Post your daily workouts here.

Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
I've been posting my workouts in the original thread. But I thought I'd post here instead. Feel free to post yours too.

Today was chest/tricep day for me.
Bench press
Tricep push downs
Skull crushers
Land mine 180 (aka standing Russian twist)
Hanging leg raises

And now I'm about to jump on the stationary bike for an hour.

I'm looking forward to see what you all are doing.


  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Rest day for me as I'm working a 12 hour night shift, will no doubt go home in the morning and have a 4 mile run/walk before bed.
  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    Today is B of an ABAB split, so lunges, squats, crunches, all the core and lower body stuff. Plus 30 minutes of HIIT probably on the treadmill today.
  • At this very moment I am at work..... However, when I get home I am going to do the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD. Today will work the lower body (squats, lunges, leg lifts, etc.) along with a 30 minute cardio workout. Combined will be a 60 minute total workout. I will get more details when I get home :wink:
  • jcs1164
    jcs1164 Posts: 13 Member
    did a 45 min fitcamp/bootcamp outside this morning, went for a mid day walk, hoping to hit 10K+ steps by the end of the day
  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    At this very moment I am at work..... However, when I get home I am going to do the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD. Today will work the lower body (squats, lunges, leg lifts, etc.) along with a 30 minute cardio workout. Combined will be a 60 minute total workout. I will get more details when I get home :wink:
    Iron Man has turned to Wonder Woman!
  • pmackey49
    pmackey49 Posts: 92 Member
    Today did zumba for an hour.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    i jog 30 min 5 days a week (training for my first 5k) and started 30ds yesterday. im sore today but now i have the motivation! 10lbs baby!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Today I did a 32 minute cardio/strength circuit. It was supposed to be 40... But the kids interrupted. :)
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    i jog 30 min 5 days a week (training for my first 5k) and started 30ds yesterday. im sore today but now i have the motivation! 10lbs baby!

    I'm not familure with all the different work out programs. What is 30ds?

    Thanks for posting everybody. This is great motivation!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    i jog 30 min 5 days a week (training for my first 5k) and started 30ds yesterday. im sore today but now i have the motivation! 10lbs baby!

    I'm not familure with all the different work out programs. What is 30ds?

    Thanks for posting everybody. This is great motivation!

    30DS is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I did that for the month of April. I'm not terribly fit, so it was quite the workout for me. For May, I'm doing Ripped In 30.
  • REGINA889
    REGINA889 Posts: 119 Member
    Today was storming unusually violently where I live, so I couldn't run outside, but I managed to get to the gym after school for a little while. I jogged on the treadmill for 22 minutes, climbed up and down the stairs for 15, and biked for 6.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    I began MFP on Tuesday and began Monday to try and lose some weight.
    I'm 51 so I'm beginning a walking program and have to be careful of a lower back injury that I have.

    I have begun walking in the afternoon at work. I go into the parking garage and wall up the ramps..
    I climb 6 stories up and then descend 5 levels down to level 2. Then climb up 4 levels to level 6 and then return to level 2, and I do that twice. Then from level 6 descend 6 levels to the ground level.... Total is 14 stories up and down.... It takes about 35 to 40 minutes. The cool thing is that It is covered so I'm out of the direct sun and rain won't be a problem either.

    Carl -
  • rochrok
    rochrok Posts: 8 Member
    So far I've done the stationary bike for 30 mins. I started yesterday and I worked out today. I hope to add some variety down the line.
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    I began MFP on Tuesday and began Monday to try and lose some weight.
    I'm 51 so I'm beginning a walking program and have to be careful of a lower back injury that I have.

    I have begun walking in the afternoon at work. I go into the parking garage and wall up the ramps..
    I climb 6 stories up and then descend 5 levels down to level 2. Then climb up 4 levels to level 6 and then return to level 2, and I do that twice. Then from level 6 descend 6 levels to the ground level.... Total is 14 stories up and down.... It takes about 35 to 40 minutes. The cool thing is that It is covered so I'm out of the direct sun and rain won't be a problem either.

    Carl -

    Thats a good plan Carl, if there's one thing I hate it's working out in the pouring rain or beating sun.
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: 40 min jog done
    Monday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr done
    Tuesday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr done
    Wednesday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr + yoga 1hr
    Thursday or Friday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1 hr.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey y'all! This is a great idea; more motivation to get my workout in everyday :D

    So today (4/29/14) I attended a TurboKick class and then a weight lifting class at the gym.
    Altogether burned 857 calories per my Polar HRM.
    I am hurrrtinn' xD

    Good job, guys!
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Sigh* As always...I'm a day late and a dollar short, but heres the run down for 4/29 :)
    I did 7 out of 8 intervals for w1 d1 couch 2 5K, the whole thing only lasted about 25 minutes
    because I didnt do the proper warm up...but at least I finally faced my run phobia and did it!

    Tonight I'm hitting the weight machine circuit and 1 hour zumba/zumba toning

    Mean It....Do It....Feel It !
  • julieager75
    julieager75 Posts: 61 Member
    Bad week for me as my back is messed up. It's starting to feel a lot better and I'm hoping today will be my last day at the chiropractor, I just don't want to do anything right now to mess it up further. So I've just been walking the dogs and doing the elliptical a little.

    However, I plan on starting Slim in 6 on Sunday and actually making it through the whole 6 weeks. The last time I did that I had pretty good results.
  • Amy510w
    Amy510w Posts: 17 Member
    Rough start to this week for me (upper back/shoulder issue), but I did 30 minutes of Pilates on Monday, Jazzercise yesterday (burned 728 calories) and today I am hurting. LOL Tonight is another Pilates DVD (30-40 minutes). Tomorrow is Jazzercise again and Friday I plan to do Jillian Michaels DVD and Pilates. Saturday is Jazzercise. Sunday we are going to the zoo, so walking there is my exercise (rest day for me).
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Hit the gym later tonite. Weights and bike...bad ankles cant do much more. Might do a yoga video with my kids this morning. They still sleeping so lets see when they wake up. I love that they love to exercise with momma. Remember we are setting great exampl3a for our kids :))