks - probably up to my hols although i'm already a bit scared that there will be two weeks without any 'workout' as such. Might have to get YouTube going on my phone at night!

    Great that you did your RI40 L4, and extra russian twists at the end is fabulous, how are the shin splints today? :D How are you enjoying the protein shakes and banana? Do you feel like you've got more energy? How are the lambs doing?

    jmht - great that you've got a plan for where you want to go next, sometimes it really is hard to fit a full workout in isn't it! Good plan to give up on RI30, no point continuing with something you hate when there are so many other things out there :smile:

    Hope everyone else is doing well :happy:

    Good here, i've completed both my workouts this morning as we're out for lunch later, decided to do two Jillian today instead of the fat burn, i like it fine but i'm not sure it kicks my butt like Jillian. Managed L4 of the RI30 and L3 of the Shred, quite a few similar moves so i probably won't pair those two again but a good burn.

    Wishing you all a brilliant Wednesday, Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    txranch - I have not tried YM but am excited for it. I take a 90 minute yoga class every week and I love it, it has done so much for me. I'm hoping doing YM will give me similar benefits. The increased flexibility has really helped in other exercises as well, and getting a deeper stretch before and after a workout is always great!

    cbraun - great idea about getting a proper fitting shoe! I have gone through so many workout shoes to find the perfect ones and they have made a world of difference!

    Di - Sounds like you got in a good workout. L3 of 30DS was my favorite!

    AFM - good workout this morning, did a circuit of arm and butt exercises with jump rope, treadmill and biking mixed in. Hoping to do a similar circuit tonight, we'll see how tired I am.
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Options sucked. I spent yesterday getting sick and denying it. Woke up this morning and there was no more denying it! Sore throat, muscle aches, headache - but I dragged myself over to the scale and did my weigh in. Up .2 kilos - not much, but the best I did this week was maintain my weight. Not what I'd wanted.

    Upshot? NMTZ just did not happen today - I'm fully on the train of not pushing yourself when sick, but getting right back on the bandwagon when you're feeling better. The good news is that my husband found some meds at the pharmacy that actually help with the symptoms, I've spent most of the day sleeping and tomorrow, assuming that I continue to feel better, I'll try Yoga Meltdown, Lv. 1, for something that should make me work, but be lower impact.

    Quick question for anyone doing it - how would you log it? I don't have a HRM, but considering that it looks like a hybrid of circuit training and yoga, I'm not sure general circuit training is appropriate. Any ideas (aside from buy a HRM - that's in the future, but not this month.)?
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    morning everyone!

    Thanks for the suggestion on shoes..I actually have started wearing shoes now when I workout..I think the running and plyo is just adding to much stress..shame is, I spent alot of money on some nice shoes..but am now afraid they dont "fit" my foot, even though I feel they did! my husband runs and said I should have gotten professionally fitted..:(..oh well..

    I am feeling MUCH better in the morning with the banana and husband is pushing me for oatmeal..I actually have a yummy sounding banana/PB oatmeal slow cooker recipe...and an apple cinnamon quinoa B-fast recipe..may try them this weekend..Ive been running like crazy and thus did not get my afternoon snack..I felt it come 5:30..very light headed..had some ritz, yogurt and flaxseed..and then ate supper late..but for I guess a good reason? another ewe lambed..and this one was interesting..her second lamb was not presenting right..his little front legs were tucked up and back..he was coming head first, when they are supossed to come feet first! My first time having to "go in" and reposisition one..but the little guy made it..both he and his sister are doing great..momma is a trooper..our sweetest girl..just two more to lamb out and Ill be DONE til the fall!

    So....I was wore out..missed my alarm this morning..will try and get my work in tonight..but if not, its a rest biceps have been aching anyway. back down to 117.2 this morning...its so freaky how your weight can fluctuate so much..

    hope everyone has a stellar day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :smile:

    Sarah - that's great that you are enjoying your banana and protein, those other recipes sound yummy too - i've never thought about quinoa for breakfast, i might go and google some recipes :D Well done to you with the lambing, that sounds amazing! Really glad to hear they are all doing well, hope the last two are a little less 'interesting' for you :wink:

    Interesting about the shoes, i've never considered being fitted for trainers! Do you think they might fit your feet better as you wear them in? Agreed about the weight fluctuation thing, i really wish i was one of those people who could weigh monthly! Hope you enjoyed what you ended up doing - workout or rest :smile:

    Ceal - so sorry your day sucked! Really hope the meds are working for you and relief comes soon :smile: I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time. I've never done YM so can't help with the recording, but i'm sure someone can :happy: Feel better soon :D

    jmht - Great job with your circuit - that sounds really interesting, is it one you make up yourself? Yoga always confuses me as i'm never sure i'm doing it right! Whilst doing the exercise it is really hard to check the TV to see if i've got the form right! I did try a class once but didn't feel that i got anything out of it :( Maybe i should give Jillian a go - i'll have a look on YouTube :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Ok here, i am certainly feeling my workouts from yesterday! DD and DS have kindly shared their coughs/colds again, feels like we are in a never ending cycle of sore throats and runny noses! Not going to let it stop me workout though as i can still breathe and move so i can still workout :wink: Rest day today anyway (doing two on one off this week to fit in with Easter Holiday commitments) but hoping to get out for an hours walk with the children later. Off to visit the Easter Bunny this morning, the children get cooked breakfast, an egg hunt and decorate/make a nest cake which should be fun :D Just hoping it doesn't all get covered in coughs and snot :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great day, nearly the weekend! :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Ceal - I take the average calorie burn for yoga and circuit training and enter that as the calorie burn (it might not be hugely accurate, but it will prevent overestimating the burn which will help if you eat your exercise cals back).

    TX - I hope the shoes work out for you and its just your foot getting used to wearing them again! your lambing is so interesting to me! Hope the last two arrive without as much hubbub.

    Di - I am in a 30-day arms and butt challenge, so I just mix up some jump rope/bike/treadmill in between the exercises for the day to make it a circuit workout. As for yoga, I would not be comfortable trying yoga from a DVD if I weren't already doing a supervised class, there is just so much to get wrong with the poses and breath. And you're right, there isn't a huge calorie burn, but the increased flexibility makes it worth it to me.

    AFM - today was a lower impact day, arms day with lifting and I'm moving up the weights and lowering the reps, so my shoulders and biceps wanted to die by the end (they feel much better now). Did a shortened circuit of my arms and butt challenge because I was running behind. Haven't been eating great this week, wicked pms this week is trying very hard to derail me and nearly succeeding. argh.
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning,

    Feels good to be working out again. Did NMTZ on Tuesday and was extremely sore yesterday (after taking 12 days off) I did the Yoga Meltdown for the very first time. I enjoyed the video very much however it did not give the sweat and "kick" that JM's other videos do. It is not a yoga video for a person who enjoys the zen and peace of yoga however it is a series of moves and holds that use your own body strength for toning muscles. It is a great video for when you are really sore but still need to fit in your exercise. That being said, I would log about 120-150 calories for the 30 minutes. I logged "power yoga" and that was what it said and I tend to agree.

    My 3 pounds came off already (thank god). However I really want to get down another 10. This is so hard for me due to early menopause. I have not really worked out what I should be eating because I eat 1200 a day since January and lost only 4-5 pounds. Anybody else having menopause, or early menopause? I started mine at age 39 (last period) and now im 42. Maybe would be an interesting topic if anyone is interested inn sharing.

    Will be making some protein balls today. Will be a great snack for the kids and I!!

    Happy Easter!!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning! I love seeing everyones progress with their fitness goals. Its really inspirational.

    Ceal- how did you like 'yoga meltdown'? I have been thinking of getting one of her yoga Dvds. I would use it to improve my flexibility. I hope you are feeling better too!

    Tx- I make many kinds of oatmeal combinations. Right now my fab is banana, peanut butter and chocolate protein powder. Yummy! Another good one is either strawberries or peaches with vanilla protein powder. I also put chia and flax seed in my oatmeal.

    DLD - its the same in our house. The never ending colds. I blame the weather for that which I know isn't true. Hopefully everyone betters soon.
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks cbraun, jmht and DLD53 for your help! I'm not finding anything under "power yoga" in either the cardio or strength exercise sections, so I logged it as straight yoga and figured that I'm better off underestimating the calorie burn than overestimating it. (It gave me 101 calories for 30 minutes, so I'm not going to worry about the difference for now until I get to my weigh in next week).

    SMFRN - I definitely agree that it's not the same type of burn as the 30 Day Shred, but I was sweating by the end! Of course, maybe I just sweat any case, I think it'll be a good thing to rotate in with BFBM and NMTZ as a low impact day that's still working on strength training. Also, the girls in that video are definitely my daddy - my arm was shaking like crazy when I tried to hold the side plank pose for fifteen seconds. Here's to hoping that, even if I'm shaking, I'm holding myself up by the end of May!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Morning everyone!

    Ceal, I missed your question on the YM..sorry..I always entered it as straight yoga..I knew I probably burned more..but I like to be "under estimating" on my exercise..I do not have a HRM either..but Id love one! Hope you liked it..

    I ended up not having my workout..second to last ewe lambed during the day, I had a LONG stressful day at work and had company last night..and I had a mini meltdown over some stupid we had pizza. I missed my was just NOT a good day all around. was down a whole pound this morning..but Im sure Ill go back up when the chicken wings and slice of pizza take effect.:)

    Got after it this morning..but was tired..proably due to eating lower calories the past few days (not intentionaly!) and my metldown. If it doesnt rain, we'll have practice tonight for soccer..Ill plan to take a good walk or run. I did work out in my shoes this morning and no pain..yeah!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning everyone, and Happy Good Friday :happy:

    Sarah - Hooray for the second ewe lambing, but not so much for the stressful day at work. Hopefully your next few days will be less stressful all round. Did you get your walk/run in? Great news that the shoes are helping the pain :D

    Ceal - I'm sure you'll be strong as an ox by the end of May :D The first time i did NMTZ all the way through (which was 3lb weights then) my arms were shaking so much i could hardly hold my glass to get water! The strength definitely comes quickly though if you keep pushing :happy:

    SMFRN - sorry about the colds in your house too! I will also blame the weather :wink: Hopefully as it gets warmer we'll all be cold free for a prolonged period of time :D

    cbraun - Great job for getting back to the workouts and yay for losing the 3lb :happy: Not sure if I am going through early menopause or not - i've not had a period for about 65 days now! However, I was 5:2 fasting up to a couple of weeks ago and when i did alternate day fasting a year ago it changed my cycle from 28 days to 50 days so it might be to do with that! I am going to see the docs if my period doesn't appear in the next few weeks! How do you find the early menopause affects your weight loss? Do you eat 1200 net? I imagine your workouts burn a fair few cals? Just wondering if eating more might help, even if for a week or so just to reset?

    jmht - great job with the arms and butt challenge, and awesome that you add your own extras into it :smile: Hope the pms is gone soon and the attempts at derailing are nil! :happy:

    Hope everyone else is doing well and having a great start to the BH weekend :happy:

    Good start here, sun is shining again! Feeling good this morning as i completed all of NMTZ between 5:30 and 6:30am! Twinged a little in my quad doing the surrenders, but i'm sensing that it is more of a push through kind of twinge - hope that doesn't come back to bite me! Planning to do RI30 L3 as my second workout hopefully around 11 which gives me the afternoon to convince the family they'd like a walk :wink: Not doing as well with my food this week :ohwell: just looked at my last 7 day average and i'm back into old habits of around 1150 - 1250 net. I've had a couple of meals out this week and I always try to 'save' some cals but then (happily) make good choices at the restaurants and come in under cals anyway! Must try harder to meet the maintenance goal! I can always work backwards and save calories after the event if i need to right?! Gosh - it is such a balancing act!

    Wishing you all a fabulous Friday, Di :happy:

    ETA - Managed my second workout of RI30 L3, and quite enjoyed it ... apart from the jumping lunges, I always hate the jumping lunges :wink: