Post your daily workouts here.



  • Dee9394
    Dee9394 Posts: 155 Member
    Great job everyone!!!

    Today, I did Turbo Fire- HIIT 20 + Stretch 10. Whew! I might go walking or go to the gym and try out the machines later to add more activity. Will update if I do.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    Today I did 30DS-level 1 for the first time ever... Hoping for improved endurance over time. May get a walk in later.
  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    Wow this is an impressive group! thanks for posting the workouts it's very motivating.

    Mine this morning was fantastic! I work out at LA Fitness and was there when the doors opened at 5am. First time I have tried C4Extreme pre-workout and I have to say it really works without making me jittery. Absolutely killed the weights and did an extra 10 minutes (40 total) on the treadmill at 6.7mph just cause I could. I would still be there picking heavy **** up and putting it back down if I didn't have to get to work.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    last night was day 2 of 30DS and a quick jog on the treadmill (10 min). i missed my moring workout this morning but that will motivate me to workout harder tonight!!

    great job everyone!!! :happy:
  • Amy510w
    Amy510w Posts: 17 Member
    Didn't get to do my Pilates yesterday, so that's today and Jazzercise!
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Today's work out.
    Skull crushers
    Dumbbell press
    Bench press
    Land mine 180
    Hanging leg raise
    Seated leg raise
    Sit ups

    65 minutes of stationary bike

    Grand total of 105 minutes.
  • mads_o86
    mads_o86 Posts: 43 Member
    Yesterday 40 minutes of cycling in the morning - interval style because of red lights and traffic. In the afternoon 30 minutes of walking, then 30 minutes of lifting (super sets to save time).

    Bench/back raises 3x12
    Dips/Close grip pulldowns 3x12
    Arnie press/Leg raises 3x12

    Today I'm off to the gym for a swim then an hour of walking later.

    My 3-day workout plans are like this:
    Day 1: Morning walk - evening run
    Day 2: Morning cycle - evening walk + lift
    Day 3: Morning swim - evening walk.

    I just repeat that doing different runs, lifts and swims.
  • skeet67
    skeet67 Posts: 21
    I usually do

    Monday: Bodypump
    Tuesday: 30 minutes Couch to 5K and 15-20 mins stairstepper
    Wednesday: Bodypump and 30 mins elliptical
    Thursday: 1 hour cardio (varies depending on how I feel)
    Friday: Bodypump and 30 mins cardio

    Saturday and Sunday: If nice I am usually out doing things with my family. I also use Saturday as my makeup day if I have to miss a workout during the week.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    Last night 45 min walk and 30DS.
    This morning 35 min jogging intervals
    tonight 30DS
  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    I had a morning run of 30 minutes at 6.7 mph (a 9 minute mile).
  • Dee9394
    Dee9394 Posts: 155 Member
    Turbo Fire- Fire 55 EZ + Stretch 10 Class. I "feel" like I need to add more exercise...not as tired with this program as T25.
  • decafmom
    decafmom Posts: 2 Member
    Pilates reformer class for me, plus I plan to go on 3 mile brisk walk. Down 1 pound today (I just started yesterday, so my starting weight might not be that accurate... but it is still motivating!).
  • SlightlyMadman
    SlightlyMadman Posts: 35 Member
    2326 steps on the stepper today; a new personal best!
  • sweetblackberry1
    sweetblackberry1 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm gonna start a challenge of 30 days with squat, JJ, mountain climbers, sit ups, burpees and leg lifts. I hope I continue till the end which me luck.
  • pmackey49
    pmackey49 Posts: 92 Member
    Not working out workout days are Monday - Thursday and Saturday.....
  • louanneatayan
    louanneatayan Posts: 20 Member
    I pegged today as my rest day since I'm mostly doing house chores.

    Although my daily workout goes like:

    Warm up (aerobic - stretches and boxing moves with 5lb weights each arm) - 10mins
    Isolation exercises - 10 mins (I follow a dance workout)
    Dance Fitness (Zumba) - 30-40 mins.

    Come next week I'm planning on doing SkinnyMs' 4 - 4Minute Fat burners and see if it helps me in my weight loss.
  • Dee9394
    Dee9394 Posts: 155 Member
    Turbo Fire- HIIT 15 + Sculpt 30 Class
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    5/1 60 minutes of zumba
    5/2 nothing - did my best not to die of a hangover :)
    5/3 zombie, run! c25k w1 d2
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: 40 min jog done
    Monday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr done
    Tuesday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr done
    Wednesday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1hr + yoga 1hr done and done
    Thursday: Muay Thai kickboxing 1 hr. done

    Completed 6 workouts in 5 days!
  • Katevt1
    Katevt1 Posts: 6 Member
    Didn't do anything in Friday but Saturday I ran 7.5km (4.6 miles)in 48mins and today -Sunday- I wasn't going to run but ate over my calorie allowance so ran if off doing 4.4kms (2.7miles) in 29mins. Feel better now I'm back in the green!!! :wink: