Starting Nov 1



  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hi girls, i havent been here in forever it seems. so glad i got a time now to come and check on how is everybody doing. im working on a new office now, different people, different rules, so not possible to check mfp. when i live work i workout or go by my family so by the time i get home im beat and ready to bed.
    so my real name is.....yindra... hard to pronounce i know. i usually go with maya as usernames and such because i heard in hindi it means love, so yeah, i love maya...
    workout wise i realized that t25 was too easy after insanity, or maybe im really just insane. totally doable after lifting tho, so i guess thats what im going to do for hiit on stage 2. i continue to work consistently between insanity and lifting+strong curves. im super excited about that.
    weight wise im still at that 134lbs :( scale just not moving, body not changing much, at least my belly feels bigger, more people asking me again if im pregnant, so frustrating that sometimes i want to cry, but then i realize how far i've come and i cant give up. heres hoping that a 2nd round of insanity will work some miracles.

    im so glad to have you all here on the same journey, i dont think other people realize our struggle or our small nsv.
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    btw, im finish both workouts a7 and b7, so im literally 2 workouts away from finishing stage 1. i miss it already, i totally love it. i already printed the spreadsheets for stage 2, it seems harder and complicated, but i will take it one workout at a time. im not going to to the amrp workouts because i know ive gained strength, and i will use the rest week to try out each workout, learn the moves, try to see what weights to start and do more insanity to try and lose that belly fat again
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Had a really fun weekend, and ended up not even logging... oops. Went to the Washington Coast and ended up doing a lot of walking, but also a lot of eating. :laugh: I am feeling SO much better than I have in the past few weeks, so hoping to take advantage of that by getting back on the veggie bandwagon (haven't felt like eating them at all lately) and starting to get back into the gym. YAY!

    Blue - so sorry about the snow. I can't imagine how excited you are for Palm Springs. Seattle is supposed to hit 80 on Thursday? I'll believe it when I see it. BUT just in time for the weekend, rainy and 55-60 ha ha. Good thing I'll be headed to Cali on Thursday for the weekend!

    Jen - Good find! How was Boston this weekend???

    Maya - Good work on finishing stage 1. I loved stage 1... a lot and was sad to see it go!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Monday (what an oxymoron!)

    Megan, I'm actually headed your way on Thursday! Well, Vancouver to be precise but that's close enough. Last I looked at the weather it was supposed to be nice there all weekend. UGH, now I see it's supposed to rain Saturday. :sad: As with weather everywhere - stick around, it'll change soon enough :smile: Have a wonderful trip to CA - I leave in 18 more sleeps!

    Welcome back Maya (I love Maya too :smile: ) What I like about NROL is that all the stages are so different! Stage 2 was a lot of lunges if I remember correctly. Stage 3 was more squats. Repeat in 4&5 and then 6 is upper body while it appears 7 is lower body - I'll let you know when I get there.

    When I first started lifting my weight was fluctuating between 156 & 158. These days it's 151-153 so I guess I can say I lost a few pounds, My entire journey has been this way tho so I can never say for sure how much I lost. My clothes are a little looser now but I never measured before starting so again, I can't say for sure how much I lost. I'll just keep plugging away and take what comes!

    Big question is - what do I do after NROL4W? I bought both Supercharged and 4Life but haven't had a chance to read them yet. I'm almost thinking of repeating 4W but skipping 4&5. Or to really mix it up I could do all the A exercises (1-7) and then all the Bs. I might only be able to lift 2x week in the summer. I wonder what would be most effective?
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    3B today again. Followed by a softball game then volleyball playoffs.

    Getting to te gym is getting harder and harder with summer approaching.

    Tried on my dress again today and still need about a half an inch loss in hips (thinking alterations are a must at this point). Oh well.

    Have a good weeks ladies!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey everybody!

    Have a great trip, Blue. I love Vancouver. We went several years ago during a heat wave--sunny, 80s, perfect. I think it only rained one or two of our 7 days. It's a great town.

    I'm curious about this as a post-NROLW option (or since I'm so behind at this point, a swap to it):

    I've read some of their blog from time to time (Ram, you might find it interesting--there are a bunch of posts about lifting and pregnancy). A friend of mine's really into the site.

    Yesterday was a nightmare but I won't bore you with the details. Got a lift in today (figured I was so behind on other stuff, not dedicating an hour to it and instead to me this morning was the way to go). Hoping today's a much, much better day!

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday!

    Did my third 6A this morning. I found a way to do the chin ups and lower myself down. I cheat by resting my feet on the back of my workout bench. This way I'm still able to hold myself up (shaking all the while) and take about 5 seconds or so to lower myself down. It's not supporting 100% of my weight but I can sure feel it in my arms and shoulders. The goal is to eventually do it without resting my feet. Maybe round 2 I'll be able to take 20 seconds to lower myself.

    Pushups are in this workout as well. You're to do the same variation but make it harder by holding in the down position or raising your feet. I just mastered the regular pushups so I'm not quite sure about these! Maybe by workout 8? LOL

    Terrie, if you don't have much time for the gym you should try what I do when I'm travelling. I'm not fond of public gyms anywhere (especially hotels!) so I take 5-10 mins after jumping out of bed to do pushups, squats and lunges. Keep that up until your wedding and you might not have to have alterations :smile: Do you have pictures of your dress? I'd love to see it! Or is that it in your ticker?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    YOU GUYS! I went to the gym today for the first time in almost a month! YAY! It felt so freaking good to get back in. I lowered my weights a bit, and will probably be nice and sore tomorrow but, Stage 4, A3 done! I don't think I'll have time to get back in this week, but my goal is to go twice next week and see if I can ramp up to 3. I really want to finish NROL4W before my second trimester is over, which is totally do-able especially if I skip stage 6 :laugh:

    Terrie- I had to get my dress let out in the hips too. Even though I didn't want to, but I'm glad I did. Made sitting and dancing a lot easier!

    Jen- I've had the site open all day and haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but I definitely want to! Sorry your day was crappy.

    Blue- Any kind of negative chin up is a win in my book, good work!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Woohoo, Ramalem! Isn't that a great feeling, getting back in there?

    I upped my squat weight to 65 today; still stuck at 60 on the row. I upped my bench height for step ups and dropped the weight to 15--I could really feel it. I should make sure I do some PT tonight and use my foam roller.

    I'm thinking about getting that program but it is pricey--$59 on sale. Hmph.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    $59 seems reasonable compared to things like the P90x etc - aren't those well over $100? I've never tried them so I don't know. Is the program you're looking at similar? I picked up my Jillian Michales DVDs for less than $10 each and I get good variety out of those. If it was something I knew I was going to do $59 doesn't seem unreasonable. That and I can never resist a sale :wink:

    First run of the season this morning YAY!! Felt really good - I think the intervals thru the winter really helped. I ran about the same pace as I finished off last year so I'm pretty happy about that. It was a little chilly - only 5c (40ish maybe?) but I didn't mind it once I got moving. My hands do get cold tho. Sweaty and cold - not a good combination LOL

    I discovered some muscles I didn't know I had! Must have been from the chin ups yesterday and trying to lower myself down. Just under my armpits and around the back - kind of under the shoulder blades but at the sides. Who knew there was muscle there? :laugh: I discovered them last night getting ready for bed - I almost couldn't get my shirt off.

    Oh and awesome numbers on the weights Jen!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen - SO good. Pretty sore this morning but just so glad I could get back in and get an actual workout in. I was pretty frustrated with just walking. Great numbers on your weights!

    Blue- Yay for first run! I hate the sweaty cold hands. it's the worst. I remember that soreness from when I attempted stage 6 last summer. Oy.

    It's supposed to be 85 degrees here today, which is something like 20-25 degrees above normal for this time of year. I'm such a heat weenie that I'm just not into it. We have two more days of this before it goes back to our normal spring pattern of rain and 55-60. It looks like where I'm headed in CA (Southern/LA) it will be almost 100 though... blegh.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    100! Nope. If I could have it 65-80 and sunny year round, I would. I suppose I could if I moved to the Bay Area of CA. Not happening :)

    I was browsing through the Girls Gone Strong blog going way back and read something interesting about integrating cardio when your main form of exercise is lifting. It recommended interval work, and not more than half an hour. I loved to run intervals, but since that ain't happening any time soon, I did walking intervals on the treadmill today (raining outside) and capped it at half an hour. I was in and out, felt like I got a good workout in, and am back in time for my noon meeting and maybe to even grade a paper (I need to do 14 by tomorrow and have meetings and/or running around until about 6. Probably I should have gotten up and graded but I cleaned the kitchen, made some eggs, moved the laundry, etc., instead. Oops!).

    The reason for the half hour time frame is, they said, because your body starts to produce stress hormones after that point and there's no sense in killing yourself. Typically I'd pound out at least 45 minutes at top volume on the elliptical in order to reach some calorie point (i.e., burn 250 or 300). Today I didn't even hit 200 but am not dragging as a result, either. Food for thought!

    My last meeting today's at 4 in a burger place, with drinks. Mmmmmm. Going to have to keep it together. :) Have a great day, everyone!

    ETA the link:
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    im happy to report that i did my last A workout. bitter sweet moment as it's my favorite workout. some guys were hanging by the squat rack the whole time, so sadly i had to use the pre-loaded bar and had to go down on weight, as it's hard to bring a heavy bar over my head.. i finished it all up with a GOOD T25 workout, so all in all it was a good day.

    i guess friday will be my last B workout and take the week off to learn the stage 2 workouts...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good luck with B, Maya!

    I need to go clear out the front garden and dig out the dead branches around the plants in the backyard--it'll be my exercise today.

    Our neighbor on Monday cut down the entire stand of pine trees between our house and his. As it turns out he had good reason, but it was devastating to see--that which made our yard most woodsy is gone. But I suppose now I can clear out all the twigs and branches the trees dropped over the years (they were crazy shedders).

    It's been a week of lots of eating; I put on a little dinner party for my dept colleagues and our seniors last night, and didn't bother to log all the details. tonight we'll be having pizza at my mom's. I'm just going to stay on top of my exercise and show myself a little "who cares?" forgiveness. It's been a bit of a rough week.

    Have a good weekend!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I bought this dress in white. With it being dropped waist, it is fitted on my hips. It was either hope for a little loss or go up and absolutley do alterations on the top (even with the corset back). The joys of being pear/ hourglass shaped. I don't know how to post my actual pics on here, one day I will learn.

    I have officially dropped to one workout a week so doing those morning activities you suggested Blue I think would be handy.

    I have been playing/practicing softball 4 nights a week and have had weekend tournements. I have found my sleep routine to be mich better though because I get home around 9, eat then pass out by 10-10:30. With how tired I am, I don't think the gym is an option before work.

    Jen - Lots of eating might now be bad if it is the right food. I find around this time of year to September I don't eat enough and gain because of that, losing situation.

    May - Exciting to start 2! Although I hated the lunges, I found they were the exercise I got the most out of (helllllloooooo lifted butt!).
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    that's beautiful, terrie! I love it!

    I rode my bike today for the first time in years. It was brutal! I didn't inflate the tires enough, I think, which made for slow going. I suspect my gearshifts need a tune-up as well. But hey, I went!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    That was my experience riding a bike last year. It had been at least 10 years since I was on one an wondered why it was so hard. Flat tires make such a difference.
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hi ladies, just checking in, i finished stage 1, skipped the amrp workouts and rest week and jumped right into stage 2. i never thought i'd say this, but i kinda loved it. doms today and in so many different places, i did something right i guess lol.

    im planning on riding a bycicle soon also, and omg, im already scared lol. lets see how it goes for me...

    hope you are all having a wonderful weekend :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I intended to lift today but put an hour into clearing brush out from around the bushes on the side of our yard, where the stand of pines was. There's years of dead leaves and sticks to clear. Eventually I was so beat I just laid down on the lawn! We also took a walk this afternoon so I think I'm going to postpone the gym for tomorrow.

    Good for you, loving stage 2. I'm thinking I'll switch to stage two after this week. I can't remember it much at this point, since the last time I did it was probably November, but hopefully I'll share your enthusiasm :)